Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
Literally me
>that 1000 year old thunderer
Was so hurt by you had to seek refuge in a new thread. Lol
So all the fat goes to Thor's belly while with his sister it goes to her ass?
She looks a lot like my mom from this angle, can't believe I never noticed that until now.
he actually look's like Odinson
Why are you checking out your mommy's ass?
That's the feats which go only to first born by Odin
if only it went to her feet instead
Didn't mean to come across as sexual, I live with her so it's usual to look at her body when she walks by. It was just an observation.
all she needs are than tat baps and voila
ill visit her tonight
post pics of ur mom
Wide hips, thick thighs, and big butts = perfect pear shape, and tits are overrated.
user you take things too seriously, i think you need to go back to /r9k/
he's living the dream, onii-chan. i'm 30 and hope to be there soon
you're one of those loli upperbody atop shortstack lowerbody fags arent you?
>he’s either asleep or dead
>Watchmen *siiiippp* now THAT was capekino.
>that fucking trips of GOD
fucking based confirmed
Not that guy, but if you don't like big butts, you're gay.
Hulk and Thor were based in this movie
I don't like lolis man. I don't mind tits at all because hourglass figure is ideal for women but if I had to pick between big tits or a shapely ass, I'll go with the latter every time.
and if you don't like big tits?
Checked. Based status confirmed
>looks like Boomer
>plays Fornite
>1000 year old zoomer
Imagine Hela showing up and suggesting to play TF2 instead and then Odyn suggesting to play Doom or Quake
it's going to be a spammy meme here for the next few months, might as well embrace it nothing you or I could do to prevent it
he's literally me etc etc
does your mom have a lewd snapchat
This is every boomer claiming Thor is literally him.
I'd rather she suggest other types of games
fags even fail at self-inserting
>Missing the joke THIS HARD
Boomer detected
Did they make him fat so he won't be too OP for GOTG?
Is he sleeping?
reminder that fortnite is a boomer gamer because the movie is in the future
>yep. fortnite. now that was a good game
Thor actually has a handsome face, good jawline, so no, boomers on Yea Forums will never be like him.
literally same strength but now based boomer
that and him "running-while-fat" while sneaking in Asgard were the only good thor jokes
I can't think of a more fitting way to immortalize fortnite than having an obese Norse god yell at 12 year olds on it in a superhero movie
She's an old hag and dead
that's just one universe, bro
>Chris Evans and RDJ have to do real movies now
>Hemsworth chills out as a boomer for more MCU movies
he didn't have a chance to play with older game
Nah Surtur kept her alive to be his personal cum dump slave.
what are the chances we get tropic thunder 2 now?
>tfw tropic thunder 2 takes on the super heroes trend
good god
fund it
>white guy playing a black guy in makeup
couldn't be made today