What does Yea Forums think of Waterworld?

What does Yea Forums think of Waterworld?

Attached: waterworld-arrow.jpg (863x1000, 193K)

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kino of the highest order


It's pretty fun. It's a little dopey, but just roll with it and you'll have a good time

>dude what if mad max but with water instead of sand



thats sounds better than most movie pitches today

>dude what if we made a movie about emojis

>kino of the highest order
>It's pretty fun.
>>dude what if mad max but with water instead of sand

all correct. water world was top tier! so is costner's other kino apocalyptic film: The Postman. I have no idea what costner did to piss off critics and the hollywood elite that shunned both these films, they are absolutely kino. they are both up there with Dances with Wolves but totally panned by critics.

Attached: thepostman.jpg (1920x2560, 601K)

compared to movies today they are great, for there time I could see how they could be considered just okay.

>for there time I could see how they could be considered just okay.

fair enough, '95 and '97 were peak '90s kino years



he a shameful fishman he drink he own pee

I'm going to buy the new version.


A very comfy movie despite its setting being a very uncomfortable one

Love it. People criticize Costner's acting, but it fits the role perfectly. Hopper is an over the top delight. The woman is hot. The girl is cute. The atoll sets are fantastic. Some great action too. Especially the tanker explosion that everyone magically survives.

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Yea Forums is a Waterworld board. It's confirmed kino.

>Yea Forums is a Waterworld board. It's confirmed kino.

Attached: waterworldkino.jpg (567x709, 161K)

Great movie, enjoy it more than all of the Mad Max movies combined

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I've only seen the theatrical version on DVD and its been years since I've seen it. I'm watching the "Ulysses" Cut later this evening.