Why Endgame has produced zero memes unlike the Infinity War...

Why Endgame has produced zero memes unlike the Infinity War? I remember a year ago Yea Forums was talking about Thanos getting hit into his infinity stones or making images with things snapping out of the existence or different characters saying "I don't feel so good", but nothing like this came out of the Endgame

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I was wondering the same thing. Maybe because it's over, the story is finished. Not a lot of original meme-able stuff in this movie?

Endgame is in the same vein as The Force Awakens. We're in the hype period now, lets see what happens in a month

even as the dust settles (ha) I doubt EG will be as meme dense. It just doesn't have the spice that IW did

Nah, those movies came out on the same day and Yea Forums was already making memes for IW in late April

You have ten seconds to name one (1) meme worthy thing from Endgame
protip: you can't

You know a film is good when you can't extract any memes from it.

It just wasn't as good a movie in total. It did well with acknowledging every single bit of the MCU, but as a movie it has shocklingly few memorable scenes for it's length and the action just sucks in comparison to IW

Those memes were forced as fuck.

Because everyone (even Yea Forums mods) is being autistic about spoilers so its impossible to make good memes about. Also Infinity War was just so much better.

We had Ant-Man jumping up Thanos ass I guess

>inb4 reddit takes captioned screenshots with a really long-winded punchline and runs the 'joke' into the ground as per usual

Because it's a worse film than IW.

it literally took memes
boomer thor for instance

It started months before Endgame came out and also it was just a silly fan theory, not based on anything that actually happened in the mvie

did anyone else think
"Yup, this is it for capeshit"
they literally did everything, there's fuck all left to do, capedhit is dead now.

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Same reason there are Empire Strikes Back memes, but not Return of the Jedi memes

People are still trying to keep it a secret so as not to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it. The cast is tweeting about it all the time

Infinity war was better.

>Why Endgame has produced zero memes unlike the Infinity War?
Because no spoilers, you stupid fuck

It's not on the internet yet. Only the normies and the biggest retards paid to see it in cinemas, and they don't make memes.

America's ass

Camrip in decent quality has leaked on 24th April

this guy knows kino

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>de wanna wanga

The meme is that the MCU is dead and only the next Guardians movie will do real numbers.

a pretty great TS from a chinese source is out there. chinese audiences don't understand the humor so they barely laugh.


Yea Forums genuinely believed that Guardians, Ant-Man, Black Panther and Captain Marvel would flop

Yeah, at the end of Spiderman 2.

>there's fuck all left to do

What about Endgame 2: The Revenge of Thanos?

Making any noise in a theater deducts from social credit.


probably because all the meme lords have been forced into having sex by Brie Larson.

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You can't make memes out of a 10/10 kino. End Game is the perfect film.