Matt Reeves Batman casting rumored to take place this week

Place your bet

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Ben Affleck

>implying it won't take them months, as it did for spider-twink

Some literally who.

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I was going to say Joel Kinnaman with confidence, but I just remembered he was in Suicide Squad.

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My name is Bruce, I'm an artist, I'm a perfomance artist. I'm hired by people to fulfill their fantasies. Their deep, dark fantasies.

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Jake Gylenhall would be kino.

Friendly reminder that Ser Jorah Mormont will portray Batman on the Titans season 2

Can he also portray Batman on the films?

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It's unironically Ben Affleck.

Idris Elba

I'm still betting on him.

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Please no

I really liked that Robert Pattinson poster.



Idris elba or Michael b jordan

Mel Gibson's deconstruction of Batman and the idea of a superhero when?

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literally doesn't work because idris is already in suicide squad.


here's your new batman bro

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It's his time

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The Justic League pose would look hilarious

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You young


plebs couldnt handle it

Too chad for his own good. Should have got that wound treated.

what porn parody is that from

uhh.. someone Black?

A small hindu boy no one has ever heard of... yet.

Jon Hamm.

I like it

Low T

He'd be a good punisher.

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Get a time machine and you will be right


who are you?

Is it necessary for Batman to be young? We've seen his beginning too many times? It would be better if they'd continue with the "he's been Batman for years" route. I'm still wishing to see Damian Wayne in live action too, even though I know it's not happening.

How are they going to tie up everything? Ben affleck won’t be the new Batman, so what happens to the event of BvS, Justice League? The Flash movie is also rumoured to be over with Ezra Miller dropping out. Henry Cavill is also done.

Looks like Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa and Zachary Levi are the ones who won’t change. How can DC tie this mess of a universe up?

>How can DC tie this mess of a universe up?
Flashpoint? Alternative universes? Multiverse?

Fuck off this board you pavement ape

If they had a flashpoint movie, then the actor who plays Flash would have to remain the same which he isn’t.

If it’s another multiverse, but WW, Aquaman and Shazam are the same but Batman, Superman and Flash are different then that doesn’t make any sense

New rumour is that this takes place after Todd Phillips Joker

Maybe they'll just stay in the same universe, replace the actors and pretend that nothing happened, just like how in the Nolan trilogy they replaced Rachel.

Jon Hamm

That's impossible because Bruce is too young in the Joker film, he's just a kid and the movie is set in the 80s while the Batman movie will be in the 90s, meaning that Batman will still be young.

Right so it's the same universe, young batman. What's impossible about that?

Would be kino. But the best choice would be to pick a literally who if they're planning to make multiple Batman movies

Joker is in the Elseworlds, so there will be no connection.


We hardly see amateur Batman

>replace the actors and pretend that nothing happened
How humiliating would it be if this happened.

I have a "feeling" that it's gonna be Ansel Elgort but you didn't hear it from me.

>real superheroes

He is older than Ben Affleck, plus audiences hate him, nearly every movie he had leading role in flopped

>not knowing about SuperVaclav, the Czech superhero who fights against hardened criminals such as people who smoke recklessly at bus stops in the streets of Prague!

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Holy Shit. The obvious homosexuality aesthetics emanated from this pic is hilarious. Footballfags everywhere.

Never, hopefully. Mel is smarter than that, although a suitcase full of money is always a good bait.

Bubble boy? No thanks

That is, bar none, the worst looking bat-suit I've seen. And yes, that includes the nipple suit.

It will never be either, thank Christ

Unlikely. DC TV and DC movies are separate entities, which is a good thing as that allows the TV shows to do sillier stuff at times.

I grew to dislike him after he played a fucking pedo

He'll only portray Bruce Wayne tho, since they aren't allowed to use Batman in the show.

>Mel Gibson hates BvS
>liked Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy

Josh Brolin?

keeping robin under his basement is pedo too

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That would be too good for this clown timeline.


that scene looked fucking awful
cosplayers have made better costumes too
the matt reeves movie will suck balls
WB will quipify it I guarantee it
Why wouldn't he be young? Ideally if sane people were doing this and not desperate MBA hacks throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks you could start from scratch with a young Bruce Wayne and charge his growth across multiple films
He woulda been good
Because that sucks
The only thing that sucks more is Damian, that's a bad fucking story and plot and requires too much fucking set up to begin with
Like first you'd need to have supervillain Ra's complete with reincarnation, Talia his daughter being around from the start, Batman and Talia together, and then a couple movies later Damian
That's some serious set up
WB are just fucking making it up as they go and I think they are abandoning the BvS and JL garbage
I think they're just gonna ignore it as they now peruse being a comfortably mediocre Marvel-copy
Do they explain shit in Bond when the actor changes?
Batman Begins is really lame for this, he takes down one drug shipment and that's it
I want a whole movie of Batman vs the mob dagnabit
All the giga-chad pictures Yea Forums loves to post look like Tom of Finland art

How would Warners adjust their new Batman movie to be Marvelrific like Aquaman and Shazam were?

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Another British Batman? I'm in.

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Rainbow Batman.

The first two are amazing. Especially the second one. Like fucking hell.

>Batman making quips

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they should have made the ears shorter if they couldn't make them stick up

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>Batman prepping to some 70s/80s rock

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Name even one movie where he didn't.

West and Keaton are the best, as expected.

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The Schumacher movies and 60s series & film were rife with it
The 60s show though at least had an internal consistency that justified it and made it genuinely fun

A guy in a dark foreboding batcave saying "I'll get take out" is cringe

He'd would have been good young
Could still see him as someone like Ducard or Cain
He probably wouldn't want to

Actually you know what role he would have been great in? Duke Leto in Dune.


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well made but totally stupid

Nigga just forget they existed. It’s not that hard

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Pedro Sánchez

I'd honestly like to see a Batman and the Outsiders movie
Obviously it could only be done after a couple Batman movies and at least one or even two JL movies in order for him to quit and set up his own team
It would be a dynamic never seen on film before
Introduce lesser known heroes
Some of them could even be *gasp!* humorous, while he remains the straight man

And it could lead into Batman Inc

the first one. wtf were they thinking?

Batman can make quips, he did so often in the animated series and such where it worked, but they have to be scarce, dry and passive aggressive

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Be glad he even had a Bat costume, so often in the serials they would make all kinds of bizarre changers - in the 1944 Captain America serial he's a journalist named Grant Gardner

Batman should always say the minimum necessary
"I know" works better than "I'm aware of that"
And "I'm aware of that" isn't a quip, but it is passive aggressive.

I'm Batman

Richard Madden would be a decent choice if he can pull off an American accent. He's actually a pretty solid actor.

Affleck is apparently still contractually obliged to reprise his role as Batman if they ever do a Justice League sequel, I wonder how that’s gonna work

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Hope he remembers to turn that off for dinner parties. Not to totally shit on it, it's legit great framing though.

Matt Reeves doesn't seem to be the type.
Lol...Marvel wishes. Aquaman was actually a well directed film and only ONE Quip

they pay out the contracts pay or play clause

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kino. I have only seen him in Harry Potter. Is he a decent actor?

the whole movie was a series of jokes

>party man by Prince comes on the radio
(Id actually be okay with this one)

Kind of crazy that they didn't manage to make another good Batmobile after Keaton era.

Has the jaw for it and is around 6ft so not too bad.

>drunk fat affleck dyes his hair white and returns as Old Bruce in Batman Beyond

>Jokes=\= Quips
Come on bro. You know what people mean when they complain about quips in the MCU

His voice is too feminine.

hes fucking great, you should watch "good time"

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I heard its that kid from that Disney show where he acted along side his twin and it had that asian pic related girl. Now he has a show on CW and sometimes posts here.

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I'll watch this shit just for him and his kino voice

>implying Batman is not a pedo
>implying Batman doesn't fuck shota Robin all the time
wew lad

Watch The Rover and Life(2015). He's especially good in Life, he plays a very vulnerable, insecure person in it very well.

The Keaton batmobile is my favorite since it looks so classy with definite art deco influence in the design, but I may be biased since I grew up with the Keaton era films and the tie-in toys.

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Cole Sprouse? Yeah he posts here all the time. Half of his Instagram stories are Yea Forums meme threads

>Yea Forums memes

Why? That place is awful.

Anyone see You Were Never Really Here? The way Joaquin takes out the kiddie brothel should be how Batman operates.

High iq opinion

Better than Yea Forums

What, exactly, do you want from a Batman movie Yea Forums?

Strange Apparitions.

The Adam West suit looks amazing in comparison.

>replacing Affleck now that is in shape again

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The Joker (Joaquin Phoenix) is not committing any atrocious crimes. He's playing the system by trying to get his Joker Fish patented. Meanwhile his psychiatrist, Hugo Strange, is figuring out Batman's identity. Batman can't spend all his time dealing with the Joker because the crime lord Rupert Thorne has hired Deadshot to go after him.
Also Bruce Wayne is dating Silver St. Cloud. I think that'd make for a great movie honestly.

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What about a black Batman????

People literally don't care about changing actors. This isn't a YouTube friend simulator you fuck.

Marvel did it a bunch of times and literally nobody cared.

>he says on Yea Forums
Imagine if Yea Forums was 90% call of duty and battlefield last November. That is what Yea Forums is like now with GoT and Avengers.

Well then why has Batman already been in the show and Bruce Wayne hasn't?

Batman against Gothams organised crime
Raised by Alfred and Leslie Thompkins, given a puppy named Ace after his parents die
Training himself around the world
Big war against crime montage, night, shadows, lightening strikes, rain, fists, baterangs, Batman seen in brief flashes
Working with Harvey Dent DA, Lt Gordon hunting him, Gordons daughter a background character, other GCPD officers in the background like Bullock and Montoya
Meets Catwoman
Adopts Dick
Big fight with crooked SWAT
Rescued by Selina/Dick? (I guess I'm thinking of Mask of the Phantasm and Beaumont showing up at the construction lot)
Final showdown with mob hit team, kidnapping Gordons daughter? (and here I'm think of Year One and Gordons son, but it provides a streamlined organic story for it to be Babs cause hey then she has motivation for later activities)

For the second film make a big left turn and not only have a supervillain, but it's the... Mad Monk
Full bore Vampire Noir Horror

Leave Batman to me.

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>vote for me or I'll kill you
>poisoning fish
>he's not committing any crimes
You have like 4 villains in that, superhero movies always start breaking down when they pile on the villains
Batman & Robin, Spiderman 3, etc
Why not make an original superhero that is black?
Or eventually get to Batman Inc and have a 'Batman of Africa'

My Jew sources and Hollywood insiders tell me its Robert Pattinson

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The problems that Batman & Robin or Spider-Man 3 had are independent of how many villains they had.

>a bunch
They only replaced Terence Howard and Edward Norton

Isn’t this new Batman supposed to be in his 20’s?

true but the fact reminds you have a lot to cram in

Donald Glover obviously.

Batman Returns had three (Catwoman, Penguin, Christopher Walken) and it worked fine.

Meant for

I never thought of it like that. Damn, Yea Forums really went to hell.

>Christopher Walken

What was his problem?

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They also replaced one of the warriors three but you didn't even notice.

They were thinking that Batman is for children, so he gets a budget and costume fit for a children's TV show.

oh and I just remembered something else:
I want at least one giant prop

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It looks like Aidan Guillen in a Batman costume in that pic.

No it didn't

Please yes.

Why are they all sweaty?

Not sure, maybe it was alright because he was there briefly and mostly as a silhouette?

The movie's great you idiot.

Noone cares you repl8ed to everyone. Nice blog, faggot.

this would be the best choice

Normies would freak out, but he is a good choice. Looks the part and outside of Twilight he is a serious actor.
Viggo is kino. But he's too old to play Batman now, unless they did a Dark Knight Returns storyline which is unlikely since BvS was a bastardized version of it.

It's too bad Aaron Eckhart is too old because ten years ago he would have been perfect for Batman. He has the look, the voice and the build.

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No its not.
Batman does nothing in it
Its all an excuse for Burtons kooky interests and production design shtick

He is 2 face already.

Batman does actual detective work in it retard.

saves me making a dozen individual posts fag

and "High Life"

Yes please

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He should have been playing Harvey Dent for several films before becoming Two Face
It would be a much fuller story
The Rachel Dawes character basically does everything as the ADA that a Dent character would do had he been in Batman Begins
No he doesn't
He also murders people in it because Burton is an angry manchild

Idris Elba

>Richard madden
Too short

>>Richard madden

He wishes.

You know looking back over Strange Apparitions I think I was wrong and it could be done
But it would need a bit of streamlining, the Joker could be removed
Especially as the character is so heavily overdone in film and tv now

he already exists and his name is black panther


Just fucking make a Batverse like they're doing with Spidey. There's enough compelling characters to make solo movies, esp with all the Robins, and there won't be other characters shitting on thematic consistency or marvelizing it

You're right, let's drop the Joker. Make it so Strange is Bruce Wayne's psychiatrist who he goes see to deal with Jason Todd's death or something.

Clasic. The simplistic sixties aesthetic really makes it come to life
Another clasic. Manages to capture the art deco neo-noir tone of the film perfectly, plus i'm a sucker for the bat wings
Looks like someone took the Keaton version and just added a bunch of shit to it, is it really necessary to have the bat logo on the fucking tires? I'm pretty sure people would be able to tell whose car this is even without them.
same as with Kilmer, overdesigned bullshit
The most realistic one, but also the second least inspired design
The absolute most uninspired design, it's basically just "not Bale", while somehow looking like it can't take as much punishment as Bale's

Would be kino, Pattinson is a good actor

Unless the bat suit has anatomically accurate nipples you can count me out

Based, I'd love that.

I would love if the recreated that scene from Year One where he crashes that dinner party and basically threatens every crime boss in Gotham all at once.
It would be an instant classic scene, if they simply don't fuck up the casting, costume design and whatnot.

bit homophobic mate

Doesn't matter who they cast. We've seen Batman done and redone a million times over already. It's a dead horse. Marvel won. It's over.

looks like he's comfortable with a piece slung low