Is Chris Pratt's career dead after Marvel?

Is Chris Pratt's career dead after Marvel?

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He'll always have parks and rec

Jurassic World says hi

those tits suck

>implying he won't star in the next Terminator reboot now that he's Arnold's son-in-law

He was the best part of the show.

He has a good style of acting. He'll be fine. He's not like RDJ who's too whacky.

Who's this lady? I remember seeing candid pics of these two some months ago.

he's a conservative in Hollywood in the Trump era, he's blacklisted

I wish I could breed into the Schwarzenegger family. And to answer your question, no, probably not. Though he should probably be more picky with his roles since he's been over exposed.

one can only hope. he doesn't deserve what he has

he'll go into politics

I wish zoomers would die early. Like some kind of sci-fi early adult fiction.

katherine schwarzenegger/kennedy

his hairline died at the start of marvel

suck those tits*

>Schwarzenegger connections
>Jurassic World still going strong
>Supported James Gunn who now works with Marvel AND DC

He'll be fine. Meanwhile Anna Faris is in a shitty CBS sitcom I only know about because I watched Survivor tonight.

>implying Arnold's love child won't get that role

Attached: Arnoldo.jpg (610x767, 65K)

you unironically like a reformed cocksucking faggot crack head?

>divorces his wife after she gave birth to a retard baby


After having an affair with fucking Jennifer Lawrence, of all people

Yeah. At least he sucked real cock, and not the fake ass-made tranny shit nowadays.

>Pratt was raised Lutheran and later worked for Jews for Jesus, eventually becoming a non-denominational Christian.

>Jews for Jesus (originally called Hineni Ministries) is a non-profit Messianic Jewish organization that seeks to proselytize Jews towards the belief that Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Jewish people. Jews for Jesus is not considered a sect of Judaism by any mainstream Jewish authorities.

What in the hell...

Did this happen?