*Hits pipe*

>*Hits pipe*

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just read the comments
the end is near

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At want point does he compromise with his wife and then tells his girl "If you want to learn I'll teach you?"


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no it is not reasonable for a 12 year old to masturbate with sex toys

thats like skipping 4 or 5 steps and going straight to adulthood

Its a very simple situation actually.
He files for divorce along with the proof that his wife, the girls mother is trying to sexually corrupt their daughter cause guess what folks, that is against the law, corruption of a minor, and the child will now never speak to the father again so its a lost cause.

Its better to get out now then have her come home at 16 pregnant and asking daddy for money to raise it.

Its the trouble with having a daughter, its really a 50/50 crap shoot on if you get a decent child or some monster, but its 10/90 if the wife is the same monster.

If you didn’t masturbate by 12 years old, you were late. Vibrators at that age is kind of fucking weird but not at all warranting of the response the dad had.

>If your 12 year old daughter wants to masturbate and have a vibrator, you need to support her

What the fuck, I'm not buying my son a fleshlight when he's 12. Who writes this shit?

The op was a fraud. Good bait from that guy though, got some golden responses from people so pro-feminism that it shoehorned into the absurd