Do you think Dany will be murdered in the last episode?
Do you think Dany will be murdered in the last episode?
One can only hope
Who cares?
why is this woman so smug in this pic
she blew the fuck out of manlets
Based fuck off twitter niggers
yes she will try to burn Jon with dragon fire, he will survive and then kill her as she tries to apologize
that manlet has a stronger claim to the throne than she does. shes so buttmad right now
Nah she'll live happily ever after with Jon as her man servant and Briana and queensward with only women ruling the seven queendoms
What is this expression called???
According to leaks Jon kills her.
No, because she'll be dead by the end of episode 5
Didn't Jon get burned by a fucking lamp in S1
He's no pure targ that's for sure
this. I am no longer interested. (you) shouldn't be either. your fucking show is bad and you should feel bad.
there were a lot of leaks that dead-on confirmed it as the core of their leaking and were right about other stuff, so I imagine it can happen
unless they cop out like nigs and it was fake/reshoots meant to bamboozle, she deserves to die, not in a bad way but in payoff of the "all those who lust for power endlessly (aka like all targaryens) end up getting themselves killed" theme the show was originally built on. wit and knowing when to stop are your life-savers, if they don't stick to that then I want littlefinger back
What I seriously want to know is will Dany and Jon bang again? Or is theor "relationship" effectively over?
>if you think the S8 story doesnt have a lame normie ending
>you havent been paying attention
Jon is Azor Ahai
And he will sacrifice her
Dany will grow more and more lustful for control and power
She will capture Cersei and be all like, 'Dracarys'
And they dragon will melt flesh off Cersei's fine tiddies and wet poosay,
She will be reduced to ash and char
And Tyrion be all like, 'my grace, was that...was that necessay?'
Jon Snowrion be like, 'stand aside half man'
He draws his Valyrian steel sword, Hellhound
Dany like, 'that sword bigger than u dick'
Jon blushes
>One can only hope
This. How can main characters be killed off left and right the entire show for this shit to end happy with Daenarys achieving her goals "muh girl power stronk women". Cersei needs to win
She unravels more and more throughout the next couple of episodes, she's just lost her conscience, half of her army, one of her children and the others are fucked up. She wins the game of thrones by killing Cersei but becomes just like her father by the end, seeing enemies everywhere and torching them, leading to Jon ultimately becoming the queen slayer and fulfilling his real destiny
She dies jumping into her dragon's scaly asshole.