What do you like to snack on when you're watching some kino, lads?

What do you like to snack on when you're watching some kino, lads?

For me it's the Pizza.

Attached: PIZZA TIME.webm (720x480, 2.73M)

Nachos of course.

Sunflower seeds. Unshelled.

I won't go into detail because people I know might post here and they could easily recognize the full story, but I'm a pizza delivery guy and one time this swinger couple tried to involve me in a threesome. I turned them down.

So you literally didnt have sex?


Damn forget her name but she was the fucking best! Miss those early to mid 2000s porno cuties.

Eve Lawrence

you're living your life wrong, user.

Should I get the unshelled ones then?

Sorry. I've smoked a lot of brown tonight.

duh nigga

Sorry, what? I might be a junkie but I don't speak negro.

don't look up anything recent though

could be a lot worse
>oh noes her bolt ons were removed
shocker. seems pretty desperate on twitter.

RIP To some of the greatest fake tits ever.

Shortest porn ever. Guy just pays for his pizza and Eve Lawrence leaves.

were they old and fat

He fucks the pizza.

>100% less Herpes!

Realistic porn is my jam though

>off by 1

99% less herpes?

bad 90s porn transitions are my fetish