Did they replace China by Japan to not offend the gooks?
Fights in crime ridden Japan
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>the Chinese are yakuza
They weren’t criminals, Clint just hates Nippos
The replaced China with Japan so that they could find some actors that weren't in jail in the deserts of Xinjiang for tax fraud.
They unfortunately cut the line Raimi wrote about Hawkeye promising to finish the job Little Boy and Fat Man started in '45.
Hawkeye/Marky Mark team-up movie when?
Why was he even in Japan? Did the US get rid of its crime problem after the snap? Why was Thanos the bad guy? It seems to me the Avengers are just thristy for blood, they'd go at the other end f the planet to justify their need to murder. Meanwhile Thanos was peacefully planting seeds.
Now I need an entire film of him slaughtering japs
Based references to truths no one talks about poster
Civil War II is about deciding who gets to wipe out the Japs: Hawkeye and his bros or Captain Marvel and her posse. Marvel will definitely make it quick with her nuke powers but Hawkeye's way of stabbing and cutting them up is so much funner.
> longest life span in the world
> lowest crime rate in the world
> world class food
> world class transport network
> world class electronics
> world class education
> world class whiskey and sake
> world class robotics
> world class automobiles
> world class motorcycles
> word class gaming entertainment
> world class night life
> world class women
> world class wives
> world class shopping
> world class internet network
> third largest economy in the world
> already selling 16k TVs
> everything made in Japan
> invented crypto currency
> no illegal immigrants
> legal sexual services
> zero sjw problems
> free to own firearms
> no mass shootings
> legally own Yea Forums
Have you bowed down to the rising sun today
The Russos know their audience and know that there is a huge overlap of weebs and capeshiters, so they put an anime secuence in the movie with nips speeches and everything to cash in the Alita fans.
they really are superior. That said when the west isnt powerful anymore they may become nightmare fuel.
Because Japanese people, even with all their hardcore nationalism, don´t give a fuck about negative or "problematic" representations. They are based as fuck.
probably because they are grounded and can tell fantasy from reality. I feel we have forgotten how to do this in the west. A girl freaked out at me for saying "men are stronger than women"
>created K-on
Based Hawkeye doing God's unfinished work
I might underestimate how bad things can be, cause I'd have no qualms IRL stating men are physically stronger than women on average or that women are the less expendable because of their wombs. To me that's like saying the sky is blue and should not be any cause for controversy.
There aren't a japanese minority migrants in the West, that puts things into perspective. Had there been a jap minority in the US I guarantee you that representation would matter. It's not of their own, it's the maker of these shows that uses minorities for social engineering and pinning everyone agaisnt eachother while they make nedless shekels on the back of everyone.
truth is more often than not cause for controversy these days
he fight yakuza in the comics
like 3 of those are true lol
Yes but in the move he just fights normal Japanese people.
>we will never get a Ronin movie of Clint going around killing Mexicans and Japs
>Yakuza does not exist guise
Have you been watching all those feel good docos where they make the Yakuza look like totally normal people?
I xing commit no crime
>you committed a freedom of thought crime you terrorist.
Hawkeye is playing the Ronin arc set in Japan
>weebs think japan has no crime
Biggest crime is blackmail/extortion /scam
>make a wanna be idol do jav.
lol, we just assumed those guys Hawkeye chopped up were Yakuzas. He's actually just going on a rampage GTA style killing innocents.
he's not even in Japan, he's in little tokyo outside down town LA
it basically has no crime that's fact. Yakuza are actually partially responsible for that as the result is criminals only fighting other criminals.
that's why everyone else acts like what he was doing was so unhealthy, but they know him by now so they mostly excuse his racist behaviour
>no crime
>criminals only fighting other criminals
So is his name Hawkeye or Ronin now? Why did he have big weird gay faux hawk
lmao this part was epically stupid trash.
and prior to that he shot up a taco bell
the characters he is fighting literally say "why are you doing this?" and "we didn't do anything to you!" lol
just google the crime rates and compare familymart
>probably because they are grounded and can tell fantasy from reality
If only you knew how bad things really are
I don't even understand this subplot at all.
He was butthurt that certain criminals were still alive after the snap so he's going after them to kill them. That's why we hear off-screen that he slaughtered a bunch of cartel members also.
calm down faggot weeb
We should blow this up on Twitter and repost the reactions in individual Yea Forums threads
Who is this w*man in the picture
> no illegal immigrants
If you ignore all the human trafficking then sure
I still can't get over this, they turned him into a literal weeb and no one said anything
He lost his family, started to dress in all black, called himself Ronin, started speaking Japanese, got a samurai tattoo, a katana and an undercut and then travelled to Japan to have Katana fights with Gangsters and dialogue like "Stop....don't give me hope..."
Its so fucking edgy i can't believe it
Why wasn't he killing the 13% in the US?
Disney was trying out waters for their upcoming anime cinematic universe, how goofy / edgy shit can they get away with
Nah, they were trying out the waters for the Kingdom Hearts cinematic universe
What the absolute fuck is this
Clint doesn't though. He made a film about Japanese soldiers during WW2 from their prespective.
Already a thing.
The jap concentration camps in America would like a word fag
Spiderman and Thor?
he went all around the world, for example mexico. ronin was probably just the name he was given in japan. you are only right about the katana and haircut
>The jap concentration camps in America would like a word fag
Japanese americans are only 0.4% while asians in general make up to 5%, black 13%
You have to be significant to matter
the most influential creation in all of history
Why did Thanos say it’s personal in the final battle even though he literally has not interacted with anyone from Earth since he’s from 2014?
Sure he saw Nebulas memories but that’s not really him getting beheaded, and besides the one doing that is from Asgard.
That just further proves the original guy’s point that Japs are superior. Why would they want to leave their glorious island to come to this shithole country?
I know that K-on can be enjoyable but I refuse to let myself be entertained by this cutesy shit.
If Scarjo didn't stopped him, Clint would have killed Abe
Anri Okita
Wait, so with Hawkeye turning ninja does that make two characters named Ronan? The Accuser and ninja Hawkeye?
Ronan and Ronin, you illiterate fuck
the german cut had a scene where he was genociding in africa during the 5 years, but i suppose they cut it out for the american audience
pretty based and redpilled movie i must say
how can one man be so based?
>none of this matters because Japs will be gone by 2080
Why didn't he just stay in America? In a year there are more homicides in Chicago than in all of Japan.
Based Clint
>trying to glorify island gooks
>posts a fucking hapa
is he friends with marky mark
> invented crypto currency
This is untrue. The guy who invented crypto is a white guy who went by a Japanese name pseudonym.
Why is Raimi still allowed to direct? So problematic!
Gook is a Vietnamese slur. What you're looking for is chink.
then why they commit suicide more than any other country?
I wish they had show him killing those cartel spics
In doctor strange they changed the ancient one to a white woman because he was originally tibetan so as not to offend the chinese government
They also moved the location of the sorcery temple away from Tibet
>invented bubble coin
Ok retard
>weeb doesn't know about hidden crime rates
Japan isn't your magical fantasy land, even if it's objectively better than places like America.
No no you're right, and those world class women love white guys.
>literally one of the lowest crime rates in the entire world
>Jewlywood always depicts them as nothing but Yakuza-infested slums
>t. Dolce & Gabbana
Why'd you post such a goddam landwhale, I thought the couch was a thigh for way too long and I finished too quickly
>that bit where clint gets revenge on the japs for nanking and pearl harbor
>looks directly at the camera and squints his eyes
Woah raimi was real based
>more than any other country?
Greenland commits the most actually.