>MC applies for a job
>doesnt get rejected immediately
Why are films/shows so averse to portraying reality?
MC applies for a job
Attractive people are more likely to get hired. Whats the problem
How the fuck is someone going to know what you look like when you kust put your application in
They just google your name idiot.
>This guy doesn't even have a twitter?
>Must be a criminal using an alias.
>namefag also has a twitter
Wow big surprise.
>he doesn't hand in an application photo
no wonder you don't get hired.
>they get the job without succing any dicks
Always breaks my immersion.
I don't have any social media accounts though. You can't find me irl anywhere on the web.
I just get completely ignored instead of rejected but I guess that's the same thing
>character applies for a not-so-shit job
>has no friends, no family, no qualifications
>gets the job and is told to start asap
what the fuck did hollywood mean by this?
>get to the refrences section of the application
>have literally no one to put in it except parents
>just close out of the application
And people wonder why i am neet
I don't think they even call anyone on there
What if you just leave it blank?
then they'll know you didn't even bother to lie and that you're useless and won't hire you
Most likely it won't allow you to finish the application or get discarded if there are enough applicants with provided references
Why are audiences so averse to being shown reality? There's your answer.
So i should just lie? Who the fuck do i put then? Like just random names in a phone book?
Just put someone famous, like Mel Gibson.
Fuck off trip faggot
I'm not using a trip, you newfaggot.
I don't know really. It depends on the job you're applying for. If it's some entry level wagie shit, I don't think references matter that much.
What if its some entry level degreed positon? Or is that the same ad entry level wagie shit?
>MC is invited to economics conference
>networks with elected official
>official refers him to executive director of paid fellowship
>then contacts director
>applies to fellowship
>follows up with director afterwards
>MC isnt even invited to interview
what a shitty episode, probably my least favorite of the season.
If you got a degree you could ask your professors to be put as references. By entry level wagie stuff I meant like fast food jobs or retail
I literally just applied for my first job and got it within 3 days. I'm fat, ugly, autistic and 26.
Try harder, losers.
Applying for a position at walmart is not hard
What job? If it's min wage then no need to boast
>has these awkward jitters, glitches, and errors as if the person being projected is an npc from an atari jaguar
Is finding a job really this hard? I have 1 semester of college left...
At least 2 written references required for even the shittiest retail jobs
Ideally people have their jobs lined up before graduating. But you should be good as long as you don't have a meme degree
Yeah i was gonna start looking in my last semester... is an engineering degree a meme degree?
>is engineering a meme degree
Nah you're good
It depends, but most of the people here who say it's impossible are just saying that so they feel better about not getting a job and being a leech.
Fuck. Is this real?
less of a meme than maths or biology. now show the gender studies/african studies
Still, I'd rather shoot myself than go into IT. No amount of money can make up for how boring the job is
Sure. But everyone knows those degrees are a meme. Meanwhile people still pretend like engineering is an easy way to get a nice high paying job as long as you get through the schooling. When the gact is most will just end up in some shitty field role if they are lucky
Most IT jobs arent that different than engineering jobs. How many engineering jobs do you actually think are design based? The vast majority are data entry or at best project management
nice try, Michael.
>"background check should come back within a week"
>its been a month and they still haven't called
honestly i feel thats true for every degree these days(except for computing). my degree is in chemistry and while i work for a pharmaceutical company its right at the end of production so i'm basically just checking that the triple checked pills are what the companies claim they are before being boxed up and sent of to hospitals. im also one of the few people in my friend group at uni thats actually even in the same field as they studied
lmao what are you hiding
It's damned hard to be an MC these days. All the DJs are just playing mixes straight from their iPhones, theres no soul in it anymore
Why do these unemployed threads appear so often on Yea Forums specifically? Like youd think boards like Yea Forums is where the majority of un-hireable people would reside. But you actually hardly see these threads there. Its always Yea Forums
My background check literally took 4 hours, and I have 2 outstanding CC debts.
From my experience even the most mundane engineering job is still better than IT, but that may be due to my own distaste for it
Yea Forums is the most pathetic loser board for low IQ teens and NEETs.
television and film are for extremely low IQ people
at least video games require some skill
Nice bait
He's right. Yea Forums is bad but at least it isn't a festival of shit throwing autistic monkeys like Yea Forums.
Yea Forums is full of literal children that desperately need to belong somewhere, there is nothing outside of circlejerk around the same 9 games and consolewars
Yeah, and imagine how much worse you'd need to be to be objectively the worst board, like Yea Forums.
I work tech support for a temp agency. 99.9% of jobs will email or call your references.
No teacher? No group projects in school? No sports? No clubs? Worst comes to worst, put down a friend or family friend.
>I don't have any social media accounts though
Okay, Deus Volt.
Either they're still interviewing people, or they went with someone else.