What are some comedy movies that actually made you smile for once?

what are some comedy movies that actually made you smile for once?

Attached: what-we-do-in-the-shadows.jpg (1803x1200, 1.17M)

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What We Do in The Shadows is one of my all time favourite comedies. Deacon is my husbando.

Is the show worth watching?



Are they the same characters from the movie or a different bunch of vampires?

different bunch but theyre great too

same premise but different chars and backstories.

it's literally the perfect comedy
every time you watch it you pick up on something you didn't notice before

the tv show is also watchable, I really love all the characters. watch it people

Nadja following that guy and watching him jerk off

I almost died bros

I'm actually surprised how great the series is, too bad literally no one is watching it

It's legit one of my favorite movies to watch now. I love these cheeky cunts. How this movie came to be the way it is, is a pure miracle.

Hot Fuzz
Austin Powers
Crank 2
Life of Brian
Shaun of the Dead
Sunny 2011
Burn After Reading
World's Greatest Dad
Stream That Movie If You're So Great
Walk Hard

and What We Do in The Shadows is of course comedy kino

Charade (1963)

To add to this post, I really tried liking the series, but I didn't enjoy the acting and the humor was very dry. The only amusing part for me was the whole energy vampire idea, but that's it.

best couple on tv right now

why is Nadja so perfect guys

Attached: 655bb71d-8160-437c-a128-d03d248bb8f6-WWDITS_101_0800r.jpg (2986x1680, 1004K)

I really got tired of this style of humor but this is a decent cast.

Based. Cary Grant is amazing



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Nadja is a cute

There's a bit of rehashed jokes from the movie, but there's enough new material to make it for it.

Comedy is for tubes and unsophisticated Neanderthals who cannot appreciate the art of cinema. I deride anyone who finds comedy enjoyable.