How the fuck did this make a billion?

How the fuck did this make a billion?

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girl on the left

It was like an MCU movie but with a real director

Because it made Aquaman not look like a pussy so it was immediately going to be the best DCEU movie.

It was EXTREMELY entertaining. This is the most fun I've had at the theater in years. It blows the fuck out of most Marvel movies in terms of me genuinely enjoying it.

Also, most of the actors, even if they were bad, had charisma and made you like them. Momoa in particular is very charismatic and a great leading man. Also, Patrick Wilson was great.

Attached: aquamanmoviecostume.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

man babbies will see any super hero movie

I like Momoa and Amber

I missed it in theaters but they were playing it on a tv where he’s in a sub and that scene had some kino moments

>good film, extremely entertaining with good ideas
>good director
>heroic hero
>hot guy
>hot girl

Attached: Mera3.webm (2000x1600, 2.99M)


Endgame proved you don't have to make a good film to break a billion+ in record time. So why can't DC make a successful film with Superman and Batman at the helm?


It was utterly predictable in every way.
none (apart from Orm) had an ounce of charisma

it was so colorful, why marvel movies can't be like this?

>I missed it in theaters
That's a shame because it really looks great on big screen.

It's an adventure movie a la The Mummy, with a fun tone and some high fantasy setting that doesn't attempt to be gritty.

Momoa looks retarded as fuck

If that piece of shit Endgame can make 3 billion I don't see how Aquaman can't make 1 billion

Attached: Aquaman riding Storm, The Seahorse.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

excuse me is that fuckign cgi flower or something?

Apparently most women don't care.

normies are really stupid user.

no you're just retarded

> going to a movie because of a director

Its fucking Aquaman. Even as a kid I could not take that character seriously. I'd never in a million years think he'd get a movie, who the fuck would watch that? Hes a joke

Yeah, the thing is the movie isnt about the story most of the time,
its about whats happening and how entertaining could be, which they did great.
Orm is cool and evil, thats it, he gave an awesome fight and had some interesting reasons to be evil.

>Hes a joke
Not anymore.

>It was EXTREMELY entertaining
This but unironically
It managed to capture the fun and sometimes nonsensical elements of comic books while still making them somewhat coherent. I mean, look at Aquaman, look at his powers and his reputation, you can't make a gritty or realistic movie with him, but they embraced that and it worked. I mean, you have scenes like an octopus playing drums, honorable duels where your stats get shown beforehand like in a video game, or crabs, jumping out of a crab dropship to kill a man riding a shark only to then get eaten by another shark, but at the same time you had beautiful visual art direction and genuine moments.
It just had soul.

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I turned the movie half way off, was pretty boring.

....i thought it did make 1 billion

Same way the Dark Knight films did, by being cool. Why are MCU faggots so insecure about this?

Same way all the other cape movies did, you disneydicksucker.

>It was EXTREMELY entertaining. This is the most fun I've had at the theater in years. It blows the fuck out of most Marvel movies in terms of me genuinely enjoying it.Also, most of the actors, even if they were bad, had charisma and made you like them. Momoa in particular is very charismatic and a great leading man. Also, Patrick Wilson was great.

100% this. Best, most entertaining and well made popcorn flick of 2018. A solid, straight forward, self contained movie that left the door open for sequels but doesn't leave shit unresolved while it had attractive and likable leads!!!FACT!!!

>I missed it in theaters but they were playing it on a tv where he’s in a sub and that scene had some kino moments

DUDE, YOU REALLY MISSED OUT. I saw this in IMAX 3D and it was an amazing experience!!!FACT!!!

>It's an adventure movie a la The Mummy, with a fun tone and some high fantasy setting that doesn't attempt to be gritty.

100% correct!!!FACT!!!

>Orm is cool and evil, thats it, he gave an awesome fight and had some interesting reasons to be evil.

Attached: ORM DID NOTHING WRONG.jpg (1200x675, 181K)

Reminder she beat the shit outta Johnny Depp.

I didn't like it. CGI looked ridiculous most of the time. Only the scene where momoa visited the throne room for the first time would have been believable had I not known it was a green screen in advance. The whole thing had a smutty romance novel vibe to it. It was too obvious who they were pandering to, and shopping heards skin pink was weird.

Not even dolph lundgren could save this movie.

Best capemovie I've seen in like 10 years.


Too many assholes and retards went and saw it. Same thing with almost every other flick that makes a billion.

I actually think that battle scene looks way better than IW or Endgame. It was way bigger and flashy.