Littles / DDLG

Any good documentaries about this concerning new trend?

Is this a counter to "strong indepedent woman dont need no man" culture?

>Adult women age regression
>Living lives as little girls / toddlers for "Daddy" [Open] [Open]

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Other urls found in this thread:

Feel free to examine the links, nothing is NSFW. It is just a concerning trend.

>concerning trend
Men want it (because porn has distorted their desires) and women comply. Porn is the problem as ever.

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What if this was your daughter Yea Forums

My girlfriend calls me Daddy as well, but this is fucked up.

Sometimes I browse the reddit for it for fantasy fuel
surprising amount of attractive girls are into this

Most of the girls doing this are still SJWs out of their "role" though.

The require mental disfunction to be an SJW comes with the package.

Its just a kink OP, people enjoy expressing their feelings in different ways, it doesn't mean anything deep or any sort of social rejection or counter of anything

And my god imagine reading to her in bed all cuddled up
>its not sexual
bullshit look at how she clings

Imagine having a daughter, in 2019

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>everyones wrong but me

*hits pipe*

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that's disgusting

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Women are starting to realize that they can't compete sexually with toddlers and therefore are pretending to be one. But they will never get back their delicious baby fat, underdeveloped fingernails and virgin gums not yet penetrated by teeth.

Jesus fucking Christ man.

God I miss old Yea Forums.

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i would hit my pipe

I had a chick send selfies to me with a pacier in. I made an excuse to never see her again.
It's enough I put up with normal women's bullshit let alone having to change their diapers for some weird fucking mental illness fetish.

Equal Rights for Littles Now!

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>Men want it (because porn has distorted their desires) and women comply.
No normal man wants that creepy shit. It's the women who got brainwashed into it.

Hmmm maybe it’s the difference between a 3 year old and a 16-17 year old. Not sure

disgusting tattoo

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95%+ of women like this have been raped so it isnt that funny. Sexual abuse mentally disturbs you for the rest of your life and there is literally no cure.

>no diapers
What the fuck is the point?

This bitch is fat as fuck and her 'daddy' is this ugly Mexican
Oh no no

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When your baby frame mogs you jfl

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if by "concerning", you mean "makes me diamond hard", then yes

>Women who get off playing the role of molested children.

Long as they're not hurting anyone it seems harmless.

looks like a homo

Hunting for pedodick I imagine

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I wanna fuck Keely while Elle watches us

yes adoption agency?

one little please. actually, make that two.

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Because they liked it and want that feeling back.

Not really, honestly 90% of what I've seen is women who are super into it and their boyfriends who are only mildly disgusted complying. Whether or not you care to admit there are loads of women into it.

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they're not friends anymore

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>this thread

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>they're not friends anymore
what happened? Is keely a full on drug addict now?

I don't hate this.

This shit is creepy. In just want to have normal sex in the missionary position with my wife within the bounds of holy matrimony for the sole purpose of reproduction. Is that too much to ask for?

They drifted apart after graduating HS

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Men don’t even want women to put on layers of shitty makeup on their faces or to go to clubs with them every night. But the thirsty betas who orbit them do it just to get a piece of their rotten open wound between their legs. Women are suckers for the stupidest trends, and the betas follow, creating a majority of humanity that does stupid shit, while the idealized members of society look down in shame and shake their heads as they can’t do anything to stop the masses.

Thought you spelled litties. Thought this was gonna be a thread about a litty raunchy summer romp that will have me peeing on the floor in laughter instead of some /pol/ lite shit. Fuck off nigger.

I figure most people want that.

>Not really, honestly 90% of what I've seen is women who are super into it and their boyfriends who are only mildly disgusted complying. Whether or not you care to admit there are loads of women into it.
Pretty much. I get dropped like a hot potato once it turns out that I don't want to participate in it, it's fucking insane.

Are you a fucking serial killer by any chance? Take that to Yea Forums dude holy shit I'm about to throw up.

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Most men, yeah. Women not so much. You gotta do whatever is in the porn they're watching in the current year or you're a creepy beta incel.

It's actually pedo-lite shit

It's a fucking scam. All these chicks I've ever talked to just want to be "taken care of" with your money. It's just a sugar daddy thing with a diaper fetish. It's findom without the cock and ball torture. It's just another way for chicks to make money off of lonely suckers.

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Yes, it's just a "I want to have no responsibility for anything in life up to my bowel movements" thing. Try to tell it to a woman who's into it and see how furious she gets.

So its like a normal marriage, except with a subserviant sexual little girl slave?

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So God and Satan both agree it's shit.

God I wish I was an attractive woman with a bizarre ageplay fetish

Uh wait mods?

Do you think Maisie is into DDLG?

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Being a woman honestly seems like a depressingly hollow and empty life. It’s like being an amerimutt. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.

>concerning new trend
Normalfags discovering ABDL?

wait, ABDL is in vogue now?
the fuck?

She looks like she could be.
It became mainstream because of the Miley Cyrus music video, it's been mainstream for a few years now.

Sometimes I wonder why did god allow my existence. But then I think to myself that at least I'm not a woman, god showed some mercy to my poor soul.

What video

is this a thinly veiled fetish thread?

It's been a thing for the fembots for like 10 years now.


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Just ask Google, dude.

we live in a society

>Date a latina
>She calls me papi when we fuck
I swear to god I never knew anything could be so hot. Highly recommend.