Normalfags actually enjoyed this , Normalfags were on the edge of thier seats thinking to themselves ''wow...

Normalfags actually enjoyed this , Normalfags were on the edge of thier seats thinking to themselves ''wow , arya is such a badass''.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Agreed, the night king should've at least steamrolled Winterfell

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To all got bookfags saying the books will be different, no they wont.
Dabid and Dennis know the outline of how George wanted to end the series, yes there are going to be some changes to how the books would go if GRRM would ever finish them (he wont) but it will be the same. He gave them his outline and they are pretty much following it.

To all you bookfags who are waiting for some juicy white walker lore, why do you think you get any lore on them. GRRM has the most shallow lore you could come up with. People only think the lore of asoiaf is any good because GRRM is incredibly vague with a lot of his world building so it leaves a lot to the imagination. He does not have 100 pages of notes on that one lost city in Sothoryos, what he wrote about it is all there is. The rabid asoiaf fandom has hyped up the lore to way beyond what it is, its so vague that you can make these elaborate theories of what it could all mean. Do you really think he spent much time thinking about all this?

All you are gonna get if he ever finishes his series is maybe one chapter where bran looks into the land of always winter and youll see like an ice building where some white wlakers live. Seriosuly, his series is so hyped up, when you really look at what he has put down on paper, its fucking garbage. The fan theories are what hypes it up, not what hes actually written.

TO remind any book fag who disagrees with, remember what littlefingers grand reason was for helping to kill Joffrey? It was to be unpredictable to his opponents. Yes, GRRM is not clever, that is his what he is, stop reading fan theories about asoiaf, its just going to go nowhere.

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I actually think that the real spoilers (of how the book will end) will start in the upcoming episodes. By the way that Euron is abundantly brought into the show, I believe that he will become some sort of a main villain at the end. He is hyped up in the last book and many people believe that he's the antagonist.

Considering how they butchered Euron's character in the show I think it will be a hilarious shitshow if he becomes the main antagonist.

My dad said it made perfect sense since she's been training to be a bad ass assassin

What do you think they will do with Jaime? What would you also like to see happen?



god fucking damnit it this is glorious

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Typical showpleb doesn't understand that it's the details, and scenery that makes the story. Who cares if GRRM gave them bullet points, his books will have better scenes, dialogue, and detail like they always have.


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it's all gone now

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He literally has multiple books out about lore. One of them is a complete history of the Targaryens and it's pretty fucking big. Ignorant show fag.

this would have cemented it as better than tolkien if they actually shot it this way

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good job user

I take it this isn't how it's filmed? I haven't seen the episode yet.


i would have forgiven season 7

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>bookfags pretending they're reading anything more than harry potter for adults

The NK was so fucking based, why did they do it to him?

Guy at work. Redneck type from indiana. Told me he loved it. He was so happy when arya got to kill the night king. And now hes telling me she has to kill cersei. Wouldnt even concede anything in the battle was dumb, like second line catapults
He absolutely btfo me.

he is a man, couldn't even give him the decency to die fighting against Jon

The books will be better by default because literally NOTHING could be worse. Fucking fan ideas for episode 3 are even better. All of them. Every one I've read.

GRRM's version of events will be padded with pages and pages of 'food porn', boring shit about minor houses that don't matter, and pointless, long-winded descriptions about every character's ever article of clothing, but the basic plot won't be complete shit with no meaning or purpose. I know that.

Didn't arya gave the dagger to sansa earlier?

I heard some mexican with a ponytail yell DUDE YOU SEE DAT GAME A TRONES DAT WAS SO BADDASS and I just hoped nobody tried to talk to me about that shit.

Yeah my friend kept insisting that arya was so badass and that he was glad she got to kill NK.

Why was Benjen a not-zombie anyway? I barely give a shit about this show anymore but why/how did that even happen

We aren't. But that doesn't make the show any less shit.

Could you imagine if they had the BALLS to actually do something like this?

Notice the bright-blue eyes on the Waif? D&D are such hacks.


proof that any basement dweller could write it better

This shitty pasta again. Let me list off some compelling counter-arguments for you: Victarion Greyjoy, Moqorro, Euron Greyjoy, Doran Martell, Quentyn Martell, Jon Motherfucking Connington

I just want China or Russia or whatever to finally come up with competition to western bullshit and start writing good shows. Is there anything out there?

Just let people have their fun. Yeah its low IQ normie rubbish. These are the same people who adore capeshit. Just leave them to it.

Elaborate ?

I call the lowest common denominators of the world George Lopez Fans.

This show started appealing to George Lopez around season 3.

Three Kingdoms

>minor houses that don't matter
House Dayne, bitch
>pointless, long-winded descriptions about every character's ever article of clothing
Color metaphors are important. They are books.

You all just want to hate this show. If Jon would've won, you would have called it cliché. I remember Yea Forums bitching about Jon being predictable.

Looks pretty good I will check it out fren

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we will never know, the night king raised him but the children of the forest broke his control.
Wasted potential there. I thought it was going to be a twist like how jon was resurrected but nah lord of light

Normalfags were on the edge of their seat because it was the only way they could see anything

fuck you are right

still surprised how bad and BORING the episode was

So was all the hold the door thing really necessary? Poor Hodor.

That was a dragonglass dagger.

yeah it would have but at least it makes sense and fits rather than
for the sake of

imo it must be leading up to something bigger than anyone is expecting

no way they're going to reduce the whole looming walker plot (the single most anticipated plot of any show in history), the final season (the most expensive and highly produced season of any TV show of all time so far) and by extension the whole premise of the show for that matter down to cheap 'woke' brownie points

especially not with the remaining 4-5 hours of the show they need to fill

Then how would you have done it? They were given a tough task and would get shit no matter what because people just wanna hate. People would laugh if Theon did it, they would rage out if Dany or Sansa did it, they would be confused if the hound did it

I didnt, and I consider myself normal.

This is NOT acceptable but you don't seem like you spend much time around here so I'll try to be understanding. This place hasn't used that homophobic word for years. The preferred term is now normie. Replacing that once-ubiquitous hate with a funny and friendly word was possibly the proudest moment in the site's history so some people might really take exception to you just ignoring it. Everyone isn't as understanding as I am.

How about giving them an actual motivation? How about having them overrun Winterfell and push the climactic battle to King's Landing? How about fulfilling the prophecy in some way? How about having Bran actually do something important or having some meaningful twist with him and the NK? All of this would've been infinitely better than what we've got.

>Guy at work. Redneck type from indiana. Told me he loved it. He was so happy when arya got to kill the night king. And now hes telling me she has to kill cersei. Wouldnt even concede anything in the battle was dumb, like second line catapults
>He absolutely btfo me.
its all so tiring

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The episode is basically the opposite of the webm

Brann betrays everyone and becomes the NK. Jamie is one of his white walker generals. They march south and white walker Jamie kills Cersei. You enjoying it yet? I'm just basement dweller give me 100$ and I will write the details.

you'd think defeating the ultimate baddie would require some amount of teamwork, instead of everyone just being given a try until someone kills him.

Before Arya, 3 people individually attacked him. And he's clearly not that hard to kill.
How did he survive this long is beyond me.

I could forgive Arya killing the Night King if during that scene where his music played you saw everyone just dying horribly. As soon as the dead got over the walls that should have been it. You could be the greatest warrior whoever lived, you cannot fights off a literal wave of the dead.
The show made it's name by having balls now faggots like Sam have plot armor 20 miles thick. Fuck Sam should have died when Jon didn't save him. That would have been great.
What a fucking shit show

He survived for 10,000 years he had a good run until he met Arya.

How did the knife get to her right hand? She is holding her left hand extended to the left instead of holding it above her head making the drop result in the knife being far from her right hand, not only impossible to catch but at the very least requiring too much movement for her to catch the knife and stab.

Why would Jon bother to help Sam when he's wearing the best armor? That would make no sense.

Why didnt D&D just browse Yea Forums for fuck sake

That's just wishful thinking dude.
It's over. The NPCs have won. The battle for the dawn is lost.

So why did Rhaegar suddenly discover he had to become a Knight? will that ever be answered?

they shouldve given the kill to my nigga Theon

Don't you know? Shes a master assassin super shinobi dude.. 1 year training with a stick and mopping the floor is all it takes to be the deadliest person in westeros.

Jesus christ, when every user can write better than the official hacks.


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they literally had 2 filler episodes because they had no idea how to develop the plot. Then went with a cop out. The whole 'see how dragon fire can't kill NK' parade was a joke, he had no reason to run from jon and dany. Also, it is current year, but they still use the villain takes his time so that he can be killed cliche. It was always bad, but come on now. We have retards in charge, don't expect much

Have Jon do it, Have Jon fight him it's already been set up not only by the books, prophecy shit, but the show itself the same way it sets up Arya and the Frey's and Sansa and Ramsay. Who cares if it's predictable, faggots have been wanting Cleganebowl for years anyways.
Doing what is thematic and ultimately more satisfying for the narrative as a whole and fits and pays things off will benefit the story far better than being unpredictable for the sake of just being unpredictable.
And you don't have to make it a cliche confrontation, hell you could kill Jon or have him maimed, maybe he is the distraction or maybe he and arya beat the night king or maybe he indirectly beats the night king. Anything that pays off all that build up, even if it's just a nod to it and the prophecy, the one that made his dad impregnate his mom in the first place. But nope being SHOCKING is wHAat GaME oF THrOnES Is aLl aBoUT.

And even if was gonna be Arya, it still doesn't change how ridiculous, illogical and anti climactic the execution of it was.
Which easily was the worst part in an episode filled to the brim with plot contrivances and conveniences from the first 3 minutes to the last literal second.

indeed, but they are aiming for the final battle, NK was demoted to mid boss, which is pretty laughable with all the build up

literally sad how much better this is than what we got

now watch this with
at 6:30 for literal KINO

This should've been it. We could have had the most legendary battle scene in television history that really sets the stakes.

Holy shit can you imagine

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It is not normal to unironically enjoy this
unless "normalfag" is synonymous with "dumb blonde"

Maybe it's just me, but I think that even the music on this show became underwhelming in the last two seasons. I can't remember anything interesting from S7, and I get that this was supposed to be a standout track, but it can't hold a candle the Light of the Seven, the heroic version of Rains that played after the bear pit, the first time that annoying dragon theme played, or that other theme that became almost as muddled and overused as Rains, the one that played when Theon executed Rodrik... This is just generic as fuck.

The music is one of the few good things about this episode

But this feels more like a series finale. Who would be left for the next 3 episodes?

Can someone add the music from 6:30 on?

What else is there? Some actors are competent, but that's it. It's not cinematography, I'll tell you that much.
Man, imagine being the poor set designer who built Winterfell from the ground up, only to have it all obscured in almost total darkness when the episode airs.

Idk I think it's good enough.

no, it's only the faggots at burlington bar, tumblr sjws and 90 IQ lowest common denominator brainlets who enjoyed it. anyone who didn't just start watching the show 2 weeks ago because of the hype fucking hated it.

hey it's fixed
still not happy about jon getting off'd unless the lord of light/fire helps him out this time

Alfie Allen's acting. That's it desu. He plays the broken man very well. Bran was fucking dull but Alfie sold the facial expressions well

60,000 people gave it a 10 on imdb lol A lot of people loved it for some fucking reason

I wish Jon would become kind of a uncle Benjen type white walker after dying

Post underrate tracks

>killing humans 1 on 1 in specific situations for a ritualistic death worshipping purpose.
>killing the leader of psychic ice monsters in an open space with nowhere to hide surrpunded by his minions.

Help your dad understand.



Yeah, but almost everyone dies in the clip. Wtf would you do for the next 3 episodes.

This, Theon's last moments were the only good part of the episode

It looks epic, especially combined with the music but what would they do after this? This clip feels more like a series finale. Who would survive this and how would you extend it 3 more episodes?

>imdb ratings
yeah but who the fuck actually does that lmao
>A lot of people loved it
the majority still hated it though

Watch Cersei smugly drink wine before getting BTFO'd by the army of the dead. Or alternatively, have her be the one to kill the NK via wildfire to piss off normies.

Some things are honestly better left as a mystery and Rhaegar's character is better the less that is said about him.

Like in the first few seasons he was this near mythical prince of the realm with a true tragic love story.

I hope they leave him as that.

Did you read ADWD? The world building and lore in Essos is really good. I loved the chapters in volantis and slaver's bay.
Also the prologue chapter with the skinchanger is exceptionally good with world building. The way the POV goes from Varamyr to his wolf(? I forgot which animal he had)

You seem to dislike some people which you call normalfags. I don't know what normalfag means and I don't know what you see yourself as.

They actually are all making the same critics of Yea Forums. You are all normalfags, accept it.

>true love story
>leaving an extremely devoted wife and two kids, on which is a fucking newborn, in the clutches of your crazy, sadistic, paranoid father who hates you in order to bang a 14 year old

Redpill me on the hornhead blue guy. Is he someone important?

nothing, the story should have ended with the fight for the dawn
leaving us with the final message of the series

The absolute state of fag/got/s

When jon confronts the NK, add the scene from the Noah as the lighbringer awakening.

But what about the prince that was promised and GRRM bittersweet ending? It can't be edgelord dark but also can't be wrapped up in a pretty bow like what these fucking hacks did

Yes but he never wanted to marry her and even then its tragic because Jon had to be born to fight the white walkers. Elia Martell's story and her two children is just as tragic. They had to be sacrificed alongside Rhaegar and Lyanna so that Jon could live.

But D&D tossed that shit out of the window and now Jon is another pointless claimant to a throne despite nothing in his character arc pointing him towards that ambition.

This is The Last Jedi levels of shit, why bother building up a threat if it its killed off just because you can't write a better conclusion

nah he's just some blue weirdo who wanted to diddle Bran

My dad would fuck up your dad.

How the fuck is anyone supposed to care about Cersei and Euron as the main enemy after the Night King. It was such a stupid decision. Really fucking dumb.


how about we see what will happen with the NK and Kings landing? Not everyone had to die, maybe leave Jamie with Jon running off in a horse unconscious, but winterfell absolutely should have gone down

So you would've moved this up to episode 6? We still wouldn't get the NK backstory, motive, details, and the whole Bran connection, plus GRRM promised us a bittersweet ending and the prince that was promised.

I agree, I think he should've won. I'm just not sure what they could've done next. Who's the prince that was promised with Jon and Bran dead? Where's the connection between the NK and Bran? The backstory?

So many main characters are going to get BTFO the next three episodes. Then you're gonna realize the real enemies were the living that we met along the way. Bravo DD.

Arya has brown eyes.

pretty tragic if you ask me, why men can't have nice things?

Jesus Christ that picture.

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I find the Waif extremely attractive. I want to smell her feet while she pegs me.

You literally have to be fucking braindead to still be watching this retarded garbage

Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if Jon isn't AA. Stannis, Cersei, Melisandre, they're all getting fucked with a barbed dildo by trying to understand, prevent, or influence prophecy. Why not Rheagar too? Dany is probably AA. She fits all the criteria without trying, we know that she's shit at being queen and about as miserable about it as Robert was. Glorious dragon kamikaze suicide to save the world after accidentally blowing up KL in overzealous eagerness to btfo Blackfyre fucking shits seem to fit her arc pretty good.

>Part 1: get rid of the big threat we don't know how to resolve with super jump Arya
>Part 2: get rid of Cersei with *teleports behind you* Arya

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>what would they do after this?
- Bran should have been rescued and taken to King's Landing (maybe by dragon?).
- The remaining Winterfell defenders retreat to the Eyrie, we get another desperate last stand at the Eyrie where maybe the zombie dragon is killed
- The last battle takes place in King's Landing, Cersei and Bran share the only good dialogue in the last 4 seasons in the iron throne room
- Cersei: "how do you defeat an unstoppable army? can you burn them all?"
- Bran wargs back in time into Aerys II
- Aerys II hears a whispering voice in his head repeating "burn them all, burn them all"
- so Bran is the reason that Aerys II became the mad king in the first place
- which is why he stockpiled wildfire in King's Landing
- King's Landing is allahu akbar'd with wildfire, killing a million people and the whole zombie army

You need to GO BACK

Well, this clip kills Jon. So maybe keep Jaime, Tyrion, The Hound, Dany, Podrick, the black bitch, and Davos and Varys.
>They retreat to Kings Landing
>Jaime makes a deal with Cersei to let them stay
>Cersei loses control after people flip about the dead coming
>She starts screaming "Burn them all" and Jaime becomes the queenslayer
>episode 5 the last great war
>episode 6 the epilogue and the throne is destroyed and they form a council/democracy

I'm still not sure how the fuck they would beat the NK the last battle though


>Everyone in the north is dead
>NK advancing to KL
>Cersei now gone completely mad queen, thinks she could easily defeat NKs army now that her main rivals are defeated
>NK steamrolls the Golden Company and besieges KL which also gets steamrolled
>Cersei sitting on the iron throne screaming "Burn them all!"
>Undead Jamie kills her
>Last scene is pic related
Or something like that

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The connection to the NK though? I'm still fucking pissed we never saw Bran and the NK connect

They pretty much fucked Winterfell, there was a dragon in the courtyard after all. But I bet next episode way too many people will magically be alive.

GRRM said a bittersweet ending

they will be different, because they will not exist
that's a big difference

reminder it was ALWAYS shit. we should have gotten the walkers running over westeros like 2 seasons ago. then we should have gotten a full season of survivors trying to fight for the dawn in the post-apocalyptic barren ice wastelands. it was always shit, this was just the final stage of disappointment. and in 10 years no one south of winterfell will believe any of the shit seen in the last episode, it's going to grow into another silly myth.

someone match the music with the clip

The books are absolutely no different, though. Arya is just as if not even more annoying a character in the books.

prince or princess you bigot, not that it matter cause the most likely candidates got shafted fuck D&D and fuck GRRM and fuck me for wasting my time on this piece of shit of a show i would've killed my self if i didnt pirate every single episode


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Not underrated but I love it desu.

Did Jons wolf surivive?

Can some autist do this before the thread disappears

Yes, Ghost will be in episode 4. It's confirmed

She's not, and what's more important is that everything around her is nowhere near as shitty and rushed as in the TV show.
Her whole training subplot in the books makes sense. She's given sensible tasks that help her develop actually important skills, and what's more is that the people helping her don't act like angsty litigious cunts for absolutely no reason.
In the TV show nothing makes sense. It superficially looks like the same kind of stuff is happening, but that's it.
It doesn't matter whether you like Arya or not, what matters is if the kind of stuff she does is set up properly and follows logically to some degree. The TV show doesn't even try. You may think the books aren't good at it either, but they're still miles above the TV show.

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Imagine being junior writer in that script and having to be like "damn David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, you fuckin' fine, all clever with your fridge ideas and horrific twists. I would totally write a story with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old extra in Cersei's dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that starting writer and not only read that script while Benioff and Weiss flaunt their disgusting ideas in front of you, the sound of the room revealing their excitement and additional story details, while they slowly slog around the storyboard. Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking retardation but their haughty attitude as everyone nearby tells them they STILL GOT IT and DAMN YOU GUYS ARE SO SMART!! because they're not the ones who have to sit there and read the dumpster fucking fire script of the next season. You've been reading fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Tolkien and later alleged great works of a polish alcoholic for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the windmills of England. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can feel the retardation that is breaking out of that storyboard as they leave it open while reading those improperly fit set pieces, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there, look at the script, and revel in their "genius" writing, writing they worked so hard for 7 days a week in the previous two years. And then they call for another scene, and you know you could kill every single executive producer in this building before the security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking junior writer. You're not going to lose your future wordsmith career over this. Just bear it. Smile and bear it.

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I mean, they're a little better in some respects but it's not anything substantial.
You'll either like a character like Arya or dislike her but I've never thought she's all that different. The most aggravating thing in the books is that GRRM was clearly way too in love with his creation and she ended up monopolising the narrative to where every second chapter was a torturously slow Arya chapter.
The show also hasn't (as far as I'm aware) gone in on stupid eye-rolling crap like zombie catelyn. Where it isn't pretty much a point for point reproduction of the books it even loses some of the written nonsense. The problem with GOT is that the material is bad.

Aren't you forgetting that Arya got buffed with royal semen just before the battle

>70 lbs girl depicted as absolute UNIT, kicking ass left and right

yeah, rest of the knights totally not trained as hard, it makes perfect sense

I just remind them that GoT ripped off the ending to Star Wars The Phantom Menace, the most derided Star Wars film.

This usually puts them into a state of anger, confusion, denial and fear. It’s hilarious. I’m thinking about making some memes.

how did it do that

>I want to smell her feet while she pegs me
Are there videos out there depicting this?

Anakin, a kid, goes into the droid control ship, destroys it with an easy cheap shot, and the entire mindless battle droid army is defeated.

Arya, also a kid, kills the Night King with an easy cheap shot, and his entire mindless zombie army is defeated.

Hilariously pathetic. GoTards have been eating shit this whole time.

the idea of "kill one, kill them all" is much older than TPM.
Vampire movies have already been doing that for decades

NK is literally soimaul, just how much hint do you need?

Why can't I enjoy schlock like this and they can? What's wrong with me?

This ending is too good for us all.

Glad I'm a normalfag that can enjoy this and still appreciate kino too.

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why dont you retards grow some balls and smack him down with opposing ideas and start BREAKING THE FUCKING CONDITIONING

You'd have to save Jon for the Azor reveal

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dude, thats it. thats the entire WW plot. bravo dabid
fuck. listening to this already makes me miss season 1. back then i was so fucking hyped to know how it would end. now i just fucking give up.

so why did the other white walkers die once the night king was slain? where was it implied that they are literally powered by him like video game minions?

How did Sam survive being constantly piled on by wights for 8 hours with a few bruises and scratches?

it's the lowest rated battle episode so far. fucking watchers on the wall without stannis saving the day was still better than this shit.

It was just to make Aryafags clap because she's popular. It would be like if JK Rowling allowed Hermione to kill Voldemort.

>It would be like if JK Rowling allowed Hermione to kill Voldemort at the end of goblet of fire teleporting from nowhere

I wish

Why do this to yourself user?
You sound like an abused housewife

>"D&D are going to clean themselves up now, they're going to redeem themselves next week, they're not just going to do the same shit again and again, just trust me you guys"

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Pleb tier entertainment writers like CNN hated it. Those 10s are the same people that think bvs and tlj are good, mindless retards

Go fuck yourself, homosexual

he got stabbed by a walker but the children of the forest stabbed him too with dragonglass before he fully turned, left him half/half and unable to go south of the wall

is this official or just random shitposting?

I fixed it bros, for

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Jesus Christ....It could have been one of the most shocking moments and battles in television history....Instead it was a cheap unsatisfying girl power moment

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how many "good guy" marks did you collect from twitter girls for your brave defending of the stupid arya ending? Did you already fill out those 10 boxes?


he says it himself

The concentration of pure $OY

> “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,” - Beinoff

>"On Game of Thrones, characters are free to while away hours, even entire seasons, on the periphery. The story lines move forward and dig deeper as the episodes progress but rarely circle back and almost never pause for reflection. When I asked Benioff and Weiss if it was possible to infer any overall intentionality to the upcoming 10 episodes, they sneered. “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,” Benioff told me."

There was something on the news about people celebrating Arya killing the NK and someone asked what that was about

I said "It's a bunch of idiots who thought that episode was good"

The office went apoplectic. People literally yelling at me about how i can't enjoy things

trolled softly

>shallow lore
I aint even a fan of this retarded series but he has some amazing lore, mythology etc

They literally take pride in not being able to write.

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>“Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,” - Beinoff

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Great taste
Rat-tier fetish

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This isn't accidental hack writing - this is on purpose. We are in the era of "event programming". Making a good show is worthless if it doesn't trend on twitter. Everyone needs to talk about it. The only way to do that is to constantly flip the script.

They KNOW it's anticlimactic, against character, and fundamentally retarded - that's WHY they did it, so it would set the internet on fire way more than a satisfying conclusion would have.

Absolutely patrician

Normies we're 50 50 on it. Some I talked to were YAAAAS types, others were disappointed.

lets talk about your fixation with pegging user
and why its so good

Jon Connington and Harry Strickland's role will be consolidated with Jon Snow standing in as Faegon. Harry will betray Cersei after learning Jon is is his best friend's son.

This is realistically the only chance they have of beating Cersei

Benioff confirmed better writer than Shakespeare.

>What could have been
It's not fair bros

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Wow, Three Kingdoms is finally getting an adaptation? I hope they do Journey to the West next!
you are welcome

I actually shouted "AWW COME ON" I had to get myself an ice cream cone in order to calm myself. AZOR JAIME FOREVER.

The bittersweet will be the final twist..
Cersei will be killed and Daenerys will declare herself queen, only for Jon to shockingly and surprisingly stab her in the back. The whole thing will be a complete shock to the viewer and it will be Jon putting his family before love

This. They love the fact people are arguing about it and having constant discussions. This is what it’s all about for them, to get it talked about on social media. The next few episodes will be the same.

Guarantee this is what's gonna happen in the penultimate episode:
>the meagre forces left from the Battle of Winterfell march South to the Neck, their short provisions now able to sustain the much smaller army
>Cersei's army + Golden Company march North, refreshed and ready for battle
>Battle commences, North getting dunked on by the Lannisters for the 2nd time this season because they're all exhausted and traumatised
>Iron Fleet surround the shores on both sides and come in to flank, with the giant Ballistae mounted on the ships, concealed
>Daario Naharis pops up on an elephant, leads the Golden Company right in to the back of the Lannister Army, turns out they're getting paid off by some mysterious ally of the North
>Dragons go for the Ironborn, both get fatally wounded by the ballistae due to their injuries
>Drogon goes down for good
>Rhaegal barely alive
>Suddenly, Wildfire catapults
>Northmen and GC on their last legs, Ironborn pushing them back
>Suddenly the entire Lannister army and Ironborn's eyes go white
>They all commit Sudoku on the spot, save the Mountain, Cersei, Euron, Qyburn
>Bran warged everyone
>Cleganebowl is short and shit, Sandor goes down thinking its still his brother
>Arya goes for the heart
>gets shrekt because the Mountain no longer has need for vital organs
>Jon and Salsa go ape
>Salsa flattened, Jon somehow cripples the Mountain
>Asspull by Rhaegal, gets up and just torches the lot of them, Jon included
>Jon is fine, Targaryen blood etc etc
>Dany goes mad with the revelation Jon was telling the truth
>Tries to Dracharys Jon
>Rhaegal turns around and fries her
>Queue victory music

You should know that post S4 there was no trusting D&D to do things right. I am not mad Arya killed the NK but the it was executed is why I'm livid.


a leak said jon will get stabbed at a wedding.

All that buildup with the south being oblivious/willfully ignoring the fact magic/zombies are active was meant to be a central point. Winter didn't do much to the south now, the north will somehow pull together enough and fight cersei, either at a midpoint or in KL. We still have to have the city get completely nuked right? All the wildfire wasn't the in the church. Qyburns gotta be making more yea.

Has either media fucking explained this yet? Cold resurrection leads to wrights, completely mindless thralls (ww's are some other magic using fresh kids). Fire resurrection brings you back, but outright dead and you sort of decay still because wounds can't be healed.

Does Dany like cold flaccid dick? How is Jon getting it up? Why does he care about temperature/clothing?

I want to say Based but i just spent a hour playing with Audacity to get the perfect result and you beat me to it.

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Easy way to trigger redditors

So the only ones who did not are retards
I’ll take that

Have sex

>S08E03 somehow improved
>(any character or scene not mentionned stays the same)

>Snow is falling on the castle. Smoke comes out of people's mouth. (It's winter ffs).
>The backnoise of the horde is heard nonstop in the distance way earlier and builds up real slow from the point Melisandre appears to the moment the horde arrives.

>Jorah gets swallowed by the horde with the Dothrakis, never to be seen again
Longer wide shots of the Dothraki horde being slowly eaten.

>The dead army still needs to feel like a tidal wave but can't be seen as quick and overwhelming if the second half of the episode (Winterfell swarmed) has to stay believable.

>In ordre to maintain this sense of immediate dread, several secondary characters have to get killed.
Pod, Royce, Edd and Sam all get killed during the first battle outside the walls
("When winter come you will die. Like flies.")

>WAY more fires on and around the walls of the castle

>Trebuchets are put behind the Unsullied lines and keep firing as long as can be. Archers are massively displayed along the walls and rain fire on the dead from the moment they are within range to the moment the walls are attacked. They retreat behind swordsmen manning the wall

>When the Unsullied cover up the retreat, Jaime and Brienne manage to reach the castle. Jaime gets swarmed, Brienne sacrifices herself to save him and cover his escape.

>Grey Worm dies while covering Melisandre when she lights the trenches.

>Davos dies on the wall when the
Tormund and Gendry gets swarmed in the castle when the zombies are in.

>The crypts is a horror show. Gilly, Varys, Missandei and discount Shireen die. Tyrion and Sansa are able to retreat behind a tumb and almost buried alive behind corpses. Tyrion dies choking, Sansa comes out alive with PTSD.

>Shot of Arya looking down at Winterfell from the top of some tower or walkway, assessing the chaos. Close up of her face looking around, then she turns her eyes on the sacred forest.

cont 1/4

>Danerys manage to stay on top of Drogon while he flies away with zombies on its back but is overpowered by them and falls to her death.

>The White Walkers generals are seen approaching way earlier in the battle and keep the Night King under close protection when he's on the ground.

>The Night King raises the dead. Jon, while charging towards him, realises what is happening and instead of charging starts frantically sprint head on and reaches the White Walkers, but is quickly overpowered by the WW generals who stab cut him multiple times. He's personnaly slowly stabbed in the throat by the NK while his generals hold Jon by the arms, mirroring Yoren's demise.

>In the sacred forest, Theon let the Night King approach and is quickly impaled in close combat.
Bran Stark looks at him and wargs everyone still alive to show them the truth of Jon's parentage, ultimately showing the futility of the succession line and prophecies since Jon just died.

>A red leaf falls behind the Night King as he's looking down at Bran
Arya is visibly seen in the heart tree before falling on the Night King, lands on its shoulders making it fall on the ground. Arya manage to quickly get on her feet and tries to stab him but he blocks her and snaps her neck.
Theon stabs the foot of the Night King with the fallen dagger, ending him, then bleeds out.

cont 2/4

>Rhaegal dies of his wounds in the morning.
Jaime, The Hound and Sansa survived among a few dozens of ragtag people, half of them dying the day after, from wounds, cold or malnutrition, while other just flee on their own in the northern wasteland
Winterfell is utterly ruined
Bran is still breathing but lost in thousands and thousands of warging viewpoints that he lost control of and can't find the way back to his own body. He dies a few days after from lack of food and water, and is buried near the heart tree.
Drogon escaped and is drifting southwards
Sansa is driven mute with grief.
Leaderless, Jaime and the Hound don't know what to do and just stick around for the time being

Time skip

Cersei, Smuggest of her name and pregnant, had her informants and band of soldiers roaming evermore north to collect intel on what exactly happened up there. They only find desolation and death anywhere north of Moat Cailin and White Harbor
After hearing reports about the demise of her ennemies, she marches Euron and the GC north with orders to kill every man, woman and children aware whatsoever of the Battle for the Dawn, and of course anyone closely related to her former ennemies. Euron is in charge of a naval blockade on White harbor and Widow's Watch, the Manderlys are executed and Euron proclaimed warden of the North, now a barren wasteland.

After some time, Sansa somehow came back to her senses. After arguing about a foolish plan to kill the queen, her, Jaime and the Hound barely make it alive to Widow's Watch in a last ditch effort to flee to Pentos.

Cont 3/4

Time skip

The trio, now in Braavos hear news about the Seven Kingdoms
Official reports tell stories of a quick war between the Stark and the Dragon Queen up in Winterfell, with no clear victory and both family heads dead.
A rogue Drogon is burning random willages and eating people in the Westerlands, Riverlands and Crownlands.
Cersei died in labour, her baby was stillborn.
Without any clear line of succession, the throne is up for grabs between Euron, the Golden Company and any other secondary noble house with enough strength to try and fill the power vacuum.


just fk my shit up

>being this optimistic
oh you sweet summer child

just imagine a continuation where another continent is introduced.
the nightking keeps marching beyond the sea with his new generals...
a completelly new saga. and the audience would have such a gigantic connection to the main villains (zombie general jon,danny etc)
the potential would be gigantic.


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And you want to overlook it's glaring narrative and character flaws because you want to LOVE it. See? I can do the same thing.

Everyone at my job found the epsiode underwhelming. So that was a nice change of pace

team effort frog child

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youtube video is at 90 percent likes

Imagine if everybody was waiting for the white walkers and it turns out episode three is the night king dragon burning kings landing while cersei's forces attack the northern kingdoms including winterfell. Jamie realizes what's happening and says:
"cersei you fucking retard."
Cut cersei smuggly looking at a map.
Cersei: says to qubern or whoever. "Gee wiz I'm so smart the north will never see it coming.mp3.
The night king then blows up whatever building she's in.
Because cersei is a dumbass like always, the north wins, but loses forces and the night king now is marching from both sides with an even larger army. Maybe even taking the pirate ships defending kings landing.
Main characters are lost during the battle. The north wins just as white walkers start approaching. The remaining golden company army freaks out seeing white walkers and tries to gtfo, but is btfo and turning to zombies.
Now you have more reasons why the starks are retarded in terms of why they don't make better use of archers, and siege weapons.


He's the Great Other in the books.

I have always liked GoT but only liked. Not loved. I don't give much of a fuck and often watched them months later than released. I hate about half of the characters.
I enjoyed this new episode. Plenty of cool scenes and bad ass battle. I love Arya, Hound, Tyrion, and Varys. A few others too but fuck if I remember their names. Anyhow, the episode was about the same quality as always. Cool shit with faggy stuff and bad writing mixed in.
The dragons fly off because fog.
Bran continues to be worthless.
Arya (who is great) has a lame kill scene vs NK/Snoke.
Theon has a plastic, forced redemption scene.

But other than these typical missteps, it was cool. Loys to like. Especially the liitle leader girl vs giant.

I don't understand the emotional freakouts in these videos but neither do I understand the hate investment either. Who fucking cares? Those same whores are weeping over soap operas and cartoons too.

That just means you are retarded.

The biggest balls. They could have killed off everyone last minute and everyone would have accepted it.

You and your inDFIFFERENCE are thee reason we goT THIS

Compare this shit to season 1. What the fuck happened?

>daenerys survives

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too bad? its just a silly fantasy show

because it's not even good schlock, they should have just gone full fanservice
Melisandre showing up with red priestesses and throwing fireballs, Hound using Beric's sword, Brienne and Jamie tagteaming a white walker, Ned's headless corpse chasing Sansa through the crypts, fuck it just have Arya spot Jaqen H'ghar winking at her from the front line
but no, only Arya and D&D's OC were allowed to do anything noteworthy, everybody else just got their shit pushed in it's absolute fucking garbage


>alleged great works of a polish alcoholic

your mother sucks dwarf cock

Also imagine being Peter Dinklage/Maisie/80% of the cast that have to be the face of something you hate and think is retarded but everyone just remembers your face and (sub)consciously blame you for the shit they make you say. I don't get the hate for the actors they literally have no input and are treated as puppets.

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Yelled at you?

stop, fuck, I don't want to think about, the whole concept about this show and the normies is fucking cringe

why the fucking fuck they ruined the chance to make an awesome season about a hopeless apocalyptic war of mass destruction across Westeros?

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A basement dweller can write a much better story than writers involved in a multimillion dollar show. They cannot be this retarded and had to do it on purpose so that people would talk about it.

they brought all the baddest motherfuckers in westeros together so they could superimpose them jobbing to basic bitch wights onto a tracking shot of winterfell
bravo d&d
bravo game of thrones

They should have had to retreat from Winterfell, and then been forced to fight Cersei to take Kings Landing and defend it from the Ice King. Episode 1/2 could have been a desperate death march, episode 3 could have been a hold the line for the retreat. Maybe at that bridge castle. Sort of mirror the Red Wedding.

Amazing how normies constantly shit on the Prequels for its writing, directing, fan-service general lack of quality from the ot, but give this shit a free pass.

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I figured out how Arya managed to get past the other walkers. She used CIA’s teleporter that she got after killing him.

More that it was so bad not even capeshitters can defend it.

I need to get to the timeline where this happens

You just described my friends. It hurts

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And you're just a silly child with silly opinions.

based bossposter

Your dad is a retard

What would have unironically been better.

>winterfel gets overwhelmed
>half of the main cast die
>jon snow dies in front of dany, who realising her army is gone and her ally lies dead decides to flee on her dragon like a spoiled coward
>seeing the king of the north die everyone starts to panic and lose the will to fight.
>ginger barbarian dies
>fire woman dies, burning herself and taking many walkers with her
>sansa an heroes while tyrion flees with his fate being left a mystery for the rest of the episode
>brienne dies
>eunuch dies
>grey worm and ethnic woman die
>friendzone man seeing his queen fleeing and leaving him to die before being overwhelmed
>night king confronts the cripple and theon, who gives up realising theres no chance of winning. NK wheels the cripple off for reasons yet unknown and ignoring theon entirely, not giving him the redemption he wants as he collapses to his knees
>set up for how cerseis bargain might have blown up in her face as the dead of winterfel expand NKs army
>winterfel burned to the ground by some survivors as they attempt to take the walkers with them.

>Arya jumps at NK
>NK grabs her
>Arya's throat freezes
>about to die
>NK looks down
>Crossbow bolt sticking through NK from back through front
>Pan to Bran, crossbow hidden under covers
Best ending desu

What could've been...

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KINO, also that hammer


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that would have been so fucking good.

>Yea Forums wanted was literally the ending of Warhammer Fantasy universe
Normies would be fucking pissed

This is what someone posted in our group chat and they all agreed.
And I'm the guy with shit taste for not liking it.

It hurts to live

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You have shit friends, mate.

It's either them or no friends at all

Get new friends. Not even joking.

Normalfags also lie to themselves and the world on a daily basis.

It's a real blackpill that 90% of the world are complete and utter liars straight to your face, and 10% of them speak the truth and they tend to be shunned.

And before the /pol/zoomers get excited and scream "That's us! We're the 10%", just know that you're subject to this ratio as well.

Progressives ruin everything.

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There you are... have to ctrl + F. I was afraid you where not coming. Damn you are late...

People that know shit about narration have shit taste. In other news, the sky is blue. I mean, disregard how it happened. You don´t build antagonism for 8 seasons just so someone other than the "choosen one" slays the main antagonist. This is the equivalent of, i don´t know, Leia entering to the throne room mid fight to take down Vader, Sam killing Frodo for the ring or Trinity taking down agent Smith... it was utterly retarded. D&D should be fired for this shit. What´s next? Sansa killing Cersei and Arya telling her "you do know how to use it", Bran riding a bike? How about Hodor entering at the last minute and killing The mountain? (he was saved by Uncle Benjen and is actually Renly Beratheon´s son because why the fuck not)

>People literally yelling at me about how i can't enjoy things

they're right, have sex

dabbed on that faggot

Why were people in the bar cheering when arya killed knight king? what is wrong with these people its just a fictional tv show.


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The real question is how is Cersei in any way a threat after the Night King? Just roast King's Landing with dragon flame lmao.

Sam's story is pretty much over. He should have died. Brienne and Jaime should be dead, they survived through things that no one should have survived through, and the most comical part was at the end where literally all the extras were dead and only main characters with plot armor left alive swinging around their weapons wildly in winterfell.

Qyburn's asspull and/or the good guys do retarded shit again

A redpill of the real world, normalfags are more autistic that us, the problem is that they are also stupid.