My dad ate my fuckin' pepperoni again.
Now I got no pepperoni.
My dad ate my fuckin' pepperoni again.
Now I got no pepperoni.
Other urls found in this thread:
Way she goes
Let guy bonds be guy bonds
The man in the chair Rick...the man in the chair
Ray there was 60 bucks on the coffee table did you see where it went?
The way of the road
What, like 3 20's or something?
hate to say atoe-da-so but, fuggin' atoe-da-so
jerks litter, sam
Now flutter away...
Who is the most based character and why is it Ray??
30 bucks? Are you crazy? I ain't got that kind of money
>offers Bubbles a beer
>gives him the one he was just drinking and pulls a fresh one out of shirt pocket for himself
Gets me everytime
So help me god. Help my fuck.
smokes. let's go
Does it make it funnier that they bullied and talked down to Cory and Trevor off camera too?
AKA the modern Diogenes
He's basically untouchable and we should all aspire to be like him
way she goes boys. sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't go. this time, she didn't do. the way she goes.
>tu eh brute?
Based Ray posters. It taking him decades to pay off the mortgage on a fucking trailer always makes me laugh
because of the VLTs and dirty old piss jugs
The piss jugs being secreted away in almost every scene of that season is fucking gold
Where the fuck can I watch this that doesnt cost money
Worst case Ontario
so where does Ray sit on the power ranking?
that stripper masquerading as a bible thumper tho
Ey Ton', this fat fuck remind you of a friend of ours? He looks like a fuckin cheeseboiga wit legs.
"it's like getting two birds stoned at once"
>Ricky? Life isn't about getting drunk and eating chicken fingers all the time.
>tfw samsquanch
>survival of the fitness boys
Looks like some kinda crazy liquor and cheeseburger party
>do you want us to get sarsaparilla or somethin'
Its not a ladybug, its a cannerpillar.
> I toad a so. I fuckin a toad a so
Nothing wrong with reading books Julian but there's only one book that matters and that's the bible and it says to help your friends
This is the funniest scene in the entire series. That and all his chugging liquor scenes are kino
I became a Christian after this
The only other character to come close to his basedness is Lahey, and arguably Donny
>slams a whole bottle
>hey Juli-!
>spills drink everywhere
>gets a fresh one from the glovebox of his car
God this show was so good at one point
my boss looks like randy ffs
Best character compilation coming through
>bubbles passing him the glass at the end
made me smile
Has anyone here tried a liquor ball sandwich
I was so goddamned sad when Lahey died.
What episode is the one where Lahey is smoking a cigarette, talking on the phone, and drinking in the shower?
I think that might be one of the movies. Say Goodnight To The Bad Guys maybe?
It's one of the movies, the one where they stash all the money in Julian's car. I can't believe I can't remember which one
This show was kino. But what season was the most kino?
You ever watch any of his YouTube videos? He was a genuinely cool guy. Damn shame, he was my favorite character
hash driveway season
That the one where Lahey has all the bottles labeled with names? That season is my favorite
Season 4 I think. But really, 1-6 are certified comfy kino. The camera quality is what makes it I think.
I should check them out. I know dude was the most chill person on the planet.
>hellooooooooooo Ricky
He was an amazing man.
Alex Lifeson season
He was a bigger dick than most of the trailer park folk, both his character and apparently the actor too, but that's just hearsay. He's a bad father too. At least he's good at scamming.
Just a tape for theyselves that gonna stay on the shelves
Was the first movie any good?
After he and Clatteenburg left , the show hasn't been the same
not reeally. it doesnt translate well to film at all.
>you cant arrest us, we cant understand our rights right now
peak comedy
Did we ever get to see the guy who always yells "WHAT THE FUCK"
"If you persist through the struggle, it'll still get done."
I know we throw around the word based all the time, but this man is the definition of it. I can't believe what a humble and down to earth man he is. Fuck, I miss him. He had such a worldly soul. Thanks for this user. It's pretty inspirational to see a man of his age have so much energy and drive, and accomplish all that just for fun.
Yeah, in the newest season for a second. He is in his underwear and his face is blurred. Perfect reveal imo
Remember when pic related was on the show?
Back when she was still fuckable?
Think she was a lesbian back then?
before celebrity guest-stars and puppets became a thing
I fucking hate Conky.
Do you actually get people like this in Canada? All the Canadians I’ve met in real life are like faggy, more effeminate versions of Americans.
Idk, I was just joking around. She was always butch looking
They weren't Canadian, they are Nova Scotion. It's like a different country
This was a comfy share, thanks. Nice to see the real guy behind such a morbid depressing character as Lahey.
There is a sort of moxture of it all across the country, but this is mostly centered on the East Coast. Fags come from Toronto.
I'm from Dartmouth (even went to the school that Ricky was a janitor at) and I can confirm that TBP is accurate
How was Lahey depressing? He had a great redemption arc.
Atlantic provinces yeah
it's been awhile since I watched the show, I just remember him being bitter miserable and alcoholic.
My new favorite Lahey moment was the liquor surge in S11.
well said, user. Very inspirational indeed
Why were Berb's scalloped potatoes fucked?
It's not far off, except in reality they are a little less redneck these days, but not much. cellphones etc.
>ak and uzi don't have magazines in
Reminds me of myspace/xanga tough guys posing with their pellet or airsoft guns
Hellooooooo, Ricky!
>I fucking LOVE pepperoni
>Me too, me too!
biblically based
Why did they have to do away with Donny. Donna was annoying as fuck. Unless you're talking about "HAVE ANOTHER DRINK!" Donny.
Yeah, I'm talking about have another drink Donny.
Get me Jalapeno chips.
>It later turned out that the property improvement did nothing but allow the Canadian tax assessors to triple the taxes on that property forcing the family to sell it.
I love these
Please be lying
Post it. I love that one
Ray is the biggest scumbag out of everyone and that's saying something. He's way worse than Julian or Lahey.
Also always fucking die at the fact that he took out a 30 year lease on a $3000 trailer
Knock knock, boys...
Thread theme:
Does it erk anyone how shitty the weed looked in the earlier seasons?
not really, it's just tv.
Depends on what parts of Canada. The further away you are from the coasts / big cities the more based it is. I live way up north in Fort Mcmurray and other than the occasional "I work out at site, do you know who I am, do you know how much money I make?" douche it's a bunch of hunters, outdoorsmen and politically incorrect guys. Our government is doing everything they can to flood the province with shitskins though. Edmonton and Calgary are fucked. At least we can get stoned, but then you have faggots that DUDE WEED LMAO and make it their identity, so it's a two edged sword.
Our government is a bunch of faggy shitheads and I'd sooner gun them down than vote.
Watch season 6, episode 5 onwards
bubbles is by far the worst character and sucks the comedy out of every scene hes in. if you disagree with this then your brain is marble-smooth don't @ me
I'm @ing you faggot.
I wish Julian had more screentime desu
>season 1
>boys are robbing a grocery store for food for Ricky's wedding
>Trevor is grabbing tons of bananas and everyone is shitting on him for it
>scene immediately after in the car everyone is eating a banana
i love how u see the boom operator and the camera crew on the security tapes
unironically based
Julian is starting to look like Al from Happy Days
Nobody eats banana's at a wedding.
It's the attention to detail and commitment that set this show apart from others, but that was lost when Clattenberg left.
Based and Christpilled
While I do think he is the worst, it's not by a lot, I just think he's overused
ya fuckin PARADE FLOAT
understandable, the VLT machines are there for a reason
That short loop from the same blues artist that Cyrus plays in his car always cracks me up, using it was a stroke of fucking genius
>Bubbles sending a burst right into the floor
I can't believe how fucking skinny he was back then
>be working on site
>somebody brings up trudeau
>multi-hour trudeau bashing session starts
based and sitepilled to be honest
This. The cougar episode is the one that truly marks the beginning of the end. It's all downhill from there.
I was watching one of those northern trucker shows the other day and one of them actually used a rickyism. I don't remember what he said, but it was like a line right out of the show and completely unprompted.
Opinions on this?
I honestly hated most of it. Few bits of gold here and there. What they did with Lahey is disgusting, using old voice lines and splicing them together. sounds like shit.
dunn wasn't an actor
he's one of the biggest lawyers in halifax and was one of the producers
felt like a wrestling thing
Live in rural southern ontario, high school was 50% kids that dicked around and quoted/lived TPB for 4 years of their lives. Some still live like Ricky and the boys, never stopped. Had a buddy of mine who smoked darts off the ground, drank monsters and ate chicken non stop, and dropped f bombs in front of the principal. Had the greasiest gut I've ever seen. Canada can be based, you just gotta know the way of the road bud
I found it genuinely hard to watch. Like, the Netflix seasons were pretty bad (seasons 6 and 7 too), but I never found them offensively bad or anything, they were fine for background noise with a decent gag here or there. The animated season was offensively bad, felt like a struggle to get through it all.
watching multiple episodes makes netflix think you like it and they'll make more
trying to think what his best moment was
probably the u turn
or the cow scene
rich canadians leave the country
poor ones stay at home
some areas are still all white so it's ok to be really poor, it just means winter is uncomfortable
cops used to let an uncle of mine grow weed for a living, if they stopped that he'd end up robbing people
one of my favourite scenes
I miss you John.
Oh you just got Cyrused
Holy shit this is deadly accurate
I actually went out and bought a log of pepperoni because of this show, snacked on it over the course of a week and I don't think there was ever a moment that whole time that I was hungry. You get kind of sick of it 3/4ths of the way through it though.
it's meat that stores without refrigeration and you don't have to cook it
if you lived in a car you'd like it more
how does apples know what bear is?
>Can you pick me up some chips? Get me some dressed all over and a zesty mordant
>You gotta get some hobbies Bubs, like me
>What's your hobby Ray?
Watching season 2 on a good amount of kratom right now. Comfy shit f a m
>Told me he was proud of me once
>Fuckin' prick
What is your favorite running gag? For me it's Swayze
At the top
Way of the road bud, also dump bees.
>Lucy that low
Season 1-3 Lucy and Sarah are alright but after that they were two of the most annoying inconsequential characters on the show
G'damn shame what happened to them titties.
>It's Patrick Swayze and Reveen!
Worst case Ontario or Golfing with flames are my favourite Ricky lines
It saddens me how awful it’s gotten
Reminder it took Johnny 10~ takes to get this -just- right.
ah, the local eccentric
that judge is smoking hot
well season 1-3 are all that matters so she ranks high as a character for me.
>Mr Lahey Julian's out here lifting weights with his shirt off and he wants you to come and have a drink with him
>What's that Trev? Oh SHIITTT
That is reasonable. 1-3 was the best period of the show and everything slowly went downhill after
I would say season 5 was the last great one before they switched to HD format and more professional shots as opposed to the mockumentary feel.
Yeah I agree. The early seasons were so comfy and while the later ones had some good parts it just didn't have the same feeling. It's hard to explain the warm nostalgia I get when I watch early TBP compared to the plastic feeling of the later seasons
knock knock
I thought it was bubbles, when he screams he sounds the same
it is Mike Smith doing the voice
go ahead ask me julian
>bubbles smuggling that glass inside
peak comedy
It's Bubbles actor. A few times they made sure to overdub the scream when Bubbles is onscreen with his mouth closed but I liked it better on my first watch when I was sure it was bubbles screaming and no one was ever acknowledging it. Felt funnier
>Celebrity guest star episodes.
Absolute garbage.
The idea bubbles pretends to be a badass that tells people to shut the fuck up when no one can see him really plays well to his character considering the green bastard.
That's a really nice video, thanks user
rays downfall story arc was quite possibly the best I've ever seen
The shitty weed, like almost every prop on the show, added to the charm
That house is in maine
I would very much like to own every single one of Ricky's shirts.
Phil Collins going from chill to rustled in 1 second flat.
>that was my dinner randy
Name a better album
Phil Collins is such a natural.
Trash. I didnt even bother finishing the first episode, that's how bad it is.
Look at how good his stage combat is. Slaps the trailer with his lats and large muscle groups, tucks his chin so he won't snap his head back and hit the back of it, eyeline subtly on his feet the entire way down. He's a phenomenal actor.
Why does everything about acting sound so fucking faggy
Probably because you think that cynicism and naivete are mutually exclusive
>That video game is the key to shitty city rand; and julians its muscular mayor
this was such a perfectly written line
Name a better single, 'nomesayin'?
I liked 6 and 7, SGNTTBG was actually an amazing ending and I was happy with it all like that. Are any of the netflix seasons actually decent? I want to watch the show. But I saw one where they own a nightclub and have sheds and there's a dude who wears a dress? It was boring and I don't fuck with trannys.
As a whole they’re terrible. But the moments with Lahey are still comedy gold. Just too much random celebrity shit and Bubbles taking up too many episodes.
You will never sit outside your trailer park with your mates and after organizing a big grow up getting stoned and just sitting and eating.
It's very 90s big heist style. Worth a watch, not great. SGNTTBG and the xmas special are the best extras.
In hindsight yes, but it was hemp, so it's alright. The fields actually looked believable, but some shots it just looks like grass. But half the time it's just shitty mall weed probably.
They're watchable, not THAT bad but the early seasons with shitty cameras were kino
Only watched one episode of the animated series, it was shit. I wouldn't be so hard on this if it was just a bonus or a spin off between two seasons
Where can I get that hoodie?
>Gankin' Groceries
>200+ replies
>no mention of the greasiest caveman in the park
>Dem digits
But Sam can fuck off
>Just finished Season 5
>People are saying it's the last good season
wat do
I need a shoop of this screencap where Sam's riding a chopper and Lahey's chasing him in a cop car.
What was the best line of the Netflix seasons and why was it:
>You're calling him dad now?
>That's what you call someone who makes you with their cock!
way she goes, boys, fuckin way she goes...
>Yeah, I had 60 bucks here on the night table there and it's gone.
Last good season is 7.
It is where the show ends. Watch it, it's great. The ending is 10/10
Fuck, I tried. I'm kinda high.
>dad are you drunk?
>I've had a few drinks, yes
>i don't have the right people words to make it understand to you the way it means to me, but something's fucked up here
Nobody wants to admit to being on page 9 of Yea Forums. But I did. First page doesn't count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I saged when I tried to bump. Then I just kept posting.
>Ricky the metamorphosis is complete
>Sam's an honest to God fucking caveman now
>dad, can you lend me 20 bucks?
>I don't have that kinda money, Ricky...
>doesn't spill his liquor
True pro
Are you blind?
He spills a bunch
Who is the worst character and why is it J-Rock?
Said no muhfucker ever
I read somewhere that the tape was stuck in the deck which is why it was playing constantly.
pretty good
I liked it. I watched it before watching almost any of the show or specials, then binged everything else.
I love how J-Roc is the typical white guy of the school that want to be a rapper but his friends are actually rolling with it and never mocks him
Cyrus is a mix between Albert Wesker and a GTA character
Because it is.
what's the best season boys?
Probably between 3 and 5
>getting chased by the cops
>crash and roll the car
>julian crawls out with his drink, unspilled
goat moment
>celebrity guest stars
I literally cannot come up with a single example of when this wasn't a sign of a show jumping the shark. I think you can get away with 1 per season before a show goes to absolute shit.
>Haven't watched show since it was on comedy central a decade ago or something
>Watched the netflix season when it came out
>Decide not to sully my memory and go back
>Decide to watch pilot due to this thread.
It's even better than I remembered boys, saftey off, I'm going back in boys.
Baerhb was definitely a milf
That civil rights shirt really ties the whole scene together fucking gold
>you will never have a better taste in shirts then Ricky
So is the prime way to enjoy TPB the original seasons and then just Say Goodnight? I tried watching some special on Netflix and it looked like a stage show that they filmed some bullshit to make seem like a movie, sucked
>Ricky! Ricky! That's willful destruction of garbage! Ricky!
So many details I missed, time for a rewatch
Seasons 1-5 are 100% gold
6-7 are slightly worse but still kino
Stop there. Also some of the movies are OK. Countdown to Liquor Day is good
>mustard tiger
sounds like a bunch of failures honestly
bubbles, get the fuck off my property
Do actual Canadians like this show or is it just Americans? I imagine Canadians must be horrified about being seen as rednecks who own guns and live in a non-diverse neighborhood
Has Julian ever been without the drink? Always has ice too
Yes...but on rare occasions.
Have we ever even seen him pour a drink? It's always full
Speaking of continuity is Ricky's car the same car this whole time?
Depends who your friends are. I know people that like it and and people that hate it. No in between.
Please don't conflate Toronto with all of Canada -- there's a shitton of tiny rural communities that fit exactly that description, of "rednecks who own guns and live in non-diverse neighborhoods."
35 year mortgage on a single wide would be like what? 30 bucks a month in moosebucks?
Whachu countin my nomesayins now?
Yea tho in reality they get a new car every few seasons and make it up to look like the shit box
Most gun owners just have rifles though, and they were bought legally and registered.
> propane propane
Alexa Grace knockoff
been watching this series, it starts to get boring at season 8
he pours it off camera though
>"rednecks who own guns and live in non-diverse neighborhoods."
What a racist, bigoted piece of shit thing to say. No wonder people hate shitskins.
Edmonton is fine. Calgary is the artsy fartsy one.
>TPB pre-netflix
>canadian version of rednecks showing how they live in a (maybe) more exaggerated way.
>majority whites with rarely any poc shown here and there but aren't the focus
>lots of shenanigans due to their ignorance and sometimes incompetence by others or themselves
>all they want is to have a calm life
>TPB post-netflix
>black rapper kid having white girls surrounding him
>snoop dog thrown there turning an entire season of glorification of rap music
>"loving a person, not their gender"
>blatant nudity
netflix ruined this show.
Quebec isn't Canada
>everyone aged like milk except for julian, ricky and bubbles. what is their secret?
Weed and liquor
Weed, rum and cats.
Jacob and Lucy look like they were on crack before returning for season 8
It's garbage
Well if was really the boys buying the rights and writing episodes on their own. There's a reason the old writer didn't want to do more.
Sarah still rides the line between trashy and hot.
sarah just got a bit chubby but i'm not complaining
Based thread is based.
Lucy is weird, sometimes she's hot in a trashy way and sometimes she looks like the typical ugly English teacher
One of my friends thinks she have the "Gianna Michaels" vibe
Who is this semen demon
whatever happened to Corey's partner?
we liked the show when it was on 15 years ago
but when there's under 100 episodes it gets kind of tiring, so you maybe rewatch it every couple years
piss jugs
it gets really repetitive, the trio want money so they plan something but because everyone are either too naive or stupid the plan fails and end up in jail by the end of the season, rinse and repeat. there is some character development or in other cases derangement which helps the season feel fresh but sometimes is too hard to look at, in my case watching lahey's alcoholism made me feel awkward since i come from a family of alcoholics
Thank god. Fuck you square heads. Québec is basé af.
okay Yea Forums i have a plan that will make us money, you guys in?
The speed in which he answers the door always gets me.
There was at least 3 shirts he had which i actually owned back when i was 18.
Incredibly based
quit the show and did a writeup about how fucked it was to work on
she probably hadn't sucked enough producer cocks to lose it at that point
Are they a name brand up there or something? Where did they buy all his shirts?
Bowling shop?
she was hot as fuck
>did a writeup about how fucked it was to work on
was it that bad to be in that show or was his role too humiliating for him?
>further away from the coasts
TPB takes place on one long strip of coast you moron
Nova Scotians are like a less homogenized version of TPB for the most part. The charming assholes are more asshole than charming but there are also some who are all charming and no asshole.
The production team screwed EVERYBODY but the boys, despite the effort they put into the show. Trevor, Cory, a lot of those dudes put in hours as actors AND crew, and yet they always got fucked out of getting reimbursed for it.
You fuck somebody over enough, you can't be surprised when they leave.
he was trevor inside and outside the show
i agree with him on the puppet and wrestling, they were pointless
>clattenburg wanted me to have a mullet for season 2 and i’m not sure why i let him talk me into this but i did
>my mom paid for my award because she is proud of me. each award is about $400 so i guess it would have cost the show about $5000 to pay for the awards.
>i was ripped off financially and that kind of sucks but mostly i just wasn’t having fun anymore.
Jesus Christ i can read the whole thing with his retarded voice.