*is what the Night Cuck King wishes he was*
*is what the Night Cuck King wishes he was*
Other urls found in this thread:
>both got killed because they let the autistic lift instead of just killing right away
seriously why didnt they just do this instead of boring queenbee shit
This would unironically be way better than just making this huge threat that's been build up for 8 years disappear with a single stab
The Lich King score was so great.
unironically would have been kino
That reminds me that honestly, one of the few things that are still top tier in GoT is the OST. The last episode had great soundtrack
Unironically a better song of ice and fire
>people are now nostalgic for the complete debacle that was the Arthas's death
I don't even disagree. The absolute STATE of escapist media.
WoTLK should have ended with Arthas repelling the heroes from northrend but not taking all of azeroth. 3rd expac should have been getting illidan back on our side and defeating the burning legion. 4 should have been all over azeroth with the scourge nearly taking everything and arthas finally dying then they should have ended the game before it became the nightmare it is.
Remind you that Lich King is so retarded that without him his army of mindless undeads is far more dangerous then under his control.
Arthas was helping the heroes beat the lich king.
No he didn't Arthas had cut out his own heart by then. Tirion Uther and Bolvar literally give up all their divine blessing to cause a miracle to happen
That's so retarded though. It immediately turns the ultimate villain into an incompetent idiot. All his planning and strategizing in his attempt to conquer the world ends up being less effective than a bunch of mindless zombies running amok with zero coordination. "Yeah nice try mr evil ice lord but don't you know that if you just relinquished control over your minions they'd overrun the world super easily? All your plans are super dumb and unnecessary lol." It's fucking moronic, how can wowfags tolerate this?
t. quit in TBC
>being this much of a brainlet
It is implied multiple times Arthas is holding back the lich king and keeping the undead at bay.
This was said just to justify Bolvar becoming the Lich King
No way you remember that line
Point me exactly where this is written\explained, you fucking faggot.
Uther* I mean
Uther the lightbringer you mong. He resists frostmourne from within.
I know who the fuck he is, I was wondering how did he had a role in WoTLK considering he was dead
Oh he's in the halls of reflection and tells the players how they can defeat the scourge but as soon as he does arthas fucks up his soul real good.
lena a cute
i dont even understand why is lich king , i mean nerzul even evil? he hates burning legion because they fucked him, isnt it logical that he sided with his fellow orcs when he rebelled against the legion? it doesnt make sense for him to rebel against the legion and still decide to unleash the undead to kill all of azertoh wtf
Lame, I've always hated how blizzard bring back beloved characters out of laziness instead of actually developing new good ones.
Didnt they bring Illidan back like 3 times now
Not him, but I recall a questline where you find Arthas' frozen heart under icecrown, it basically was the lich king is a seperate entity to Arthas.
He started enjoying the power, I guess
Decades of torture while in the settings equivalent to hell does things to you mentally.
who dat
The warlocks never cared about the orcs they literally destroy draenor to prove a point to the humans. Nerzhul is the second worst of them and hates all living things.
Maybe you should redo the quest, it has absolutely nothing to do with:
>It is implied multiple times Arthas is holding back the lich king and keeping the undead at bay.
It shows him throwing away his heart to become The Lich King.
Jaime Lannister
Should have included "Took Jaina's virginity"
yeah i can udnerstand that but still it was overkill, i mean his hatred toward others was too much
remember the mission in warcraft 3 when you need to stop fleeing peasants from loarderon and slaughter them? literally for the lulz
nherzul was not a warlock he was actually smart and spiritual leader who just got tricked by the legion
its just too corny the "he got corrupted by the power" concept
Dreadlords were watching him
>mindless dead randomly attacking people passing by and stripped off the ability to raise more are more dangerous than an organised army of them with the potential to turn every body into another soldier
Blizzard writing is as bad as DABID. Both are heavily focused on creating drama and le epic moments without any logic
Do you mean the culling Stratholm? They were infected with the plagued grain
except that was literally the stupidest thing ever
>arthas is holding the undead back
>a disorganized mob is more threatening then an undead military with ranks and leaders
absolutely stupid concept
no logical possible way to Say that the scourge is somehow MORE of a threat without a leader
what would actually happen is what happened last time arthas' control was interrupted
> some scourge get their free will
> meanwhile the liches, death knights and necromancers fight for power, dividing the scourge into their own separate factions and fighting each other
Are dreadlords the biggest cunts in all of warcraft?
You stupid cunt. The point was not that they’d be an unorganized mob but that they were going to be susceptible to being commanded by the legion or some other force. You are just a stupid fat cunt with little wrinkly fingers you fuck.
pretty much, they're the equivalent of the jews
Yes, and that's why we love them. There is something cool about some space vampire cunts that literally do not trust a single soul, not even their bretheren and just want to fuck everyone over.
no, not that , its later, i think its in frozen throne
cleaning up the kingdom when he returned from northrend
You are all virgins
>Dreadlords prefer to turn their talents to psychic assault and manipulation, seeking to dissolve the bonds that unify individuals, groups, and nations and leave their mortal victims floundering amidst chaos and decay. A nathrezim-occupied world eventually abandons higher morality as irrelevant to the context in which its inhabitants find themselves, joining the dreadlords in their callous worship of the maligned
Literal Ashkenatherzim
It was the first mission in TFT, where you play as Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas and have to kill some fleeting cucks while Arthas arrives.
Warcraft was heavily inspired by ASoIaF (the final mission of TFT is named "A symphony of Frost and Flame"
And now GoT steals the warcraft aesthetic
It's like wh40k all over again
With all the shitty retcons of nublizz where they basically made Sargeras and the Legion almost good guys, arent the Dreadlords basically the biggest baddies in the world, since they serve "The Void" aka the new biggest biggest baddy or some shit? I quit wow in cata so I'm prolly wrong but I sometimes read on the new lore to keep in touch how retarded it is
First mission of the Frozen Throne if I can recall correctly.
You kill fleeing peasants and some paladins, then you go kill Uther and steal your dads urn to house Kel'Thuzad's remains in it or something.
You are mixing up missions, the urn to place Kel'Thuzad was in RoC, one of the first undead missions before you go to Quel'Thalas.
such a huge lore and you get only one character that is good and complete, Arthas
Illidan is probably second place but he is too cringe
>nherzul was not a warlock
*launches a failed invasion*
*kills 2 guys*
*does nothing*
*loses on every front*
*gets invaded*
Kek, this
Arthas a bitch
Wrathbabies are the majority now.
Why didn't Medivh just tell King Terenas and the other lords of the Alliance that he was Medivh?
Problem with the NK was he didn't actually DO shit beyond raising wights. It's why he really needed a final duel with Jon or someone. To show off he was a competent guy in his own right.
fuck it's been so many years
I can literally name all the missions of the Warcraft campaign by heart
Vanilla undead
1) You wake up as a lich king and you go assemble some acolytes
2) Kill Uther and get your urn
3-5) Quel'Thalas to ressurect Kel'Thuzad
6) Some orcs to kill for their books
7) Siege of Dalaran
8) Summon Archimonde
1) Kill peasants before they escape
2) Arthas PoV: escape from Strathholme while the Dreadlords are making a coup
3) Sylvanas PoV: get Varimathras on your side
4) Arthas PoV: landing on Northrend
5) Sylvanas PoV: kill Detheroc
6) Sylvanas PoV: kill Balzannar
7) Arthas PoV: escort mission to go the Frost Throne
8) Arthas PoV: destroy Illidan's bases before he kill the Lich King
8th is named a "symphony of Frost and Flamme" btw
Culling of Stratholme is the 6th human mission in Vanilla
Medivh at the time was still thought to be a willing agent of the burning legion after opening the azeroth side of the dark portal. It'd be like if Gul'dan showed up and warned them.
no... that isn't
you dumb shit
don't even try to argue with me about wow you stupid lorelet
you don't know who tf you're talking to
I've forgotten more about wow lore than you'll ever know
they literally said the scourge would kill everyone without the lich king
> implying he doesn't want that anyways
>Hey dudes, im Medivh. You know the guy who caused the green space nigger invasion of your world which ended up in slaughter and destruction. But yeah listen to me lmao
are you dumb?
Is it bad that I know warcraft and starcraft lore by heart ? Been playing, replaying, replaying and talking about their lore with my dad and my bro during almost all my HS year.
Am 23 now.
I've read every (alliance) quest text in WoW
i guess im going home...
now I know why the NK looks like a depressed söyböy
because anything even slightly cooler would've made blizzard lawyers lose their shit
What's the name of the painting you need to retrieve in Stratholme?
No cheating.
Vanilla was dogshit
I remember this quest, it's even in the scarlet enclave
t. level 47 druid
originally they made it that the dread lords were so evil that they were the ones who corrupted sargeras
but then they retconned that and he got corrupted by the void
and in legion one of the head dread lords was bitch to the other legion members and was being tortured
so it looks like them being the shadowy master minds of the legion was retconned too
though I dont remember the nulore that well so i could be slightly wrong
You should commit suicide.
>/tvt/ likes warcraft/wow
you guys wanna start a guild for classic?
go commit die
love and family or something
Bran and Gendry are so handsome.
>ywn experience Ashenvale again for the first time
>ywn experience Elwynn Forst again
>ywn experience Wintergrasp again for the first time
>ywn do the deadmines again with your bro and your dad in a cybercafe on Wednesday afternoon after going to the swimming pool
>ywn do Alterac Valley in its original glory
>jon snow will never purge winterfell before they turn into nightwalkers
it feels so bad
Back to /vg/ you cringy weebtrash
I pitty the people who will fall for /vg/s cancer and actually play with those literal human waste spergs
>Warcraft flopped
The only good part of vanilla was the world and the social aspect. And you ready experienced that and wont be able to do it again freshly. Mechanics-wise, it was abhorrent
Should've went for the Arthas storyline.
Instead we got a movie about dindu space nogs.
Arthas should have been refrozen or something so that the status quo is returned at the end and no major changes happen to the story. Instead they butchered it and made his character inconsequential
To be fair, making a movie about the First (? can't remember if it was the first or the second) War was very risky given barely 10% of wow players played wc3 and most of wow player weren't born when wc2 and wc1 came out
Making it about the Third War would have been better
Not him, but he was a shaman
>The only good part of vanilla was the world and the social aspect
>aside from the world of warcraft and massive multiplayer online roleplaying it sucked
Nerzul was definitively a warlock. The Elements didn't obey fel orcs.
Do you think that World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is a better video game than World of Warcraft?
> the world will be exactly the same as it originally was except major bugs fixed
> community of people who love wow
>somehow won't be great
please tell me how leveling from 1-60 and doing endless world pvp won't be absolutely euphoric
pro tip you can't
Warlocks shoot fire nigga, mages summon water elementals. Stop paying attention to wow lore, it's retarded and contradictory
>Ner'zhul was the chieftain and elder shaman of the Shadowmoon clan
This is going to keep going for all of classic isn't it? Every single thread of people talking about it will have that one sad pathetic neckbeard screeching about how everyone is having fake fun.
Frost magic is arcane, water is exclusively used by shamans. Also fire magic is usually not fel and warlocks are more proficient at shadow and chaos. Warcraft lore is good until wrath.
Arthas was holding them back
I haven't played wow since early cata, so I dont know
You wont be experiencing it for the first time. But if you are one of those people who enjoy the mindless grind, guess you can enjoy it, I'm not judging
yes ofc
>mindless grind
Someone doesn't have a levelling route
> leveling is a chore
it's the best part of the game
games are about overcoming obstacles
and leveling being long and hard is exactly the way it's supposed to be it's also how my dick will be playing vanilla
Fire and Frost can be manipulated with Arcane, which is purely technical and doesn't require the elements to obey you.
Mostly a remnant title from their tribal society pre-corruption I'd say
It's established that Fel Orcs can't get the elements to obey them I think
It's an MMORPG. The gameplay is relatively simple. There is grinding. That is what people like. That is what people liked back then. That is what people play WoW and other MMOs for now too. Holy shit you collossal fucking moron. Games can be good in different ways. WoW is not "objectively bad" because it doesn't have Devil May Cry combat and Baldur's Gate 2 roleplaying.
>It's established that Fel Orcs can't get the elements to obey them I think
Fel Orcs came after WC1-2.
Nerzhul was a shaman, that's why he needed Gorefiend to complete ritual
Technically, this is true, though. If the Night King just send the wights to attack Winterfell while he chilled on his dragon somewhere Beyond the Wall, it would have been easy job.
Blizzards writing is shitter than D&D's GoT
It's a literal water elemental
water elementals are forced to obey mages
they're not willingly helping like with shamans
It's just an unfortunate name like a warrior's thunder clap. They're clearly made of ice.
Nah they're made of water, and always have been. Hence the name. Water is ice anyway, retardo.
Shamans are not planeteers, nor are they benders from avatar. This angle that blizzard has forced on them is one of the worst things about wow, especially since cata
You suck cock and it is implied that a headless scourge would be reckless and eventually taken by another force. You are a Virgin fat cock sucker
Not an argument, you drooling inbred.
They always had to get the elements to serve them willingly (even though it didn't mean they were lawful good, just worthy of it and capable of convincing the elements to help them).
This is what your class quests are about.
The helm of domination has a mind of its own and fucks you up basically. Bolvar was one of the most noble people and he can barely contain wanting to murder us all. Nerzul was already a cunt.
I'm willing to bet money D&D know exactly who this is and deliberately cucked the NK to avoid being accused of copycatting Arthas.
They are but man did Illidan fuck their shit up. He blew up their entire planet.
So who was the first to create this trope of a undead king necromancer living in the frozen north? I hear that Blizzard's Lich King was the first but on the other hand I hear that GRRM first came up with this which I have a difficulty believing him coming up with something original
What are some other good examples of the Fallen Hero trope other than Anakin Skywalker and Arthas?
>good examples
Annakin turning to the dark side was absolutely trash
>look at how evil he is, he is even killing children!!
Tolkien probably? Wasn't the Witch King from the north?
Everyone stole from Tolkein desu. All of modern fantasy tropes come from him
Illidan, and its way better character than arthas, actually.
Just read the War of the Ancients and everything in Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne and ignore absolutely everything WoW illidan related
I was 15ish when I last played WC3. I didn't care about the story. All I remember was Arthas was a human who used Frostmourne to kill the undead but became corrupted himself. I never played WoW.
I had literally zero problem following the story in the Warcraft movie. It wasn't complicated.
King David
and tolkien stole from ancient history and bible
>best character
boyhood: illidan
adulthood: arthas
>and the bible stole from jew and sumerian myths
Dont be that guy. No one likes that guy.
Illidan never was a hero in the first place as he never gave a fuck about the greater good.
He just wanted power to impress Tyrande.
>read the War of the Ancient
That book were the writer self-insert into a powerful human mage breeding a windrunner sister and teaching Illidan about magic?
No ideas are new, they have no beginning and are intrinsic to man. Anything "new" is a flavor of the archetype, not a new thing in itself.
>That book were the writer self-insert into a powerful human mage breeding a windrunner sister and teaching Illidan about magic?
Want the writer a woman?
They wrote all of the expansions plot before Wrath of the Lich King.
They're not really bringing it back for fan service, the writers are very autistic and just love expanding the lore more and more instead of listening to fans.
No it was Knaak, a writer so bad that even the WoW incels hate him. He retconned the war of the ancient/night elves of wc3 with that book.
Illidan at least got closure instead of dying to level 70 chumps, and without any emo kid waxing lyrical about Tyrande either. He's vindicated as a hero by Velen, and gets his vengeance against Sargeras
>Bran: AND IT SHALL BE ME! And it would never have happened if I didn't trick you all into killing Dave, the old night king.
I dont believe pre acti blizz wrote the wotlk ending
did this actually happen in lore?
Now we have Christie Golden self-inserting as Jaina, retconning things out the ass to make her more important. Medivh is no longer the most powerful Guardian because his mother- now the most powerful - taught Jaina
Everything is foreshadowed, I don't give a fuck. The writers are very autistic and had planned out everything except MOP
>implying Arthas didn't overcome Nerzhul to hold the undead back from the influence of the burning legion
Arthas was /ourguy/. He even admitted that he trained us up to be the best.
I would take TBC Illidan over Legion Illidan anyday.
Oh yeah, I've mistook him with her
I've only read that Thrall book by her and it was pretty good iirc, shame she appareny went full retarded later on
yea since wc3.
>praising and defending WoW writing
Has this board fallen so far? Even Yea Forums recognizes how shit WoW is and how badly WotLK buthered the Lich King character
>GoT shat the bed so hard people now praise nu-Blizzard
This is just sad.
It's just that wotlk turned into a meme. No one is praising it.
intredasting. I only play Hearthstone so I know all these characters and locations and such ITT but interactions and significance is new to me.
mass repliers should be gassed
>Even Yea Forums recognizes how shit WoW is and how badly WotLK buthered the Lich King character
Yes but pre-wotlk pre-nublizzard lore is perfection. The night elf arc, the undead arc, the orc arc, the outland arc, the human arc, all coming together and blending perfectly to produce the ultimate villain who isn't just an edgy filler to keep the fans interested
>pre-wotlk pre-nublizzard lore is perfection.
warcraft lore was always shit. they have some interesting stuff like old gods but its mainly just a shitty mash-up of all kind of fantasy tropes.
TBC butchered the lore just as much
Old god was already introduced in wc3.
>old gods
should have said "cucked kael'thas"
Look brothers,the traitor king!
>I only play Hearthstone
Why would you do that to yourself lmao
>Americans pretending to have culture
No it's not, and I play warcraft since warcraft 2 and generally enjoy the cheesiness that it always was. It's basically a giant mishmash of Tolkien/Warhammer/Song of Ice and Fire and other fantasy properties but it works and it's fun as baby's first fantasy when I was a kid. But it's really fucking far from "perfection"
Also, they ripped the shit out of this not that well known animation, some characters are carbon copies, even looks-wise
and thats why they are interesting
TBC was such a dogshit expansion, I have no idea why neckbeards love it so much.
I hated it back in the day and it hate it now, absolutely abhorrent
Just curious, what is the copy of this moment :
It was always clearly inspired by Lovecraft, i dont think they were hiding that fact. In any case, Blizz lore has always been derivative. Back in the day it didnt matter because their games were amazing, now they make casino simulators.
>But it's really fucking far from "perfection"
Can you please give me an example of the superior setting in your opinion and point out its superiorities?
the only good thing about tbc was that you longer needed to play +15 hours a day to get the best pvp gear. arena was a great idea. fuck all the vanilla lovers claiming it ruined wow/pvp
>being so much of a shitskin brainlet that you are incapable of recognizing the good parts of american culture and literature
>Without the command army becomes even stronger
Cuz you know scattered not organised undead force that could be beaten one after the other with smaller force is alot dangerous thatn organaised single force with intellegent leadership
iq 9 blizzarddrone
>I have no idea why neckbeards love it so much.
No one does. It made me quit the game with the sunwell patch.
You are really dishonest here, Oedipus didn't even know that it was his father.
Yeah, Arthas jobbed even harder than the Night King. There is no reason for him to sacrifice a huge amount of his forces in a contrived bid to create super generals for his armies, when he literally could've just gone AFK and won.
The fact that he sits dormant for like a decade without posing a single threat is beyond shit too.
Muradin surviving is a bullshit copout, I fucking hate when self proclaimed lorefags claim WOTLK was the last expansion with good lore, at least Cataclysm wasn't dishonest, it was just a pissed off dragon seeking to brutalize the world.
warcraft evolved from Warhammer
God I am glad I dropped game of thrones at season 4
Middle-Earth, Hyboria, The Book of the New Sun world, Dungeons and Dragons world, westeros, even fucking Tamriel is a way better written video game fantasy world
that's great you listed a few fantasies, but can you point out their superiorities over the warcraft setting?
I agree, i loved arenas but I'm a pvp nerd so I'm biased.
Everything else in that expansion was utterly retarded. I prefer even WoTLK cos despite having the same problems gameplay wise and continued the trend of making the game easier, at least it had better lore and way, WAY better setting than all the gay-ass pink and purple spaceshit with literal space ships everywhere
>The fact that he sits dormant for like a decade without posing a single threat is beyond shit too.
That's because each WoW villain has to wait for his turn.
What made tft so great (inter factions alliances, the ennemy of my ennemy is my friend, proxy fight...) was nullified by WoW being a MMORPG.
Arthas wasn't using his army yo end the world because he was baiting all the strongest heroes to fight him in person so he could resurrect them as death knights, and someone else, probably the burning legion, would have commanded the scourge after Arthas died.
Well, for starters, the fact that pretty much all of those contributed to the fantasy genre with original ideas, while warcraft is an amalgam of all those plus other
that just show you how bad GoT is that even fucking WoW writing is better
It really isn't. WoW writing is fucking Tommy Wiseau-tier
But the goal is to conquer Azeroth, not to raise 25 incels.
oh yeah wotlk was much better than bc.
i would say vanilla had the best weapon and set design though.
bc was pretty shit in that regard with the dildo like looking staff design but wotlk wasn't that much better after t7 but i liked the northrend zones much more than outland
I'm a poorfag with not enough computing power to play anything else lmao. I never said I liked it.
Illidan is way more interesting anyway. His story is all emotion and really bad decision-making for the sake of pussy. Totally relatable.
should include: rused all the greatest heroes becoming your champions
This, and getting an insight to all the factions as you play them, and how they affect each other is cool too, + being able to see their perspective of things.
Arthas + Kel Thuzad is unironically /comfy/ when you play as the scourge
so nothing specific other than "they wuz first"
I agree, WoTLK's weakest part was the gear design. It baffles me how fucking dull every weapon and tier set looked while in the same time it was the expansion with the most gorgeous and comfy zones
If you can run hearthstone, you can definitely run warcraft 1-3 and WoW until probably Cata/MoP(and probably the newer ones too on low settings). Stop wasting your time with that card shit and go play them
Its not a bad game, its the best computer based ccg by far imo. I prefer it to mtg arena even, and it is much easier to win as an ftp player compared to mtg:a
hard pass my nigga
Hearthstone is really fun when it works. When you face a dozen dudes in a row playing the same top tier meta decks they found online, it's frustrating. Generally I stick to wild, if you can survive the early game it offers the best experience outside of single player
Now it sounds even more retarded, sotp consuming blizzard shitwritting its bad for your heda.
Warcraft 1-3 is not mmorpg, brainlet
He let them lift so he could resurrect them as ebic bodybuilder lieutenants
i never watched got. has the series anything this epic?
>anything garrosh related
Neck yourself
I think they hint that he was trying to turn the world undead because the undead are more resistant to the will of demons and the Old Gods. I could be wrong but I vaguely remember that being a point that was made.
t. Thrall
if you consider that manchildren shit epic then yeah, GoT will make you cream yourself
Even the Night Cuck's version of Sindragosa blows in comparison.
Shut the fuck up you video game nerd virgin nobody cares. This cunt looks even gayer than the night king did fuck off.
I think the idea was that at least with the Lich King you could plan against the invasion of undead. He'll make them have a purpose and strategy can be used to overcome that purpose. Without that it's just chaos. Hordes of undead attack at random wherever the fuck they want. That kind of erratic behavior would erode the living slowly. Less likely that it would cause an Apocalypse but still incredibly damaging.
Having someone take up the mantel and keeping them at bay gives people plenty of time to plan for the inevitable return.
>Tell no one what happened here
Ok, or not, the fuck Blizzard.
check out some private servers for wow. free and better than nu-wow
The idea was that Metzen thought it was good to copy pirate of the caribbean. It was also a retcon of the story since it was never hinted that Northrend had that many zombies and that scourge w/o mind control = forsaken.
The epitome of retardation comes with the fact that the nu lich king could just order the scourge to kill themselves.
Not him but I have that entire cutscene memorized, I saw it so many fucking times back when I was raiding with da boyz, and I never skipped it
how do you kill that which has no life
>WoW is constantly degraded by retarded writers
>Even Warcraft reforged is going to recton lore
At least we'll always have WC3 bros
ahem... would you care to post someone who ACTUALLY won??
Literally who
Thanks to Manlet von Carstein, yeah.
I don't think anything was really retconned for nathrezim. It was the eredar that they retconned from corrupting sargeras to being corrupted by sargeras. The reason why varimathras was being tortured in antorus was because sargeras punished him for failing in the battle of undercity (he has some hidden dialogue where he says that sylvanas serves nzoth and is gonna destroy stormwind). Nathrezim were never the leaders of the burning legion, they were one step below KJ/archi, who were the executors of sargeras' will. Legion lore was kinda crappy but it had its high points, like with velen. BfA lore is when it became laughably bad and horrific. Also Mal'Ganis is still out there, i wonder if they're saving him for northrend electric boogaloo
you wake up as a death knight in service of the lich king.
Qual talas missions was fucking garbage, exept for last one, cuz you can capture elven workers and build an elven base and train an unlimited amount of allience heroes.
nigga you what? Tier 10 is across the board the best raid tier in terms of set design, pretty much every single class looks gorgeous
This is literally the plan the last scene we see is bran in the frozen castle they have far north and he becomes the new night king because of the mark that was left on his arm. The last thing we see in this series is the camera zooming up to his face and his eyes opening that magic blue and then end credits
>Also Mal'Ganis is still out there, i wonder if they're saving him for northrend electric boogaloo
I wish Anduin with his gary sue power would turn him into a nathrezim infused with the Light. Imagine the irony of the situtation.
But the best character still alive who can save this terrible lore is Kel Thuzad.
But the night cuck won fag
terrible taste
No one is saying the WotLK ending was good; they're saying copying it would have been orders of magnitude better than what we got.
let me guess, you probably think paladin t2 is the best shit ever
Everything after the intro to WOTLK is retarded
So who becomes the next 3ER? Bran becoming NK makes sense in one way but not the other.
Atleast showing the Land of Always Winter still having surviving WWs would be good enough, for the show atleast.
Literally Tolkien
i do like some t2 sets. warlock, rogue and mage look really good. not a big fan of the pala 2 though.
Name one (1) thing that Blizzard actually invented.
out of season april fools jokes
Shitty theory:
>the wights aren't dead, just not receiving any telepathic messages
>they're all burned in fire (set alight by the dragons?) as seen in the teaser for next ep
>this doesn't destroy them, it makes them loyal to dany
>dany now has fanatical army of fire zombies
>dany goes full mad queen with fire zombie army, becomes big bad, threat not destroyed
he got cucked by Tirion though
this. omagine gping through all that effort on quoting everybody just to say a sentence
your poor critical thinking skills may have made you think that was what was being implied but they didn't say that
Sasuke Uchiha
pretty sure they're the first to make skinny and intelligent humanoid trolls
the wow trolls were a pretty interesting race that I don't think anyone really made anything similar before that
also the protoss, though not completely original, are the coolest alien race ever made
wow trolls are very different from the normal fantasy version of trolls or not?
yes they're very different
they're skinny jamaican blue trolls with big colourful hair and tusks and live on islands and believe in voodoo dark magic and animal spirit stuff focusing on killing their enemies from the shadows