Capeshitters will defend this

capeshitters will defend this

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They brought the stones back to the exact moment they took them specifically to avoid branching timelines.

Did you even watch the movie?

They brought the stones back to the exact moment they took them specifically to avoid branching timelines.

Did you even watch the movie?

A)no one involved making this movie cares
B) majority of fans don't care
So why do you?

how time travel should work: not at all

there is a big green monster running around, a guy who shoots lightning, a speaking rabbit, they travel to the quantum realm, stones that can change reality, aliums, a guy who can go from manlet to giant and so on. their laws of physic works different. when they say time travel works like this in the MCU then it works like this in the MCU. the whole avenger movies are pulled out of my ass fiction. just enjoy the movie and have sex.

fuck your timelines autism

>wanting branching timelines

Daily reminder: time travel in movies and tv shows is an inherently shitty concept when it's not the main plot point and is used only as a means to accomplish a certain goal.

they literally said in the movie that they have to return the stones or the timelines will branch retard

It was actually like this.

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I don't think it's like that, killing baby thanos wouldn't require a stone...

wouldn't they need the particles to keep their current timeline yet they ran out of particles

there are atleast 3 timelines now. the one we all know, one without thanos and his army and one with loki and the spacestone.

>infinity stones stabilizes the timeline
>Thanos destroys all the infinity stones

Well, that's how it's explained in the movie. But you're also right. It was BS.

They'd have done better to go with the Bioshock Infinity route. Constants and Variables. You cannot change the past because there are certain constants in the timeframe, call it destiny if you wish, things that will never change; you can only change details, people, places, but not the grand story itself. They could still say that the stones are fundamental to every reality, meaning that you'll have to return them, but it's also explained why you can't just kill baby Thanos. It'd also be explained how Cap lived to an old age into the present.

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the loki series will probably be about the loki escaped with the tessaract timeline.

Two alternate timelines were created, one when Steve stayed in the past, and one when Loki escaped with the Space Stone. The rest was consequence free time travel.

>Stones are the only thing that change timelines

They brought the stones back to the exact moment they took them specifically to avoid branching timelines.

Did you even watch the movie?

Didn't the parallel timelines reset when they returned the stones? Meaning those changes never happened there.
He didn't null their existence, he "reduced them to atoms". Enough for them to be unusable by humanoids but still technically in existence.

>using bioshock infinite as an example of good time travel

you're right. there are 4 timelines now.
normal timeline, loki escape timeline, thanos disappeared timeline and cap stayed there timeline.

What was your problem with it? It actually includes both multiverse theory and past changing because it begins a different version of the same person conning himself across the multiverse.

this is the dumbest shit

armchair scientists lecturing people on how time-travel works or should work

horseshit, especially when thew explanation or understanding is based on how it works in movies, you got absolutely no idea how it would work if it were possible in real life

There is no support for multiple timelines OR dimensions theory: the main video I see getting thrown about sin't even made by any kind of scientist. No, there is not another dimension where you are a king, etc.

the universe also isn't sentient, there's no reason to think that even if you travelled to the past and killed your past self that the universe would self correct by making you disappear [for example]. It doesn't care how you got there, it's not checking.

The way time works in the mcu is how they explained it, the timelines are split when you remove the stones and then when he returns the last stone they re-merge

single-timeline is the patrician's time travel (see also: primer)
branching timelines are for nihilist fools

lmao go back to plebbit

How the fuck would you know how time travel """should""" work?

>infinite parallel realities to explore
>nihilistic idea

I didn't think they actually merged the timelines at the end, just that they returned the stones so that things weren't fucked in that universe. I hope Tilda Swinton doesn't get pissed at Cap for essentially letting Loki go

Why should we care about the events of said universe when there are infinite ones where things are fine.

Only thing this glosses over is the branch from Hawkeye's test run. Also no, returning the stones doesn't magically reset or erase the new realities. They're still there after the events of Endgame, and a number of them are potentially left in a pretty fucked position.

I like you.

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no such thing as "reddit spacing "
if i press enter once it does the spacing automatically

>They brought the stones back to the exact moment they took them

Thanos from the past go to the future and is killed there, making the events of Infinity War impossible, but not just that, the event that would make the stones disappear also couldn't have happened.

There's just no way that it's a single timeline. And that without nitpicking the details. Do you remember that part in the Thor 2 movie when a giant rat shoved a needle on Padmé and ran away, after that some guy with a shield came back and neddled her again? Because I must have slept trough it.

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Why does this activate everyone’s almonds? There is no actual tru scientific “hurrr this is how time travel works”. Because we can’t fucking time travel. Your theory is as good as mine.
Therefor a movie that has time travel needs to set up their own time travel rules and have to stick to them. String theory, multiple timelines, timeline correction, etc. etc. there is no right or wrong with time travel in a movie as long as they establish their own set of rules.

The only way time travel works without fucking up the plot is Groundhog day scenario.

I’ve always preferred time travel as a single timeline that cannot be changed.

So you can’t go back to kill somebody or change something obviously that thing you tried to do or change wasn’t prevented or it wouldn’t have happend the way it did

I wouldn't worry about it

>After 70 years he jumps back to MT
Only that shit never happens. He never shows up on the time travel platform. The movie literally implies that Old Cap was always there and he was always Peggy's husband, and this shit was somehow kept secret for whatever reason. Which is retarded because it contradicts the whole "cant change the past" bullshit.

Russos straight confirmed it.
>For example, the old Cap at the end movie, he lived his married life in a different universe from the main one. He had to make another jump back to the main universe at the end to give the shield to Sam.

The trips has spoken

No you idiot, you can jump forward in time to what ever time/space you want just like they do when they go back. They were always shown returning to the same platform because its a good meeting area. Steve isn't on the bench at the end of the MT because he lived to that point in that timeline. He was in branch timeline 5 railing peggys tight pussy for 70 years until she died then he felt like he should go back to the MT so people weren't freaking out in those mere seconds after he left and also gave Falc the shield.

time travel basically reverts the entropy back to a former status which would require a machine that uses all the existing energy without any loss, therefore, a perpetuum mobile, which could rather be used to generate endless resources and make the need to cut the population in half redundant to begin with.

>They brought the stones back to the exact moment they took them specifically to avoid branching timelines.
That doesn't make sense, you fucking retard.

Occam's razor dude, in the movie they never told he traveled back to 2023, so the simplest possible thing is he stay in the past and after an entire life with peggy, as an old man, he just walked to the park to meet with the others. It's simple logic dude, not that I expect a capeshitter fan like you could use it.

Oh fuck off Russos realised their fuck up and threw whatever reddit explanation seemed most plausible at people. There's no reason for Cap to not show up on the time platform, it's never made known in the movie that you can even do that.
Also, if Cap indeed was fucking Peggy in the alternate timeline, did he at any point disclose to her the fact that he's not a real Cap?


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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Endgame. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the time traveling will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Thanos' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these quips, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Endgame truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Thanos' existential catchphrase "Right in the Infinity Stones" which itself is a cryptic reference to Stan Lee's American epic. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as The Russos' genius wit unfolds itself on their theatre screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have an Avengers tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>can't suspend disbelief in a fictional movie about monsters shooting lasers
have sex

Time travel isn't real.

Let me get this straight: by the mere act of timetravelling Avengers CREATED, I repeat, CREATED 6 different universes? Why is this not being made a bigger deal of? These faggots casually played God several times. 6 different universes will go through their snaps, causing more timetravel, more multiverse splintering, more snaps etc. Fucking hell.

sorry for late response im at work
the only thing infinite about bioshock infinite is the number of plotholes. the very basic ideas of constants go against the idea of infinite. infinite is an uneding number, and when you introduce constants you introduce tons of timeline deadends. Not to mention the character's blatant disregard for yheir own dimension, going to completely different dimensions and acting like it's the same one and they're still saving it. The ending is especially flawed, when you consider that killing Booker creates a paradox where Elizabeth is never born to kill him (even assuming that bullshit about him being prime booker or whatever would work) and you end up with a mess In an infinite universe there will always be a past boomer heading to his baptism. I haven't played the game in years, so tons of my other complaints have faded with time, but I do recall the director, Ken Levine saying he knew nothing about multiple universes and that he just wrote shit he thought sounded cool and you end up with a pretty ineffective story.
Doesn't help that so much shit got scrapped and the gameplay was severely mediocre either.

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There's only one way to do that, and they didn't do it. There is literally one way they could have presented a scenario where they could return items to a timeline they've already left. It's this:

When they're preparing to depart on their trip to the past, they're surprised by the appearance of a post-conclusion Cap who already has the Stones and the hammer. He accompanies them back, returning the items as they take them.

The thing is, even in this scenario, he's not really returning what they took, but is instead returning items from the alt-reality he's implied to have visited in his own timeline, the one that diverged from his own the instant he showed up to join them.

That still means that there's one reality out there(or multiple realities if they pulled items from multiple times) that will never get those items returned. Regardless of whether the Future Cap I presented in my scenario is taken to be the "first tripper" or just one in an infinite series, you're ultimately still robbing Peter to pay Paul.

The Russo's attempted to be slick and have it both ways because they're not bright enough to grasp the implications of what their setup allows, and it predictably collapses into a complete clusterfuck over what does and doesn't constitute a "major change." That's pure fucking hackery and completely on them for thinking they could improve on an already perfect concept.

Yeah, but you can't set them and then break them at your whim without being a hack. This is the Hyperspace Ram of the MCU. Good luck in your fucked up future where Infinite Thanos shows up wielding infinite Infinity Gauntlets.

It doesn't matter how it "should" work. Only that it works consistently.

except it doesnt work
single timeline time travel is a paradox
the only way to make time travel logically work is infinite timeline

Correct. Therefore it doesn't need to be logically consistent for the story to be good. It's fiction. Anything goes.

That's why that western where an Indian shaman talks about the spirit world and hints at the supernatural ends with the protagonist killing the bad guy with a magic spell instead of a bullet. Great story.

I choose to believe that no timelines were created because stones were returned and thus eliminating the possible emergence of new timelines. Every trip to the past did nothing because past is already past and you can't change it even if you do take things from there or do anything else that causes the events around the time traveling you to unfold differently than they actually did in the past. Unless infinity stones I guess. Time travel is little more than simulation of the past with the twist that anything taken from the simulation becomes real when you return to present time. literally turn your brain off bro.

What are some good movies or series that handle time travel well

Uncle Bruce's Infinite Pym Particle Recipe

>Visit 70s
>Get X cannisters of Pym particles
>Wait any arbitrary amount of time
>Travel back and meet yourself returning from the 70s
>Take all the cannisters, tell your past self to go back for more
>Return to your time
>Repeat as necessary, netting X^n - 2 cannisters per trip
>Once time fuckery is complete, travel back to the 70s and give Hank your excess cannisters "before the world notices they're gone."

Time travel ain't real so how the fuck you know how it's supposed to work?

>the universe also isn't sentient

Why not? Our brains are sufficiently complex enough to experience sentience. Are you telling me that the universe, which houses billions of brains, isn't sufficiently complex enough to experience sentience?

It *can* work any way. Traveling to the past could result in you becoming a unicorn, that doesn't mean it's a particularly useful or logically consistent use of the concept.

The Russo's took the concept and turned it into a conseqence-free plot convenience by saying you can't change your past, but you really can as long as you do it fast enough, and you can still borrow from the past to change your own future, and you can do it free of consequences.

This is better than the one above.
Nontheless, what happens in peggy/steve timeline in 2012, when actual frozen cap gets revived?

The timelines are still different. If not, then all the events of the first timeline would change because thanos went to the future and died. Really, the stones had to go back to their timeline because if not, then the universe of that timeline would be fucked up

I got a solution for timetravel.
Alright so there is this thing called "time pollution" where if you time travel you booted from the pure group of multiverses to a shitty time-travel enabled multiverse. So you're basically stuck in a ghetto of time travelers who think more time travel will solve all their problems.

This is what the next entries in the series will be about, as everything is constantly getting worse with "heros" trying to fix things by stealing things and kidnapping people from other timelines to fix their problems which culminates into multiverse cape war.

No reason to believe they have to wait to 2012 to revive frozen Cap, since it's likely future Cap remembers where he crashed. They could recover him immediately.

So then future Cap cuck him good and proper.

lmao the writers don’t know what is causality neither do the fans so who cares. Since it’s fiction they can hide behind infinity stones magic and avoid any paradox

Jesus Fucking Christ, this reminds me of those diagrams when Inception first came out.

Or he casually show's up at shield and pretend to be his frozen self?

They could have used this to introduce cool concepts like "absolute time" and "probability pressure" and "line convergence," but that would be too "smart" for the audience.

This is what pisses me off about how Disney treats their IPs. I remember being challenged by the sci-fi concepts I was introduced to in comics. Disney treats their audience like they're too stupid to notice when they cheap out and dumb things down, not for the audience's sake, but so their hack fucking writers can be lazy.

So Thor will be hammer-less by 2015's ultron battle? Fat thor stole it in 2013

Thats even worse. It means that avengers created 6 universes, and then murdered everyone in them.

hammer was on the platform when cap was travelling to return the stones

Exactly. That's what amazes me about this shit. What they're doing is conceptually no different than what Thanos tried to do - erasing whole other realities, only the shit writing not only allows them to, they do it to *multiple* realities.

The old Steve at the end is from an alternate timeline where the exact events happened. The Steve from the present moved to another timeline. This happens infinitely, because Steve doesn't alter anything about the timeline and the Infinity Saga still happens in all timelines except the ones where Thanos disappeared to fight in the future

Dude, original steve never came back inmediatly, he stayed in 1950 and snuck to the bench in time.
But actual 1950 frozen steve may never be recovered bc actual steve already showed up.

But why didn't Steve just go rescue himself from the ice and send him straight to 2012 "before the world noticed?" By the movie's logic, this would stop the cross-over timelines by keeping that reality's net Steves constant.

Nobody knows about Future Captain America coming back except Peggy and their kids

Why would he do that
There actually is no paradox created by future and past self existing in the same timeline. It works like Future Trunks and Baby Trunks in Dragonball or Future Lucina and Baby Lucina in Fire Emblem

But they fucked up and Loki got the tesseract. Wouldn't that change the timeline?

where do you think you are chad

He would do that so he could slip a note in his own pocket that says, "Let go of the past, bro. Move on with your life. The future needs you. Don't let my hypocrisy lessen the power of this message."

It does, but especially the timeline where Thanos disappears and the Guardians never Form is completely altered.

Game of Thrones

I really do not get why Cap should do that.

Like the actions you take are the reason things turned out that way. Like a kike goes back in time to kill young Hortler, the jew injures him and in turn now Hortler hates the jews


I'm from the future and I have a message for you

the movie shouldn't have introduced time travel then. Besides being a massive cop out, it also becomes a huge plot hole.

Groundhog Day

>Why not? Our brains are sufficiently complex enough to experience sentience. Are you telling me that the universe, which houses billions of brains, isn't sufficiently complex enough to experience sentience?

What the fuck kind of babble is this


>How time travel should work.
Time travel isn't real wtf is this bullshit

>stupid as fuck writers write themselves into a corner
>they resort to time travel, the cheapest and lamest way to solve plot issues
>normies are okay with it

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