Godzilla thread
What do you think of the credits songs?

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I'm about to start watching some of the old movies. I'm starting with the original. What others do you recommend?

Sounds like the opening to an anime on Crunchyroll.

Unironically one of the best scene in Final Wars

Original is better

My personal top 3 are the original, GMK, and Shin Godzilla.

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I am so FUCKING hype for this film and none of my m9s are Godzilla fans so they're looking forward to it as normies but have no idea who rodan/ghidorah/mothra are

I think its a pretty perfect credits song as it'd be out of place in the actual film

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My nigga Rodan better get some respect

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Get hype?

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>Rodan solo movie
Yes please.

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Varan flick is how you know its fake.

Are they going to do the alien's making Mechagodzilla shit?


I doubt they will make a Varan movie, but it would be great if they did and kept the themesong.

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I think poor Ghidora T_T

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Serj is my boy and his take on the song is brilliant

This movie is my religion

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Where the FUCK are all my Blu Rays? There are still a bunch of unreleased Godzilla films and you'd think they'd push them out now. Hopefully in the buildup to the home video release. In the meantime at least we're getting the OG Mothra on Blu.

Also, I really hate the humans in the trailer for this film. They look obnoxious, especially Eleven and Vera Farminga. Are they going to Stronk Independent this shit? Bad enough Brie Larson stunk up Kong Skull Island.

I haven't been this excited for a film since the first Hobbit movie, the trailers have gotten me so fucking pumped.
I'm not really a Godzilla fan, the only other movies I've seen are the 2014 one and the original 1954 one, but the 1954 one blew me away with how good it was, I honestly think it might be one of the greatest movies ever made. The other old Godzilla movies didn't look that appealing to me but Shin Godzilla caught my attention since it looks like it has a greater emphasis on the themes captured by the first movie and what Godzilla is meant to represent. Do you think it does that well? Or is it cheesier?

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30 film box set when?

Fucking rights issues keep it from happening in the West. Maybe Toho could go over their heads for a un-region locked release?

Using the Jurassic Park 3 scratch for Godzilla 3 would be lame

>Shin Godzilla caught my attention since it looks like it has a greater emphasis on the themes captured by the first movie and what Godzilla is meant to represent. Do you think it does that well? Or is it cheesier?

HATED Shin Godzilla. They were utterly obsessed with posting every human character's rank with these long stupid titles as if it were meaningful and had fuckall to do with the actual story. It was like pure insight into the Japanese obsession with rank and title to the point of understanding why they have such a high suicide rate. Seriously, it was highly detrimental to the film. Don't blind buy it, see it for free first

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Yeah, main character's ever expanding official title is a running gag.

You must LOVE Amy Shumer then, because she also tells jokes.

Just because it's a "gag" doesn't make it funny. And you two are literally the first people I've ever heard make those claims. It's more like people made fun of it and brainlets went on defense saying "I was just joking!".

Calm down, m8. I'm just saying that was on purpose, a satire of Japanese bureaucracy and crippling incapability of handling a crisis by its government. Guess it's just not your type of humor.