/got/ general

Fixed your show

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>Khaleesi, I'm about to die because of the wounds I garnered in my selfless defense of you
>Please Khaleesi, just listen. All I want is a taste of pussy just a taste. Khaleesi, please sit on my face so my nose is in your butthole and I can rest my tongue on your pusy.
>Khaleesi, wait, please one more thing. After 30 seconds spin around 180 degrees so I can do the same thing with the holes reversed.

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first for best girl

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how many people peed there pants in that battle

>watching fan theory videos on youtube
>all of them are so much better than the predictable as fuck shitty writing we get
even cleganebowl doesnt get me hyped anymore


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>ripping off the worst part of Warcraft
Awful. Fan theorists need to accept that they've been BTFO and collectively commit suicide

only the men

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Not me. Nobody that important died. The show really lost its edge.


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S-she’s not going to turn on her nephewhusband, is she?

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>arya jumps nightking
>nk turns and grabs her
>grip turns arya into ice
>she drops the knife while it happens
>nk throws ice arya to the ground where she shatters
>suddenly stiffens in surprise and pain as the knife point comes out of his chest
>"i'm sorry, arya."
>bran picked up the knife, stood up and stabbed the nk through the heart
>bran only pretended to be still paralysed
>he needed theon to sacrifice himself in order to look convincingly helpless
>he needed arya to jump at him to deliver the knife and distract the nk
>everything went just as planned

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This is a little better. But still do not contemplate all of the plot points adressed in the other seasons. Jon being the true heir has to have some impact in the story somehow.

At least there were some kino visuals in the episode before it all went to shit

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what is the fucking janitor doing in a strategic meeting

thats some great acting.



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Did you guys know Alfie is fucking 32? What a grandpa

Best Characters:
1. Azor Arya (Night King Slayer, suffered the most out of everyone but always pulls through. My savage little wolf cub.)
2. My lovely Dany (Most deserving of the Throne. Best girl, best khaleesi, best queen. Most pure and beautiful. Cute dragons.)
3. Tyrion Lannister (Smart and funny dwarf. Removed Tywin, another nonsensical patriarchal archetype that was shitting up the plot.)
4. Sansa Stark (Smartest Character, defeated Cersei, Baelish, Ramsay. Greatest character development. Keeps up with my Dany.)
5. Brienne of Tarth (Loyal and just to a fault. Completely destroyed the hound who exemplifies toxic masculinity. Justly executed the worst character.)

Worst Characters:
1. Stannis Baratheon (King of stupid. So vile, burned his own kid. Should have bent the knee to Renly. Worshipped by incels.)
2. Robert Baratheon (Stupid and cucked by Cersei. Indirect cause of everything wrong. Has no character but memes.)
3. Jaime Lannister (Slave to her sister's cunt. Mostly a smug idiot. Forced redemption arc that doesn't make sense.)
4. Baelish (Always thinks he is smarter than he actually is even when truly smart characters like Sansa are involved.)
5. Cersei Lannister (Ruined lots of lives. Stupid and arrogant. Foolishly opposes my Dany. Doesn't know when to give up.)

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The Dragon Demands REVIEW WHEN?

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He didn't deserve it bros...

>when furgit ary are gurl
when she got fatally stabbed multiple times in the stomach and in one the stabs had the dagger twisted (which is done to make sure the wound can't heal properly)



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She looks like Melisandre in this pic.

Hitlerys is drunk with power. She will betray whoever is necessary to get her throne.

He never should have gone to support the wall.
NK wasn't even a big threat lol.


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Is that the actual dragon on the front of the ship?

Is it a wooden carving? Does it imply that this is the most important ship carrying the queen? Why would you mark the ship carrying your most important people with a giant visible dragon?

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she looks so good this season, probably lost some weight

why they fuck? the point of burning the dead was so they dont turn into wights. what the fuck are they doing

Everyone is deathly tired of this theme song now

>Varys arrived in Meereen
>Obtained quest Rally Allies
>Varys fast traveled to Dorne
>Varys got allies, quest complete
>Varys fast traveled to Meereen
>Obtained quest Sailing with Dany

This was pretty lazy wasn't it?

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my captain.. my king

Washington is currently sailing to Westeros. He is gonna fix this show.

Not even superfan AltShiftX can defend this shitshow now lol. Preston Jacobs might actually kill himself.

Are they still burning the dead? Literally why?

Why would Brienne give a shit about what Ned Stark thinks?

Literally reaction to seeing Aryas scene and preparing for worse to come.

This scene already looks so annoying. We only cared about, at most, 3 of the people who died in the battle. And why is it only the main characters carrying torches?

Ah, Blackwater. Now THAT was a well-written, excellently produced battle.

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>tfw the show has ruined characters I loved to the point where I felt nothing when they finally died

except Edd. Edd ain't deserve this.

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>don't give a proper burial for all of these heroes and victims of the night king

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She's not aged well. Her face is started to collapse.

After seeing the horror of the night before, would you not burn everyone just in case?

blackwater is fucking awful. the book battle is great, the show version is like 20 idiots running around on a beach doing nothing

If she continued to suck Jon’s cock she’d still get the throne

>they managed to clean up 100000 dothraki 50+k wights, thousands of Northerners in one episode and not suffer the plague from corpses.



So I guess half this episode will be a funeral for all the characters that didn't die.

Post yfw Daenerys genocides the entire dothraki population of Westeros


>NK wasn't even a big theeat lol
In hindsight he wasn't. But at the time you could be forgiven for taking him seriously.

even down to GRINDING HIS TEETH. He was too good for the show

what is this gay fan fiction? who the fuck buys the jonXdanny romance?

Missandei used to be so cute.

I don't usually support bookfags but reading Blackwater was more interesting than watching it

the thing I hate most about nuHBO and nuGOT is that they have the main cast doing literally everything
like every fucking menial task is done by a queen or king or at least a noble

it's really fucking lame and brings you out every time

>we need someone to serve soup
>hey we need to burn corpses

what the fuck else are they gonna do? let them all rot in the streets? spend the next year digging a grave for everyone? burning is the only logical thing to do you ingrates

Stannis' ship had a stag prow. Also there's Euron's Silence.

Also how could they possibly have enough wood to set each individual corpse on a thick slab like that? It looked like almost everyone in the battle was dead by the end.

Why is Dany's gait so fucking long?

she's still cute, the person doing her hair is just a moron.

it was S5 and 6 when she really started to look like the mother of burgers, but she got in shape for S7

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Those mediocre meatbags should feel honored to help get rid of that midboss NK in the glorious ascension story of my beautiful dragon queen.
No need to let their ugly corpses stall further.

I peed my pants laughing at a few parts. The nothing personnel specifically.

>tfw nobody has gotten any diseases or illness this entire show except for like two characters in the beginning

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The show lacked the book's wildfire terror. It was just one big explosion whereas in the books it was like Dresden during WW2.

that was the only memorable shot but its not as effective in retrospective given how pathetic the NK was this ep

Named characters only ones burning thousands dead is one thing, but including Sam? Christ.

how can you cast someone so perfect for this role and shit away the role and character like that LITERALLY WTF they expanded lyanna mormont for several seasons because she was a fan favorite

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Wait, they really cleaned all this, sorted ouf the corps and lined them up neatly? isn't that a colossal task for the few peoples who remain?

Same. I kind of just want everyone to die right now

dig a mass grave and dump them in it. they'd have to collect a fucking forest worth of wood to burn that many bodies

>qyburn researches the wight hand he got
>finds some connection between wights, white walkers and obsidian
>gets himself some obsidian from the abandoned castle
>finds a way potion to make people receptive to obsidian insertion
>creates an army of super soldiers with obsidian hearts
Ready for the Obsidian Knights?


That's because the world outside the established cast is dead by shitty writing and with it implication of a immersive society that functions.

remember when arya was basically just c*nny joke material?

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it was nicely directed, but shitty written episode by GRRM, cherry on top was that Tywin Deus Ex Machine save


Noq you have me wondering. Did anyone die of illness other than Khal Drogo?


It at least looked beautiful with the wildfire, and the scenes of the women holed up in the castle and Cersei deciding to poison Tommen were kino unlike the crypt scenes in Winterfell where literally nothing happened.


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Why not just put shards of that knife on the arrow heads of your best archers and bombard the NK till he dies?

>Ready for the Obsidian Knights?

Oh man that would be ballin, dnd would never be so based

>how can you cast someone so perfect for this role
Dillane was miscast from day fucking 1.

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it wasn't just that. the battle is absolutely massive compared to what happens in the show.

Jorah had greyscale

She's trying to unstick her balls from her leg

ok which episode can I imagine being the canon ending and pretend none of this shitty writing ever happens?

>Did anyone die of illness other than Khal Drogo?

Well there was Arya after suffering stab wounds and being in filthy sewer water.

there was tons of great shot, this episode was filled with great cinematography, i cant remember other episode with that much great shoots

Take Sansa off of there, she's the only good female left

i guess but i imagine from their point of view a mass cremation would be tad bit more respectful than holocaust pits

Ever tried digging frozen soil

This White Walker plotline sucked from the start, it's not just this episode. I don't understand how the fuck you can't write fantasy better, you aren't limited by anything besides the fantasy world's internal rules. Off the top of my ass:

> make White Walkers a mysterious race, analogous to the Children of the Forest

> make them worshippers of the Great Other who set out on cyclical religious crusades where they kill everything in their path in honor of their death god

>the reason they want the Three Eyed Raven is because he has all of humanity's memories, including how Bran the Builder warded the Wall wiith magic

>When Bran is marked the Night King finally learns how to bring down the wall, how he can negate the runes or whatever magical bollocks

> He doesn't kill any dragons, just does a huge ritual that brings down the wall

> The dragon is killed during Winterfell Siege, one of the many deaths

>Bran eventually sacrifices himself to take out the Night King in telepatic combat, by flooding him with humanity's memories, frying his noggin and turning himself into a vegetable

>A tearful Arya euthanizes Bran.

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Why is everyone acting like Tyrion can't fight and hasn't won battles?

Why would anyone think he can't help?

Why would he let himself not fight?

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>angry bald incel
You can't make this shit up lmao.

>"I saw it in the flames Ser Davos,", Stannis explained, "the ultimate deception was needed. To save all of Westeros, to save the people of this land from certain death I had to sacrifice everything. My name, my child, my lands and titles. But it was my duty and so I did it. I layed in wait in the crypts of Winterfell for years. When the Starks retook the castle I hid. When the Dragonqueen, the Usurper came I was burning with rage, yet I hid, for I knew what was expected of me by the lord of light. And now that my job is done people will know what Stannis Baratheon is. The rightful king and the bringer of light. All those lords who smiled to themselves when I marched for the wall and hid in their castles will now know what it means to stand against me.The long night has ended Ser Davos, Dawn is coming and there is stil one usurper left to deal with"

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arya sailing to braavos. it was all shit after that.

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or y'know use your mobile mounted archers to hit and run instead of sending them to their death in a pointless light cavalry charge

visually that battle is objectively two levels behind last episode

The one where Ned gets beheaded

they already have a trench dug...

Whatever was the episode before Stannis was killed

>That 21 year old boomer who still watches got

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Stop. It hurts even worse now.

The Targ on the Wall died of old age or something. Does that count?

Why don't they use dragons for this?


That makes her smart

I thought Stephen Dillane played Stannis very well, if you don't count the change in appearance.

Head cannon: Stannis saved the day by boggin down the night king in the forest with Vietcong style traps and snip attacks. He is the unseen hero in this

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>all the heros with torches

>no Bran warging back in time into Aerys
>no "BURN THEM ALL" as he tries to set the horde of wights aflame
>no Bran being responsible for driving the Mad King mad

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>posts pic of dillane as stannis
you fucked up brah

>Nissa Nissa
that sounds anime to me too

I'm loathe to say it, but thats a reddit list.

those snowchads look ridiculous


Maybe if you'd actually pay attention you'd have heard them talking about it in the episode

Ok so if you were put in charge and the plot could go anyway you liked in the next 3 episodes how would you try to save it? You must not ret-con anything that's already happened from last episode and before.

>Hard mode
Dany must live

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You know he warged into Gendry's body 100%

If Blackwater were made today Cersei would have been on the front lines.

Either because D&D are such braindead retards that they forgot about the Battle of the Greenfork and Blackwater, or because Peter Dinklage was tired and didn't want to do any fight scenes.

Maester Aemon, right? I guess if you stretch it, then yeah it sort of counts.

Sending the shitskins to die first is the most based decision she's ever made

clearly you can

btw what stops bran from just warging into cersei and her running into a knife or off a tower/cliff?

how can cersei be any kind of threat at this point?

Can someone post the image that's some late night host and says something like "INCELS, YOU'RE JUST UNFUCKABLE"?

I know it's unrelated but dunno where else to ask

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>30 minutes for the funeral
>30 minutes of Dany whining about Jon being the true heir
>20 minutes of Cersei smirking and Euron talking about his cock

All that wild speculation and in the end the solution was so simple.
Arya cuts clean lmao.

if only they had some way of creating tons of heat. like i dunno, dragonfire maybe?

This, perfect ending to the show

mommy dany wanted him in the crypts

>Khaleesi there's just one thing you have to know...
>What is it Ser Jorah?
>Despite...only making up 13% of the essos population...cough...the dothraki cause more than 50% of all rapes

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pretty sure that will happen in the books at least. he was doing the same thing hodor was doing before he died, repeating burn them all over and over.

Lyanna was a favorite of the *right kind* of fans, women who don't know the lore and can't keep up with intricate plot details, who are just watching the show for YAS QUEEN moments. It's easy to appeal to fans like that and they're the ones who will spread the word about how awesome your show is across social media, at work, at social functions etc. Stannis was hard to write and not worth it to them, since he appealed to nerdy guys who have standards and will nitpick plot holes and lore inconsistencies.

>no Bran being responsible for driving the Mad King mad
D&D is going to do this aren't they...

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Fair point

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What exactly did Bran do in this battle? If the Night King was after him, why not send him to King's Landing?

it would be unbelievably shitty to watch horse back archers kite a mass of undead around and then if you consider the sheer volume of undead, why would they even bother entertaining the cavalry and not just charge ahead

red wedding

>introduce time travel
>do nothing with it

>episode 3 ends
>there's like seven people left in the courtyard, all of them main characters
>episode 4 begins
>somehow hundreds of people survived and there's still Unsullied walking around in formation

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Next episode better have some Yara in it or I'm done with this shit.

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yeah bro why don't they just start digging mass graves in frozen ground

>Bran eventually sacrifices himself to take out the Night King in telepatic combat

No Bran anything really.
I mean, what does he do around here besides turning a giant into a retard?

Where'd he go?

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Reminder that
> Cersei has absolutely no claim to the throne
> the Crownlands smallfolk were fanatically devoted to their Queen Margaery and their religion
> not only has Cersei not suffered any consequences, the whole murdering-the-queen-and-religious-leaders story hasn't been even discussed since it happened

i guarantee she will have one last 5 minute scene and then euron will show up and kill her and that will be that.


Even in the books Stannis just won't stop absolutely seething over losing Storm's End.


>the average roastie one day after she cries over her ex

hey buddy did you forget the already fucking have a trench?

I'm rooting for Yara. She's our /gal/ and will make the Iron Islands great again

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Still, the smoke rising from the explosion made it look like a fucking nuke just went off.

The episode after the Red Wedding, just pretend that the Lannisters/Boltons win and thats it.

To a better show probably


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>i guarantee she will have one last 5 minute scene and then euron will show up and kill her and that will be that.

Why would Euron give a fuck?

>set brightness to 1
What the fuck is wrong with these assholes. Not everything has to be shot in fucking darkness

I hope she has a scene where she shows emotion for his dead brother

It's the obvious fucking decision but even though it's a bit predictable, it would have been great. All the carnage of Robert's Rebellion was necessary to ensure the survival of humanity, and Bran had to cause it to save the Seven Kingdoms from eternal winter. But no, that would be too good

>Cersei has absolutely no claim to the throne
I don't get this meme, Cersei was the Queen, all her kids and husband are dead. Where does the right of succession go to?

The show lost all eye for cause-and-effect. Robb got himself, his mother, his wife and his army killed for marrying a girl from a different house.

Cersei can literally go full retard and still survive and gain even more power with time. This just reinforces how nihilistic the show has become. Nothing matters. Everything just is. Hell, Bran even tells Theon that their universe works in a deterministic manner.

your fucking digsuiting

Fucking hope we won't have to see that cunt anymore.

>Why would D&D give a fuck?
ftfy. because its epic and an expected tweeeest

I don't think he can warg into anything with an IQ over 40, and she just makes the cut

How can you be so bad at succession? If you have no blood relation to the king, you simply can't inherit the throne.

Jon Snow sucks massive big black cock. He bends over like a good beta cuck for nigger dick. Jon Snow worships huge hung nigger ding dong in heaven for all eternity. Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suited to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail large African nigger donkey dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a hung masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly gay for the thought of a thick veiny long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies.

>tfw 26 soon 27
>have nothing in my life to live for
>for years I've said that the last thing keeping me alive is seeing how GoT turns out
>now this
Might stick around to see the Witcher bomb, I have a feeling it will be Tortanic levels of bad.

>I hope she has a scene where she shows emotion for his dead brother

She will shed a tear or so while fucking some brothel whore in Pyke.

back in time to warg into ramsay during the rape

that's a shallow ass trench and they have like tens of thousands of bodies lying around

TOP KEK! That´s just terrible. It´s bad even as fanservice. Truth is nothing can fix this shit. It´s objectively bad and went against script theory in every fucking way. They fucked up believing they could pull that off, only masters of the craft can successfully break up with thousands of years of story telling techniques. It was terrible and it is DONE. Complaining about it is not going to fix it either. Just 3 equally terrible episodes left and then we can all move on to the next show.

is this their remaining army?

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Who does it go to now then?


Now imagine Cercei signed the contract with the Golden Company for the Throne and the Queen without putting her name in specifically.

there are no heirs and Cersei has as much a right as a bastard like Gendry, especially since he's not even vying for the throne

that's not how succession works lmao

tons of generic silhouettes and epic moon shots, they might make nice pictures but they don’t suit the themes of the episode

>NEETs typing up shitty fanfiction on Yea Forums can still come up with better plots than two writers who get paid more for an episode than I do in an entire year

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where has time gone?
why am I so old now

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the point is they can dig, because they dug the trench.

Imagine being so Jewish you insert a smirking feminist empowerment scene in a setting where hundreds of thousands of people just died a day earlier in the span of an hour.

>"I almost got stabbed to death by fifty shrieking stinking undead last night and saw my favorite beta orbiter die in my stead to protect my pussy."
>"But I'm not traumatized or anything, that was yesterday! Tee hee! I'm so empowered, brave, and strong. I'm an icon!"

her unborn baby i guess?

>merry sundae fire bitch had to almost die trying to lit the shit on fire
>when Jon's dragon was literally 3 meters away from it

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She was the queen before Margaery, it doesn't revert back to the previous line of succession when the current one dies.

So you're saying a better end would be to rip off fukin disneys pirates?

So basically we needed to get D&D to read /got/ thread.

who do you think is going to save the day in the last minute? who do you think reclaimed the iron isles and built 10k ships in 3 days?

>tfw D&D's idea of 'outsmarting' the fan theories is by going with the most ridiculous option that nobody would have theorised because it is so fucking outrageous

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Whjat was her ark here at all? Redemption for her sins? What even was her endgame in all this?

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Beric Dondarrian is Azor Ahai.
His purpose for the lord of light was to die in the hallway protecting Arya.
He was always in possession of Lightbringer and was brought back multiple times to fulfill this purpose. If he didn't do this, Arya would never have killed the Night King and Darkness would descend upon the world.

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>He doesn't even know
lmao how can you be so bad at succession?

It goes to any other Baratheon that has some blood relation to Robert. Cersei has absolutely zero claim. And nobody has once brought this up on the show. It's obvious D&D just want to keep Lena Headey around because they like her. It's another case of actor dynamic killing the story.

What you all don't realize is that logical battle scenes don't please the average viewer but slow motion walking to unfitting music sure does

Why would D&D give a fuck if Euron gave a fuck?

>we can all move on to the next show
The only TV I've enjoyed as much or more than the first few seasons of GoT is the Sopranos, Twin Peaks, and S1 of True Detective. What the fuck else are we going to watch.

Boring. It's much more interesting if the NK wins and Jamie is a WW marching to kill Cersei


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d&d have been sick of writing for this show for a long time. all they wanted to do was get to the red wedding, they never expected the show to get this huge, they were expecting it to get canned within 4 seasons.

Three episode long Cleganebowl


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Stannis was legally next in the line of succession.

Guys, you were fucking right. Everything went to shit when Tywin died. Beside, is the Lannister a meme family? Him aside, all its members are a joke. His dad was a retard, brothers are either cucks or disappeared somewhere, children either crippled or retarded or women.
Fucks sake, he tried so hard.

Damn do they grow up fast

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Based and Christpilled

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>the hero of light's entire purpose was to die in a hallway

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>there are no heirs
There is always an heir. If Robert didn't have any direct heirs, then look to his close family and then to his distant family and then to his very distant family. You eventually find someone.

Fuck off, theres nothing wrong with feminism and her happiness is well deserved

0/10 literally fanfic tier.

>who do you think reclaimed the iron isles and built 10k ships in 3 days?

You joke, but that's the reality. Along with her teleporting device.

She'll peg some thot in memory of her brother's once great penis

Why was she so surprised?
I mean she can manipulate her age, give birth to literal demons, resurrect and she's surprised she lit some wood.

The last season of Better Call Saul. Witcher (for how bad it is). LotR (might be good) Pray that the Wheel of Time won't be shit (it probably will).

Escorting a goblin that would've probably survived it anyways. She can sneak past white walkers in 200 km per hour remember.

I typed 4 different drafts and deleted them all. There literally is no saving this show. The WW storyline cannot be salvaged at this point without ret-conning.

The saving grace to the show is seeing Dany become a mad queen and Jon killing her, making the "YAS QUEEN SLAY" twitter mob go insane.

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Didn't you see? He was having fun with some ravens.

are the line of succession rules even mentioned in the books?

why does the lord of light support the god of death to kill the nk?

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so calling it

Golden company switches sides and Joins with Dany and crew, they are lower to targs, the book and blackfyre rebellion is ignored,never mentioned.

Also the dorne/baretheon armies show up as well.

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the beric hivemind


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>Stannis was legally next in the line of succession.

Yes and after Stannis it would be House Estermount. Reminder Cersei is queen of no one.

something literally anyone with a sword could have done

If Bran starts taking a hand, he'll soon have to take responsibility for everything that ever happens. Every action has consequences. He'll be cleaning up after his first intervention until he dies if he tries to make history go 'his' way.

Not every single character needs a complete arc where they learn a valuable life lesson

have sex my dude

You forgot the polar bear.

What if they get the shard from the night king and head south to kings landing. Dany's scrap army gets obliterated. She stabs herself in the chest with the shard and becomes a night queen to gain a bigger army. Bran is in the past trying to figure out any resources kings landing has in order to stop wights. He sees what really happened that day the king went mad. Meanwhile people are guarding Bran and yelling to each other "Burn them all!" The king goes mad and Jamie kills him starting this whole mess to begin with.

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Nobody knows that's why there was a big thing about it for one episode with people not accepting Cersei then it was abandoned.

wait a sec
are those...

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>Wheel of Time
The showrunner outright said he’d be revisioning the series to be feminist by today’s standards, so there’s no hope it will ever be good.

tbf not a word of this is wrong

>Where does the right of succession go to?
If Westerosi succession laws are anything like Medieval Europe, it goes to another branch of the king's dynasty. Any cousin of Bob, Stannis and Renly has more claim to the throne than fucking Cersei.

start Deadwood now and be done by the time the movie comes out

I wish it had. If they'd stopped where AFfC/ADwD did, at least we wouldn't have had to watch the story get butchered.

Both his sons are geniuses, he just couldn't figure out how to manage them. Let Jamie just do whatever and managed to stupidly ultimatum him into the kingsguard, and threw Tyrion aside.

In any case, his biggest mistake was simply not remarrying to make more sons, presumably also because of his fickle emotions.

so which character plots have they completely dropped and we'll never see what happens to them? so far i can only think of robin arryn and edmure, we are totally never seeing them again. who else?

I'm mad that the show dedicated so much fucking time on the white walkers and they ended up being absolutely jack shit, just literal zombies with an evil lich who's evil because reasons

no proper backstory or anything

yeah but it's cold as fuck and that's a shit ton of free energy you can just burn for heating

good bait and could be unironically posted on reddit

>the hound did more for that semen goblin than Azor Ahai himself

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The opposite question would be easier to answer. Just about everyone has been botched.

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pathetic how males write these cringe fanfics now that females are in power


Bran tries to do some stupid warg shit while dealing with Cersei and accidentally resurrects the Night King I DON'T FUCKING KNOW HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SALVAGE THIS

The last three you listed are all confirmed to be pozzed.

I would accept this.

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>the dragon has three heads
Whos the third dragon?

This, its amazing how fragile men really are


This bitch Dany is a straight up tsundere.

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>that scene when Shansa and Tyrion took out their knives
I thought they would actually do it, but the writers chickened out. there's no sense of dread on this show anymore.

>Stannis should've bent the knee to the person after him in succession
Retard alert!

If the NK survived the stab and killed everyone at Winterfell, with only 2-3 characters escaping, it would've been kino.

>using the wrong targaryen sigil

>are the line of succession rules even mentioned in the books?

idk, but here's how it works

There is Robert, he's the king.

If Robert has children, the first born LEGITIMATE (in marriage) SON he has is king, if no son, but a daughter, she becomes queen (keeps surname)

If there is no leg sons or leg daughters of Roberts, that title goes to hes younger brother, Stannis

If Stannis dies, and since Stannis has no living legitimate heirs, it would go to whoever the closest living relative to Robert, that would be someone in House Estermount, I would have to know who is living in the house to give you the name of the current king or queen.

>hey we need someone to clean the shit buckets

>no proper backstory or anything
Well they sort of initiated a backstory with those cute nymph creatures stabbing the bondaged dude in their pretty garden beyond the wall
Too bad they forgot about it

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Not accurate enough

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>Beric's destiny was to be Arya's Hodor

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The entire point of Tyrion's story with his dad is that if he'd been given Tywin's support, he would have grown into the best successor his father could have hoped for. Tyrion being a useless quip-spewing machine is entirely a product of Tywin's resentment towards him for "killing" Joanna

if you want people to believe you're actually a woman, don't use memes that only incels use.

>Twitter mob all screeching about how her story was pointless and just in service to another character

Like pottery

They're both useless anyways. Why even keep them around. Tyrion hasn't done anything in ages.

Anyone got that pic of the post that perfectly explains why Arya killing the NK the way she did was utter horseshit?

i think the real problem is grrm doesn't even know what the fuck the others are. he doesn't know if they have a history and he doesn't know what their motivations are. im guessing d&d had to throw some half assed crap together so it makes some type of sense.
it's either that, or the others motivations are just way too complicated to get into for the show.

I adore Stannis. He's a full metaphor of the decadence of our time. He represent the fight of contents over form. Everyone is obsessed with form and is ready to swallow a turd if presented well enough.
On the other side, we have Stannis. He is pure contents with absence of form. He doesn't care about diplomatics nor about what is socially convenient. He doesn't react if you die nor if you show up alive after he thought you had died. But he will stay true to his content, that today's society so much dislikes.
He is filled with them, and for that a lot of people hate him. Because those things are repulsive to a commoner, it's impossible to process them. He likes to live with no rules, where everything he does and like is always legitimated.
But not for Stannis. Offended or not, he will do what is right. In pain or not, he will keep going. When he died in battle (maybe not) a part of me died with him. What remains of me would gladly join the rest if it could help a many worth even a fraction what Stannis is worth. The real pain is living with the fear that such a mean will never appear, or will be betrayed by the mindless masses.


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Remember the show that had the balls to kill Ned and Robb Stark?

>mfw I see people comparing the battle to Helm's Deep

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The King was confirmed mad well before Jaime killed him

I'm pretty sure she's a merchant's daughter

cersei was queen consort to robert and queen mother to joff, tom. the only way she becomes queen is if the line of succession has an alternate route to house lannister. jaime and tyrion would be before her though.

Why didn't the Night King just let the North starve to death?

GRRM may be a total faggot but he's been pretty decent at following the laws of the fictional world he has created.

This is actually an acceptable outcome, could be kino.

The /got/ remembers!

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how do you dig (mass) graves for thousands of dead into frozen ground when you have handful of guys left?

fastest and easiest way to despose of the corpses given the circumstances

Yes. If a king dies, his children inherit - first the boys by order of age, then the daughters. If he has no living children, then it passes to his brothers, then his sisters. At no point does his wife have a claim; she can safeguard his seat for his biological son, but can never claim it for herself or her descendants legally.


Do you faggots even defiance of duskendale?

Jaqen and the Faceless Men, the fate of Slaver's Bay, the Reeds in general

>one example of this can completely discredit GRRM
>As if he didn't have a king in the book that would cut out a singers tongues because he didn't like his song
bravo user

drogon is a dude

Why didn't Jon just let the White Walkers rot behind the Wall?

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I think it was more of a "Oh god I almost just fucking died why was that so close" expression.

Then again, she already knew she was gonna die, so I'm not sure.

Why would the lord of light care about men fighting each other more than the White Walker Apocalypse? It makes no sense for Azor Ahai to be revealed after episode 3

forgot about them. yea we are never seeing frogfu again.

>Kill off Sons of Harpy because no idea what to do with their storyline
>Leave Dario behind because no idea what to do with his storyline
>Kill of Myrcella after rescuing her because no idea what to do with her storyline
>Kill off Tommen and Margary because no clue how to conclude KL storyline
>Kill off Stannis because no idea how to conclude his storyline without him having too much power (need to set up Jon)
>Kill off Randal Tarly's son so Sam is set up to inherit the throne
>Kill off Littlefinger because no idea what to do with his storyline
>Kill of Edd and Beric for cheap shock and religious imagery
>Kill off Melisandre and the Dothraki because no idea how to conclude their storyline


Remember the book that had the balls to kill ned and robb stark*

Name one (1) major character has suffered death or any major consequence as a result of their actions since the show diverged from the books. There are non, every deaty since season 5 has been secondary characters.

Why does she still have that fucking straw haircut


>burns people for not believing in religion he himself doesn't believe in


God I love eating ass this would be fucking great especially if khaleesi stopped shaving to keep warm up north

In all honesty, Tyrion is probably smarter than average but he's strongly inferior to his dad and to most strategist around. Varys outdoes him and he's not even in the top 5. Littlefinger could toy with him as with a little baby.
He has knowledge, sure, but he lacks malice and the ability to fully use his means, which have always been massive.

You still think Dario is subject to Dany or did he get independence?

his character seems complete enough. he was left in charge of slavers bay, there isn't much left for him to do other than govern.

Why not use the fucking DRAGONFIRE to get rid of the corpses.

>fastest and easiest
have you ever tried to burn corpses?
have you ever tried to burn SO MANY FUCKING CORPSES AT ONCE?
honestly digging mass graves and burying everything sounds much easier and very much less resource-consuming, especially in the middle of the fucking winter when you also need wood so the survivors don't die from the fucking cold

>have you ever tried to burn corpses?
i am legit spooked right now

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>Brienne fighting and winning against The Hound
This was where I knew all hope was lost going forward

did you ever use a shovel? really curious because pretty sure you never did

Didnt think so many people would fall for this. Hat off to you user

fuck you that was a great moment.

This. Shit's hard.

my dude
unless you're ready to strip every house of the North bare from their own carpentry there's no way you can make enough stakes to burn all those corpses to ashes


>drawn out scene of getting stabbed
>"oh man that must suck for beric to go out like tha-"
>turns out he is still alive and gets to safety somehow anyway

oh ok, dabid. use that imagery but make him survive 5 seconds longer for a pointless scene of exposition

You're right but maybe he goes over edge.

fukken lol

answer the question

answer mine first

Is WF fixed already?

No U

Yup everything repaired and only two small piles of corpses.

I don´t rightly know, but once GOT is gone there is going to be a vacuum for the most popular show on TV so every single network and streaming service is going to come with something to try and take it, including several fantasy proyects.

As far as i know the following are in the works: LOTR, Dark Tower, Wheel of time, Black Company, Kingkiller chronicles, Dark Crystal, The Witcher, The vampire chronicles...
Sure, there are no guarantees that any of those is going to be even half decent but at the very least there will be options for those that don´t care about the GOT prequels.

The Night King was created as a means for combating man. It seems like a last resort weapon. The Children continued to think it was an appropriate response: "we were at war." Does that mean that the potential of mankind is worse than the White Walkers? And that the very worst of humanity is embodied in Cersei? Because if it is, I can almost accept it.

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Lmao, even the death of Haldir in Helm's deep was more relevant than any of the nobodies who died in winterfell


>Does that mean that the potential of mankind is worse than the White Walkers?
no shit retard, mankind could eventually go to space and make nukes

Unironically this one was superior in specific features. Overall they are about equal tho.

That is exactly what will happen if the leaks on /freefolk/ are true. They were right about the 3rd episode.



Consider Phlebas adaptation

i watched the first four seasons in like 5 days after a breakup in 2014. it was glorious.

Stannis is still alive in the books, but his death might very well go a similar route.