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dunno lol
all christians should be chemically castrated. Sell jesus-branded cancer water that neuters the men and turns the women's wombspace into a barren hellscape.
remember not to spoil the super cool plot
What’s so wrong with abortion anyway? The only people who care retarded christcucks but they’re just as retarded niggers so who gives a fuck
The fucking comments on the trailer are such cancer. Fuck christfags
Good movie. Baby murder is wrong.
Haha imagine not being Orthodox at the very least to save yourself some dignity
Why do american right wingers hate abortion when it's mostly minorities that does it
*at the very most
I’m basically saying Christianity is the Harry Potter of religious outside of Orthodoxy.
it's propped up by corporations as The Issue for christfaggots so they continue voting for Exxon and Sentara out of spite of all the dead nigger fetuses. Killing a black fetus is BAD. Forcing an unwanted black baby to grow up being raised by the state is GOOD.
Thought it was pretty good
t. immoral consumerist animal
...and here's why that's a good thing!
Am i the only person that's ok with abortion but acknowledges that it's blatant murder? Nothing worse than a child who grows up with parents who don't want them so abortion is obviously the better option
All Jews should have the same thing happen to them too.
>muh Exxon
Back to Young Turks you oppressed revolutionary you.
Because it doesn't even stop minorities from having the most children.
>t. dumb roastie