IT'S UP!!!!!

IT'S UP!!!!!

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He makes some incredibly dumb remarks as per usual.

Their are actually two giants in the battle as the first gets roasted by Dragon fire and he's likely using the really shit and dark images to prove his points.

He doesn't spend nearly enough time shitting on the ending scene as he should, as that is outright the worst part of the entire episode. Overall, Preston is an armchair redditor as per usual and nit picks the wrong shit.
Will go into more detail over all the shit he's just wrong, or interprets incorrectly.

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I think he's gonna save the Arya scene for its own video.

Imagine being this mad at based prestie.

pick one

Oh Preston...
All the wasted years...
All the theories, the imagination, the wonder...
All gone in one scene. A scene that Martin approved. It's canon. The mysteries? Gone, Arya ends winter with her superduper magic ninja skills that we never actually see her earn, and everyone is just fine.

Suicide when?

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>A scene that Martin approved
Why would that matter? The show diverged from the books long ago, Martin just told them who dies at the end
>It's canon
The books don't even have a Night King you stupid cunt

His catalogue of videos..
The endless autism..
The endless theories..
The endless analysis of every word GRRM has written or uttered

All for this. This episode is the canon ending of ASOIAF

D&D send their regards
Try not to die laughing

>starts roleplaying
>instantly dropped

fucking autism.

That's what he does for every single video user what were you expecting?

i expected a lot more. there are many of his criticisms that can be dismantled instantly

Preston might be unironically be on suicide watch. I hope he has someone to watch him

It's almost like the show has killed his attention to detail.

He's gonna strangle Redteam in the podcast for giving this 9/10, this might truly be the end.

it's almost like you're trying to blame something else than him for his video

>watch video
>starts doing cringy roleplay in weird voices
is this guy insane?

It's the passive aggressive joke review he does every week I'm not going to take it as gospel like yourself sorry.

passive aggressive joke review isn't the same as "i'm just gonna blabb wrong stuff lel"

Show this video to someone who has watched the show but has no idea who/what Preston is

>saying valar morgulis didn't make sense
>Ned's corpse would be intact
is he okay?
it's like the end of Shield when Vic is getting away with all the shit he's done and Cloudette losing her mind

I don't think he meant that it would have a head, but his and Rickons are the freshest corpses in the crypts after all

>The books don't even have a Night King you stupid cunt
yes they have, retard

The "Night King" in the books is a long dead human who married a (possible) White Walker

Night King isn't the same as Night's King faggot

The big twist is gonna be that he's not dead. He just needed to become Bran for the weirwood net which will give him access to the ancient technologies and sorcery of the children of the forest. The real battle begins when the rest of the humans basically wipe themselves out and end up having to use whatever is left of them to fight the night king a second time.

all the meat was boiled off of the Ned's corpse, I assume bones were mixed up during the trip, and then rearranged in the crypts, good luck getting up that mess
that's a bit autismo thinking but I thought Preston is expert in that

He's been doing it for years you retarded nigger