
Jorah was the best character of the entire show. The most honorable and self sacrificial and entirely believable too. The moment when he stood for the final time after taking numerous death blows and dany looked at him with shock and awe was amazing.

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Emilia Clarke is a bad actress.

Prove me wrong.

Great death.

im glad they included a character for incels to relate to

His death rivals even the death of boromir in the breaking of the fellowship. Iain Glen is a great actor maybe the only good actor left in the entire show.

Is that jpg right before she yanked him into a sword using him as a human shield?

After. Also he pushed her out of the way to take the blow. Slow the frame down.

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Nikolai and Liam are good actors too, but their characters have been butcheed and they can't do much

Lena is a good actress but Cersei is badly written

>takes a knife straight through the strongest part of his breastplate

>Jorah was the best character
Weird way of spelling Stannis of the House Baratheon, Fist of His Name.

Jorah is the only character who wasn’t tarnished but actually improved upon. Hilarious indeed. And he gets the best death of the entire show with Jeor Mormont being a close second.

Absolute cuck character completely ruined by the show. Stannis is fucking awful. There is no comparison.

Post some better pics or webms.

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he had 2 wives though
she was absolutely awful in earlier seasons but i think shes ok now

This wasn’t the first time Jorah led a charge. He was he first through at the siege of pike along with thoros of myr

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I disliked Jorah at the start, thought he was just a thirsty boring faggot.
But he really did have an amazing arc. He is probably the only character in the show that actually improved compared to the early seasons. He remained thirsty til the end but god damn if he didn't serve his duties as knight perfectly well.

Jorah was a good character from the start. He had a lot of clear ambition. The cross between returning home through the pardon and protecting dany. In the end he chose dany.

Well Beric Dondarrion had an honorable ending too.

Yeah but he died for arya.... her character is worthless and a train wreck. He should of died for someone better.

>tfw Jorah shoves Dany and takes a stabbing for her
I want to love someone like that one day

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you're retarded

Beric was always essentially an RPG character who was just there for the ride. Basically a template D&D lawful good paladin type.

They never really have good endings because it's always what you expect for the archetype.

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i was actually surprised with her acting in this scene, it was actually decent

Why wasn't the useless thot wearing armor on a battlefield? Who the fuck turns up for battle wearing just a fur coat?

he was the biggest cuck I've ever seen on television

>shock and awe
if only she could act

The Hound should've told Arya "dont worry about the fucker, he'll come back anyway" as he was dying. It was a missed opportunity. I loved the brief banter Beric brought to the show with the Hound.

It's because everyone gave her shit for the scene where she exiled Jorah in season 4 or whatever. It was the most important scene for his character yet and she completely undercut him by looking like a 4x4 post.

im pretty sure Emilia said that the actor playing Jorah gave her some acting lessons over the seasons.

I agree that his death was both well done and fitting, but come on, don't embarrass yourself

>hurrr add moar quips
t. marvelfag

Kill yourself

This was pretty much the only scene I came close to enjoying, and even it was spoiled by Jorah not getting any final words, not even telling Dany, not that he loved her, but that he was honored to serve her, and that she should take the sword back to Sam.

A lot of GoT characters seem like typical D&D characters.
I don't know why that is.

>normalfags just NOW hopping off the GoT train
>mfw fucked off after Stannis got the DABID treatment

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Have you ever played a game of D&D where people just stick to their broadly prescribed roles? It can be a lot more fun than when everyone is trying to play a Do Not Steal minotaur mage who is secretly a good guy and just wants to retire and start a bakery but he's schizophrenic and shares his body with a demon soul.

Sometimes, playing the kindly wizard or the dick ass thief is best.

HE didn’t have to tell her. His actions spoke louder than words. Didn’t you see Dany’s Face? It was more powerful than any words. He has told her he loved her before.

I loved their banter too and the "SMELLS LIKE PUSSY TO ME" scene is one of my favorites, but that's an awful idea to bring banter to a legitimate death scene. I'm glad they just pulled it straight

Exactly. That’s why I *didn’t* want him to say it. As it stands, Dany has no reason to even know where that sword came from. It would have shown that even in his final moments, Jorah thoughts were still of others, like a true knight’s should be.

Because Dumb&Dumber don't know how to write, so they rely on fantasy cliches. Ironic, because a big draw of GoT was subverting cliches

>Didn’t you see Dany’s Face?
Honestly, I was thinking how crazy her eyebrows were

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I'm still pissed that Melisandre didn't bring him back, as he has been brought back by a Lord of Light Priest (Thoros) a few times before.

She wasn't expecting to ever have to touch the ground. Still foolish considering what happened, but justified.


Jorah just entered Heartsbane into the Targ family for the next thousand generations. Fucking leddit memers saying heartsbane will go to tormund. Dany would never disgrace Jorah like that. Heartsbane will stay with her, thus Jorah will be the closest to her heart forever.

I was hoping that she’d bring Jorah back and die in the process.

Or that she’d at least go out sacrificing herself to create something fucking awesome like a fire golem. Instead, she literally copied a death straight from Chronicles of Riddick.

have sex

She can’t bring him back. It’s dumb, but she’s only a vessel for what the Lord of Light wants. That’s why when Jon asks her to not revive him ever again, she says that’s not her choice.

What bothers me is what Jon’s purpose for the LoL is. It’s no longer stopping winter, the biggest thing on the continent. Is it just to restore Targ order to the throne?

You know who Iain Glen would portray well!?

Raymond of Poitiers in a biopic of Eleanor of Aquitaine

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I agree OP. The whole series of scenes was moving.

yep. At first I thought she pulled him too, but after re-watching it, he pushes her out of the the way.

the kind of idiot that for no good reason lands her flying WMD in the middle of a large accumulation of tangos

Don't worry he'll probably come back to life

Dubs confirm

who even gives a fuck