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They're god damn aliens Dr Jackson, Jack tell him
Arrgh Daniel Jackson
Just because my sex organs are on the inside...
Why is Janet still the best SGfu of all time?
My people
Liked how they lampooned how awful that line was the rest of the show
worst character in the franchise
she's a terrible NPC irl too
>We need Jennifer Lopez but for we got only 100$
>say no more
God tier comfortable sci fi kino
I miss the Stargate franchise... I'm still hurt that Stargate Worlds was just an elaborate ponzi scheme
>go on youtube
>go on recommended
>youtube is recommending me stargate sg1 clips
might rewatch the show
>Stargate Worlds was just an elaborate ponzi scheme
Was it?
On a side note I'm glad Chris Judge has had recent work.
What did Jack ‘rack the blacks and make them kneel’ O’niell mean by this?
>Never made it very far beyond Jack stepping down and Mitchel taking over the first couple times I watched SG-1.
>On season 10 now and still going strong
I'm actually not minding the Merlin stuff this time around.
Heiled and I watch Stargate everyday. I just skip the nazi-episode, the fish episode, retarded focus chapters about Teyla, season 9-10 except last 2 episodes. Fuck Farscape
>Fuck Farscape
Fuck you, seasons 9-10 were fun.
I still get a chuckle
Do not attempt to lay hands upon my frozen cream dessert.
Is it worth watching Atlantis, saw one of the episodes of SG1 on their youtube channel the other weekend and re watched Seasons 1-8 agree with 9 & 10 weren't that great
Atlantis has a lot of good in it.
Definitely worth.
God I wanted to fuck her so bad. I couldn't watch SGA and had to give it up because I would have to beat my dick whenever she came on screen.
Atlantis is very worth it. Just keep in mind a few things:
>almost never reaches the same level as peak SG-1 (that's seasons 1-8)
>comfy but nowhere near as comfy as SG-1
>cool space battles and shit but the CGI budget wildly fluctuates from season to season and even episode to episode
>this is jarring because seasons three and four looked fantastic, like BSG-tier stuff, then five looks like shit out of nowhere, even the finale, bravo MGM
>reason they can't make ZPM's doesn't make any fucking sense
>finale resolves things except it doesn't
>based aquaman shows up in season two
>Rodney is the main character
Unless you're a Farscape fan, Atlantis is much better throughout its entire run than 9 and 10 of SG-1.
>Rodney is the main character
Based and truthpilled. He's the human element of the show and has by far the most character development and evolution.
>based aquaman
>mfw SG thread
Watch it Harry!
reminder there's no way they could possibly keep the stargate program secret with the thousands of international military and civilian personnel involved with the SGC, Atlantis, offworld bases, moon base, F-302 and BC-304s, Area 51, Antarctica, etc etc
SG-1 should have ended with disclosure. Atlantis could have handled the aftermath. Would have been kino.
>fish episode
What fate Omoroca???
yes, Homorocker
Stargate feels like a pretty overpowered universe. I think they could take on Star Trek and win.
the "disaster" theory was pretty bullshit. people want to believe that there's something "greater" and "mysterious" to life and the stargate would have provided that. might've even done something positive geopolitically.
FUCK tau'ri and FUCK shol'va
Shel kek nem ron!
he cute
ayo this system lord finna boutta get dabbed on
Ba'al was best Gouald, debate me.
We can still get a third SG-1 film or mini series. RDA said last year he would return if it happens. MGM wants it as well. Here's an aesthetic RDA.
>MGM wants it as well
Stargate is pretty much a dead franchise that only a soulless big budget blockbuster film reboot could bring back. MGM has no money either.
>tfw no demonic god gf
literally the peak of female beauty
Had the same problem. She was so short and thick and vulnerable. I just wanted to fuck the shit out of her every moment she was on screen.
>dead franchise that only a soulless big budget blockbuster film reboot could bring back.
But do you want a reboot though? Lucas Till as O'Neilll? It's like saying Star Trek shouldn't return with TNG.
RDA would need to hit the gym, HARD, if he was gonna return.
>No does full frontal in the first ep 'because it was necessary for the plot' girlfriend
This is like the only time in the entire show where the ruskies weren't portrayed as comically evil or retarded.
Never was sure why everybody called her ugly. She had nothing on her movie counterpart but she was far from bad looking.
Not a fan of Russia but I could never get why this show had such a hate boner for Russia, especially the era it was produced in (USSR fell, Russia capitalist and "democratic," even whispers of Russia joining NATO in the early years). Also not sure why China seemed to get a pass (maybe due to barely being mentioned).
It was just the time period. The Russians had been the bad guys for the previous fifty years or so, and the Chinese were rather eclipsed by that. It's hard to get beyond that.
he would be president now
Your statement is the existence proof against your own claim. If anyone came out and broke their secret, no one would believe them because it would be impossible for that kind of secret to have ever been kept in the first place.
>he would be president now
He talks about it here. He gives away that O'Neill will probably be in a position similar to Hammond.
You'd also get mormons and cults continually petitioning to be allowed through the gate to an uninhabited world, though. Just imagine how much all that political shit would slow the purpose of the gate down.
The Tomb was the funniest, when Jack thinks his meme P90 is better than the Russian Colonel's AK because it has more boolets.
I don't really see the harm in letting various groups settle offworld on British Columbia planet #4227 in the Milky Way or Pegasus galaxies. As long as it's not of strategic importance, uninhabited by sentient species, low in rare resources like naquadah, etc. I say let everyone have their planet. Might ease the internal conflict here on Earth when extremists and crazies migrate away.
Who called her ugly? She has a smoking hot daughter.
Until those extremists and crazies start raiding each-other for supplies because they had a harsh winter or plain fucked up in their city planning. Settling people wherever they want works in spaceship stories, not in stargate stories. Because they can always come a-calling.
>not giving everyone an iris
it's like you wanted it to happen
>It's a Stargate thread
The only show Yea Forums won't fight over. I've only seen one person disrupt these threads ever and it was some guy who loved the movie and hated the shows for "ruining Emmerich's vision."
Original SG movie is trash so who cares lmao
I'm on season 4 right now, does it get better at all or am I at the absolute peak?
Either way its one of the best TV shows I've ever seen.
In my opinion 1-7 is some of the most consistently good TV out there. 8 is great too but probably a step down. 9 and 10 is when things start to suffer unless you're a Farscape fan.
Also that's not to say that 9 and 10 are bad since they have some of the best episodes.
>ywn play golf through the stargate
choose your gate-fu
Can I choose Corporal Milkers from SGU?
Doctor Frasier
I can't pick I wanna fuck em all so bad bros.
>Original SG movie is trash so who cares
That movie got me 100% into Stargate. How dare you.
Same. 12 year old me got hooked on that shit like heroin thanks to the movie.
fuck goolds
clown galaxy?