St. Teresa was one stone away!!

St. Teresa was one stone away!!

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this is an unironic post on Yea Forums in 2019

I think im done here lads

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back to 9gag

The board is filled with unironic got and marvel posting. It's been lost for a while.

was she?

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So what did Saint Teresa use hers for? Did she snap the evidence of aliens away?

When I collect all of the Jesus Gems, I can simply snap my fingers and all of the Muslims in the holy land will disappear.

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>implying your game of thrones dark souls reaction pic is any better

I don't know who that saint theresa was. But seeing that ostentuous glove makes me think she was no saint

It is a post death thing they did to a severed hand passed off as hers


My guess the artist say it in art history class

Wait, there's a severed hand in that thing?

Not a glove there is a severed woman's hand inside

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Almost none of the "saints" were

The nuns of the Nuestra Señora de la Merced in Ronda are keepers of a treasure; one of the most important holy relics in Spain, the hand of Saint Teresa of Avila. Stolen from the convent in 1937, Franco seized possession of the hand and slept with it beside his bedside until his death in 1975. It is now back in its rightful home, housed in a darkened, locked room, set inside a silver glove that’s covered in precious stones.

h*ve sex

nigger /got/ started 9 years ago and then Yea Forums had bane posting as the primary board meme and that was fine

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The more I hear about Francisco Franco, the more I like him

>Saint Teresa of Avila

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Little bit of 9gag a little bit of reddit and a whole lot of faggot

The Longinus spear is one of them
The holy grial is the second
What are the other Jesus gems?

i started in 2010 still feel like a new fag

Holy fuck he posts normie memes

Shroud of Turin, all the pieces of the True Cross, the Crown of Thorns, and the nails.

What about the holy prepuse?


Catholics are fucking scum holy shit

that's the most important one

Catholics are weird about this sort of stuff.

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Wrong pic, meant to post a whole body shot.

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>google holy prepuce

what in the actual fuck

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Go be a neo-jew somewhere else, protestant.

You now know that January 1st is the new year because that is when Jesus was circumcised according to tradition.
How does it feel?

You tried to resew the veil and hakf your fucking faith is based on idolatry you literal fucking kike

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Jan 1st is the new year because they slapped the celebration of his birth onto the winter solstice celebrations.

check out this anti-christ here
i bet your parents made you go to church and now you project your hatred of them onto good christians

did you know thanos and the infinity gauntlet were designed by a person and are not real? wow!

Who told you it was unironic?

Nice argument faggot, i bet you don't even believe in transubstantiation yet still class yourself as Catholic. Fucking uneducated simpleton.

Well yeah, it isn't the actual source, but that's why I said "according to tradition".
90% of Christians and jewish holidays are pagan in origin.

>When you're about to snap but they cut off your hand

this place is a shithole for years, GoT and Capeshit. /tv is at least 60-70% redditors

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>Jesus had 16 foreskins and his crucifixion required a cross the size of a log cabin, 700 crowns of thorns, and innumerable nails.

See you tomorrow

>there's a universe where Hitler obtained all the church relics

I just want to know what would have happened.

you sure make a lot of assumptions, you lose this bet pal

That's why they're called the infinity relics.

>normalfag buddy links me an ebin funny from r/Yea Forums
>there's Endgame spoilers randomly attached to all the popular posts
where were you when reddit was less reddit than Yea Forums

Instead of killing himself with his pistol he could kill himself with the spear of destiny while wearing the shroud of turin?

Baneposting didn't start until '11 and didn't get huge until '13-'14

>even if one of them is real 15 other people had their foreskin chopped off for use in a church

The New big bad in my CoC Campaign the ancient roman Lich Warlord Bonus Dickus

Catholicism is based on indo-european paganism with a sprinkle of Jesus and Platon. Go kiss a torah if you love Old testament so much.

Can you imagine actually being a Protestant with female lesbian bishops? How do they even get up in the morning?

Literally admitting you don't know shit so you can't continue arguing

The veil breaking is new testament and literally part of the crucifixion story you utter fucking brainlet

I'm not responsible for the bad decisions of the supposed representatives of protestantism and I am free to choose a place of worship where thatcis not accepted; i don't have to do all my talking to god through judaic fucks like catholics

Muslims make more sense if you can gather these two understandings
1. There really is no point arguing with liberals
2. God decides when a man dies not men

Life is so weird. Muslims, liberals. Pimps. Traps. Guns. Cops. ClothesMoneyNames. Drugs. Brains. Biology. Orgasms. Pleasure. Did I mention guns? Girls+Women+
Rabbits. Biology biology there's no such thing as property. The rapable female orgasm. The capable male prostate anal rape orgasm. Life is just too wierd.
Aliens. White people. Abductions. Corpses. Vampires. Mick Jagger. David Bowie. Yikes Swinton!
Hollywood. Teeth implants! Organ transplants. DNA engineering! Lyposuction! PLASTIC SURGERY! Hormone therapy.
Property again!
Navies! Thermonuclear Intercontinental bunker busting missiles. Diamond heavy metal orbital bombardment - super volcanoes & tectonic plates!

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>artefacts are delivered before Hitler, united together for the first time
>the heavens fill with light and the clouds part
>Archangel Gabriel descends from the sky
>"Congratulations my friends. Through the power of cooperation, compassion, friendship and knightly virtue you have gathered all the holy artefacts! You are the fourth planet on God's great scavenger hunt to pass this first test! Here's parchment containing the clues for the next set of challenges!"
>flies back into the sky without another word

Can you imagine actually being a Catholic with paedophile priests? How do they even get up in the morning?

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Banposting was what lead us to where we are now, you have no right to complain

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>unironic deus vult larping
>Marvel fan
Yeah. Not a surprise

Did you take your meds this morning?

Anyone know why they severed her body parts and scattered them around the world? Weird stuff

>tfw finally gained the power to distinguish ironic and unironic posts on Yea Forums after 5 years

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You know. Because comic artists are totally original and create things whole cloth all on their own. I'm sure Starlin and Perez looks at a bunch of mediveal and renasance gauntlets in designing it.

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My church has a relic of a dead saint's old slipper.

No more video games Stephen.

This is certainly an interesting rambling.
I call upon the pilosphy side of re...I mean, Yea Forums. What meaning hides behind this manifesto?

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But my name isn't Stephen

Well, it is all part of the extended 12 day Christmas feast days anyway. Feast dayz were big. They had no tv or radio. No twitter to watch for hourly updates. We can't imagine how was in our kodern cacophany. Entire villages would have feasts last a week. It was also to reflect spirtually. So they made everything a holy day to celebrate. Never mind how every day has a number of Saint days tied to them. This can also help naming a child and celebrating name days. Technicay I am named after the male name of the Virgin Mary, so I have a huge feast day for a name day. It is still easier to just go on my English name day for St Peter.


You don't have to lie to yourself just because you go to reddit.

>implying the theory of transubstantiation (the notion it physically turns in to flesh after eaten which was brought up in 1200ad) is the same as the transubstantiation in the first century
Please look into this a little more. There is a difference.

So Thor got to her before she could snap her fingers?

I bet they unironically used this as the inspiration

Now that i think of it I have seen this in the past probably in the book of list about saved human body parts but we got more millage out of laughing about napoleon's penis

Someone should ask the original artist or creator of the Infinity saga Jim Starlin,

Doesn't change the fact the papists excommunicated you at the council of trent in the 1400s if you don't literally believe the sacrament turns into the literal flesh and blood of christ

A little hot

u r ghey

Every walk of life has Pedophiles faggot.

It's the preserved hand of pic related, a cloistered nun and mystical poet whose literary production is basically "I had sex with God. It was awesome".

>I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God. The pain is not bodily, but spiritual; though the body has its share in it. It is a caressing of love so sweet which now takes place between the soul and God, that I pray God of His goodness to make him experience it who may think that I am lying

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>You could not live with your own prayers. And where did that bring you? Back to me.

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pls god giv love

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Kinky slut. I would have fucked her too. Good taste on God's part.

Nail that was used to bind Jesus to cross.
Part of the Cross
A silver coin that was paid to Judas
and, of course, the thorn from Jesus' crown.


Imagine getting a handjob from that.

>best of luck unseeing this

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Wow, it's almost like they designed the prop based on the relic!

The prop was deigned off the comic and i would not be surprised if art school had a chapter on Religious art