What the fuck was the point of these faggots?

>do nothing but get BTFO by far weaker opponents
>lose like cucks in infinity war
>get brought back in their prime only to achieve nothing and get even more humiliating deaths

These were possibly the most useless MCU characters, why did they even bother to bring them back for endgame?

Attached: 09C02FFE-3FAE-42FA-B76D-E21719617EBB.jpg (759x422, 56K)

I like how the goblin guy seemingly dies halfway through Infinity War but then shows up at the end anyway

They were obstacles in the last movie.Now, like the other characters brought back, they are just there to epic cinematic battle

Did the magic guy did anything interesting in Endgame or he is just in the background?

I wasnt expecting anything from these characters so I really couldnt give a shit about them.
Interesting designs.
Focusing on them would have detracted from the original avengers. Still would have been cool to give them better fight scenes.

evil foils characters of certain heroes
creates greater interest in prequels that include when they actually used to be heroes before they somehow joined Thanos and started doing his bidding

The chick was hot. Shame she didn't get more screentime.

My fellow degenerate.

Background. They're disappointments. They should've been stronger to show why only a few people can take on Thanos at a time instead of mobbing him. They also have good powers in the comics that can be a good visual. Making Proxima go against Black Widow and Okoye in IW was so forced since she managed to make Atlantis surrender in the comics. Black Widow abd Okoye wouldn't be enough to even keep her 10 seconds if it was accurate.

the entire movie was extremely stupid garbage. "heyyyooo lmao I invented time travel"

Such wasted potential.

Attached: maw.gif (560x315, 3.91M)

>He doesn't know how to invent time travel lesuirely
It's capeshit for a reason.

In a way, they used his seeming death to their advantage towards the end of IW. Right before the face-off in Wakanda, Black Widow taunted the female alien about how the goblin dude was missing. Alien chick played it off like he died from his wounds so the Avengers and company would factor him out of the question. Turns out he was alive all along and headed straight for Vision right after they baited Scarlet Witch out under some false sense of security. They still jobbed in the end but that was some neat strategizing

you dont just invent time travel in 3min of screen time, that's retarded. Iron Man 1 had to try hard to come up with an energy reactor.
This iron man goes shopping and comes up with time travel on the way home.
Entire premise of the movie was retarded: They kill Thanos immediately at pretty much full strength. Then later they kill him again. Wow how exciting, they kill somebody on the same power level twice. That's the entire movie and we are supposed to be happy about this because we get our characters back.

>the chick and the hooded guy were husband and wife

>They kill Thanos immediately at pretty much full strength.
He wasn't resisting and was visibly scarred from nullifying the gems. The extent to which they damaged him isn't clear.
Base Thanos handling those three can be chalked up to Thor being fat, Tony being gaunt, and Steve just discovering the Mjolnir powers and not accessing the rest of the Thor package because it'd confuse normalfag viewers.


>They kill Thanos immediately at pretty much full strength. Then later they kill him again
Full strength? Nigga did you even watch the movie? Thanos was dying by the time the avengers got to him, he was hobbling and wheezing and didn’t even resist. The second time they killed him was via snap and killed tony stark. it’s not like Iron Man beat him to death or anything retarded like that. The final fight showed how hard Thanos was holding back in infinity war and just how dangerous he could be when he’s actually trying to kill.
>tony being gaunt
That was immediately after he was stranded in space for 3 weeks with a huge stab wound and no proper medical treatment. The final fight took place 5 years later. Stop selling base Thanos short. it was immediately established that he could BTFO ragnarok Thor and the asgardians, then thrash the Hulk for fun in the first 5 minutes of Infinity war.

You must have been watching a different movie
>Maw easily takes out Wong and utterly wrecks Strange and captures him, completing the mission
>Cull is winning his fight with Iron Man and Spider-Man handily and would have killed Iron Man if not for Wong BFRing him
>Corvus and Proxima take out the 2 strongest avengers and only lose to highly coordinated ambush from characters they weren’t accounting for
>Corvus takes vision out of the fight for the rest of the movie
>Trashes Captain America in a straight up fight before getting stabbed in the back
>proxima easily wins the fight against Okoye and Black Widow before getting magicked oitnof there
>cull bully’s the hulkbuster, Rips off an arm and needs to be killed through trickery
>Maw easily could have wrecked Iron man so they had to take him out through unconventional means
The Black order were pretty competent as far as second tier villains go. They also won all of their straight up fights and had to be taken out through clever means, a subversion from the “lol they just punched him harder” that most super hero fights end in.

I think the big thing is taking out witch and vision which would've made them broken tier

Scarlet witch is a major glass cannon. She can singlehandedly hold off Thanos and destroy the mind stone at the same time, or wreck base Thanos, but her durability is barely better than a regular unenhanced human and she’s very prone to getting distracted, which fucks up her powers.

They should have either set them up as secondary villains in the first Avengers movie or had at least one of them replace Ronan as the main villain in Guardians of the Galaxy

More importantly, once they get their hands on the Pym particles they're able to replicate them on a ridiculous scale pretty much instantly. Thanos needs sidekicks with smarts and weird abilities, not brawns. He's all they need.

Damn, that's kinda disappointing. I like his wizard duel with Dr. Strange in the last movie.