Brie: [with sexy voice] hey Peter Parker

Brie: [with sexy voice] hey Peter Parker

Jesus Christ, Peter is 16 in Avengers.

Why did they let Brie flirt with him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

to have sex

DONT have sex guys it’s a trap

I actually liked her in that scene. Seemed normal for once.

Brianne is not a trap

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How did she even know his name?

Nothing in this fucking movie makes sense

because he told the she-male: hey, i'm peter parker

I prefered her in parks and rec, though.

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Brie was never in Parks and Rec

He literally tells him a second before "hi i am peter parker"

> Hey Peter Parker, you have got something for me

(Peter in his mind: don´t say the dick, don´t say the dick, don´t say the dick)

Still, there are stuff that didn´t make sense... like you know how everyone returns 5 years later and nothing of the last 5 years is changed? Why is Peter´s nerd fat friend still in school? (you can tell time did pass because he is surprised as fuck to see him) or, Falcon´s beard. What the fuck is up with that beard man... it´s all kinds of wrong.

wow qt

He wasn't surprised to see him he felt sorry for him because iron man is dead

>sexy voice


apparently that line was brie's idea and she demanded that they not cut it

If you find vocal fry sexy, you should die in a fire.

muricans are the most retarded people in the world when it comes down to sex and age of consent. As result we have nation full of 30+ years old virgins who still have no clue where childrens come from

>the after credits scene where carol pins peter down with her powers and amazon presses him into submission

that sure was a weird note to end the movie on, but I respect raimi's decision

what's she yammering about

Should I forgive the abscence of ass for a nice midriff?

future MCU scene will bookend this one except with captain marvel dying (as an old lady) and spidey (around the age of iron man 1 RDJ) taking on her role as unifier of the avengers

absolute kino
bravo as yet unknown former indie movie director!

Shes a pedo


What backwater shithole do you live in where the age of consent is above 16


>lol u must live in a shithole if adult men can't fuck high schoolers


Attached: brie.jpg (660x634, 67K)

u want to fuck a 16 yo?
that's a literal child bro.

glad I'm not the only once who noticed the beard (and Evans' hairpiece)

so everyone could see she is a borderline pedo



16 is legal in most states, ignorant user.

You could tell she was a huge afterthought in this film and the Russos really didn't want her around or know what to do with her.
She literally does a 'I have to go now, my planet needs me' after the first 5 minutes and then arrives right at the end for some shoehorned CGI wankery.

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maybe in the rape states

So what say you about it being 12 in Mexico?

He might have been surprised that Peter got dusted too.

>she was a huge afterthought in this film
You could tell there was a point in editing where the big gurl power scene was supposed to be the end of Thanos. I think the rumors of there being 2 cuts & they chose the one with less Brie after the CM controversy were accurate.

I sure hope your sentiment is real. Seethe more.

But that´s the thing. If Iron man is dead that´s the present so he shouldn´t be at school. If Peter was sent to the past instead then Iron man is not dusted and there is no reason to be surprised.

About Thor, did the lighting on the final battle braided his beard? What´s the logic behind that? And how come Big Lebowsky Thor is still worthy?

Mexicans are largely subhuman, makes sense

Women flirt with younger men all the time, incel.

Can the infinity stones cure the cringe I felt from that forced girl power ensemble bit

>did the lighting on the final battle braided his beard? What´s the logic behind that?
Why not? It gave him his armor, might as well make it a full costume change.
>And how come Big Lebowsky Thor is still worthy?
He only stopped being worthy when he was an arrogant asshole, he still wants to do the right thing but he's lost his self-confidence.

Supposedly they originally wrote her as God Sue for completely obvious political reasons, then scrambled to edit as much as they could out when standalone became the subject of endless ridicule.

I was thinking that, especially considering all of his old friends seem to be in the Spiderman sequel. I guess every major Spiderman character was conveniently turned to dust, although it would be hilarious watching Peter get seduced by a 21 year old MJ.

>younger men
16 is a child.

>forced child actress
>show boobs and ass in to maintain a career as an actress when she's 18+
>gets awards for being barely above average
>starts preaching women empowerment after she hits the wall


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straw meme

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>Thinking about Stan. What a legend. R.I.P.

>earns $3 Million for starring in a shit movie

>16 is a child.
No, no...we don't let children drive cars or work jobs or consent to sex (like most 16-year-olds can). Seethe more.

she always wanted to be an actress tho

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>someone was paid money to voice this or, god forbid, did it for free
Truly a clown world we're living in. Everything is possible now.

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I wouldn't mind putting a straw in each pair if you catch my drift.

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But aoc in Mexico is 18 in most states


Even here she looks like she's no fun
>inb4 shes clearly pissed
She comes off as a bitch, not as someone who is angry

>ywn have captain marvel's flat ass 5 inches from your face
It hurts.

ok (((((anonymous)))))) poster.

At least she's not a bitch to kids.

His name is Spider-MAN, not Spider-child.

>She's got help.
>female Avengers run peg train on Spidey

Jesus, did James Gunn write this?

>just be yourself bro
Great advice, 'cept it doesn't work when you're a meathead like me.

Don't forget about her failed musical career. That probably left a huge mark on her ego

Weird, wild stuff.

>come here you fucking incel

Attached: Brie-Larson-Hottest-Sexiest-Photos-2.jpg (550x373, 44K)

This is a fucking lie

Have sex.

Because he’s one hot piece of ass OP

I'd do it. I don't care anymore.

He literally told her his name you retard

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It's not as bad as when the GOTG crew brought up a dance-off to save the day and Peter went "like in Footloose?!". I could forgive Starlord Peter misremembering the plot of Footloose, but why the fuck would Spider-Man Peter immediately think of it?

>they had an original cut where Iron-Man isn't the hero, they just rewrote the whole thing because I didn't like the Marvel movie
You're fucking delusional.

>Yea Forums will actually pretend they wouldn't fuck this on the spot

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I absolutely would her

She was cooky, not flirty

she's not from earth she doesn't know how things are supposed to work

>you can tell time did pass because he is surprised as fuck to see him
you're reading a lot into that scene that simply doesn't exist. ned is hugging peter because he's excited that 11 yr old cunny that didn't get snapped is finally on the menu

probably about white men

holy shit it's like gumby

why did she automatically know that the plan was to take the gauntlet to the van? does she have telepathy or an invisible radio in her ear that she knew what to do?

why are all obsessed with this woman?

Very simple. A few incels got mad that she made some SJW virtue-signalling comments, a few others think she's cute.
Both sides are very literally autistic, and should be sent to outer space.

>I don't need no 40 year old WHITE DUDES

Oh, you bet.

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t. Alita

>muricans dumb
>cuz they eat burgers
>I super smart because I no yankee

Fuck off this bullshit is your typical contrarian attitude stemming from this board.

I assume they meant that in the original cut she got the stones off and gave them to Tony, rather than get swatted to the side and Tony getting them himself.





t. gayboi

Wow she really like sucking! Amirite bros?

Don't be a lazy nigger. I've been working since I was five.
Spoilers: He's not a spider either.

Milk for strong bones, user

I ship her with the classic. Let's make it happen!
Get Feige on the phone.

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Unironically a cute couple. Imagine the levels of autism.

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She's not autistic she's just stupid

>ok so Marvel fights Thanos and manages to pick the stones out of the glove
>and uses them to fight Thanos, winning the day?
>nah, she hands them to Stark so he can sacrifice himself
>brilliant! Oh wait no the successful Marvel movie was mocked by people online, better quickly rewrite and reshoot the ending now, so Tony takes the stones himself
Like I said, fucking delusional. Anything to hold on to the idea that people sperging out about her movie on here had some kind of effect.

Her voice is hot, deal with it

Wrong, confirmed sperg.

Attached: quote.png (727x264, 17K)

Slightly raspy, vocal fry voices are unironically very sexy.

Just post the movie she made for Netflix.
Pure femcel kino.

Haven't seen it but I wouldn't be surprised.
Someone needs to tell her to have sex.

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Super qt. If only her father hadn't let her down.

fuck off back to puerto rican internet

It's the next stop at the slipper slope.

It was actually not bad, at least not as bad as I expected

Incels are pedos. Just expanding their base

Because /ss/ is best

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>lol u must live in a shithole if adult men can't fuck high schoolers

What sort of third world shit hole do you live in where you're still in high school at 16?

B-but no ass

He's probably familiar because it's a play they do in HS drama club

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Theres a pretty cute girl with great boobs in my class with no ass. I'd definitely date her.

She said she's working on it when she was here.
Give it a few months.

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Is she masturbating?

literally those slip on ass implants like hank in king of the hill

>he doesn't know

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The day isn't saved with a dance-off in footloose, is the problem. There ISN'T a dance-off, there's a tractor chicken race.

user thats contouring don't be so naive. I hate to tell you but women have discovered shadowy colors around their tits and ass make them look big.
Its sad she became so insecure about the butt after all the attacks.
Its amazing how like a constant attack on one of your physical characteristics by thousands of people can take its toll.

They're not implants, I've seen her from the side too. It's still small but slightly improved.

>Its sad she became so insecure about the butt after all the attacks.
Ain't sad at all. I think it's cute she got insecure. I hope she works on it though. I like her face and tits but the ass could use some work. Literally 2 months of a specialized workout routine will give her what she needs.

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>would dead horse / 10

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Those shadows on her dress make it look artificially bigger.

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>”So are you this Penis Parker I keep hearing about?”

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how can her voice be sexy when she's got nothing but vocal fry?


What do you want her to sound like?

She's literally sporting a dyke haircut now.
Probably read one of you incels' comments about the short hair and decided to stick with it.
Peak clown world.

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This was a great little shot, her wanting to /ss/ so hard was cute and I like her dyke hair

So it was you all along.
I prefer her with longer hair. Look what you did!
Hope you're happy with yourself.

One of the weirdest marketing campaigns for this dumb bitch

t. incel

>marketing campaigns
The movie premiered like 5 years ago.

Doesn't look too bad imo.


Damn that scene was hot, it made me think that they'd be a good team. Also, I ship them....

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That's how she looks in the comics. Also short hair looks good on her


Her tits

Based Japs

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This is the greatest thing you will listen to today tbqh

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Ehh, I'll try to get used to it.
Once a waifu, always a waifu.

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I did, three times. I don't know how they got Holland and Larson do to it but they knocked it outta the park.
Those Russo brothers are dirty people.


Honestly Brie is fucking HOT how do people not see it?

>he thinks we can't see it
Still doesn't change the fact that she's a sjw shill though.

I see it, but I wanna see IT, if you know what I mean.
When's the 2nd batch of nudes coming?

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>45 minutes

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I enjoyed the one where she bowed up at Aunt May’s house with a baby bump to tell Peter he’s a daddy

When can we have an Elizabeth Olsen worship thread


>Title of Captain Marvel 2 has been announced as "Captain Marvel: Into the Boypussy"
Does anyone know what storyline this is referencing?

You people are unethical. Peter's 16.

She knew peter couldn't contain his throbbing boner from seeing a sexy strong woman arrive and smile at him with confidence
>you got something for me?
She was simply teasing him about his erection.

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16? Damn, he's older than I thought. Oh well, still would.

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These things happen.
When will these semen demons learn?

we're just having fun user

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yfw you just got the joke

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There's feeders for that guy.
These sluts will stop at nothing.

You only know the extent of genital mutilation when it is trivially shown this way.

>why would I care about some shitty movie?

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>Ywn date a bitchy neurotic teen BL that will make your life hell betray your trust ruin dating for several years for you but at the end you still forgive her and wish you could have been together

Oh look, it's the Aesop of the cut user again.
Do not listen to the advice of him who seeks to lower you to his own level.

Brie has always been nice to her bf's user, don't worry.

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I hope Peter Pounder parkers that whore like there's no tomorrow

I'm unironically extremely attracted to her here

Ned got dusted, i think everyone that’s in the Far From Home trailer also did too. But his other classmates 5 years older now

But that's like her bitchiest picture.
I thought you people didn't like that.
Why are you so indecisive Yea Forums?

>user is one person

No ass.

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While I agree a 100 percent, you would still stare at it either way.
You incels are trying to run away from nature. It won't happen.

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>He didn't have a strict helicopter mom that made him lust for similar women and fuels his misogynistic cuck fetish
I bet yoy like your women sweet affectionate and caring fag

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He already has aunt May and he met both Scarlet Witch and Black Widow...There's no way he would find Cpt Fungus Flatass sexy or attractive.

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There's two types of anons in this world.
Woman on the left looks like she wants to shove a pineapple up my ass.
Woman on the right looks like she wants to play Mario Kart.

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Exactly. Don't be that.

Why does her hair look so fucking ugly

>being this triggered in a public setting
Unironically have sex but for real. I know you want to. Stop running away from women and your instincts like a coward.

Technically he's 21 bc it's been five years.

She wasn't flirting with him you insufferable incel. She was infantilising him.

There's a difference?

Ok some real talk here, that haircut really suits her and from all her screentime in her own movie and endgame, that was the first time I found her attractive.
Yes I know shes an airheaded sjw cunt.

Yes, exactly.

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>Yes I know shes an airheaded sjw cunt.
She may not be as bad as it seems. You've just fallen from the meme like everyone else.
Too lazy to explain right now tho.


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Your image isn't exactly helping your point, you know?

The short hair worn like that make her look like Julie Bowen.

Of course its the present dipshit. He still has to finish high school even if 5 years passed for everyone else

> You've just fallen from the meme like everyone else
She's an autistic, sheltered shut in with no frame of reference to the outside world? Yeah, so are most SJWs

Peter would be legally 21 because of the time skip.

Carol is ready to exploit this loophole for the next five years

Reminder that line was Bries idea

What? No way!

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>u want to fuck a 16 yo?
>that's a literal child bro.

16 is the peak of female fertility. Problem is in red states where 16 is legal, dads with guns are pretty much the norm too.

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it’s definitely not the peak of female fertility

>hey Peter Parker? You have something for me?

Yeah this dick

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>So you're on the sex offenders registry.

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I know she's a cunt but the mommy vibes are too strong and I can't help myself.

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She played Lil’ Sebastian.

she looked really pretty in endgame and her acting was fine. Is she that much worse in Captain Marvel?

Stop shilling this ugly bitch.

I didn't even watch Captain Marvel. I have no problem with her looks desu.

I don't get these mommy vibes.
She played a high schooler in 21 jump street like what, 5 years ago?

Check the thread next time kid.

Nah, CM was all around okay. There ain't much she can do in these films considering the character itself has been so one dimensional since the beginning.
Check out Room or Short Term 12 if you wanna see acting from her.

>move came out 50 months ago
>y-you guys are shilling

Attached: baby thanos.jpg (580x612, 154K)

Well I've only watched 2 movies from her, The Room and Avengers. In The Room she was a literal mommy so that's probably it.

180 and walk away

Did you read the post? Did you see the movie?

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he's technically 21 because 5 years passed after the snap

He’s technically 16 because he didn’t exist for those 5 years and therefore didn’t age

He's technically Spider-Man since he's Peter Parker.
Bet you zoomers didn't expect me to know that. Heh, try again kid.

but from a strictly legal perspective he'd be 21


being this pleb and poor of taste, she looks hnnnnggg

spidey is her bitch, he know it and he love it


>starts preaching women empowerment after she hits the wall
there have seriously been a ton of actresses that have done this. And not just actresses, most women. When they're 18-30 and benefit from sexism and traditional gender roles they love it. Then they hit the wall and suddenly it's a bad thing that young women are worshipped as goddesses.
Friendly reminder to the femanons reading this: Take advantage of your youth and get a husband while there are tons of men that want to marry you.

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he's legally like 21 even if he's genetically still 16 because of the time skip, she knows this is her chance to score some shota ass

the MCU is a pedophile's paradise for the next decade or so

>painting her neck and breast
what the fuck women, what the fuck will you do when the shower take away your fake beauty?

I'll never hate this angelic creature.
Only SJW I'll ever tolerate.

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>y yeah, got a cunnilingus for you

Based lesbo user. I knew you'd come outta the woodwork sooner or later.
Tell you what, we can tag team her. Not even mad.

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The only way I would fuck her is if she kept socks on.

shota ass that's better than hers

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stop with the porn and chinese cartoons, you are too incel you cannot recognize real women anymore




It's the law of all Marvel universes that everybody wants to fuck Spider-Man.

THIS. Lost virginity at age 23 and the principle of “more money, more problems” somehow applies to sex and relationships in general as well. I miss being an aloof permavirgin-aspirant, without debt and pregnancy scare.

Old Avengers
>Steve Rodgers
>Tony Stark
>Black Widow

New Avengers
>Brie Larson
>Black Panther
>Black Cap (Falcon)
>Black Valkyrie
>Scarlet Witch

BIG yikes and a hard pass.

>left the love of her life
Must not have been the "love of her life" if she left then?

she didn't realize it until after she left him. Same with a lot of women. Any woman who is still single in her 30s and 40s has already rejected a dozen men that she could have lived happily ever after with. Remember that the next time you hear a woman complaining about dating problems, any woman in her 20s could find a husband if her standards were halfway reasonable.

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>implying Alex Greenwald didn't tap her every night like a church bell

Some kind of captain falcon

don't take Yea Forums memes so seriously, she's hot as fuck EXCEPT for her feet

Hulk will probably still be an avenger. and maybe Ant-Man and Spider-Man will become avengers. And I'm sure Hawkeye has nothing better to do.

in the beginning of the movie when the monitor shows all dead with the name

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was she ever attractive?

She's 10/10 for Kevin Fegay

>not Faggy

come on user. apply yourself just a little bit

I had to cover my little cousin's eyes when she started fucking Peter in the amazon position. What the fuck Disney?

It would make absolutely no sense for Black Panther and Valkyrie to be Avengers. They are leaders of nations with their own shit to worry about. I couldn't see T'challa specifically ever wasting time with that if it wasn't aligned with his own goalds.

Someone needs to edit the white girl with a bunch of black dudes porno picture but with Spidey as the girl and the marvel women as the dudes.

You just know...

>didn't tap her every night like a church bell
A wordsmith user.

>super strength
>assertive personality
>clearly into /ss/
>parker has super endurance
literally made for each other

You're a fucking retard

Because they're going to make her a lezzie

Plastic straw? Someone hates the environment.

>Peak clown world.

Attached: 1547333968605.png (841x753, 941K)

Scratch that.
NOW it's truly a peak clown world.

>she has sex with peter
>ends up dying of cancer

>there's Yea Forumsfags on Yea Forums
I thought I was the only one. It ain't fair.

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Imagine all the Marvel women cornering Parker in the locker room while wearing their hero suits haha


You never had an older lady flirt with you when you're in your late teens?

My Mum's friends did it all the time. One always tried to kiss me when she was drunk. Good times.

there is no legal precedent for not existing as part of reality in any way and then coming back later


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any id/birth certificates he has would date him to 21 years old

you didn’t let her?

no one is actually offended by /ss/, we just have to pretend it's the same as men preying on little girls because of equality under the law

And yet he's physically 16. If he had disappeared when he was 5 and had come back 15 years later, do you think anyone would believe he's 20?

ok but you can have stunted development and be physically adolescent yet still technically an adult and have all the legal privileges thereof

>Tony saw this happen to the closest thing he ever had for a son right after he returned from the dead
No wonder he didn't mind volunteering for the snap

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Carol slid her breasts down to the base of Peter's cock and reached underneath to squeeze Peter's balls. She squeezed Peter a couple times and weighed the glorious weight inside of her balls. She stroked him a couple of times.

The grip around Peter had been released. Carol smiled and kissed the head of his cock, swirling her tongue around him. She pulled up and watched Peter twitch.

The sensation of her mouth around him made Peter almost burst inside of her mouth. Carol stroked him from the base all the way to the head of his cock. She squeezed him hard and pushed deep around her mouth. Carol slurped him extremely hard and sucked him for a couple more minutes.

"Want a taste?"

>ok but you can have stunted development and be physically adolescent yet still technically an adult
That's a bit more complicated and I think it depends on the mental development of the person. If they look 12 but are 20 intellectually and on their ID, then they are adults. If they're intellectually 6 but 20 physically, they're retards.
The problem is, Peter has had no development during the time he has been dead. He is still 16. You could say he can get away with it saying he's 21 and just looks young to get /ss/'d, but he's 16.

We can assume she had some kind of communicator. Rogers says, "Danvers, we need an assist here" when he isn't even close to her. She very likely overheard the conversation about it as she was entering the battle.

She has zero muscle mass and a moonface. She can look hot sometimes when she really tries, but she's naturally unattractive.

she did seem very flirtatious and sexual to young Peter Parker
almost a borderline pedo

>after the events of endgame spidey is just trying to rest it off in his room
>tap on his window
>Carol floating out there



if Peterts fat friend wasn't dusted then why wasn't he 5 years older. Ant mans daughter aged and became teenager. Fat friend should be in college

Elizabeth Olsen Wants Scarlet Witch To Team Up With Spider-Man

He's leaked the title of the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel and now, actor Tom Holland has a potential team-up on his hands.

During a panel at Ace Comic Con in Seattle earlier today, actress Elizabeth Olsen revealed that if she could team-up with one member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she'd likely choose Holland's Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

"I kind of want to play with Spider-Man, right? He's cute," Olsen joked. "And he's really funny. I think Holland's killing it and he's so, so fun."

He probably was dusted

Because the Marvel movies are written by not very talented people

Hahahah no. But to expand, I likes her when she was just planning to kill Thanos. When she wasnt being an overpowered super saiyan god, she was actually tolerable.

if they killed past Thanos in the present then shouldn't that erase everything after the first Glaxy Gardians movie?

Wanda pushed herself onto Peter and climbed onto his chest, staring lovingly into his eyes.

"Peter, I want you"

Peter looked up at Wanda and she looked like a vision, wearing a lacy red bra which she filled out nicely. Her always smooth stomach was on display with her perfect navel. Peter rolled her over onto the bed and saw she wore a pair of crotchless red panties to show how aroused she was. The thigh high stockings made Wanda's legs look divine.

>"Damn, you're really wet," Peter groaned.

>"You made me this way."

>"No, you're just a naughty witch."

A wicked grin spread over the face of said naughty witch when she rose almost up into the air and came down onto Peter's throbbing hard cock one more time.

>"I'm your naughty witch."

Wanda bent down and kissed Peter on the lips, before she rose up from him. The glow coming from around her body enhanced her natural beauty. She pushed herself up and down on Peter's large, throbbing cock.

>"oh Peter, your cock feels bigger every time it enters my body!"

Wanda smiled, she pushed herself up and down onto Peter's magnificent piece of equipment. She buried him into her, making sure her ass bounced down upon his thighs when coming down onto him.

>"Take my ass, spank that naughty thing!"

Peter slapped her ass and it only made Wanda ride his cock more vigorously. Her wet walls pumped his aching rod between her eager thighs. The dark haired beauty kept rising and falling on Peter's engorged cock. She sucked more of Peter into her with each passing drop, lowering almost onto his pelvis

>"Oooh, I love how you rub my nipples like that. You know how they get all sensitive and hard….and you want to put my beautiful tit in your mouth and suckle on it, don't you?"

Is writing smut a new meme? I like it, continue

How do I move on now that Tony Stark is gone? I'm unironically still depressed.

Legally Spiderman is like 20, just with a 16 year old body

>"Peter….I'm…..I want you to cum inside me, please…..I'm very fertile….and I think it's time."
"Are you sure?"
>"I wouldn't be riding you like a bull if I wasn't. And you're my bull, Peter Parker, and it's time for you to come stud. Just think about how beautiful our children would be."
>"Oh, Peter, just think about how big my breasts are going to swell when I am pregnant with your baby."
>"Give me your baby, Peter, make me a Mommy!"


>Falcon´s beard
lmao it looked like he didn't have a jaw

Didn't she leave him?

Not even worth saving

This is bullshit. I live in a border town. If this were even remotely true I'd be south of the border BLEACHING brown lolis right now not shitposting on this faggy website with you niggers.

Attached: 12.png (743x534, 366K)

>"Hey kid, wanna /ss/?"

TL Note: /ss/ stands for Spider Shota

Did you even watch the movie? They have an entire scene dedicated to why you can't just kill baby Thanos. It doesn't affect your future, it creates a branching path.

Don't forget """"Spider-Man"""""

Marvel will put out black female girl iron !an movie next

fuck off

Fuck you bitch. They made it in the funny books. Falcon becomes black Captain America and they are doing that next

i hate what the future of the mcu looks like

More like
>Scarlet Witch

Not terrible, not great.

>fuck off
But it's true, Ironheart exists. Fucking funny how most Marvel fans know nothing about the comics

i know who ironheart is you fuckig idiot. it doesnt mean they're going to adopt that atoryline in the mcu.