What did I think of it?

What did I think of it?

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>what if the pope was an atheist who smoked and drinked cherry coke

it was the best show you've seen of the past 5 years

>what if the pope was drumpf

Reading “journalism” articles about this show is hilarious.

Pretty accurate, but I haven't watched more than two TV shows since Breaking Bad came out, so take that as you will.

He's literally the complete opposite. He's a conservative with principles. Those don't actually exist in any meaningful capacity.

>hear praise about The Young Pope
>"hmm i might check that out"
>first episode
>Voiello: "Oh my God!"
>Lenny: "Mm, there is no God, Voiello. You got to rip that band-aid off now. You'll thank me later."

Fucking really? First fucking episode and he shoves fedora shit in my face? Fuck Le Reddit Pope.

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why are american so obsessed with drumpf?

my catholic bud LOVED it. I didn't really get it or something. Like it kind of just meandered for awhile and then the ending that I don't even remember was just like eh.

On the 11 scale it'd get like a 7 maybe. looked great.

The ending was pretty weak, especially visually, it kind of sucked considering how grandiose and sublime most of the show was.

You almost have to be Catholic to truly understand how kino it is

It's an objective 10/10 that am*ricans and redditors won't understand.

absolute kino

Twin Peaks The Return >>>>> The Young Bore

But I’m American and I agree it’s 10/10. I hated how every American critic was like “HURRRR LE DRUMPF POPE” they literally couldn’t be more different

I'm an American and I loved it.

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watch the entire series. It sets it up for you to expect fedora pope, then goes full inquisition. A gay kid even kills himself bc the pope makes sure gays are rooted out of the church

btw how can you not even divorce politics from enjoying something , especially something as kino as this show

i'm an atheist and i thought it was easily the best show on television in the last 3 years

Bruh watch it until the end, it very obviously puts forth the idea that God's presence is undeniably real

>religion is too boring, show me weird funny things Mr. Lynch!!

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Are we really getting banned fo anything that isnt pro vengies or trek wats?

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>the pope keeps turning people away from the church
>figure he must have some grand plan where they will come back in even greater numbers
>last episode reveals that he's dying and he randomly just dies
it was a fun ride but a disappointing ending

>Ultra-conservative is a saint
>Completely emasculates leftard Italian PM
>Tells God to smite an African lesbian nun and He does
>Makes abortion unforgivable by priests and purges fags from the Church, backs down from the latter but not the former
How did Sorrentino get away with it

this guy gets it

because normies didn't watch it because low IQ
the show is absolute pleb filter, and since it is absolutley brilliant and fascinating stylistically, it's substance is many times forgotten

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He’s not an atheist, you fucking retard. He claims to doubt God’s existence but he’s just doubting himself and his sainthood.

>what if le pope was a complete edgelord whose motives and ideology change by the minute
never been to church a day in my life, is the show too deep for me? are there a bunch of christian references which make the show make sense?

You can get away with everything if you choose Jude Law as your lead.

your post clearly shows you're not worthy of it

Best shit I've watched in years.

I almost don't care about the ending being so disappointing when the whole show was so consistently good. It was also great that i watched now that my faith returned, made it so much more personal

I loved how Lenny would interview just about everyone on why they chose the path of God, every tale is intimate and ultimately shows you how he is himself looking for an answer to the question. Don't even get me started on the aesthetics, so so good

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best thing jude ever did.
the blonde women are hot.
you remember blondes right le 56 % ?

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>best thing jude ever did.
that's Gattaca

I read it like its a show highlighting how its all just a cult for people who are delusional narcissists who start to feel like god and this is the closest thing they can get to feeling that using the idea of god as something objective. Like the show was a clever way of pointing this out so blatantly but people who subscribe to the biblical religions will never see this and even praise it as something endearing because of the way their hypnotized.

>it was the best show you've seen of the past 5 years
great, when do we see one called "The Young Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel" with the same themes? Oh, you mean that one isn't OK then? How about "The Young Ayatollah?" Oh, they'll blow up your fat jew asses at HBO headquarters while you are raping shiksas on the casting couch? Hmm...I see the dilemma there...

It's not even that.
He told each person that he didn't believe in God to test them and see how they react, that way to reveal if they themselves believed in God or not.

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