Say what you want about "American Gods", but this show has an astonishing cinematography and artstyle

Say what you want about "American Gods", but this show has an astonishing cinematography and artstyle.

Also, Sweeney's story-episode was better than the last GoT episode. Him, being revealed as the God King Lugh, had more impact then Arya stabbing the NK.

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It’s boring.

Pure reddit.

I prefered the first season

>this show has an astonishing cinematography and artstyle.
Those things mean nothing to me unless the writing is really good; it isn't a music video.

Why are all the Egyptian gods black as night?

I loved the gay sex scene

>God King Lugh
dropped the show after season 1 but didn't they already state this in S1? also have they reached the comfy lakeside yet because thats the only part of the book i want to see

thats the whole point of the book/show though. old gods fighting against new gods

lakeside next season


Mr World is Loki and he and Odin are hustling both old and new gods into war so Shadow can dedicate the war to Odin and have Odin syphon all the power when they kill each other off

>implying they'll actually do this and not something totally different just to mess with people who've actually read the books

He wasn't only a King, he was a the Celtic Sun God King, who was counted as one of the greatest and strongest gods, before he got cursed.

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>woke cuck bull shit
based ian mcshane is wasted on this trash

they do seem to be making the black gods group together in their own tribe

theres a shot in the S2 finale of Mr World sitting in the war room watching his screens then saying "Chaos..." out loud.

so they're definitely going with the book ending

>dies with another guys cock in her mouth
>"this my fault"
will the media ever stop treating women like children?

yeah but this was said in S1? the gold coin was obviously the sun just as the maiden sister gave Shadow the moon

>low key lyesmith
literature for brainlets

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I'm really not a big fan of Mr. Nancy in the show, much prefered him in the book(s)

did they really have to do this? it wasn't enough for him to be a random leprechaun, a long long way from his grove? i thought that made him a bit more tragic desu

>nigger god

no thanks

his spin off book is alright. sjw woke shit ruins everything


I'm interested.

How pozzed is this show though? Could a /pol/ guy pick it up or will it drive me crazy?


fuck off retard

if you liked the book, you'll like the show

people bitch about gay djinns and shit but its not that bad, just grit your teeth and wait for more odin scenes

You'll hate it
t. center left leaning normal person and it's even too woke for me

>cuck bitch gaiman threatened to kill himself if protag accepted a blowjob
pozzed to fucking shit man

>if you liked the book, you'll like the show
fuck no. watching this cucked shit is painful, this show is so bad i wish i had never read the book

It was never revealed in the first season, who he actually was. Because of the curse, he drove mad and lost most of his memories. He remembered that he was a King, but he completely forgot who he really was

name one thing the show did worse than the book

hard mode: no crying about nogs or cuckoldry

Actually, it makes his story even more tragic.

There have been gods of money, trade and commerce since fucking always you reddit faggot.

>djinn sodomy
>yaaasss kween bagina
>focus on the irrelevant fucking zombie bitch

What exactly is your problem with those scenes?

>hard mode: no crying about nogs or cuckoldry
thats 90% of the show.

I think they explain that in an episode. Ibis says something along the lines of "We never thought of ourselves as Africans. We were the people of the Nile. It wasn't until the civil war when we were sent black bodies, that the locals started referring to us as 'colored'" or something like that. Belief in we wuz kangz caused them to turn black which makes sense in the logic of the show. This season was directionless though. The getting worshipers because of racism in America plot makes sense for Nancy because it fits his character of not actually giving a shit (like most of the other gods) and just wanting power, but falls apart when you throw Ibis and the Queen of Sheba in. Not a lot happened this season.

>any god can be black if you believe
holy fuck that's fucking garbage lmao

im reading the book again now and i think what he meant was they always looked middle eastern/brown and people knew they obviously weren't black, but the civil war drove a greater wedge between whites and coloureds and they starting being treated like blacks because they definitely weren't white

The way they nerf Jesus so that he's not the most powerful god by a hilarious margin is too stupid for me to look past.

The show has its flaws and is definitely not enjoyable for everbody.

If you are able to appreciate intentional trashy artstyle, with even more trashy acting, in a complete trashy storyline, you won't be disappointed.

Personally, i don't see it as a show, but more like a modern art project.

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>understanding Jesus

yeah remember all the different versions of Jesus? Belief shapes gods. Its also why Sweeny started going crazy when the Christians started fucking with his legends.

Jesus in other countries is probably more powerful. American Jesus has a lot of people who only pay lip service to him, like Easter, so his power could be superficial.

Are there amy more controversial Jinm scene in season 2?

yeah americans are all fucking lining up to worship fucking bilquis

american christianity seems very superficial. wouldn't be surprised is jesus pops up as a snake oil salesman fleecing people for money at a megachurch

yeah that's why she's resorting to picking up dudes in bars and begging them to worship her

Didn't remember any. Does a kissing scene count?

What would Yea Forums's version of Jesus look like?

I wouldn't count a kiss, I'm thinking more in line of CGI penises and blowing Jinn Jizz into a glass-like metaphysical body.

There you go

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self hating fedora with a katana

Why is he so /fa/?

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Nope. Djinn only played a simple side role with a love story, which is destined to end as a tragedy.