I am... forgotten

I am... forgotten

Attached: Meera_Reed_1024x1024.jpg (700x700, 53K)

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You’re totally right, I can’t even remember if she’s supposed to be dead or alive

have pics of her feet surfaced?

She should have just had sex.

Didnt she die, with the other Reed kid.

Also, whatever happened to their father?

Pretty sure she jerked off bran while he was hallucinating

>Didnt she die, with the other Reed kid.
Nah, Bran just sent her home after he no longer needed an ass wiper

Her and zomBenjen took Bran back to Winterfell and then she just sort of awkwardly took off.
Their dad's still alive I guess but his only relevance was being the only person living who knew about Jon's lineage, which the show glossed over by having Bran look into the past and Sam conveniently finding Lyanna's marriage certificate or something.

She's probably not in s8 because she got fat

Attached: fatmeera.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

bran purposfully was mean to her, because he saw her dying in winterfell, so he ghosted that bitch and she went home crying to daddy. bran fucked up the timeline which will leave it open for another nightking to arise.

she looks like the fat dancer from jabba's palace

She's been rowboat'd

I havent forgotten you Frogfu. Wife material.

unironically would fuck her if she kept her shirt on while I fuck her

she a cute

Attached: 8FdYf7x.jpg (720x1280, 100K)

>keep your shirt on, says 300 pound man to attractive girl

How can one girl be this cute?
>tfw no Meera gf

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her twat got all sandy when bran stopped having a crush on her

Have sex

Good, I don't want Meerafu to be stuck in this shitty fanfiction anymore


>She's probably not in s8 because she got fat
Explain Gilly then.

incel freak

the kike genes are showing, holy shit


shes a kike

Just for you my footfag friend.

I don't care my dude. I want to have jewish tadpoles with her.

Gilly got hotter as a fatty.
Meera looks like she got really into politics and intersectionality.

Looks ok to me.

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Immediately masturbate

More feet.

Attached: 93sCLRb.jpg (1920x1080, 900K)

>Thank you

The smell, imagine it

she should have been on Brann's side and dying for him or some shit like that, she was so kino

cheetos crunchy cheese

Found this one on Yea Forums lol.

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Good, she’s best girl and truly wife material, I don’t need (((hbo))) ruining her

>because she ngot fat
Gilly now inexplicably looks like Taco Belle and zero explanation is given about that. Nobody even remarks on the huge change.

Is there any confirmation on whether or not she's a kike? She absolutely looks like one but I can't find anything about jews in her ancestry or her mentioning being at least part jewish or anything. Could it just be a weird example of a goy looking super jewy, like Adam Driver?

>caring about child actors
they all suck who cares

>explicit live action /ss/ featuring Bran and Meera never EVER
Fuck this shitty show, fuck its retarded writers and fuck HBO

Never seen any proof myself.

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I still fap to her every now and then
when she played Anne Frank

Who's the girl with the cigarette?

Naomi Battrick

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Looks old to me.

Googled her and am disappointed. She only looks good in that pic and is actually blonde and is now fat

Entropy sucks.

y anne frank n got??

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did you google Anna Kendrick instead ??

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you can gain pounds and you can lose pounds.big whoop. a pretty face is still a pretty face

>people saying she got fat
Is this a new meme or something?

She isn't.

I am forgotten.

Attached: Charlotte-Hope-ch.jpg (2000x2997, 1.84M)

Gilly unironically looks like she had six successive pregnancies and she's still in the show. D&D just don't care about Bran or anyone related to his plot.

She was hot af and went full frontal in her first scene iirc.
She's pretty much vanished since GoT, just occasional bit parts on Brit tv.


hipbones sharper than dragonglass

cutest girl on GoT, bar none
RIP in pieces

Sorry I dont like boneing skellingtons

>t. fat american conditioned to find obesity attractive

looks fine to me.

Attached: charlotte-hope-r234.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>those hipbones

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fucking amerifats

Actually she is one of the most important characters in the whole story. Arguably more important than Joh, Dany, Tyrion and almost all the rest.
The only that needed to happen was
>ned get killed
>arya runs away
>becomes le ebin assassin
>bran goes north and becomes 3er
>bran sits in the godswood watching sansa get raped
>goblin girl sneak attacks NK

can someone tell me what's the point behind bran becoming the three eyed raven?
it took him 6 seasons and what is the result of it? nothing useful at all.

>Maybe the real jihad was the friends we made along the way?

I am forgotten.

Attached: Talitha Luke-Eardley game of thrones.webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

look at the muscles and veins around his elbow. he really went for it.

Did we ever find out why he was only half zombie? Did he die with the Others?

I am forgotten.

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Letting the NK move past the wall because the feckin ejit ran south after being grabbed.

wish I could downvote this garbage. shame, guess its back to plebbit for me \_[•_•]_/

He was killed by the swarm of zombies that overtook him after he gave Jon his horse in the Beyond The Wall episode in season 7.

didn't she marry tommen in real life?


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She looks like she doesn’t shave her armpits.

If anons spoilers are true you are not

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>retaking the thrown
why did they throw it in the first place if they wanted to keep it

I am forgotten.

Attached: Sharpe - sharpe's siege.webm (720x405, 2.94M)

Those fucking Armenian eye brows

why couldn't ned ask for gold rather than cat, leave her for littlefinger and have a wife who isn't retarded

Previous actress was better

She doesn't shave anything, besides her gfs

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Well shit

looks like it's lining up pretty well

Yes. She should have sex with me

Sounds like something the Mountain would do since he's retarded now

Tommen's actor is gay

> house reed support
but house reed has no fucking army to speak of

They control the neck which 10 men could hold back an army?

>she got fat

Even better!

I had a girlfriend once that looked a lot like her. It pained me when this chick showed up. Jewish girls are a drug.