So, where is he?

So, where is he?

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Who cares. Have sex.

In the next episode

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I would but i need to find the doggo to have sex with it.

Have sex.


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God I unironically wish that were me

I liked the direwolves, too bad they decided to write them out of the show.

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>lol, who cares incel, SLAY QUEEN!

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Who the fuck was that and what's the point of that character?

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It was in the books. That's it.

He went home to the wild north he belong

pissing in your cheerios

Isnt she the same red witch that was in meereen when dany was mia

That can't be Ghost. He should be the size of a pony or a horse.

the og bloodraven's sister who was also into spying and magic. he manipulates everything on westeros and leaves essos to her because there's no weirwood trees there

The dog, the girl or the doggo watching?

He's around. What's funny is that no one ever acknowledges him. I'm starting to think that he got edited into some scenes in post production after they realized they forgot all about him.

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All budget went for dragons and actors inflated paychecks, they just added a dog that is not enlarged with CGI, writers dont even acknowledge him anymore, he is never with Jon and everyone is ignoring him.

In the begining everyone were like
>OMG giant wolves!!!
now everyone are like
>lel fuck dogs, moar dragons!!!!

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What is it with white woman and dog fucking?

Fucking white girls (i hope)

Stop asking questions

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Shh, Ghost-aniki is sleeping

Maybe he will sit next to Iron Throne when Jon wins. There is still hope

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I'm still mad

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