He’s never going to finish. Season 8 will be the canon ending

He’s never going to finish. Season 8 will be the canon ending

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george "rotund retard" martin

And it's all his own fault. The man is grossly overweight - he obviously doesn't care about his health. No self-respect. Sad!

His blood pressure must be sky high. He's got three years, tops.

He finally made enough money to buy unlimited apex seals for his rx7. Hes done now.

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At least we will get Winds before the fat fucks finally kicks it. I want me some Young Griff action

probably right and trips, fuck this clown world.

Don't mean real authors by calling what this fat turd shit out a "canon" even ironically. Tolkien produced a "canon." This fat man shit out a big, steaming turd of degeneracy that took the "War of The Roses" story, added some trash and "we wiz magicians n' sheet" and there you go.


fanfiction doesn't suddenly become canon just because the author passes away before finishing his story, simple as

he bought a custom painted (special VIP job from the factory!) Tesla Model S a couple of years ago. I wonder if he still has it.

>He’s never going to finish

show was his plan all along. if you can't see this after all this time...you are a fool.

He's got that dope theater and a sweet art house he funded in Santa Fe. He's probably having a blast cruising around town in that thing



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>Season 8 will be the canon ending

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Does the ending actually matter? Since it's more a study of character interaction and motivation, where the ending isn't really the point like in something more story driven. Obviously there's still a strong story, but its conclusion isn't where the main satisfaction draws from. As if it's more about viewing a snapshot in time vs. a more cohesive, traditional story.

If that's GRRM's mindset then it'd explain why he's in no rush to finish anything. Because to him the ending wouldn't really matter as much as writing engaging sub-stories for each character in the given time and place.

I have my headcanon

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What does he look like without the beard?

That ending is gay as fuck


You’re Gay as fuck. Check em

>Nuff said!

laughing somberly is pretty cringe, but I like the rest


>Does the ending actually matter?
It does. People will remember early MCU fondly because it caps off with endgame

Some people will remain bitterly disappointed by Star Wars/GoT because of the endings

He takes it to car shows.

>wilds cards
>sucking Tolkiens dick

Yikes his blog didn't even mention the show. Suicide by massive amounts of pizza when?

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Raging homosexual detected

Honestly, how can you call a show "canon", when it can't even use the appropriate banners?

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To all got bookfags saying the books will be different, no they wont
Dabid and Dennis know the outline of how George wanted to end the series, yes there are going to be some changes to how the books would go if GRRM would ever finish them (he wont) but it will be the same. He gave them his outline and they are pretty much following it.

To all you bookfags who are waiting for some juicy white walker lore, why do you think you get any lore on them. GRRM has the most shallow lore you could come up with. People only think the lore of asoiaf is any good because GRRM is incredibly vague with a lot of his world building so it leaves a lot to the imagination. He does not have 100 pages of notes on that one lost city in Sothoryos, what he wrote about it is all there is. The rabid asoiaf fandom has hyped up the lore to way beyond what it is, its so vague that you can make these elaborate theories of what it could all mean. Do you really think he spent much time thinking about all this?

All you are gonna get if he ever finishes his series is maybe one chapter where bran looks into the land of always winter and youll see like an ice building where some white wlakers live. Seriosuly, his series is so hyped up, when you really look at what he has put down on paper, its fucking garbage. The fan theories are what hypes it up, not what hes actually written.

TO remind any book fag who disagrees with, remember what littlefingers grand reason was for helping to kill Joffrey? It was to be unpredictable to his opponents. Yes, GRRM is not clever, that is his what he is, stop reading fan theories about asoiaf, its just going to go nowhere.

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agreed, his work it shallow af

Duh, unless your a total fucking mark for your own fake stories the purpose of writing is to make money. GRRM has 50 million dollars why bother writing a book when you got retirement money and shit loads still coming in from merchandise

>the books will be different, no they wont
but they already are, faggot.

i really think that, eventually, he will finish the winds of winter. i don't think he'll ever finish a dream of spring, just not gonna happen.

A well written story keeps the authors name in known history for centuries. A shit story with spectacle might get some money and acclaim now, but won't be remembered a hundred years from now. Money only matters so much.

The books have the same outline as the show. THe only differnece is that the show made a main villain. D and D were given the outline on how the books were going to end. Face it, the white walkers are robots gone haywire, thats it.

IF you think GRRM has something interesting up his sleeve, name one thing hes written in his books that was interesting.

>Be dead
"at least people remember me"

What an animal way to think of art. In 200 years, people will laud Tolkien and Martin will be lost on the trash heap of histort.

It is known.

Jon Snow sucks massive big black cock. He bends over like a good beta cuck for nigger dick. Jon Snow worships huge hung nigger ding dong in heaven for all eternity. Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suited to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail large African nigger donkey dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a hung masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly gay for the thought of a thick veiny long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies.


Euron Greyjoy's characterization was pretty interesting.

This is not true. We know from his early drafts that Dorne and Stannis didn't play a role for example. Same as in the show.
In the books he wrote voluminous about both so they will have a role to play. Same goes for Young Griffs invasion. We know this stuff is going to be impactful from the sample chapters.
>The books have the same outline as the show
According to...? Gurm, right? Watch the 60 minutes interview. He compares show and books to different Spiderveses.
>the white walkers are robots gone haywire
The Others will be human. Screencap this. They just have a disease or some shit. I mean even in the show the NK is human. It's just that in the show the solution to all problems is to slaughter them. That's not Gurms style.
>white walkers are robots gone haywire
They didn't even explain what's up with them in the show. Crastor? Mance? Night's King etc.?
>name one thing hes written in his books that was interesting.
The ending of Dying of the light, Berics arc, Jaimes redemption arc (butchered in the show), Reek/Theons inner monologues, the ctulluh letter from hardhome, Lovecraft-Euron etc. Your question is impossible to answer tho cause you just gonna say
>hurr it's not interesting because I didn't find it interesting even though I read like 6000 pages of it

Also read his stuff outside of ASOIAF. He knows how to write good endings.

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Not even joking, but I think that people should've expected this just due to his weight. He's a fucking fat ass lardy man. How can you expect a man that can't even control his own weight to be able to finish his own work?

He's always been like this. Also here in the US he's normal. Old people are fat like this.

Well there was no night king in the books so it has to be pretty different.

shhh wikifags don't know that

Help me out guys. I feel like I've seen the "drop the weapon in the other hand" thing before, but I cannot place it at all.

It's frustrating me to no end? Help


name me one thing GRRM has done that makes your peepee excited for the next book. How about how littlefingers motivation for helping kill Joffrey was to be unpredictable, lol, GRRM is a fucking hack

fuck off rian

The showrunners only did that do give us a face to look at as the villain. But do tell, what has GRRM put down on paper that makes your peepee excited for the next book


>makes your peepee excited for the next book.
>that makes your peepee excited for the next book

What kind of autistic faggotery is this?

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He's not wrong. Having Jim repeat kingslayer over and over is both cringe and insulting to an audience who should connect the dots.

He eats because he KNOWS the only way out of the convoluted mess that he's wrote himself into is a cardiac arrest

The Last Jedi. Rey does it when fighting the Imperial Guards.

Wouldve been amazing but anime arya was what busty bessie at the bar wanted

Original opinion
thanks for sharing

>being this fucking retard

>cringe and insulting
Perfect for this show.

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can you elaborate? (number, characters involved?) I haven't played Farcry but I did watch the cinematics

haven't watched that, it's gotta be something else

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>tfw we never see Ramsey's flayed man armor
>never see Roose's baller pink cape
>never got to see Dawn
>never got to see Theon eat out Jayne Poole

heh, nice, but yea as I said I'd never seen Star Wars...

could it be some cartoon/anime?
fuck bros, it's doing my head in

Can asoiaf fans not put to words what makes the series interesting to them, lol

>Master, the fat man has resumed writing. He's going to finish the book.
>"He cannot be allowed to finish. The HBO ending will be the only ending. Kill him, then burn the manuscripts."

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I did but you couldn't respond cause you haven't actually read the books.

thanks. maybe that's it.

bit disappointed, thought it would be from another film.

t. memester who never actually read GRRM

The world building, the slow burn of story arcs coming to fruition, the lack of plot armour for important characters, the redemption/development arcs, the eldritch horror underlying Euron, the toned-down presence of magic, the multiple sources of prophecy and foreshadowing that keep you guessing and wondering which one is the truest...

The books already are immensely different you faggot.

It was also apparently used in the knife fight from The Hunted (2003)

>who never actually read GRRM
you have it correct there. I picked it up one Christmas afternoon bored at my ex-gf's to try to avoid having to talk to people, and it was so unreadable even I would rather talk to fucikng people, and that's saying something.

>The ending of Dying of the light, Berics arc, Jaimes redemption arc (butchered in the show), Reek/Theons inner monologues, the ctulluh letter from hardhome, Lovecraft-Euron etc. Your question is impossible to answer tho cause you just gonna say
Wow, you have pretty bad taste my dude. Euron is a made up character from after GRRM decided not to do the 5 year gap, hes not going to matter at all, just like Aegon whos leading the golden company.
Reeks inner monologue, wow just wow.
Jaime stopped being interesting after the third book. Hes just meandering arounf trying to get better at swordplay when its useless at this point.
The hardhome letter is like one paragraph. "dead things in the water" Oh wow my peepee form that. What dead things oh my gosh

The magic is less gay than Brandon Sanderson's

lol, cope harder even Preston Jacobs thinks the books will end the same
Lol, Euron wont matter, hes a made up character after the five year gap plan failed.
The world building also sucks. THe castles are unrealistic af. The Eyrie castle is so dumb I cant take it seriously. Seriously, whats good about the world building. What section of the world is cool

I want to see the fat fuck drift that shit

Anything is less gay than his stuff, doesnt make GRRM any good. Anyway, the shadow baby is op and ruined the world for me. Mel can just use that to kill whoever

The Stormlands are kinda cool, but hardly any time is spent there.

Aren't there mentions of there being a "Great Other" in the books? There's gotta be some sort of fucking White Walker leader because it's quite clear that the White Walkers are not just mindless savages that attack the living on sight. Almost every organization has some sort of leader or general.

If not, then I guess that the White Walkers are this weird fucking hivemind, that are like some sort of borgs, but entirely biological instead of mechanical.

Until the prequels an the spinoffs and the reboot, etc.

>What section of the world is cool
I like how the intro sequence has the various cities popping up with cogs and shit

The great other is just anti-R'hllor, so likely that's what's going on cause the Lord of Light seems to be the only real entity around still.

D&D betrayed the books and everything they said they were going to do with the show. So GRRM took advantage of the series hype and used D&D and HBO in return with hopes D&D will fail. He'll release the books once the series ends. The real game of thrones were fought between the fat man and the skinny fags. When GRRM released he was part jewish he sending D&D a message that he will out jew them.

Vaas was a better villain than the Nightking ever was

cope, his books are garbage and you only like them because you hope they lead anywhere. The books by themselves are not interesting. Its just dumb to think that the books will be radically different than the show. Do you really think Stannis will matter? Will Aegon matter? Will Euron matter? No its obvious that it will all lead to dany and jon jsut like the show. The white walkers have not come outside the wall yet, and they likely wont pass in the next book either, leading to most likely a similar scenario in the books as in the shows. The normies are right, the series is not about the dragons or the white walkers, its about the politics. The white walkers would be more prominent if they were really more important.

The only reason people are still interested in the book others and the great other, is because they are mysterious. You really think GRRM will satisfy your needs for what you hope the white walkers are? Hes done very little to earn that, everything is only cool in asoiaf when its mysterious, its why he wont go into detail about any of the gods.

like i have been fucking saying. The only cool parts of his world building are the parts he leaves vague. When he goes into detail like the path to the Eyrie it looks completely stupid.

Volantis, the Wall, Braavos, Dorne, and heck the whole history of Westeros and Essos is pretty sweet world building

>Euron is a made up character from after GRRM decided not to do the 5 year gap, hes not going to matter at all,
Read the TWoW chapters that've been released. Dude traveled the world and got some damn powerful magic artifacts.
>just like Aegon whos leading the golden company.
TWoW chapters show them about to capture Storm's End which is entirely possible with Doran Martell's army joining in.

they are a hive mind or someone is wargin all of them like in the show. Itsl likely the latter. Wargin is so crucial in the books that there is likely one ww controlling them all. But its not the night king its likely the nights queen who seduced the night king lord commander

Im telling you all, dont get your hopes up on the books, you are all acting stupid right now. THe show which had the ending outline has dissapointed you, why have faith in the books when martin has written two garbage books recently?

So you didn't like the writing, and that's ok. No need to repeat retarded memes about GRRM being some evil communist anti-Tolkien who retells the Wars of the Roses if you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

If I could just get a published version of Stannis losing while in character that would be great. All I ask for.
I do think he'll die first though.

>Preston Jacobs thinks the books will end the same
No he doesn't, retard. He literally thinks asoiaf is a sci fi post apocalypse set in an interregnum, with the others being an ancient bioengineered race designed to adapt to a planet with ice age conditions. How is that anything like the show.

Wow so all you need if or someone to write that he powerful objects and hes a good character

Please tell me what are the odds that someone like Stannis, Aegon or Euron ends up winning at he end of the books and dont get killed by dany?

>lmao dude, why do you even read fiction? it's all made up stories my man, none of it keeps existing once you close the pages lmfao pleb
Very meta, user

hes just being sarcastic about that, you dont actually believes he thinks that do you? He wants views on his channel hes not stupid

>THe castles are unrealistic af.
it's a book with dragons and zombies and pointy-headed people that ride horse-zebra hybrids. i get it. sword-and-sorcery fantasy isn't for everyone.

stop replying to bait you retards

thats not what I wrote at all.

I'd do the same. It's not like he was a good author in the first place.
You could basically claim a few years down the road how supporting the TV series was hard work and how the evil producers ruined everything but you had a great ending in mind you couldn't release but if you'd get some money and time to publish it it would be the best thing ever. The you set up one of those patreons and see the money pour in

Oh so youd be ok if the sword of the morning was a milk glass dildo? Its fantasy right, why take it serious, who care about being realistic am I right

>dedicated 30+ videos to a joke
you're retarded

Expecting work ethics from a turbo leftie?

>ome evil communist anti-Tolkien who retells the Wars of the Roses
A. some dumb brit twat told him he was "a better writer than tolkien," and instead of backing out and showing any modesty, he thanked her as if asking to be struck by lightening. Lie someone letting themselves be compared to shakespeare. Worse in many ways, to compare yourself to someone who survived the Somme and was a Cambridge professor specializing in Norse myth and language.

B. That's exactly what it is.A ripoff of "Ivanhoe" but most are too dumb to realize it. Communist? Don't know and don't care.

All these butthurt bookfags

>doesnt realize all those videos makes him money
Are you retarded? All he does is make theories about asoiaf, what else is he going to do

May I ask why the latest 2 are garbage? Do they have shitty payoffs, comprise characters or themes, or butcher plots that go nowhere? i'm kinda curious because I'm going to start reading the series this summer out of boredom and from what I've heard there's a lot of layered shit in a goodway.

It brings me such joy, I hope it becomes a pasta

He really is the American tolkein, with the BMI to match

HE changed his original plan ofr a five year gap and you can tell. Its slow, it brings in characters that you know wont matter in the end like Aegon and Darkstar. And it just doenst move the plot forward much at all. Tyrions chapters are boring, Briennes chapters are horrid. The quality simply dropped. They are very long and lack much that wants you to keep going.

His entire channel is themed around this sci fi interpretation and it literally originated with him. He doesn't talk about other major theories except this interregnum one. Watch his thousand books clubs.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention the countless blood sacrifices Euron does including that time he gets a woman pregnant just kill her and his unborn child so that he can turn into a god. It's not just the things he brought back, but the crew of his ship and whatever unknown magic he learned about. The way blood magic works in asoiaf is really fucked up but it's so powerful that he can no doubt become a god with it.

SO GRRM wanted to havea 5 book series, when he finished his 3rd book he realized it wouldnt work so his 4th and 5th book goes over the stuff that would have happend during the five year gap, so essentially we have two very big books that deal with issues that would have merely have gotten a mention or so in the original plan. And the books dont even go for five years, its like one year or something. So anyway, those books are not very interesting, its al ot of setup and you have to hope the next book will have the payoff but because GRRM has declined in writing quality, it makes me question whether it will be worth it.

bookfags seething

>His entire channel is themed around this sci fi interpretation
If its so centered around it, Find me the last time he talked about this theory.

I can only hope Winds will redeem that ahit user, and rectify most of that.

oops wrong user my b

But dont you think its just interesting because he hasnt explained it? I mean killing people is edgy but its not original when it comes to blood magic form what Im aware of.

won't work on a boomer nihilist like GRRM.

So is it Ivanhoe or Wars of the Roses? You do know, that Ivanhoe is set centuries before the Wars of the Roses, right? At this point it seems to me you're just baiting. I've actually read Ivanhoe. Please tell me what exactly in ASOIAF was ripped off from it.

The sword of the morning already isn't realistic though? It's a sword that chooses its owner like some Zelda shit. And House Dayne has purple eyes which isn't realistic either but it's important to the world. Of course none of it is real. It's a fucking story. Yeah, certain things get exaggerated, like the size of the wall, or they're fantastical like a giant castle on a pointy rock. It's a literary element. GRRM isn't writing fucking Cannery Row, What is your fucking problem?

>all 30 of his thousand worlds books club videos
>his asoiaf geology videos
>all his big picture videos
>dna videos
probably half his channel right there.

Hopefully winds can rectify that in some sort of fulfilling way user. I only got into the show because there was dickall to watch. I've been interested in reading, especially now after that shit show of a episode. i still have hope it work out in the books. Also can anyone recommend me some good fantasy novels /sci fi that are good and filled with depth but not for depths sake

>george plays d&d with fake ending
>everyone gets angry at the shitty ending
>release the books with the real ending
>everyone hears how the book is the real ending and got tv was the fake ending
>it was all a ruse xD
>make shit tons of money from all the book sales
>laugh at d&d when georgie boi crashed got tv show with no survivors

classic fat boi

it's just bait user, people who shitpost like that have likely never read asoiaf nor have they read the things its said to have ripped off.

You seem to be missing the point. You talk like a normie when you say its fantasy and I should just accept it. There needs to be certain amount fo relaism for a story to be relatable, and if its not relatable its not going to be liked. I simply am not able to take certian things seriously when it deviates so far from reality. So when I read that the only way to get to the castle in the series of asoiaf where it is trying to be a more grounded fanatasy it irks me when the path is one where you will likely fall if are unlikely. Nobody would ever go up to the Eyrie if that path were there. It just puts me out of the story. You cant make a grounded fantasy and then do stupid stuff like that. Its either grounded or its high fantasy, it cant be both or its stupid, and asoiaf becomes stupid a lot of the times

I said find me the last time he talked about it. You said his channel is centered around. He must have posted a video about it this week, or last month.

Its an ok series, Ive been shittign on the bookfags hard here but its really not that bad. Its the best fantasy series out there that is modern but thats not saying much. Its a good read but dont get overhyped.

>spoon feed me
I just provided you with a list of videos. Stop being an adhd rattled zoomer and do the work yourself.

All those videos are form basically years ago. You said he centered his channel around it were proven wrong neenerneener neener

>if you can't answer this question stemming from these arbitrary terms i've just made up in order to pivot the argument from it's original uncomfortable position, well then you lose the argument
was just waiting for it rofl
thanks for the laugh
but you're embarrassingly retarded

george isn't one of his characters

>d&d want details
>say you haven't figured it all out yet, becuase that's how you write
>give them the few key points that you know are solid
>d & d literally make up their own story using those points
>surprise! d & d are worse writers than george and don't know what they're doing with this story
>george just writes the books like the shows never happened and figures it out as he goes along,keeping those few similar key points

kek the audience is retarded as fuck, gf almost came at last week's episode, I asked her if she knew who the night king was or why didn't bran do anything, or how did Arya get behind the NK, etc.. she had the most NPC look ever and said the NK is evil or some shit... can't wait for winds to be out, I'm going to reread the whole 5 books to delete that dabid shit from my head

desu fair user it's your way of accepting through your pov like you said for you it's one or the other. it could be different for others. Or maybe they just accept it for what it is high fantasy and some realism if it doesn't comprise everything set in stone in the text then why bother being annoyed

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I prefer this version.

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>gets called out
>wiki spans

Nice one, autist.

based kang slayer

fucking incredble

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Bran and Gendry are so handsome.

please explain to me how his channel is centered around that theory when he hasn't posted about it in years. And remember, they were your words not mine

all the characters became retarded several seasons ago. game of thrones is entirely story driven, and the story is ass

Jaime's AFFC chapters are gigakino, and the North in ADWD is great as well

Tolkein wasn't a fat fuck, what are you on about?

Because it is the cornerstone of his videos, everytheory he ever puts forward is tied up with three things:
> Magic is not real, Only telekensesis and telephathy
> All prophesesis are false
> Characters are being maniplated by unseen puputeers
> The story is set in a post apocalyptic future

So is he officially the only really good AND well-acted character left in the show at this point?

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>tyrio's chapters
absolute depressionkino, and you discover the Rhoyne and essos and volantis through him. only an utter pleb hates tyrion DwD arc

The american version of Tolkein is an obese fat fuck, that was the joke

Literally disgusts me that Arya killed the Night King and our disgusts me that she killed him when she did.

>because GRRM has declined in writing quality
Feast for Crows and Dance With Dragons are better written than the first three.
> May I ask why the latest 2 are garbage?
They are not, but for me the Dorne plot seemed retarded, and I did not like Aegon reveal.
But I did not skip any chapers, unlike Clash of kings, where I skipped Bran`s and Sansa`s chapters all the time

lets see you do better then disckhead


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Teletubbies did it first

I just hope as he lies on his death bed he thinks selling his life's work to become slightly more millionaire was worth it.

I think that there's no fucking way he didn't finish already at this point, they must be paying him to wait

Unironically, GRRM is pretty based. He doesn't give a fuck about money.

This might be The Onion, but I wonder if it's secretely true for any of them.

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Not an argument.

>“Right away, when I finished the script, I felt this sense of immense loss at throwing away the prime of my life performing in a make-believe world of CGI dragons and giants,” said series regular Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who described feeling stunned when discovering that he had squandered day after day of his precious existence freezing his ass off in Belfast-based shoots just to play a mediocre role in an emotionally incoherent series that had stretched on for years too long.

Absolutely based

Yes, too bad he can't YAAAS QUEEN so he'll probably be pretty pointless for the last episodes.

nice reddit spacing

>Davos newspaper delivering the most honest description of the show through a made up interview.

Based and onionpilled

Feel like a wifey car.

A man of culture

No, Sansa is still around