Who is the best Chris and why is it Pine?

Who is the best Chris and why is it Pine?

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Our Lord Jesus, he will always be the best Christ


They're all around the same level acting wise. Just barely above average Looks -wise is subjective obviously but that has to go to Hemsworth. Personality-wise, Pine and Evans are cucked to the max, whereas Hemsworth and Pratt are both based and redpilled in their own ways. However if I remember correctly Pratt is a christcuck which means he's retarded on certain issues. I also remember hearing about him and Ferris abandoning their dogs in the fucking streets. Hemsworth knows how to have fun, and is probably cucked on certain issues but has had 3 beautiful white children and comes from a huge white family, whereas Pratt and Ferris had 1. All of them except Pine have worked on low budget comedies and ruined their integrity, but I can't begrudge a man just trying to get a paycheck.


Hemsworth: Sure he was in Ghostbusters, but the man is contributing to saving whites, and is super handsome and chill.
Pratt: Believes in God and abandons dogs, probably is a bad husband since he got hot, but is redpilled otherwise

Evans: Cucked, fucking faggot who thinks his gated white community won't get overrun soon with 3rd worlders who don't know how to use toilet paper, but is a fantastic Captain America and really carries his films well, even when he was in shitty comedy central movies he was fun to watch. Also he seems great in interviews so I'm not sure why his political opinions are so shitty.

Pine: Fucking cried when they played that song at the Oscars. Probably completely insufferable as a human being, very bad at playing Kirk, might be the best actor out of the bunch.

Wow. White people really do all look alike.

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>and why is it Pine?
he's the only one who can act

Yeah we’re all pretty handsome, thanks

You're so right about Evans. If I never browsed here I wouldn't have any idea what his political opinions are. He never brings them up for interviews and always seems fun, and he always brings it for his movie roles but his social media is as preachy as humanely possible.

Patrician tastes will differ on whether Hemsworth or Pratt is the best Chris, but all acknowledge those two are the top tier Chris's. There is absolutely no debate though that of the shitty two Chris's, Pine is still faggier than faggy Evans.

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Hemsworth: managed to overcome the bad actor stigma with Chad charisma
Pratt: Meme actor whose shtick wore off about 2 years ago
Evans: was a meme, only became respectable for playing boy scout
Pine: best actor of the bunch, but is a fag and managed to hit the wall as a man

I outright ignore all media as much as possible for obvious reasons, but even with limited exposure Evans shows his true colors as a shitlib race traitor. Such a shame because the guy seems so genuinely charming and lovely in his interviews. The disconnect between the person and the views is scary

Chris Chan

funny guy. very american and charismatic like offtheranch dude.

sexy ass handsome mofo, funny guy too. very polite for some reason.

ok dude, pretty charming guy. he likes to steal shit tho he has like 10 mjolnir props in his house that he took from the movie sets. he also stole 3 stormbreaker props, signed them all and shipped them all to his house in australia so he can pass them down to his kids in case they need money. he also stole 2 captain america shield props for some reason.

who the fuck is this youtube eceleb patreon ebeggar no job no future meme spouting nobody?

>who the fuck is this youtube eceleb patreon ebeggar no job no future meme spouting nobody?
He's actually the only one of the bunch that doesn't use social media and owns a flip phone

>Who is the best Chris

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those all suuuuck

best Chris is Chris Bauer

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>If you want to make a movie people will actually take seriously
>If you want to hang out and get a beer
Pratt and Hemsworth
>If you want your dick sucked


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In terms of looks they're all solid 10/10s

As actors Pratt and Hemsworth have more charisma.

Evans because he's the most likeable and also that ass