I just have one unanswered question about endgame:

I just have one unanswered question about endgame:

How did Thanos' ship (and his army) travel through the quantum realm to the future (present)? I thought you needed the Pym particles to do so, but the only one left was used by past Nebula when she came back to set up the machine so Thanos could come to the present.

Also how the hell do you use the Pym particles on a massive ship when said ship was not configured to use Pym particles like the one that Hank used to travel through the quantum realm

Attached: avengers-endgame-trailer-13.png (1882x794, 760K)

Tony Start was able to invent Time Travel in 30 seconds, and you're questioning why a bunch of aliens who are able to travel in space, use magic and locate the infinity stones locations and questioning why they're unable to reverse engineer pym particles or use time travel?

This is why I browse Yea Forums. This is basically one of the few places in the world where you can see some common sense and reasoning. A lot of shitposting as well, but well, that comes with the territory (we're dealing with mostly outcasts after all, me included).

>common sense
Nobody asked buddy

Shut the FUCK UP you little faggot holy shit.

My doubts came from the little time that had passed between the avengers coming back to the present and past Thanos coming. But then I remembered how time travel works in the mcu.

I feel silly now

They have a literal wizard who can probably just alakazam the pym particles to make more

>where you can see some common sense and reasoning
>get called a shill or tranny for saying anything outside the bubble
You're retarded. This is one of the lowest IQ boards too btw

He didn't invent time travel, he figured out how to control it.

Past Nebula did hand a tube of the pym particles to Thanos

From the Russo Q and A
>Q: How did Thanos bring his army to the future?
>A: There is a guy called Maw in his army, he was a great wizard. Thanos himself was a brilliant genius as well. Those two easily reverse engineered and mass produced Pym Particles.

>invented time travel in 30 seconds
It’s implied he was working on that model for years and pretty much gave it up as impossible by the time the avengers showed up at his house. His knowledge on quantum physics exceeded Scott and Banners, he just didn’t know much about traveling through the quantum realm or have access to pym particles. Once those came into play he put it all together. And while it seemed like they did it overnight because of how fast the scene was, did we really need. 30 minute scene explaining how difficult it was to build and test the machine? The important part for the story was that it worked, not how it worked

have sex


When I saw the ship go through, my first thought was "Oh, Thanos' top hyper-intelligent alien scientists reverse engineered the Pym particles."

its a film, nuff said

Nebula handed the vial of Pym particles to Thanos that she wiped from her future self.


But they're too stupid to study the suit?

>Those two easily reverse engineered and mass produced Pym Particles.
>And Tony Stark couldn't
lol, get fucked Tony
that's actually really fucking dumb, though, they should be on about equal levels of intelligence

That's true actually, and who said Thanos and co. were following right on Nebula's tail? They could have had months to work on it before going forward in time.

>inb4 turn off your brain

they did have pym particles and pym particles tell normal reality to fuck off

But then how did she get back to the present, they only had one tube each.

Exactly. Months, years maybe, advanced tech, wizards, but hey only Tony can figure shit out. Based Tony.

Just turn your brain off bro

Did you fucking not watch the film or read the OP? They only had two Pym particles each. One for going in and one for getting out. They make this so abundanttly clear it's the reason why Cap and Tony go to 1970 in the first place. Nebula only had one particle in her, the one for getting back. And it was used when her past self gets back. So how did they make their entire fucking army small enough to travel through the quantum realm?

I love you guys, please never change

Not comfortable havin sex with a transsexual

Oh, Thanos, I forgot to tell you there's this gal, Captain Marvel,she could destroy your ship in 3 seconds and wipe your army, but don't worry, carry on...

it's all magic nigga.

The whole time travel thing, without the time stone is fucking retarded, yes. Anyone with half a brain knows this.
This. If you can accept infinity stones, Tony Stark inventing time travel in a few hours, etc. Then being pedantic about Thanos using time travel is a little silly.

I'm not saying "turn off your brain", but some suspension of disbelief is okay when it comes to scifi/fantasy.

>an earth human should be on par with alien geniuses with technology hundreds of years more advanced
Ok buddy

Maybe they both went together at the same time or Thanos made more?

Did you not see Nebula give the pym particles to Thanos? Did you not read the rest of the thread?

Q: How did Thanos bring his army to the future?

A: There is a guy called Maw in his army, he was a great wizard. Thanos himself was a brilliant genius as well. Those two easily reverse engineered and mass produced Pym Particles.

Please try to be less dumb.

OP here. yeah, I thought they were waiting for nebula to open the portal for them just after they'd found present nebula.

how come the aliens arent all flying around in ironman suits

Coz it is fucking lame? Plus they never really got a copy of Ironman's shit

He made more, Thanos got the pym particles from Nebula and Maw was able to reverse engineer and mass produce it. This is the canon answer. The way time travel worked, any amount of time could have passed for the different avengers teams but they all would have ended up back at the same point in time. Nebula could have spent weeks before jumping into the present

This is the right answer.

Didn't Nebula have Thanos' shrunken ship in her pocket?

Fuck this site. I just got banned for a post from 2016 I didn't even make.

We love you too, fag. Now go have sex.


They clearly show it flying through the portal right as Banner is doing the snap, without Nebula operating the controls in the lab

So the platform was just some sort of beacon in case you need to find the right path? That means he used the time travel technology?

He should have at least been able to make more.

The movie was a horrific mess.
Who fucking cares?

Who at the begining of the movie said she had a wide area to cover and Earth probably wouldn't see her in next two months.

Now if you complained about how cap feminist was peacekeeping the space since the 90's and never heard about Thanos nor ever ran into his forces or his planetary genocides when everyone in the Universe knew who Thanos was then you'd have a point, but that's what happens when you force shove SJW into anything and try to pretend it was always there and it's the origin of everything.


Also, when evil Nebula opened the time portal a few hours later Thanos could have been prepping for a couple months or even a few years when the portal opened on his side.

Which makes it completely worse that Thanos didn't wipe out the Avengers in a single instant. He could've made Nebula scout out the compound and create a general plan to fuck up everything, it was literally a perfect ambush situation for Thanos, but it was squandered.

Oh well it's only capeshit.

tony also should not have been able to use the Stones

Bigger fuck up, if the particles can shrink a ship with unlimited seating, they could have all gone to each timeline in the Guardian’s ship. Hell, the coukd have probably brought a whole armored division too.

To be fair, in Ant Man and the Waspfu, they shrink vehicles and shit while the people inside get shrunk as well (w/o suits). Idk how the particles work but apparently they only need to be used on the “container”

>Tony Start was able to invent Time Travel in 30 seconds
>The movie showed me 30 seconds to it took the character this long

It could have been a day or a week. Similarly if Thanos and his team reverse engineered pym particles they had effectively years. They were in 2014, if it took them a week, then it did, the movie doesnt need to show the passage of time, just the information we need.

And how would they communicate the plan to one another?

Could Thanos arrive in a different spot/time in that timeline? Or he needs the platform?

i can buy into magical artifacts being tuned specially for these stones and usable by those with the right capacity for it--loki, ronan, strange, thanos--but hulk and iron man were awkwardly ass-pulled.

Literal reddit comment, fuck off

Fucking cringe ass reddit comment