Remember when it was an actual suit made out of actual materials and not some magic shit that could materialize out of...

Remember when it was an actual suit made out of actual materials and not some magic shit that could materialize out of thin air? What went wrong?

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nanomachines son

Disney realized audiences don't care

Nanomachines son

member when he was called iron man because his suit was made of iron

>What went wrong?
Why would anyone care if it was magic or not? Superhero movies are for little kids, and kids don't give a fuck

nanomschines som!

the first movie was shit, why did he have to shit inside the suit every five minutes just to tell everyone to time out so he can change himself and clean the suit and spends five minutes flying back home and tip toeing out of the suit to his bathroom to change.

We have to go back to the basics

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That wasn't the movie you dumbass, that was your F-list chatlog.

You mean 30 years ago in the comics? Even the suit he built in a cave with a box of scraps was no doubt steel, and I'm pretty sure he talks about how the suit is actually made of some alloy in Iron Man 1 or 2.

Yeah he sure was using iron in '89.

>you can actually hear moving mechanical parts
>the thing moves like it actually weighs hundreds of pounds
>ILM was still using practical effects for the scenes where Tony had the visor up and built the entire thing from scratch

God the first suit was pure mechakino

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I don't know when he was actually unironically using real iron of all things; I'm just saying he never used Iron in the movies. It was always some high-tech alloy.

Yeah, everyone knows that you noob.

>gives nanotech suit to Captain America
>he never uses it
>tfw no Captain America in Iron Man armor wielding Mjolnir

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which was used as the script for ironman 1 you numb nuts

>magic shit
What's next? Is space travel some voodoo curse?

Iron Man also has what I think is the only non-generic OST of any MCU movie.

Iron Man's OSTs for the MCU were nonsense. Literally a different theme every movie. Same with Thor. At least Cap had a (sorta) consistent one.

didn't he say in the first movie that "iron man" wasn't a fitting name because wasn't made of iron

I wish I was this man

couldn't let their flagship capeshit and RDJ look second rate to Black Panther's tech

the way they use nanotech is the equivalent of shooting a lightning bolt at a scarecrow and having it spring to life, then explaining it away by saying "electromagnetism"

>remember in the first movie he gets hit by a tank shell and hits the ground at hundreds of miles an hour without being turned to soup on impact

it's always been magic capeshit science, get over it.

Correct, "it's technically incorrect because it's a titanium-something alloy, but it sounds good" is what he said after reading a headline in IM1.

Never happened.

I don't mind that much.
In IW it irked me but in Endgame I liked it, probably because the design was better and the nanomachines made sense in the climax.

Mark VII from the first Avengers movie was the last GOAT armor

That shit tanked alien lasers and heavy damage like a champ. Too bad that in Iron Man 3 they made hundreds of armors with 10 seconds at best of screentime that are easily broked

But to be fair, each movie you see Tony perfecting the armors, in Iron Man 2 he already had the armor in the suitcase and so on

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Nanomachines ruined sci-fi

The Mark 85 is GOAT as fuck.

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Suitcase armor was rad as fuck. It was very polite of whiplash to wait for Tony to suit up tho. Im2 was meh in terms of story, but at least actors were good and it seemed like everybody just had fun. Rock well, Roorke, Johanson, senator dude. But even without a story it was better than third. Armor sucked, story sucked, Mandarin twist was ok, 'muh panic attacks' is ultimate retardation. Tony of all people? Come on. Iron patriot wasted. Pepper was alive for some reason. Happy is cringe galore. And little faggot was there just for fanservice.
What went so wrong after first movie?

The media dubbed him that and he rolled with it

>What went so wrong after first movie?
Didnt know what to do with the character beyond the arc-reactor-in-my-chest problem. Im pretty sure its in all 3 movies, cant remember I watched I3 once.

I would have liked them to delve into Tony's alcoholism more, from my understanding he was borderline a drunk at many points in the comics.


Don't like how organic it looks. Far prefer the lower tech mechanical earlier suits

They kind of did an homage to Starks alcoholism with Im2. But when in comics Rhoades was asked to take on a suit, in the movie a black guy steals a suit. Which is in its way lulzy enough. But yeah, the opportunity is missed there. Maybe 'panic attack meme' is pandering to younger audience. Age of ultron with drunk Stark would be funnier

i feel bad for the future

>Why didnt this genius billonaire stayed with his old heavy and impractical suit instead of developing better technology for his suit with the pass of time


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nothing went wrong. I hope his suit keeeps becoming more and more advanced.

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>his suits
user I...

nanomachines son

Blame Black Panther. His sister decided that helmets were not cool

Tony's dead big guy

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At this point, no one really cares if its magic. A suit merged with Asgardian magic? Sign me up.