So are these two confirmed to be "knuckles" and "Tails"?

So are these two confirmed to be "knuckles" and "Tails"?

Attached: Screenshot_20190501-125005_YouTube.jpg (970x798, 350K)

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She looks like she fucks white guys

The lady is Kniggers

bruh she finna a FIVE HEAD

I'm so happy James Marsden can get serious work after Westworld.

>serious work
This is bait right

I see it

Attached: KnucklesRemastered.png (1082x1895, 1.61M)

Attached: 1556658104322.png (447x390, 100K)

Did you even watch season 2

Ugandan Knuckles was supposed to just be a joke you know.

she cute

Lel, she actually does look.

Is OP confirmed to be "gay" and a "fag"?

She is married to one so

Attached: 1556652755301.png (1192x1186, 1.74M)

This movie seems to be taking some creative liberties. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up as some pseudo tails and knuckles simply because they are buddies with sonic. Something about them seem like the human form of these characters.

This movie looks so bad I'm gonna pay and watch it multiple times in cinemas

How did they fuck it up so bad?

Attached: 1556655871391.jpg (720x415, 46K)

Looks cartoonish

if he wasn't blue that shit would be legit nightmare fuel

God how could they fuck up this bad. He has one of the most iconic and recognizable designs in gaming history. Stick with what works. Absolutely disgusting.

Same thing they did with the Ninja Turtles. And Transformers. What you nerds don't understand is they are taking everything from our childhoods and distorting it to push an agenda that most people don't have the ability to see because they are doing it in baby steps. Long story short, white people are to be eradicated from the planet. They are doing this through making it socially unacceptable for whites to congregate and act as a unified racial group, and then they attack white culture and history until it's gone.

You may not like it, but this is based and redpilled.

Her hair looks like Knuckle's hair, and Marsden has light brown hair and blue eyes like Tails

All negresses in movies fuck white guys. They wouldn't get work otherwise.

Action adventure cartoons are white culture? They're just as big with every other race as well as white people, so I'd say it's just general American culture. You gotta raise the bar for what you think white culture and history is.

If a videogame/cartoon franchise for kids with autism about a blue hedgehog who can run really fast is some sort of high point in "white culture and history", I'm not sure I wanna be white.

She does


No one said it's a "high point" faggot. It's simply part of it. And they are doing it to ALL white culture.

Sonic was created in Hawaii, my fellow whitey

Sonic is Jap culture, friend.

japs are honourary whites, retard

I thought Sonic was a japanese thing like most videogames from that time.

Naziboo coping this hard. Uncle Hitler was wrong boyo

Unironically this. They've just started to erode Japanese culture as well.

The vast majority of white children have some connection to that game. It is part of white culture. I didn't say it was invented by a white person. Keep trying, jackass.

>leftypol damage control

The only problem is we can't tell if you're a cucked white, a straight up kike, or a nigger hoping the death of whitey means better for you. (It won't be)

I think so, the one on the left looks Ugandan.

Attached: knuckles.jpg (473x266, 23K)

Unironically this is true. It's more of a runoff of the general problem that objective beauty and art is under attack. Jews have never had a sense of the beautiful.

I'm actual happy that the kikes at jewood are finally pushing WMBF propaganda for a change. WMBF is the kino pairing, we need more of it.

Attached: american_couple.jpg (500x373, 27K)


It's a shame watching it happen. I don't know how many times we have to watch an absolute garbage of a remake of something come out before they stop this shit. Make a Sonic character that looks very similar to the game and make bucket loads of money. Instead they'll take a risk and change Sonic to this thing. Like with so many other characters, movies, even entire franchises. Why? There's not going to be MORE money than the original design, even if this freak looking Sonic is successful. So why are they doing it? There has to be a purpose. These are not dumb people, they are wealthy business men making these decisions. And then you think about who they are, and who they associate with, and who they are politically aligned with and it all starts to make sense. It's like they hate their majority target audience and they are trying to forcefully change our culture to reflect their political wishes.

WMBF statistically have the strongest, most stable marriages. What's the opposite you ask? WWBM

>Says "kikes" and "jewood"
>Supports destroying whites by promoting mixed races

Women are the ones that preserve the genetic stock of a tribe, as long as they are not being conquered by another tribe, its okay for the men of the tribe to spread their seed to women from other tribes. Its actual a good thing.

there's nothing wrong with this

>It is part of white culture

American Culture

wait what does this have to do with cgi sonic?