Celebrating Mediocrity

Who else is utterly confused with how things are going in the entertainment industry? A lot of directors are pulling off very lazy and stupid plot twists and just get off the hook by labeling them as “unexpected.” Pic related was also unexpected and the faggot director is still getting lambasted for it to this day, but somehow it’s a sin to call him out for his recent fuck up on a tv show? What the fuck happened? Why are fans and audiences fine with shitty conclusions and twists?

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Just lol if you believe directors have the power to do whatever anymore. If it has a big budget that means it will go through several test screenings and will get modified based on the audience response

The same thing that happened to modern art.

People are slowly realising the ratio between people who consume something because it is good, people who consume something because they are told it is good is actually weighed much more strongly to the latter.

It happened to art first, then literature, now music, cinema is just the next pit stop. Take a look at pic related, the cinematic equivalent is going to a theatre near you!

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I think a one part of it is that nobody wants to be known as the autist that critically analyzes mindless entertainment. The thing about being a sheep is that you don't go against the herd.

Everything is an agenda. Everything is a zeitgeist. Liking Episode 3 is "sticking it to the sexists". Buying big titty anime is "owning the libtards". The actual product is only half the hype these days. It's dumb bullshit.

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That urinal was groundbreaking at the time, nothing like capeshit. You don't know what you are talking about m8

Now that MCU is over (don't fool yourselves, it's fucking over,) and shit like Got is finally ending the people who feverishly care about low-rent shit like this will implode. Their world is ending.

wolverine's line about him finally shutting up is probably the funniest line I have heard in all capeshit movies

Nope, they'll latch onto the next currently popular thing, which will then be dumbed down to appeal to the masses.

I think a better question is how do these same people keep getting jobs. Pic in op is a perfect example of fucking trash and shows a clear lack of talent and writing, in what world would hbo go “oh let’s hire this guy to do ____, then let him write the conclusion to the story that hasn’t even been created by the author of the original show”

There have to be thousands of better directors that would kill to be in that position, yet somehow these hacks got the position. I don’t get it

It was just business from the get go, mediocre stuff made for average people.

You don't need to market actual art that much, it works on its own.

>There have to be thousands of better directors that would kill to be in that position, yet somehow these hacks got the position. I don’t get it

Chasing the unexpected, instead of quality, is what brought us here.

Why do people cry so hard when their cartoon-tier stories and franchises fart out disappointing plots?
The examples youre crying over are Ice Zombie Lord and a comic book character. Theyre cartoon characters and are treated as such.

Not to mention theyve been doing this for decades, like the “dream” twists in Knots Landing and Roseanne.

They could have at least allowed GRRM to have a say in how it ended. I shit on him a lot on Yea Forums for thinking that he’s as good as Tolkien, but at least let the man finish his own series.

The answer is twofold: quality is subjective, and this is what the market defines as quality. Storytelling doesn't matter to this current market, it's all about fads, controversy, and EPIC HYPE MOMENTS. All for the sake of building something more akin to a brand than a story. The reason you're disaffected is because your opinion isn't an important force in this current market.

You don't know anything about art if you don't understand what that urinal is about. The reason why people appreciate it now is for historical context more than anything. It's literally a jab at the kind of people you dislike, making fun of museums that accept any piece of crap as long as the name behind it is known.

And everyone hated those scenes. People literally said that those scenes ruined the series for them. I wouldn’t even be surprised if people grew disgusted with the trope because of that bullshit with Roseanne.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

I fail to see how that's relevant. If the work was done in "irony" then he wasn't trying to chase the unexpected or make some post modern statement. It was done to make fun of that, which is the opposite of what people interpret the art piece as.


And yet it still isn't a work of beauty, but of shock value.
[FOOD ANALOGY ALERT] If a 3 star restaurant were to serve a slab of shit on a plate to criticize the fad of presenting bizarre foods among other restaurants, it still would be a pile of crap.

It's not in a museum for its shock value or aesthetic, at least not today. Today people value it for its historical value, and not necessarily any aesthetic value. You could argue that a piece with historical value has artistic value but then we're going into what defines art and I'd rather not jump into that rabbit hole.

Because people would be uninterested otherwise. Television has made people very stupid and they can only enjoy things on a narrative level. Because of that, people want to be surprised, they want to be amazed by asspulls. Additionally, filmmakers are writing things that will maximize the amount of time their movie/show will be "trending" on the internet before people swing their eyes over to the next big thing.

People will get tired of it