Are there any good movies about the sex recession we're in right now?
I've heard of Jeff Who Lives At Home, not sure if there are others.
Are there any good movies about the sex recession we're in right now?
I've heard of Jeff Who Lives At Home, not sure if there are others.
Other urls found in this thread:
Alita: Battle Angel
Well, all the animes. But you already knew that, didn't you.
Have sex.
The new Sonic movie
Doesn't everyone live at home?
I remember when western media used to talk about how the sex recession is a uniquely Japanese thing.
Because they were also pushing the narrative that immigrants were our saviours, and they have lots of sex with their cousins.
European native birthrates are worse than Japan's in most places.
It fit neatly into our popular conception of japs as being nerds who jerk off to anime
Dudes are becoming incels, and chicks are becoming thots. Basically, everyone is to blame.
Houellebecq predicted this in 1998
If you moved every non black Puerto Rican to Ireland and have is a budget we would repopulate your entire race. We're so insecure and sexual that not only would be make a bunch of hazel eyed straight haired babies but we would make sure a lot more white guys are also doing it too to cover for us because we don't like doing anything alone.
Get me a production team. Lol. That usually means a 3D animation studio.
Social media ruined it. It inflated girls' market values so much they all believe they're models and and entitled to the model lifestyle.
no, just men
white men.
it's a race issue, but obviously nobody will say that openly.
This is a nice theory, and it means the best is yet to come. We're the first gen with relationships built entirely on tinder profiles, which means that it's going to become more obvious than ever that every girl just rides the cock carousel until they hit 30, and then they'll never be able to settle because they've been fucking the top 10% of men for years, and now that group wants nothing to do with them.
What used to be a phenomenon solely linked to club sluts is soon going to be the reality of every woman on Earth. And who can blame them? The media promoted this garbage as a "healthy" lifestyle of fucking 7 different hot dudes a week, and it gives them all the self-esteem their dumb bird brains crave.
And when the betas with well paying jobs start noticing this en-masse, the entire concept of the family unit will become laughably outdated. At best, the only dudes getting married will be cucks who can adapt to an "open" relationship where they never have sex, and merely contribute most of their income for the ability to raise some kids that aren't theirs.
Nah. The west will just collapse.
It also expanded the pool of men women could choose from.
>(semi-attractiv to attractive) women act like entitled cunts
>most of them have fucked more men than a siphilitic prostitute from Victorian-era London
>cheating both emotional and phyical are essentially mainstream and socially accepted and due to technology shes one button away from it
>if you get her pregnant, you have no say in whether she can keep it or get rid of it. Meaning that if youre ecstatic about having a kid, she can kill it and you cant do anything about it and if you cant afford one, she can force you to pay child support for 18 years
>women have no "women skills", which were perfected over generations; they cant cook, clean, maintain a household and even if shes a stay-at-home-gf/wife, she doesnt feel that she should do your laundry or cook for you
>women have no interests outside of "travelling, eating and alcohol"
>the very few, well raised and modest women marry millionaires at age 23 straight out of university
someone explain how people are becoming both more sexual younger and yet more no sex
Well its not a "race issue" per se. Its more a "middle class majority male issue", which happens to be mostly white men.
Black men in the ghettos have to be confident and "strong", otherwise they dont survive. Similar to traditional latinos. Furthermore the upper class white men dont have these problems.
Underaged girls fucking older men I guess.
Fewer men are having sex, but the ones who are are having all the sex
80% of women at age 13 onward are having regular sex with record-breaking numbers of sexual partners.
20% of men at age 13 onward are having regular sex with record-breaking numbers of sexual partners.
It’s not a sex recession it’s eugenics
Lol come on, I live in Chicago, where in a lot of places being white is NOT a cool thing but it doesn't change that white men have the easiest time with all races. Even minorities themselves believe this and feel like their melanin holds them back. Maybe it's different with the new crop though, who knows.
>Jeff Who Lives At Home
Its pretty good. Definite kino
fuck me, that was bleak
HOLY FUCK, dude, are you me???
not to mention redheads are my favorites
you're speaking gospel over here
>Why Exorcisms are on the Rise
o fug
Its just easier not to bother with any of it.
Women's standards are quite ridiculous. They want to be both a slut and a princess and a "strong independent business woman who don't need no man". You just can't fucking read them or make any sense out of them, and you get so worried you do something wrong and become a social pariah for it because you aren't chad its like "Fuck it. I already have enough stress in my life. I don't need any more" and you just walk away and ignore any signs that might actually be there.
Plus culture encourages young adults to " network" and abuse social media so nobody is really attached to anyone anymore. Less friends, a mass of virtually faceless acquaintances you're supposed to use to get by in life.
So is it any wonder a lot of guys just go to whatever shitty job they got, live at home with the folks or in a one bedroom apartment, and just do stuff for themselves?
Its not like most can even afford a family anyway. Best family planning strat is to just not have any sex ever. Same with smoking or drugs: if you never touch the stuff, you'll never get addicted to it.
can someone explain this birds and the bees meme and what the everloving fuck it has to do with sex?
how is putting a stinger in a cloaca comparable to a penis in a vagina?
I fingered my girlfriend in public yesterday so looks like I'm beating the system.
Jesus some of you guys comments on here make for sad and uncomfortable reading. The reason why most people aren't having sex is because most people in their twenties and thirties now are simply too broke and being cash poor along with also being time poor (with many people their age having to work multiple jobs just pay rent and to go college) are unable to afford have any sort of relationship with someone. When comes to sex this new age shift economy has fucked it for everyone ...
>europe's birthrates are worse than japan
that's wrong though
birds and bees pollinate flowers. Its just talking about reproduction
This but unincellically.
People living in mudhuts in the past were still able to have relationships, what the fuck are you on about?
>Over the course of many conversations with sex researchers, psychologists, economists, sociologists, therapists, sex educators, and young adults, I heard many other theories about what I have come to think of as the sex recession. I was told it might be a consequence of the hookup culture, of crushing economic pressures, of surging anxiety rates, of psychological frailty, of widespread antidepressant use, of streaming television, of environmental estrogens leaked by plastics, of dropping testosterone levels, of digital porn, of the vibrator’s golden age, of dating apps, of option paralysis, of helicopter parents, of careerism, of smartphones, of the news cycle, of information overload generally, of sleep deprivation, of obesity. Name a modern blight, and someone, somewhere, is ready to blame it for messing with the modern libido.
So what's your excuse Yea Forums?
All of the above
everyone became nihilistic and self aware and realized they can just beat their dicks and feel good without humiliating themselves or inadvertently hurting others.
>The authors of a 2009 study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine speculated that “if a man or woman has not had intercourse by age 25, there is a reasonable chance [he or she] will remain a virgin at least until age 45.”
I relate to this a lot.
All of them. Never understand why journalists think there's only one cause to an illness.
this but more like ~21-23
This is only a problem for white """"men""""
it seems that there wasn't much to do in the 80s besides shooting heroin and having sex, at least here
whats wrong with cocaine and root beer
And all of those "blights" have the same unique root cause : liberal ethics, in both their economic and social consequences
European birth rates are distorted by non-whites that don't actually contribute to the birth rates at all since they constitute a parallel society.
>people are fine
>mental health is fine
>they just don't have the time or can't afford it
>the social cohesion and wellbeing of our society isn't falling part before our eyes
>it's just the economy
>it'll be fine eventually
Wish I was you
feel free to start posting statistics to back up your claims
None are needed. There are lots of non-whites in Europe, which is a fact. More keep coming all the time, which is a fact. They don't contribute to birth rates, which is a fact.
Have Sex
the reasons are already obvious, it's just a partisan issue full of cope so the answer depends on your politics. the "problem" if you want to call it that is a combination of women literally having access to every man within 1000 miles so why fuck with
>none are needed
l o l
Are you incapable of taking bits of information and drawing conclusions from them?
>Prove to me the sky is blue
Appeal to authority is the dumbest hill to die on
>be millenial
>die alone
its pretty obvious the answer is technology . think of a paralel for sitting on Yea Forums for 3/4 hours from the 90s there just isnt one. tech is able to hijack the reward centre of the brain and keeps you in the same place doing nothing
Who here /steelreserveuncle/
>make a claim
>i don't need to back up my claim are you stupid lol
>asking for citations for a claim is a logical fallacy
200 IQ posts right here
Again, are you incapable of taking bits of information and drawing conclusions from them? Are you really so stupid that you absolutely need some "source" or "citation" to tell you exactly what the deal is?
>think of a paralel for sitting on Yea Forums for 3/4 hours from the 90s
watching tv
i know kids these day think tvs are just monitors for their playstations but they used to be a big thing grandpa assures you
I just want a gf so bad I’m so tired of getting rejected all the time
whoa whoa whoa don't drag Bangs into this
What can we do against this horrible loneliness epidemic?
>sex recession
Only for young men. The numbers are pretty stable for women in the same age group.
so basically you can't prove what you're saying?
So basically you're admitting to being a complete brainlet who can't perform basic reasoning.
These threads are fun to read
>if you don't agree with me you're a brainlet
retard mad because i asked for proof haha
You're a brainlet because you can't engage in logical reasoning.
>written by a woman
not everything on the list is bad user
why does this fucking mong asking for a 'citation' for something that's been all over the news for the past like 3 years?
do you seriously need a fucking source to tell you there's an immigration crisis in europe? have you been living under a rock?
>associate professor of sociology at Grinnell College who studies subcultures and masculinity
his claim was that europe had a lower birthrate than japan, don't move the goalposts
must be a reason you stubbornly refuse to post anything to back up what you said
Five more years
Whites are actually underrepresented among incels, although cunts like that will never admit it.
>The 20/80% isn't re-
I literally gave up on it completely. I haven't approached a woman in a romantic fashion in 5 years. Just small talk at work or school so I appear normal. My social skills are actually above average and I look presentable, It's just that I have zero charisma/boring personality which I always hide.
Dating is just a numbers game, but to me rejection still hurts as much as the first time when I was a teenager.
1. There are many non-whites in Europe.
2. More keep coming all the time.
3. They have lots of children.
4. They form a parallel society in opposition to our own.
5. Their birth rates are counted in the statistics.
6. Therefore, birth rate statistics become falsified.
This is very simple and does not require a citation.
Wait, so you acknowledge you have a boring personality yet you aren't willing to fix it?
Why should you have a right to complain, in that case?
>i'm boring and have zero charisma why arent people dating me
Geez i wonder
Thots should be falling on my lap every night
People don't change, they only get old
>have se-
>In addition, it was determined that a man of average attractiveness would be “liked” by approximately 0.87% (1 in 115) of women on Tinder. Also, a formula was derived to estimate a man’s attractiveness level based on the percentage of “likes” he receives on Tinder:
Can't wait until I'm in the thirties and can dab on all the single mothers who need a provider.
is this based? i cannot tell
Fucking hell. When I was a kid I thought this would be the absolute last thing to happen to me. I thought I'd be married, maybe with a kid on the way. The Point of No Return coming up and I haven't even had my first kiss. It's not even saddening at this point, just surreal.
>women can't cook, clean
How is this even possible anyway? Cleaning is using a vacuum, cooking is knowing how to open a fucking cookbook and follow the directions. How can people be so incompetent?
so you can't prove it, i'll just have to believe that white europeans have less kids than japan because you said so
>It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. The Gini coefficient for the Tinder economy based on “like” percentages was calculated to be 0.58. This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world’s national economies.
Man fuck dating apps.
It is if you're older, I guess. Maybe you can try to make it seem like you still have some hope of smashing underageb& poon if you're not getting any now, but I doubt it.
You really are fucking dumb. You can't engage in even the most basic reasoning even when someone holds your fucking hand through the process.
>For nearly a decade, stories in the Western press have tied Japan’s sexual funk to a rising generation of soushoku danshi—literally, “grass-eating boys.” These “herbivore men,” as they are known in English, are said to be ambivalent about pursuing either women or conventional success. The new taxonomy of Japanese sexlessness also includes terms for groups such as hikikomori (“shut-ins”), parasaito shinguru (“parasite singles,” people who live with their parents beyond their 20s), and otaku (“obsessive fans,” especially of anime and manga)—all of whom are said to contribute to sekkusu shinai shokogun (“celibacy syndrome”).
unlike a high iq intellect like you who cant prove anything he says
It would probably help if you could show him the 'bits of information' you used to form premises 1, 2, 3 and 4 of your syllogism.
>at most 18% of women have even a chance of being virginal
>the number's probably even lower because sexless 25-30yo fugly cakes are skewing it upwards
I need to figure out how to hunt down a qt femcel.
>the odds of just contacting such a recluse
>the odds she's not ugly or obese as fuck
>the odds her that the bizarre list of fetishes she's developed are manageable
>the odds she's just autistic and not batshit insane
taking my wedding ring to mordor lads
Why are you still here? You have admitted to being a total idiot. You have completely humiliated yourself. You have no arguments left.
I want to be different, and I'm open to trying stuff but you can't reinvent your whole personality. Like I cannot enjoy dancing at all, I even tried classes. I don't mind seeing others do it, but do not want to participate myself.
absolutely seething
you've made a claim, have no figures whatsoever to back it up, and you're calling me a retard for not believing something you can't prove
imagine if people told women they needed to change their personalities to be worthy of a cuddle. The REEEEEE would echo into eternity.
No one is on your side, you are free to close the tab
>single mothers who need a provider
That's what the federal government and welfare state are for, silly.
I told you precisely how to arrive at the answer, step by step, and you STILL do not fucking get it. Because you are a retard. Why are you still here?
>[citation needed]
This user is right and will be ignored
Charisma and personality are not tied to dancing you know. Even when in nightclubs /parties. Seems like you're using a minor bump discourage you from even trying everything else
Holy shit /pol/tards are so brainwashed and retarded that they think backing up your propaganda with source is somehow bad
>boomers are starting to panic that there won't be enough white collar people buying up houses
>thinks dancing equates to not being boring
>is triggered by the suggestion that you may need to a woman halfway if you want her in your life
Wow - naive, selfish, entitled young white guys wailing because they aren't willing to:
1. Shower
2 Shave
3. Get a hair cut
4. Buy some well-fitting clothes
5. Get a job
6. Be more confident, optimistic, enthusiastic and generally nicer to be around
It isn't hard incels.
you're a bit stupid
i'll help you this time
i'm fully aware that non-white populations have a higher birthrate, and thus skew the overall numbers
what you're saying is, that the numbers are so skewed, that the white birthrate is lower than japanese birthrate, which i do't think is the case, i'm aware that the numbers are skewed, but white people could still be having more children than japanese people.
you can't prove that white people have less children than japanese people, so your argument holds no weight, and you're getting angry and frustrated that i'm not mindlessly agreeing to what you said.
No, there is no citation needed.
Well teevee, what could've caused this ?
>white guys
when will you fucking understand that incels are mostly not white, dipshit? Being white is actually a major advantage in the dating market.
No, you are the retard here. You can't follow a series of simple steps to arrive at a simple conclusion. I never posted any propaganda, I posted facts.
>i'm fully aware that non-white populations have a higher birthrate, and thus skew the overall numbers
Ok, cool. Then it looks like we are done here.
Thanks Obama.
I do these things. But I don't have a social circle anymore, so when I get back from work I do chores, cook, play some videogame and go to sleep. Once you're actually on the outside, it's laughably hard to get back in.
based give up when the argument gets hard poster
Because Yea Forums is mostly white guys?
I did not give up and nothing got harder.
it still fits neatly into our popular conception, because now we're the nerds who jerk off to anime instead of having real relationships.
>None are needed.
Yeah who needs evidence of anything...
>Doesn't everyone live at home?
Yes because that's what it was like prior to the post-war boom. The idea of "everyone" having a house was retarded because there was no way that was possible. Back in the old times, people would live inter-generational with their whole families like like these small houses.
Why do you think that?
>your claim: japanese have lower birthrates than whites
>status: unproven
i'm still waiting
why would you assert these things without sources to back them up?
how can you honestly think these things don't merit a citation? unless you're genuinely trolling
Well you obviously burned bridges somewhere in your life and found what EVERY single person needs in their lives (comradeship, company, sexual release, novel experiences) in other, more deviant, more disgusting forms (porn, having unfulfilling conversations with strangers online, etc).
Try being more self-disciplined and FORCE yourself to go outside and be normal.
I guess chemtrails exist because I see them all the time in the sky and I read about them on the internet.
Housing markets are retarded bubbles propped up entirely by foreign investors.
If you don't have a place of your own as a dude you're not getting laid. You can barely have a place of your own with an above average salary if you live in metropolitan or coastal areas.
I gave you the evidence.
We are talking about the inflation of Western birth rate statistics, and you admitted that I am right.
No source is needed. We have been over this.
Not comparable.
Because Yea Forums's demographics are vast majority men (excluding /cgl/) with most posters in the US, Canada, UK, Germany and Australia - meaning most will be white.
>shower memes
what are your 6 suggestions for women to get to that magical halfway mark?
That's not his claim.
>your claim: japanese have lower birthrates that whites
>"oops teehee i actually meant population statistics were skewed did i say anything about japan? looks i like win teehee"
It's alot of latinos, asians and indians. They just speak english so you just assume everyone is whitey.
>Try being more self-disciplined and FORCE yourself to go outside and be normal.
I am. I don't creep around, pick my nose in public, have some crazy sexual fetishes. I just don't have friends anymore and my job doesn't lend itself to meeting people. Not only does this make it stupid difficult to actual find a woman, I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like once she discovers I'm a complete loner.
>proving things is unnecessary because i am right
this user should write a book
My claim:
>European birth rates are distorted by non-whites that don't actually contribute to the birth rates at all since they constitute a parallel society.
And you agreed with me.
I didn't know Whatever was made into a movie, I've been reading it as my first Houellebecq this week. But yeah, Houellebecq has always been sexpilled, he knows the incel and the roastie equally like the back of his hand and made a career out of doomsaying the sexual situation in the west, but of course he's a frog intellectual so now he spends his time fucking random chicks very conspicuously and dolling it up for the cameras. The novel this movie is based on is blackpilled as fuck to the point that I almost don't like it but you can't deny it's impressive.
>The 20/80% isn't re-
This is incel bullshit
Most of them are alone because they spend their days in front or a computer.
You just can't give up. Unless you're physically deformed or mentally ill you will be able to find someone through social interactions.
I already proved what I said and I've yet to see a single counter-argument.
1. Accept that your man isn't as talkative as your female friends
2. Be prepared to put up with his angry outbursts and moodiness (it's kinda sexy sometimes anyway hehe!)
3. Keep your weight down
4. Don't have sex with other guys while you're together
5. Dress modestly in his company
6. Don't be jealous when he goes out drinking with the guys
>cheating both emotional and phyical are essentially mainstream and socially accepted
it's still not acceptable. if it were, it wouldn't be "cheating" anymore and people wouldn't be breaking up over it, it would just be "polyamory" and everyone would be doing it.
You don't get to just say things, even step by step, without providing evidence. This isn't some tabloid.
no one is on your side, you lost, now go have sex sweetie
your claim:
>europeans have a lower birthrate in japan
the post is still alive and well
>inb4 its a different poster
Statistically untrue, Indians aren't even in the top 10 of user groups IIRC. Sure there are asians here but I doubt very much whether they form any kind of majority outside of maybe /sci/ or /an/
>80% of women at age 13 onward are having regular sex
[citation needed]
What about this then:
The world doesn't revolve around Tinder. It attracts a specific kind of people who are in it to find hot people.
Hardly an accurate representation of society at large.
>I gave you the evidence.
You never did, and you know it.
>just beee yoursefl, fro
unless most of those women are only having sex with other women, your two statements are mutually exclusive.
so proving things is just stating 'facts' without citations?
1. You are a transsexual
2. I had intercourse with your mother
you are now a tranny, user
hope you have a feminine penis
Houellebecq is married to a Japanese woman, his third wife. When one journalist went to his house to interview him, he got drunk and started crying when A Whiter Shade of Pale came on the stereo because it reminded him of sitting alone at dances in his teens.
>All the white knight redditors standing up for thots ITT
Pathetic, they aren't going to fuck you
User statistics on /int/ by country
I gave you the evidence. Why the fuck are you still trying to argue about this?
My claim:
>European birth rates are distorted by non-whites that don't actually contribute to the birth rates at all since they constitute a parallel society.
You agreed with me. Get the fuck out of here already.
Why are you lying?
I stated things that are common knowledge or obvious, and anyone who demand "citations" for them is just a dishonest leftist who is never going to admit to any of them no matter what.
>1. You are a transsexual
>2. I had intercourse with your mother
Not comparable. You require proof for these claims.
you don't know that. i screencap every white knight post i make and show a collage of them to every beautiful lady i meet.
one of these days, bros.
Its an US expression. When they explain sex to their kids, they say they explain "bird and bees".
It's an euphemism not to use the word (here, the image) "sex".
It's not a bullshit number, but yeah, incels don't realize the self-fulfilling prophecy nature of their reasoning when they use it, because they immediatly project themselves as belonging to the 80%.
Being in the top 20% isn't actually that hard, and it's becoming increasingly easier as more and more men willingly weaken themselves and remove themselves from the sexual "competition", hence why sexual success disparity in men is skyrocketing.
I'm gay and I have the same type of anxiety towards other men, because men value physical appearance above everything else, so it's often stressful to try to approach an attractive guy whom you are interested at but that had been snobbing you the whole night. women, on the other hand, have those annoying standards, but at least they can value other things and not just attractiveness. they value sense of humor and sweetness, for instance. men not really... men are never really pleased, it's either your height, or your ass/cock isn't that big, or your hairline/beard isn't that thick, there's always something that prevents them of giving a go to you because they are always expecting a more handsome man (speaking as a gay man).
so, I can see that you straight guys can feel intimidated, you have to pull through a lot, you are supposed to be inside some masculinity standards and patterns and there are obviously women that are cunts, but trust me, you are luckier than if you were attracted towards men.
i literally just gave you the post when you said europeans have a lower birthrate than japan and you're still denying it because you have no counter-argument so you're moving the goalposts
right here, feel free to prove what you said anytime
Bullshit. Canadian posters are east and south asians, american posters are mexicans, european posters are africans, arabs and turks...
>i don't require proof for my claims because they're common knowledge
it's common knowledge i fucked your mom and obvious that you're a tranny
Stop being a retard with zero self-awareness and settle for a woman who is just as ugly, stupid, and uninteresting as you are.
Inceldom is a largely self-inflicted condition brought upon by men who want to date a high value woman despite being worthless faggots themselves. Go find an overweight homebody who flicks her bean to gay fanfiction or shut the fuck up.
fucking terrible movie
>but at least they can value other things and not just attractiveness
Yes, they also value money.
You never gave the evidence. You were even defending yourself by claiming that you don't need evidence.
>tfw 29yo kissless touchless virgin hikki neet
I will never score but its okay, I have onaholes and a lot of porn.
>This is incel bullshit
nope, the problem is that there are indeed "a lot" of women who don't have fulfilling sex lives, either short term "incel"-in-the-moment women who have had partners, or just the rare autist actual virgin women who can't get laid. so these women see incels bitching and think lmao shut up it's just as hard for us, it's not like for me as a 4/10 woman relationships or general life have been easy
the issue here is that while there are unsuccessful women in this regard and nothing is "easy" for anyone, it's just so much harder for low tier men in so much higher numbers that the womens' situation barely merits consideration. I'll give you an example: my retarded sister is fairly ugly, she works at a sporting goods store with no life and had no bf for a few years until this year. a woman like her would look at incels bitching and think hey, it's not easy for me as a woman. but it is easy. she got a bf by just existing, her twerp bf just autistically asked her out and she said yes. now flip the roles, this scenario ending is success is *much* rarer for men, a loser male is much more likely to remain that virgin sporting goods clerk for longer, so just because my sister is a loser doesn't mean women still don't generally have it easier than men. 20-80 shit is real and random retards/ugly dudes getting laid doesn't change the overall numbers
What does that prove?
My claim:
>European birth rates are distorted by non-whites that don't actually contribute to the birth rates at all since they constitute a parallel society.
You agreed with me. Get the fuck out of here already.
>right here
Not my post and I never said it was.
No it isn't. You require evidence for your claims. I don't reqire evidence for mine.
I gave the evidence and you're a fucking liar.
>You were even defending yourself by claiming that you don't need evidence.
I don't need "citations."
You can tell the United States is a fake country run by Jews when nobody in the government or media talks about real social issues.
There has been an increase in teenage suicides in the last few years yet all Congress cares about is having hearings on anti-Semitism.
you're forgetting what is probably the biggest actual reason that most people are having less sex: we're all getting fatter and uglier and most men would honestly rather not have sex at all than have to settle for a fat woman. the average female weight in 2019 is around 180lbs, as compared to 140lbs in the mid 1900s. men are fatter as well, though it's never been as much of an issue for them; to women, at least, but men are on average vastly more insecure today than they were back then.
>No it isn't.
yes it is, now show me that boypucci
You just contradicted yourself.
here's your claim
i'm here all day
You require evidence. Where is your evidence?
stop being a tease and just show me your butthole user
>Not going full extremist enclave.
I have a wife and kid. I was only able to find a good traditional women because my wife actually fears God. Yes that means church every Sunday, but religion and tradition is the only inoculation against modernity.
No I did not.
That's not my post and I never said it was. I will not take responsibility for other people's posts and you cannot force me to. You can be here all day if you want to but these facts will not change no matter what.
Where is your evidence?
>>the very few, well raised and modest women marry millionaires at age 23 straight out of university
This is where your delusion completely breaks from reality.
>I gave the evidence and you're a fucking liar.
>You were even defending yourself by claiming that you don't need evidence.
>I don't need "citations."
Do you not see how this is contradictory?
>ending is success is *much* rarer for men
You can't say that if you choose to live in social isolation or hold impossible high standards.
The 80/20 thing applies only to Tinder and such because people use it as a catalog and as a chance to get hot guys.
Women and men in social situations will not behave the same way they behave in Tinder.
true, there aren't any modest women, don't know what that fag was thinking
1 - Toxic masculinity. Men need to open up more and expressive their feelings (as long as it's not my subjective definition of whiny).
2 - Victim blaming (plus points for not kink shaming tho!)
3. Fat shaming.
4. Heteronormative/ kink shaming
5. Praise Allah
6. Weirdly specific but ok
Reeeeeally makes you tink huh?
birds do it, bees do it, even plants and trees do it. it's a general lesson on reproduction, not a story about birds and bees having sex with each other you literal autist.
proof that you have a butthole? that's just common sense
here's your claim
you made this post, i'm here all day
>inb4 its not me
women now are simultaneously more promiscuous and picky about who they marry. fuck it all
>it's a race issue, but obviously nobody will say that openly.
Because that's be retarded. Most of these incels come from middle-class backgrounds.
/r/asianmasculinity are literally the asian version of incels. Same views on women, same victim complexes. They're also mostly upper-middle and middle-class.
Bees don’t have sex lmoa
There is no contradiction.
You have no evidence for your accusations against me.
Did you read a FUCKING WORD I just said, you utter fucking brainlet? THAT IS NOT MY POST. I never said it fucking was.
Just because you associate "cheating" with something negative, doesnt mean most women do. In fact if a woman says she cheated on her bf, the usual reaction is "what did he do to make you cheat", shifting the burden of responsibility on the man, hence cheating isnt seen as a cardial sin equivalent of the social shunning a man experiences by being accused of beating or raping a woman.
Because women used to be segregated from men. So they learned skills they were told were useful for keeping their husband happy.
Once women invaded all male spaces, women now only focus on the short term fun and neglect any skill beyond "i have a vagina" to attract men. Mistaking their ability to attract a man to fuck with attracting a man to stick around for other reasons than vagina.
The college gap also hurts. More women with degrees then men in the same age group. Women will generally only date someone who has the same education.
so you're claiming you don't have a butthole?
alright, it wasn't your post
i concede the argument and will leave now
>one man has sex with 8 women
>16 women have sex with 2 men
>You can't say that if you choose to live in social isolation or hold impossible high standards.
le "just try bro" meme, debunked as fuck. I'm not talking about just gamer nerds who stutter in sunlight. women in real life will just say "heh, I'm busy atm and not looking for a relationship" to the bottom two thirds of men when she's really just looking for some better dick. the men are not the picky ones, stats don't lie. women rate most dudes as losers/ugly, it's not just some magic internet phenomenon that vanishes in "real life".
Would you date an ugly fat girl?
What exactly is keeping you from participating in the "cock carousel"?
The real trickey is governement regulation on technology. It's become just as toxic as any kind of drug.It turns you into a primate who is just clicking shit.I've seen it happen to my family. Whenever I visit them, they are all on their little screen and they see me as a nuissance for wanting to talk to them. I'm not welcome anymore. You'd think they'd me happy for me visiting them from time to time. No such thing. I'm disrupting their connection. Being addicted to being wired in to the internet is just as bad as any other addiction.
I'm claiming your accusations against me have no evidence. You can keep this up all day if you like, but you have no evidence and never will. You cannot win.
Speaking for experience. Im 32. All the "good and modest" women that were in my age group 10-15 years ago are married to successful and wealthy older men.
it's "mostly white men" because most men in the US are white. if you think there isn't a huge chunk of the black community that are going ape shit about "losin dem queens" and "bed wenches" and all manner of other black incel shit, it's because you've been willfully overlooking it. the only difference is that they're a small percentage of what is already only 6% of the US population.
>What exactly is keeping you from participating in the "cock carousel"?
Im not into men?
I refuse to date someone who is not in college how is that a bad thing?
Not him, but equating your average beta, somewhat autistic white guy with a "ugly fat girl" isn't fair.
Most men on this board would definitely date a somewhat attractive, shy, kind average girl who worked in McDonalds or something. The same can't be said for women and their willingness to date a guy working in the same job. It's just a fact.
alright it wasn't your post
i concede the argument and will leave now
There's a difference between the sex recession observed by researchers and your retarded Incel meme.
so i'm not going to get a picture of your butthole out of this whole ordeal then?
black and asian incels are based, their insanity eclipses whitie by an order of magnitudes. india is also full of incels, a lot of the "bobs and vegana" guys are rural peasants who just got internet like 2 years ago and are barely literate, now they can't get gf and the culture shock is tearing them apart
also, men and women are very different in the way they handle some things. for men physicality and attractiveness and having a nice physical appearance are very important. it's rare to see a very handsome man dating an average woman/man. women are different and often more mature in their approach... of course that they have their tastes and preferences regarding physical traits, but I have seen very pretty girls accepting going on dates with average/"ugly" guys simply because they were pleasant or sweet or gentle. they value things such as respect that men don't really care about because they never had to impose respect towards history. so that's not significant to them. I think it also might have something to do with testosterone, maybe. my point is, there will always be asshole women, women that care about money, about looks, about being a sizequeen, there will always be these kinds of women, but the prevalence is much lower than men that are cunts, that's for sure. a woman will never break up with you because you have "a small ass" or a "small cock" (or at least she won't explicitly say that's the reason), men will.
The overall sex numbers are moderately going down with an increasingly concentrated distribution in the male category.
There is no contradiction.
16 women having sex with 2 men each is well under the average number of partners for women, thus contradicting your claim that they have "record-breaking numbers of sexual partners."
sounds to me like women are getting better. not only are they less promiscuous overall under your example, but the quality of their partners is far higher as well meaning they have higher standards and will produce genetically higher quality offspring.
>*Jew on phone*
>a woman will never break up with you because you have a "small cock"
What is this? Bizzaro world?
>I have seen very pretty girls accepting going on dates with average/"ugly" guys simply because they were pleasant or sweet or gentle.
If this were true the "nice guy can't get girls" phenomenon wouldn't exist. Attractive women's standards are ridiculously high; they're just not wholly based on physical attractiveness.
It's literally all of this combined, each having a small effect. But brainlet like single cause sibgle effect explanations.
Read the thread. user has posted every one if those reasons
How? Where? Don't post info graphics please.
I'm a grad student in a large university and I get along many social circles, and based on that, I have found no observations to prove that women are extremely picky. In some cases some of my girl friends date ugly dorky guys which surprise me.
I do find myself (and friends have also noted) isolated. This I think is the real reason for the sexual regression. It is definitely hard to get "out there" it was for me as a new student. But once you're out there you notice that the world doesn't operate like the internet.
Also like another user said, I'm gay and the gay dating scene is ridiculously hard.
LoL I wonder who wrote this post, completely outside of reality.
>men are never really pleased, it's either your height, or your ass/cock isn't that big
Literally a gay thing. Source: gay dudes Ive known and the way they act
Not that guy - It's not inherently bad, you just impose a bias on your dating life that is exclusive. You make an assumption that a) only people in college meet your standards and b) people not in college (or that never went) could never please you.
So you exclude a sizeable part of the population. Your assumptions and indulgence of stereotypes do blind you in this manner - many women (or men, idk what you are) who do not go to college can and do learn about life in a meaningful way, and some even go to earn quite nice income. These people are humble and are not easily convinced by the stupidity of the "educated". While they do in fact suffer from certain difficulties and disadvantages, they do not coalesce (for the most part).
i.e. you're a fucking idiot who thinks that only certain people will please you.
>You require evidence for your claims. I don't reqire evidence for mine.
High IQ discussions at Yea Forums again, I see.
>equating your average beta, somewhat autistic white guy with a "ugly fat girl" isn't fair.
women don't care if a guy is ugly and fat as long as he's got a likeable and outgoing personality. they still won't touch autistic beta incels of average weight who can't even speak to them as if they're a human being.
autistic betas are on the same rung of the social/dating ladder as fat ugly women and an accurate comparison.
It's not my fault that some claims require evidence and some don't.
Not since I was 17
Ive given up on normal relationships at this point. nobody wants to seriously date me/be my girlfriend and I kind of no longer care. I can still have one night stands now and then so thats just going to have to do. I will say though, without some kind of meaningful relationship I dont have much motivation to live a long life. cant do this another 50 fucking years
no it aint because like 10% of fat ugly women are virgins, how many fake tinder profiles proving this do you need? make one yourself. set up an account with a fat chick in your pic, see how many replies you get. like piranhas after cow who fell in the river. the same will not happen to a man.
I know this is true because back in my stupid teenager Yea Forumstard days when such threads were popular, I made fake dating site accounts and kept making the women less and less appealing just to see how far I could go, I still got replies as a literally retarded woman with a hairlip. And people will reply to a woman if she sends the message first, every single time, it always works.
>some claims don't require evidence
blessed be, fellow god-fearing user.
lol can you post some of these?
Why are you still going on about this? You can't win. None of you have even presented any counter-arguments against what I said.
>fake tinder profiles created by men to cope with their own autistic virginity are an accurate representation of the actual choices of real women
>he keeps using Tinder as a representation of reality
So, you're special pleading?
I mean you're right but the 80/20 split is still real
Jesus, that guy needs to kill himself
youre wrong, 6 is very hard
Why are all of you eating up his shit bait after this long, over and over? He doesn't mean a word he says. You are making his day pretending his retardations are legitimate
This is the big part. No one denies there are some men and women that are beyond datable.
The thing is, left to instinctive sexuality of both sexes, only ten percent or so of women (the terminally degenerate or disfigured ones) are considered beyond datable by men while half of men (including huge numbers of productive, decently intelligent, OK presenting people) are considered beyond datable by women.
I don't have any saved anymore but I'm sure you can find plenty of archives on google
>how people act online has no correlation to their real life perceptions and behavior
okay buddy, I guess having literally nobody willing to talk to you online is just the same as people replying to your messages and asking to meet up, after all they have the same results. wait...
How is he wrong? Any woman can get a date with a 6/10 man. Very few men can get a date with a 6/10 woman.
>You can't win.
"winning" and "losing" don't even apply to people with irrational arguments based on their own subjective opinions presented without evidence. you're just a retard getting shitposted for your retard opinions and screeching autistically about it.
I have not baited anywhere, and every single someone accuses me of baiting they are never able to provide a single shred of evidence.
>see a pretty girl
>look at her and wait for her to notice
>gauge whether she's interested
>if she smiles, blushes etc approach her and say hello
>wait for confirmation that she's interested in you
>if she shakes your hand, talks excitedly, twirls her hair, keeps smiling, asks you questions you go ahead and ask her out on a date
How is this so hard for incels to understand?
Literally a 5-point-plan to overcoming all this hatred and frustration which is literally ruining your only life on this planet.
>while half of men (including huge numbers of productive, decently intelligent, OK presenting people) are considered beyond datable by women.
This is pure horse shit
Not if you're empathatic and self-aware.
What if they never smile in step two ?
because even the borderline average ones reject me. im not even ugly for fucks sake.
because what if they never say yes. what if you do all these things and the answer is always "no"
These threads make me realize the newfaggotry going on more than capeshit threads. Not even electionfags couldn't have been here and ignore hypergamy (whether they care about it or not).
You take tinder too seriously. Most of my girl friends consider it a joke and don't actually date people from the app and when we're in a group sometimes we pass our phones around and swipe around and fuck around with the matches
>see a pretty girl
>look at her and wait for her to notice
>she completely ignores you
man, how is this so fucking hard for incels to understand. Fucking incels, I HATE THEM SO MUCH
>extremely cute girl looks me right in the eyes and smiles when talking to me
typical roastie behavior
>being this much of a retard
Women are fucking a new guy every week. And the "hottest" men are fucking a new woman every night. Now add the "fresh women" that turn 18 into the mix every year, while maintaining the 30+ year old "hot guy" and thats how you end up with these numbers.
Youre either delusional or retarded
>he thinks Tinder is not a part of reality
I said nothing irrational. Nobody has presented any counter-arguments against me. You are all just seething leftists who don't like it when people tell the truth about what's going on in Europe.
It's literally not. Since human beings became self-aware and formed something resembling a society / culture, incels began to exist. That number is just rising over time since men are losing inherent power and thus default capacity to attract a woman.
Pic related
it depends, a lot of incels are just genuinely ugly. at the end of the day, confidence doesn't matter if you are a 3/10 because of your facial structure that can't be easily changed without surgery, a good litmus test if to ask "if I posted my picture online, would people laugh at the statement 'this man is attractive'?" if they would, then confidence won't save you. if your face is in that unfortunate camp where people subconsciously wince upon first seeing you, this will have consequences that ripple throughout your entire life, it is proven that attractive people for example get more promotions at work or hired in the first place. while while lookism autists might occasionally just be neurotic, average looking dudes, a lot of them are correct about it and genuinely ugly. lookism is a real thing (even man to man, platonically) and women do think most men are ugly, so...
>not if youre these 2 things you cant really control
Then apologize, wish them a good day, and walk away.
Then accept it. You aren't entitled to a girlfriend.
>how people act online has no correlation to their real life perceptions and behavior
you're not measuring the behavior of women. you're measuring the behavior of men pretending to be women and desperate men in general.
>Any woman can get a date with a 6/10 man.
this isn't the claim being proven at all. the only thing being evidence by fake profiles created by men is that there are always some amount of desperate men who will try to fuck anything remotely female.
>Very few men can get a date with a 6/10 woman.
this claim hasn't even been approached, least of all by actual 6/10 men instead of socially retarded incels.
Part of reality, sure. Is it how people behave in real life? No
>that literal autist who mistakes fearful expressions for smiles
A-user, I. . .
That's the thought I keep coming back to, I could exist like this for decades until I die naturally but why would I want to?
>if she shakes your hand,
>nobody has to be an incel, just wait for them to smile !!!
>they aren't smiling ? fuck you, you don't deserve a girlfriend
Then you run up to them and punch them as hard as you can right in the teeth.
Ot keep some battery acid at hand to spray it on their faces.
you don't live in a home?
nobodys entitled to anything, yet everyone acts like they are
>battery acid
can a roastie ever truly compete with arabic butthurt?
Both of these.
this shit is why I drink and smoke. dont care about what it does to my health if I have decades of emptiness ahead of me
(((The Atlantic)))
>Also like another user said, I'm gay and the gay dating scene is ridiculously hard.
stop lying on the internet, I'm bisexual and ugly as fuck, I have no trouble getting laid by men but I have had like 2 gfs my entire life. the gay dating scene is not hard, faggots are notoriously promiscuous, gay incels are retarded and don't hang out with large groups of gays or something
Don’t forget s o y, pedophilia and capeshit
it only inflated the market value of healthy weight women with decent looking faces. the other 80% of women are in the shitter, just like the 80% of men who are their counterparts. and both groups are ignoring each other while obsessing over the top 20% claiming the other side are the only ones behaving thusly.
Tinder behaviour are still a very good source of information regarding the sexual "market", just like Pornhub insights are a very good source of information regarding sexual behaviour. Neither are directly transposable to reality, because reality is always complex, but they offer a view of the psychological infrastructure of what happens when people face less social obstacles to their desires and, so, offer a valuable tool of understanding their behaviour in a social setting, considering what is and what is not acceptable/possible in said setting.
Getting laid is easy. I said dating.
the gay slutfucking scene is easy. the gay dating scene is just as hard if not harder than the straight dating scene.
>Be extremely intelligent and good looking young man with excellent career prospects
>Stand to inherit several million dollars
>Not interested in casual sex, looking for a wife
>Never even met a woman who had anything to offer me
Is it worth using online dating to try to headhunt some virginal autist girl?
well you are comparing it to the hetero scene full of virgins, not dudes who can easily get laid but can't get a serious gf
you got me. i fucking love opiods and Hamilton was great.
Go and multiply
gross. white wine
>27% of men below 30 haven't had sex since they turned 18
Seems to confirm what I see with my friends and colleagues. It's obvious s great part of them aren't getting with >the other 80% of women are in the shitter,
I've known some plain women, and had them show me their tinder. They'd get a match always when they'd swipe right. I'm not saying each one of those men would date them, but they'd probably get sex out of most of them.
i want to live see them all suffer. I dont care if it is under some autistic ai gommunism or semite theocracy or pollution.
afk, gonna throw some plastic into the ocean.
i married a virgin and guess what after 6 years together im not having sex anymore either
>this isn't the claim being proven at all
It doesn't matter how many times we prove it, You rats will keep denying it
>I'm not saying each one of those men would date them, but they'd probably get sex out of most of them.
which is irrelevant because, contrary to popular incel belief (i'm not claiming you are one), the overwhelming majority of women have zero interest in casual sex with strange men from the internet. I haven't had a tinder for two years, but when I did (and I'm a good looking dude, believe or don't) I'd get a high match rate but a very low response rate when suggesting I just wanted something casual instead of actual dating and relationships; probably 10% to 15% of girls seemed open to the idea, none of them among the best looking women who matched with me. which is pretty correlative with the actual incidence of slutty women i've met irl.
I known people who had good results.
What's wrong with that? Just keep improving yourself until you receive first tacit, then explicit, consent to continue talking to a girl.
Marriage only declines sexual activity. So does cohabitation. If you want stable sex, you both need to be living away from eachother and the more infrequent your meets are the better. Simple diminishing returns
I gotta be honest lads the "have sex" psyop isn't enough to get the birth rates up
prove what? you're regurgitating the same shit over and over. women get a lot of messages from men. this isn't a secret. everything you're posting is only "proving" that men are the initiators which was never in question in the first place. nothing you've posted has anything to do with the actual female response rates or how many of those messages lead to meeting in real life let alone lead to actual relationships or sex.
All of those things either directly cause a drop in testosterone, or they cause stress which in turn causes a drop in testosterone.
keep telling yourself that
The risk/reward for pussy is laughably unbalanced more importantly there's also no goth girls in my area
According to this I'm an 8/10
>women get way more attention from men but this doesn't mean they actually meet up more often than men who literally never get messages from anyone
okay buddy
Keep being an incel who thinks all women are sluts who fuck a bunch of dudes on Tinder
The sole purpose of a woman is to give birth. If she fails at this in life, she will degenerate into a cat lady or radical feminist or some other whinning animal.
This is all a woman can offer you. So you grab a young girl, one that looks mentaly stable (none really are) put babies in her and raise your family honoraubly. The more kids you have the lesser the probability she will snap into degeberate states. BUT the probability is never zero, so be prepared for this eventuality.
A woman cannot offer you more than children or sex. It is like demanding a cat to do math. Women are hardwired to seek authority, power and dominance. In a room full of equal men, the one with a title like manager or coordinator will have sexual prevalence - it is extremely predictable once you start noticing. Women have no concept of effective faithfullness. They might say so, but once a top male in her social circle appears she potentially will cheat and later rationalize.
Women for me are just for bump and dump. If you want a family, have one with a young girl. But be aware that women are little selfish monsters that can stab you in the back at any moment. All of them
>girls never message me first reeeeee
if you're sitting around waiting for a potential mate to message you first it's because you're a woman.
>get asked out
>she detects my spaghetti and dumps me
now i know what i'm missing
It worked for Pewds
>a woman will never break up with you because you have a "small cock
Had a female roommate once who used to tell me about all her previous sex partners (she wanted to fuck me despite my being in a relationship.) One in particular was this guy she said was a 9/10, well-built, tall, muscular and handsome guy that she "was trembling to get fucked by" and then the experience was "totally ruined when he pulled his pants down.. he had a baby dick."
She tried to make it work, but she eventually broke it off with him over his tiny penis.
women also do not reply to the majority of messages from men, and the women all have packed inboxes, that is also mentioned by the websites faggot. these websites only work if you spam a million women
You know you actually can get laid while knowing all about hypergamy and different sexual strategies of males and females right?
nigger that's literally how real life worked for decades before you dodged being a stain in your mom's underwear
What's she up to these days?
i loved your post on /r/incelsunite. take my upvote, sir!
>it worked for the handsome Aryan millionaire
Then why haven't you?
Although I have seen more and more white woman of college age with getto nogs. It is very ugly in chirak.
I have you retard
He wasn't a millionaire at the time, just a white dude being himself
No clue, last I knew she was dating some tall, handsome doctor guy. After I moved away I didn't bother staying in contact with her.
meant to reply this to this
>be tall, rich and handsome
>still end up with a roastie
lmao rekt
28 year old virgin here I'm gonna kill myself when my mum dies
>just a white dude
Felix is objectively attractive, imagine the slobish greasy subhuman that unironically thinks pewdiepie is "just a guy" and tells of incels
tells off*
She was also a medical professional (not a nurse, she had a grad degree). And yes, most women are "roasties". It's pretty rare for a girl to have single-digit sex partner count. Also, she was nearing the wall, but looked pretty good for it (she ate healthy and exercised regularly). But yeah, the likelihood of you finding a hot, sociable virgin girl is probably extremely slim.
Rural ausfag here so much this.
No Thicc mummies either all meth head sticcs
Fuck it I touched tits every day and fap like a firehose
Fuck women and virginity
T. 28 year old virgin
>friend of mine with a PhD in astrophysics married a high school teacher
>he makes a lot of money but works a lot
>got a kid
>tells me his wife stays at home
>"it's great you can afford that, I think it's so important for the child to have the mother there"
>turns out they put the kid in daycare anyway while the wife is literally at home doing nothing