So which one are you?

So which one are you?

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The "I haven't watched Season 8 and have no reason to" shitlord.

the "let the tv writers determine medieval battle formations" shitlord

Based head in the sand shitlord

none of them. I just dont like fantasy and cheap sex shots

The salty 'how did rome get cancelled and this shit get made' shitlord

I am all of them + the "have sex" poster, in the same thread.

>Their catapults

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Just like you I love these focus group designed corporate claptraps! DAE clap when super guy hits baddy man and they go boom boom??? Me too! It's almost as cool as the newest mulatto this-side-of-jailbait starlet!

I love this subreddit since you guys, like me, have great taste! Let's talk about that and all the fun corporate products we like to consume

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>Based head in the sand shitlord

i am all of them EXCEPT head in the sand shitlord, who i WISH i was instead. =*(

I watched 20 minutes and turned it off and turned on better call saul instead

the "show declined after season 1 and became unwatchable after season 4" """shitlord"""

whos got the got fanboy starter pack image?

Book snob. I watched until season 3 and really enjoyed 1 and 2, but stopped after they started to diverge too much from the books.

I'm also an autistic contrarian who can't like anything if it's too popular, which is the real reason

The reader criticism is valid, and masking it as being a snob is just you being unable to deal with it. Dorne and Stannis alone are proof of how wrong the writing direction has gone.

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All of them

>Someone took the time to make this

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book snob shitlord
>t. never read the books either but it was obvious when the source material dried up

Unironically the book"""snob"""

I'm a lax film school shitlord - critical of the technical aspects but don't give enough of a shit to cry about it. The show has been bad in continuity and making-sense for the last 3 seasons now people, get over it, this is what the show is now. Just enjoy the action and shit.

Also the last episode was actually decent from a technical aspect (apart from the terrible quick cuts in close-up shots of the fighting).

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Pick one for me. Any of those is still better than being a basic cocksucker slave that deffends it´s corporate overlords using rotten tomatoes reviews and box office because it lacks the capacity to formulate real arguments in favor of shows like GOT, capeshit and Disney trash.

Game of Thrones fan starter pack:

>The Normie
My friends all watch it so I have to so I'm not a social outcast

>The Sunk Cost
I j-just need to see how is ends

>The Queen

>The Bootlicker
Honestly it wasn't THAT bad you all need to stop complaining. Writing, cinematography and acting don't matter that much lol just turn your brain off

>The Undercover HBO Shill
Have sex incel

Who am I missing?

I'm not a book snob, per se, but they are better. What annoys me is the shakespearean schlock they are trying to pass off as a coherent plot, against GRRMs narrative choices and trope subversion up until Dance, not that it doesn't fit my head canon of where I think it should be going.

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i watched the first few of seasons and it was pretty good but my life fell apart and couldn't be bothered to keep up. stopped watching everything.

>So which one are you?
Competent writer shitlord.

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Stoklasa is a hack fraud.
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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proudly head in the sand. watched like 30 mins of it and it just seems homo as fuck. on top of that i cant stand dragons, swords, and sorcery. all fag shit

Head in sand after s4 finale

Everyone I know that doesn't like it is head in the sand and play the contrarian whenever possible

>"DUDE why do you care about tactics and realism? XD"
The show has established itself on rules so why is it wrong to point out if it breaks those? If an infection and stabs to the abdomen can kill you then how does Arya easily deal with both of them? If the show tries to recereate medieval combat why does it break the very basic rules of it over and over? If a show wants to be taken seriously it should try to be serious. Otherwise GoT could have gone full Marvel capeshit in season 1 but apparently it wants to be le serious medieval series with some magic.
Also I want to see the universe where the following scenario makes any sense:
>Enemy outnumbers you by at least 3:1
>Split half your force to send it into certain death while only killing a few enemies
>Enemy outnumbers you now by even more
In what mathematical dimension does this make sense?

Me, I literally don't give a fuck

>me in the center

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book snob
fuck D&D, fuck HBO, fuck season 5, and fuck niggers

Then why bother watching what you don’t like? Granted even the fans that have been here forever don’t like this season but still, spend your time more wisely lol

Head in the sand shitlord reporting. Fuck GoT and fuck kiked western media.

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I'm a mix between book snob and film school shitlord.

>fuck season 5
This faggot gets it

Seems like this show has an incredibly large amount of flaws judging by the number and detail of complaints in this image.

thats why i only watched 30 minutes.

The details and complaints in that image don't even get close to the actual magnitude of a fuck up that was this season alone

im one of the ''they killed off all the decent characters so theres no point in watching the show anymore'' crowd

i can't believe someone was butthurt enough about people not liking this awful show to make this

all, I am the Hater of Many Faces


>greedy kikes

or is that too true

The one who haves sex

This isn't what starter packs are you fucking retards

Hmmm hard to say they are all so based

Well at least you're honest with yourself

me, never gave a shit about medieval fantasy