Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ.

Attached: BAECA53F-A618-4A99-AFF6-8F6B6AF097E4.jpg (850x608, 264K)

>People discuss more and spam less Wojaks/Pepes

I don't see the problem

You think that's bad OP? Just remember, it only gets worse from here as the new new "new"fags have to teach the kiddies and little tikes about whatever is left of boardculture over the next 10 years.

Really, this board needs to be broken up into /pop/ or we just get /film/ again.

>unnamed filename
>OP likely posting from a phone

Attached: how_4chan(nel)_was_ruined_by_phoneposting.png (2012x836, 841K)

What was the big spike in 2018? Infinity War?

Did they reactive the sage function?

April Fools day. Team chocolate, peanut butter etc.

>People discuss more
yeah, more shite
>spam less Wojaks/Pepes
less OP's maybe, but that Yea Forumseddit shite is still used in nearly every thread. Don't even get me started on culture war or off topic screencaps from twitter or some news sight that have no place on Yea Forums

Attached: peterson_doubt.jpg (500x850, 59K)

Do we browse the same board? Yea Forums is 99% wojak spam, anger and (american) politics.


What is sages?

for me, it's the precipitous dropoff in early 2013


FYI that drop in 2011 is because Madoka single-handedly destroyed Yea Forums and it has never recovered.

if this is not bait lurk a million years before posting again or read the site rules newfagot fuckin hell

Saging is for cucks

Is it even possible to find a "niche" site anymore at this point. Sure you could go to forums and shit, but its not the same as an imageboard. And any imageboard thats worth a shit has more posts than one every 3 days. Even betterchan is slow as shit if you don't go on one of the more popular boards. There's nothing good left on the internet...

Attached: 1555686549671.png (1092x1037, 27K)

nobody was spamming pepes back then you awful newfag, we were making OC. there were threads and threads filled with OC

2011 was the last good year


>using "cuck" as a word of insult even though it resulted from leddit invasion pre and post 2016 election

>GoT episode made new posts/day record
based, capeshit btfo.

Gookmoot really should bring back sage.

GoT is almost over so that problem is manageable. Capeshit is never going to die though. The mods NEED to move capeshit on to its own board.

>critiques culture war/ offtopic
>let me use a peterson reaction pic

Attached: F4C94460-330D-498E-974D-BB39491BD966.jpg (640x628, 40K)

Wrong, 1996 was the best year.

Who cares this is a shitposting board

GOT is capeshit you cancer fuck

Team peep

are you really such a newfag you don't get it? it wasn't always a shitposting board. it used to be much much better

And that's a good thing! Here's why:

casual reminder that /got/ used to be usniversally panned as the greatest show on Yea Forums post S3 with the red wedding and and before that, too bad it's become the most normalfagot show ever

Don't care.

>phoneposter vs Peterson paypig
Truly Yea Forums is in it's end times.

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Why is Hiro still losing money despite having millions of users?

Attached: am.jpg (470x394, 22K)

Why did sage die out? I get called out using it at times. I don't understand.

Attached: 1458866394567.jpg (404x389, 46K)

>post pepe
>un named filename
>dashes indicate he's an iphoneposter

Attached: (You).jpg (800x1150, 486K)

I only really come here because IMDb closed the forums. You could actually have a decent discussion there. This is just shitposting but I kinda like the culture so whatever.

You niggers have been doomsaying this site since 2008
I literally only use OC that I made myself cumguzzler, when was the last time you used Photoshop or Paint to actually make something for the board
>But it's shit
Still more than you did

Attached: Smug Goldman.png (406x346, 172K)

Feels good being the alpha making fun of you faggots and degrading your stupid frogs and your retarded neckbeard fandoms. I'll probably post a pepe in my personal ig to make myself seem like a quirky outsider to my thousands of normie followers

Attached: 43764387643343.jpg (600x600, 33K)

>complaining about off topic when trash posting was a thing for years when it wasn't Yea Forums related

Attached: ittig.jpg (300x400, 31K)

i know you don't you garbage newfag. go back to facebook or whatever gay shit you used to do

why isn't there a new Yea Forums where phone-posting is banned?
Why isn't reposting shit from twitter banned?
Why isn't starting threads with reddit links/screenshots banned?
Why no /film/?

Lel, the other faggot complaining about no oc when he's a fucking consumer like the rest of them. Shit or not, oc is oc frend

Attached: Sip-B4-The-Fist.jpg (529x585, 156K)

Yea Forums is still the best site to discuss anything. The worst you can get here is being called a faggot for having a shit opinion. Everywhere else turned into echo chambers

not him but I have an originals folder with maybe over 100+ images and edits I've all made myself
you could say I supply the idiots with their ammunition

i make OC here quite regularly and have done so for over a decade minus a few breaks

I'd rather see shitty OC than another new Pepe

Attached: COME ON AND SLAM.jpg (1920x1080, 82K)

they started data mining this place after word got out and it became redditchan. imagines were the main source

The redditors never stay long term and the ones that do, become one of us. The constant flow of newfaggotry is a burden everyone must carry.

it's normalfagot not normie you newfagot
>I was only pretending
>it was bait

>Yea Forums is still the best site to discuss anything
I can't even imagine being this deluded.

i make OC here quite regularly and have done so for over a decade minus a few breaks

>Shit or not, oc is oc frend

All the good posters killed themselves or got a life. But more likely killed themselves.

phoneposters don't post images

>You niggers have been doomsaying this site since 2008
I actually thought it might have been the end for us after that faggot shot up the mosque spouting nothing but memes

Dude, that's fucking amazing

Attached: Special-Guest.jpg (680x383, 195K)

Double chan is pretty dead and their Yea Forums is just waifufags

You need to go back

DMC Jaime is the only OC I'm actually proud of

Attached: IGNITE THE FLAME.png (613x1087, 1.13M)

We must not forget the real menace to Yea Forums.

Attached: 1469341840592.png (680x680, 636K)

>Everywhere else turned into echo chambers
and this site doesn't? give me a break

I never complained just remarked the image

based OC posters

Attached: 1556426480284.png (1361x768, 627K)

Yea Forums must be the only website where the users range from 1488 white supremacists to hapa transexuals spamming interracial pornography. Its far from an echo chamber.

>some faggot thinking 2013 makes him an oldfag
Yea Forums was never good, bruh

It's always worked but fucking nobody uses it except polite sage on the slow boards.

Best part of oc is when someone uses it, even just once. Feels like I'm contributing

Attached: nonono.jpg (800x450, 75K)

What was that insane spike of sages and other activity back in 2010?

atleast here negative points aren't downvoted or liked out of oblivion
here you can say anything from "fuck niggers" to "I think that DC and Marvel are both poor Intellerual Properites to make into franchises" and won't get shit for it

I swear there was a time when sage was killed because of sagebombing.

Last spasms of a dying body

Dark Knight script leak in late 2010, people forget that it was leaked here before anywhere else

>Its far from an echo chamber.
Really depends on the board. places like /his/ or Yea Forums have some pretty varied discussion but boards like Yea Forums and /pol/ are certainly echo chambers in some respects. Not as bad as reddit and shit but it's definitely permeates on the bigger boards here

>atleast here negative points aren't downvoted or liked out of oblivion
No you'll just be called a discord tranny, kike, cuck, SJW, etc. See some of the late night WW2 threads on here there is definitely a hivemind mentality in regards to certain subjects.

>Yea Forums and /pol/ are echo chambers because people disagree with me there
reddit retardation never fails to amaze.

>that non-existent number of sages after 2013 onwards

this website is truly infested with normies

> The phoneposter apocalypse is real

>because people disagree with me there
Didn't say that or even imply it you dumb zoomer faggot.

>No you'll just be called a discord tranny, kike, cuck, SJW, etc
And you will still be able to post and say what you like

>if a group of people shat on your garbage opinion they are "echo chamber" for disagreeing with you

I giving this post an upvote and PM you reddit gold with a picture of my wife's son crying in awe at your post, enjoy :)

This graph is entirely made up.

Fuck off, phoneposter. Your opinion means nothing.


>And you will still be able to post and say what you like
I never claimed otherwise. All I've said is it's an echo chamber in certain respects. More freedom than any other place online but you will be spammed with buzz words if you go against the grain

Go to Yea you baiting newfag autist.
Its fucking real.

>if a group of people shat on your garbage opinion they are "echo chamber" for disagreeing with you
How the fuck did you even pull this understanding out my argument? I never once said that or even implied it why do zoomers argue like fat chicks from tumblr?

Even simple shit too. Whens the last time you've seen someone use winrar on a board. I haven't seen that shit in forever

>This place is an echo chamber but not really

just end yourself redditnigger

It's /pol/'s fault

take a look at the catalog of this fucking board. where's the film discussion? Yea Forums sucks for discussion, it's only good for laughs and those get tiring after a while since everyone is too creatively bankrupts to say something original.

>word of insult

>Not as bad as reddit
proof that you're a reddit fag

I say:
>All I've said is it's an echo chamber in certain respects. More freedom than any other place online but you will be spammed with buzz words if you go against the grain

You hear:
>This place is an echo chamber but not really

Why are zoomers so fucking stupid? Are they capable of nuance?

B-b-but muh election tourists narrative

Fuck movies I'm just here to shitpost.

u mad bro?

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg (1000x814, 117K)

That site doesn't exist, and 4stats doesn't have any graph that looks remotely close to that.

Because you use r*ddit as a basis for measurement, end yourself.

>calls Yea Forums an echo chamber

the absolute state of """centrist"""" intellectuals

Attached: no_u.jpg (491x398, 108K)

I don't get why capeshit isn't just all sent over to Yea Forums when the whole board is supposed to be dedicated to it?

>you will be spammed with buzz words if you go against the grain
>Why are zoomers so fucking stupid?

Attached: 1556309758215.png (1280x720, 772K)


Attached: ahhhhhh.png (2401x2543, 84K)

>Everywhere else turned into echo chambers

Attached: 1556572256072.jpg (540x786, 38K)

fuck off retard

>Because you use r*ddit as a basis for measurement,
Peak zoomer intellect right here folks.

>calls Yea Forums an echo chamber
And yet you have no argument. But by all means keep strawmanning whatever I say zoomer you're a real intellectual powerhouse

Please cry some more

Stormfront actually. But I guess you qouldnt even know what that is.

Kys and go to Heaven

Attached: E4D487C3-59B2-441B-B2DB-212BA9CF45F6.jpg (655x509, 75K)

What happened in 2010?


You say that as if there are actually people listening to/supporting your garbage opinion in this thread.

Get echo-chambered redditor tourist

I wonder if nu-Yea Forums remember swarmfront

Didnt they make Sage not work at all?

>it's only good for laughs
How new are you m8?

Based ED reading newfag

>he's still crying
once again you argue like a woman.

Attached: Maury Laughing.gif (150x150, 1.22M)

I know, Yea Forums been on life support ever since.

Ok. Someone tell me how should I think about this pic

All I'm hearing is a bunch of double-talk, but hey that just be the echo

who else here /durn/

Attached: nurd.jpg (329x480, 31K)

They don't even know about it. When you you mention it you'll get no replies or remarks

>All I'm hearing is a bunch of double-talk
How do you figure?

Thinking about making a Reddit account to drop subtle redpills. How long does this typically work before Plebbit kicks you off?

Except that's Yea Forums activity not Yea Forums activity.

Name something better?

Leddit has a voting system which guarantees an echo chamber since downvoted comments just get hidden. Eventually dissenting opinions just disappear because they know they're just going to get downvoted anyway.

At least on Yea Forums anyone can say whatever they want without a stupid circlejerk voting system.

Ahh, nothing brings out "old"fags like a thread about the "golden" years

Attached: feelies.jpg (200x217, 15K)

/constanza/ here

prove me wrong reddit

Social media in general suck but they are quite a few old forums dedicated to specific hobbies. I mean the NWN-forum is a way better place to discuss metal than Yea Forums.

>Name something better?
Yea Forums is the best discussion site I never suggested that there was a better place for uncensored discussion. All I've claimed is that it's an echo chamber in certain respects I don't get how such a moderate opinion triggered so much zoomer autism ITT.

Well I'm an oldfag and I can tell you everyone worshipped me like a god and gave me money before all you newfags showed up.

i unironically miss abatap and summer glau threads

Attached: Time4.jpg (569x491, 42K)

>Well I'm an oldfag and I can tell you everyone worshipped me like a god

Yeah, but that doesn't prevent an echochamber from forming. It just prevent overt whoring and completely insipid threads/posts. Not that there isn;t whoring and insipid posts

peterson is based tho

Yea Forums taught me not to care about mean words on the internet
There's actually retarded newfags on this site (and probably this very thread) who get offended when you call them faggots

>peterson is based

Attached: lologuy (1).jpg (1760x990, 108K)

I don't even have to to prove you wrong. /g/ /qa/ Yea Forums and /sci/ all exist with good discussion, /qa/ is fighting with itself half the time though

>People unironically claiming Yea Forums isn't an Echochamber
How retarded are you niggers

Attached: Distorted Goldman.png (194x192, 61K)

>There are zoomers in this very thread whose first board was /pol/
we have to go back

Attached: 1515530279949.jpg (2048x1536, 117K)

>Summer Glau killed every show she was a part of
>Glauposting failed to kill Yea Forums (capeshit did that)

Attached: 1343432927824.gif (400x225, 697K)

Reminder that /got/ killed Yea Forums and blaming anything else is deflection from /got/fags

he was obliterated by Zizek on auto-pilot

Have sex


Attached: download (49).jpg (236x213, 7K)

People used to understand the purpose of saging, now they just bump threads mindlessly.

I knew you were going to start bitching about /pol/, I've seen the same reaction images in hundreds of threads where you whine about muh /pol/.

>mfw i see a newfag

Attached: 246x0w.jpg (246x246, 13K)

Where did all the Drawfags go anyway, there's no way all of them have completly switched to pepe and wojak variations

Attached: Mess.jpg (374x417, 59K)

Saging was disabled for a period of time and announcing sage was made a bannable offense. Also, you used to be able to see what posts were saging.

>/got/ killed Yea Forums
/tt/ killed Yea Forums
check the archives of /got/ yourself, wasn't cancerous until 14 when reddit heard and came for discussion

I wish Yea Forums was an echo chamber so more people would agree with me that redditors have to fucking leave.

You know I'm pretty new, but I always came for /soc/. Older socwhores were a good time. Didn't really get the appeal of pol or b. 2014 is the year of reddit though?

Attached: 1523161985938.png (657x527, 35K)

>phoneposting free board
>detects people who visited /pol/ ever and eliminates them from threads automatically
>auto perma bans anyone talking about reddit

one can wish...

Yea bro /pol/ is based and redpilled so what if it's someones first board? Doesn't mean they'll go around mindlessly agenda posting every other board they go to right? nah

I miss 2011, when Perlman posting was about his wives shoes

Not him but not keeping /pol/ in /pol/ is newfag as fuck.

gookmoot doesn't give a fuck about anything but ad revenue

Didn't sage stop working years ago?

Everybody agrees redditors have to leave
Everybody on Yea Forums agrees that GoT and Capeshit sucks
Everybody on Yea Forums agrees that BR is trash
Everybody on Yea Forums hates Naruto and Shounen shit

Just becauses you don't have a votesystem doesn't mean there's no echo chamber of accepted opinions on this site

It's not. Almsot every thread is people disagreeing. Some are just more civil than others

It still amazes me how Yea Forums is the only big fast board that managed to mostly maintain it's quality. Reminder elitism and gate-keeping absolutely works.

Attached: tumour.jpg (1200x6937, 1.77M)

>Everybody on Yea Forums agrees that GoT and Capeshit sucks
that's not true at all given how many posters there are talking about those things

>mfw my first board was /ck/ because I didn't want to starve
>mfw it's also one of the worst places on the internet for cooking advice

Attached: 8 SCOOPS CMON.jpg (286x369, 58K)

Attached: thisthread.jpg (616x699, 49K)

>le "only newfags disagree with me argument"


Attached: dead_tripfriends.png (882x609, 80K)

Your examples are all demonstrably false. Yea Forums hates shonen? Tell that to the fucking Dragon Ball Super threads

I miss the old Yea Forums mods.

Attached: 1554347453799.png (757x243, 36K)

lol what

they agreed on almost everything

even when zizek asked him about 'postmodern neomarxists', peterson spoke about how they've twisted marxism into being about social issues rather than class, essential cultural or social marxism, and zizek said 'I completely agree'

you must have watched a different interview, or you have some severe cognitive bias

>le board culture is for faggots argument

>I knew you were going to start bitching about /pol/
At this point you have to be in deep denial to believe /pol/ doesn't have a spill over effect that hurts the quality of other boards. For fucks sake take a look at pic related this shit is constant on Yea Forums now

Attached: 1555613644936.jpg (1221x3104, 674K)

True. You'd cook better by hitting a hammer against your head than going on /ck/ for cooking advice
>posts egg king for 1000th time

You absolute brainlet. Boards with majority opinions are not the same as echo chambers. What makes shit like reddit one is the voting system and overreach of mods. Some subreddits will ban you for just disagreeing with them. The only echo chamber on Yea Forums is /pol/ and /vg/

>Everybody agrees redditors have to leave
Except they accept every shitty reddit thread here and take twitter screenshot threads to the bump limit
>Everybody on Yea Forums agrees that GoT and Capeshit sucks
Except it's 90% of the content here.
I wish Yea Forums was a fucking echo chamber so everyone else wouldn't reply to these shitty threads like me, but clearly that's not the case.

fucking nigger retard faggot

Thank for reminding me of the shills. Cobra Kai thread when??? Nazi tranny post when???

>even when zizek asked him about 'postmodern neomarxists', peterson spoke about how they've twisted marxism into being about social issues rather than class, essential cultural or social marxism, and zizek said 'I completely agree'
Are you dense? Peterson couldn't name a single Marxist or Marxist organization who actually did that.
Zizek trapped him into agreeing on materialism basically. Also Peterson didn't read the Kritik am Gothaer Programm and didn't know anything about Marxism but the 101 manifesto. LMAO

Yea Forums is a shounen shithole now with unironic Naruto threads and endless power level debates about the Nasuverse (when all that used to matter was how bad the writing in sex scenes were). The board is garbage.

>managed to mostly maintain it's quality

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Attached: 1537728152653.jpg (672x675, 58K)

>echo chamber

Attached: 1533167046152.jpg (400x384, 59K)

>Most posted image on /o/ is the Corvette vs GT-R times

Are they still butthurt about that?

board culture is literally a newfag term you retard. It was made by Yea Forumstards to justify them shitting up Yea Forums.

Lel. I take it back though, this faggotry was pretty good. Fucking samefaggers

Attached: 1556575132341.jpg (1242x2082, 495K)

You can ignore these threads or bump them with nazi trannies.
Which one do you do again?

DK script leak

You're talking like Yea Forums and Yea Forumscore doesn't exist.
Every faggot on every board needs to virtue signal how they belong to our SUPER SEKRIT CLUB all the time, it's just as bad as reddit circlejerking.
>My favorite game of all time? Why it's Deus Ex/Metal Gear Solid 3/Planescape of course
>My favorite genre? Why it's shoegaze of course
>My favorite anime of all time? Why it's NGE/LOTG of course

It's retarded predictable shit

You just assume /pol/ is an echo chamber but you clearly never go there. You're one of those "comes to Yea Forums to fight /pol/ but too scared to actually go to /pol/ so believes everything everyone in his circlejerk says about it" types.

>You can ignore these threads
>>lol bro just ignore the shameless daily shilling
Why the fuck are you defending this unashamed faggotry? Agenda posters need to be shot

Attached: 1541687682549.png (1252x4698, 1.13M)

I've never seen a good /ck/ thread

Attached: 1531209270201.jpg (550x512, 34K)

>You just assume /pol/ is an echo chamber but you clearly never go there.
you don't think /pol/ is an echo chamber?

The alcoholic threads on /ck/ are fantastic. Another hidden gem are the homeless threads on /out/.

Yeah, these threads are made to trigger you and get you to dump your anti-/pol/ folder like you're doing now. If you don't realise that you're not just a Yea Forums newfag but an internet newfag.

that looks disgusting

Yes, I don't.

It's funny that you assume an anonymous board can't be an echo chamber on one hand, and then go on about how someone clearly never goes there. Almost like you and a few other people could repost the same fallacious argument repeatedly without consequence and drown out all other points until there's nothing left but yourselves repeating this. Thread after thread. Like some kind of chamber. That echoes.

This thread was moved to

Fuck you

Don't worry guys, I permabanned this faggot


I've never seen any trannies here

>y-you'tr just triggered
The shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>tfw L O S T posting was 15 years ago.

>Almost like you and a few other people could repost the same fallacious argument repeatedly without consequence and drown out all other points until there's nothing left but yourselves repeating this. Thread after thread. Like some kind of chamber. That echoes.
Sounds like literally everyone who autistically spergs about how /pol/ is an evil echo chamber. That's what you're talking about right.

>Hanging out with literal drunks
I'd rather not, but thanks user

It is important to remind people of the horrors of the Holocaust. Have some respect /pol/tard.

Yeah ok dude, don't you have yet another thread to make whining about blacks or something

instead i wish for a pinned meta containment thread for every board, where faggots like you can drone endlessly. and a return to strict enforcement of the no meta threads rule otherwise.

>I can't help but take the bait every time
And that's why these threads will keep being made.

>Implying the trannies don't get shouted down and spammed with suicide statistics
Show me a single thread where people were glad to see a mentally ill tranny posting

>people weren't spamming wojak or pepe in 2011
they absolutely were, as well as something else

Attached: 1299827572337.tga.jpg (200x200, 13K)

>i-it's not shilling it's just trolling
big cope

Attached: RedpillingTheNormies.png (1036x4370, 992K)

Who are you fooling? Anyone can just go and look at /Pol/ right now and see you're full of shit. So why lie?

>Show me a single thread where people were glad to see a mentally ill tranny posting
Love you

Attached: 1555996919439.jpg (240x240, 11K)

Again, it is important to remind people of the horrors of the Holocaust. 6 million Jewish people were prosecuted just for being who they are, have some respect, seriously.

So you're telling me this guy has a folder of images he spams constantly making the same posts? And that makes him a shill? Interesting...

Shallow Hal?

your banter is weak and you are cringe. you need to go back

I've always moved boards when the user count got too high and it inevitably turned to shit. I don't know where else to move to though, I've been stuck here for years.

it's a big board

>Peterson is based

He is a dirty kike puppet who is working to deradicalize white right wing men and get their live in "order" so they can pay their taxes to their jewish overlords so these jewish cunts can use those taxes to import more invaders into the west and use these taxes to give these invaders welfare for life.

He wants you to be a perfect cog in a machine that is aiming to destroy said type of cog.

Attached: 1556656401650.jpg (262x193, 11K)

I wish we never started using pepe and Wojak and still circled through memes.
It's all so stale

Attached: 1536380232189.png (175x220, 68K)

>calling out a shill makes you a shill
does this fag pay your rent or something? why do you defend him so hard?


Another complainer but no oc

Go look at */pol/ then and see for yourself. If you can look at the current catalog of /pol/ and call it an echo chamber you have no idea what that means.

And he cited the statistic that 25% of humanities academics self-identify as Marxists. What exactly does naming a single Marxist prove when so many openly identify as them?

When Peterson said that they're warping the original concept of Marxism, which was about class warfare based on economics, into class warfare based on social issues, Zizek literally says 'I AGREE COMPLETELY'.

For fuck sake, I deleted the nammmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Im not a name fag I swear

Attached: 44667396425a9fd094db2437fccb8dba3a6eb8f159dcf1e49aab0eef7c82815a.jpg (597x519, 22K)

Why do you attack him so much? Did he fuck your mom?

It's the exact same shit I saw last time I looked at /Pol/, 6 months ago

>its another Holocaust denier
and please stay there

Sorry for the noob question (i found this forum from a post on reddit) but what is a sage?

lol the STATE of you mate. nu-Yea Forums literally can't comprehend that people don't like shameless shilling

Dude, you are a faggot. I don't believe for one second that you give a shit about the holocaust. The man is a thread shill. /discussion

>I'm too scared to go to /pol/
Reminder that you have zero actual evidence that /pol/ is an echo chamber outside "I don't like it and I use that word to describe places I don't like!"

I posted multiple OC in this thread already.
You however are still spamming pepes

if dubs i fuck your ass

lmao why do leftists even like Zizek, he fucking hates political correctness, he's as much their enemy as someone like Peterson

how can anything of Yea Forums be an echo chamber when people here are contrarians just to troll the majority opinion?

But he's far from the only shill on Yea Forums, not by a long shot. So you're lying if it's only because he's shilling, so why do you really seethe because of this guy?

>he fucking hates political correctness
is that all you think leftism is? political correctness?

Fuck off, I posted OC too, and if you're the other oc poster, I complimented you earlier fag

>But he's far from the only shill on Yea Forums, not by a long shot.
I never implied otherwise you enormous faggot

Lmao you think people disagreeing about the method to eradicate liberals means it isn't an echo chamber? You sound like a cult

>holocaust deniers may not post here
that's not how it works. are you getting triggered by the term faggot and the suffix -fag as well?

>/pol/ steers away from a debate

>ignoring the second half of my post
So we agree he's not the only shill on Yea Forums but he's the only one that gets your booty bothered enough to make a hate folder and spam his threads. Why?

Haha I love how the amount of sage posts dropped off as soon as they became hidden

not him but i think it's mental retardation

How so?

You still have zero evidence and are arguing from a strawman perception of /pol/ that you can't even confirm is accurate.

If you ask me, Yea Forums is at its best when FOR YOUing, digits rolling, and talking about waifus and filthy wagies; and its worst when discussing film and television.

Big thonk

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>So we agree he's not the only shill on Yea Forums
It was never an argument I never suggested otherwise

>he's the only one that gets your booty bothered enough to make a hate folder and spam his threads. Why?
he is by FAR the most active shill on Yea Forums by a long shot. show me 1 (one) other person who even approaches this fags level of spam. if some leftist tranny was spamming holodomor shit all day in the same volume I'd call him a faggot too. Can you not understand that spam of this volume is annoying regardless of the topic?

also why should anyone give a shit about the holocaust?

Based and redpilled

wow /pol/ really produces some intellectual powerhouses doesn't it?

>Blah blah blah buzzwords I argue with on /Pol/
I'm not convinced you lying snake

All righties are mentally-ill

>he is by FAR the most active shill on Yea Forums by a long shot. show me 1 (one) other person who even approaches this fags level of spam.
Literally every capeshit thread ever, also you spam way more than him.
It's funny that you ignore all other shills but him though, why are you so scared to admit that you disagree with him politically and you don't give a shit about spam as long as it's not something you disagree with being spammed.

What is it with faggots and not reading other posts. The moron was defending the faggot that keeps posting
>This actual happened threads

Attached: big_1469998442_image.jpg (1280x719, 82K)

Something something six gorrilion go die for israel

Trick question, don't fall for it.

It is important to remind people of the horrors of the Holocaust. I watch Schindler's list once a month and feel sorry for what my people has done to the Jews during World War Two.

>Literally every capeshit thread ever
So you think every capeshit thread on this board is made by a shill?

>you spam way more than him.
How do you figure?

>It's funny that you ignore all other shills but him though
Can you name some others? Like I said I can't think of one other shill on this board as active and who spams as much as this fag. Gimme some names

>why are you so scared to admit that you disagree with him politically and you don't give a shit about spam as long as it's not something you disagree with being spammed.
Once again can you not understand that spam of this volume is annoying regardless of the topic?

He was wrong. It's 4chan2.traffic or some shit. It's in the image you smooth rain right below the graph.

You are an idiot if you think anyone is defending that shill thread.

Yeah dude I for sure care about the plight of Israel retard.

Actually the sad truth is some of the worst posters here are also the ones that have been here the longest and they are completely aware how little they contribute to original, funny, or god forbid intelligent discussion

Why would you waste dubs on such obvious falsehoods

Attached: big_1469998442_image.jpg (1280x719, 162K)

Then your post was usless, I hate the shill poster

nah, lefties are even too dumb to properly lay bait

>So you think every capeshit thread on this board is made by a shill?
Not all but if you haven't seen the same threads being made with the same images you must be blind, then again you only come here to sperg against this one guy. Also /got/ threads are definitely spam, especially when there's fifty fucking generals up at once.
>How do you figure?
He makes an easily ignored thread with one image then never posts, you spam multiple images in them. Also I see you spamming here but not him.
>Can you name some others? Like I said I can't think of one other shill on this board as active and who spams as much as this fag. Gimme some names
Give me the name of the person you think spams the most retard. Actual names.
>Once again can you not understand that spam of this volume is annoying regardless of the topic?
Except spam of this volume for any other topic doesn't bother you at all.

>spending his time writing all that bullcrap
Have Sex

I know, because you're autistically defending the holocaust for no reason.

I regard trump newfags with absolute contempt. Their inability to stay in /pol/ ruined Yea Forums like nothing before.

You mean righties?

Most of it is your post quoted incel.

What year did you guys start posting here? Be honest, we’re all anonymous here. You have nothing to lose by telling the truth.

2010 here

/pol/ is Yea Forums

Yea Forums is the most elitist board around so go figure, and yes, that is a good thing, not every place should be an inclusive hug box
confronting the issue is the fist step to fixing it
>liking tripfags
>literally namefags
>Everybody on Yea Forums hates Naruto and Shounen shit
remember the Gurren Lagan threads from 2008?
Yea Forums isn't eternal waifufag cancer

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Found this place in 2007 as a child, have no idea what is going on and thought it was another porn website so I didn't really bother.

2010 was when I started really staying at this place, Yea Forums was filled with cp till bump limit but settled down on Yea Forums on 2011 and /fit/ on 2014. Now I drift from board to board and I never cared about /pol/.

*nu-Yea Forums

>good discussion

>not understanding this gif
holy shit, I knew newfags were retarded but not this much.

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>reminding people about the horrors of the Holocaust

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Started lurking on Yea Forums in 2011, first active post was in 2013 on /r9k/

Attached: Anon goes sleeding.png (849x352, 121K)

>but if you haven't seen the same threads being made with the same images you must be blind
Ok can you point out instances of this shilling? an archive link or something?

>then again you only come here to sperg against this one guy
I come here for durn posting faggot I only call out schinlders list poster when I see him. Do you honestly think someone who spams for that much and that long won't eventually be called be exposed?

>Also /got/ threads are definitely spam
They are spam yes but what evidence do you have to suggest it's a shill effort?

>He makes an easily ignored thread
He continues to spam the same thread day in and day out you don't think that eventually someone is gunna call him out? Act like a fag and be called a faggot those are the rules. Once again why do you defend this faggot so hard? Would you be putting up the same fight if the threads in question were Holodomor denial threads?

>you spam multiple images in them
So exposing a shill in a shill thread makes you worse that the shill?

>Also I see you spamming here but not him.
How am I spamming? I posted three images that shows his shilling that's considered spam?

>Give me the name of the person you think spams the most retard.
Schindler's List poster. your turn

>Except spam of this volume for any other topic doesn't bother you at all.
I hate GOT and capeshit too faggot but it's not all posted by one sad shill unlike schindler's list poster.

precicely this

Bunch of losers even reddit is better than this

it's two layers of irony you retard plus I don't have any stormfag images on this hard drive
yes stormfags but (You) likely don't even know what that means

Attached: ittig3.gif (580x433, 1.57M)

>Ok can you point out instances of this shilling? an archive link or something?
Just look in the archive yourself retard. A majority of threads around a new release are shilling.
>I come here for durn posting
Something that rarely occurs hear.
>Do you honestly think someone who spams for that much and that long won't eventually be called be exposed?
Clearly you do.
>They are spam yes but what evidence do you have to suggest it's a shill effort?
Same evidence you do that your problem is a shill effort

And the rest of the post is you being a retarded "ends justify means" faggot. Also you didn't give me an actual name.

>call him out
This isn't youtube, why are so desperate to "expose" this one person?

I started posting here in 2008 when I was 26 years old. Used to post a lot more but mainly only lurk during work and meals anymore. It's still alright for the most part despite how much people complain on here. If one board is being particularly obnoxious I just rotate among 3 main ones (Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums). The simple layout and not having to log in to post is the main reason I've never left.

> scared to admit that you disagree with him politically

Its not about that at all. Its that he and his converts have shit this site up with off topic shit ad nauseam to the point of rendering boards almost unusable. Atleast capeshitters and cunnyseours have the decency to stay in their containment threads but these people are pure cancer that leaks its pus where ever it goes. I for one am glad that some people have made the effort to shut them down and make a difference on this board

Attached: everytvthread.jpg (1018x468, 71K)

user I'm a married man with a kid and I still can't leave this fucking place

I hope social service takes away your child.

>rendering boards almost unusable
What, I hardly even notice his threads.
>Atleast capeshitters and cunnyseours have the decency to stay in their containment threads
Is this a joke? Are you fucking stupid?

Ideology has ruined you people.

If I saw that on any other site I would call it shit but because it's here suddenly it's so bad its good

>Just look in the archive yourself retard.
I can't find evidence of this purposeful long term shilling you're talking about. Would you mind pointing out any specific instances?

>Something that rarely occurs hear.
yea because agenda driven zoomers like you have killed this board

>Clearly you do.
I think shills deserve to be exposed? Yea I do

>Same evidence you do that your problem is a shill effort
Oh so you have multiple pages of screenshooted archived posts proving it's a shill? Please post it

>And the rest of the post is you being a retarded "ends justify means" faggot.
How do you figure

>This isn't youtube, why are so desperate to "expose" this one person?
Why are you so eager to defend him? With such a performance at this point I'm halfway convinced you are him.

Good luck. My wife is social services

why are you responding to obvious bait like a summerfag?

same we're probably the biggest influx aside from 2016

concerning boards
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /f1/ here and formerly Yea Forums and /int/

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Stated earlier, 2014 for soc pussy

Summer 2005.

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>it's two layers of irony

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>agenda driven zoomers
Why are you the same fucking guy as the zoomersperg?
>I think shills deserve to be exposed
So do I, that's what I'm doing.
>Oh so you have multiple pages of screenshooted archived posts proving it's a shill?
No because I'm not autistic.
>How do you figure
>"I can spam all I want because I'm following the right ideology"
>Why are you so eager to defend him?
I hate hypocrites like you.

Also a shill doesn't need to be paid, I looked over your posts and you seem to believe this retarded myth that (ironically) stems from /pol/

Attached: virgin chad 3rd tier irony.png (1394x684, 448K)

I created /rug/ years ago and I don't even post in those threads anymore. I made all the threads for the 2011 world cup because I didn't have a job at the time

Whatever you say Yea Forumseddit.

>it's two layers of irony
ok retard

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>muh ideology
First half of your post says it all my sweet summer child

I'm not getting the argument between you two
>both hate shills
What's the disagreement about, shill posters are shit regardless of reason. They spam up the boards. Like the user that keeps posting that nazi tranny image

>Why are you the same fucking guy as the zoomersperg?
what are you even trying to say retard?

>So do I, that's what I'm doing.
>>"You know whose the real shill? the guy calling out the shill"
Stellar logic there m8

>No because I'm not autistic.
So you have no evidence? Then what the fuck are you even sperging about?

>I can spam all I want because I'm following the right ideology
I am not spamming thread after thread retard. That's schindler's list poster I merely respond within the threads he makes what the fuck am I even shilling exactly in your mind?

>I hate hypocrites like you.
You are seething because you think shameless shilling is ok when you agree with it. When not just admit off-topic spam is bad in general? What's with the double standard?

This faggot thinks I'm targeting muh poor schindler's list poster in particular when he is by far the most active shill on the board. He can't even give me a close second yet cries that I am the one actually shilling. This whole fucking argument is max autism and I am cringe for engaging this sperg

You clearly don't read between the lines, he doesn't actually hate shills, he just hates this one particular guy because he disagrees with him politically. And despite this he bumps his threads with spam.

>You are seething because you think shameless shilling is ok when you agree with it. When not just admit off-topic spam is bad in general? What's with the double standard?

Bless you

>he doesn't actually hate shills, he just hates this one particular guy because he disagrees with him politically
He is by far the most active what about this do you not understand? You can't even give me a close second you faggot show me 1 (one) other shill on this board who posts anywhere near the same volume and I'll call him a faggot too

How do you figure?