So, was this bitch the avatar of that fore God nerd or something?

So, was this bitch the avatar of that fore God nerd or something?

Attached: carice-van-houten-as-melisandre-in-game-of-thrones.jpg (1300x650, 100K)

How can you be stupid enough to be lost in this show when they explain everything for you in the most simplistic way possible.

They literally dont explain shit with their shit writing

>shows up in the most random places to deliver deus ex machinas
>always acts like she has some master plan going on
>kills herself literally for no other reason than to prevent the viewer from getting any sort of explanation from her
absolutely based and redpilled

Poor anons left in the dark.

Attached: 145367.png (1100x940, 1.01M)

>character outlives usefulness
>drops dead


She's Jesus Christ. R'hollor is the biblical God and the Night King is Satan.
Stannis is catholicism. His campaing was a synthetization of all the christian crusades.

Shut the F*CK up, retard

The story rips off of Buddhism. Vishnu is the many faced God. His final avatar that defeats the darkness and ushers in peace is Azor Ahai, flaming sword and all. Then the cycle starts again.

Too bad she never had any nude scenes

She shows her tits to Jon and even fucks him if I remember right.

It was really stupid
>But her purpose was fulfilled
No it wasn't. She was clearly interested in Stannis for converting the realm to her God, and only learned about the White Walkers later. She wouldn't even believe the threat of evil would be gone, just one incarnation of it. Her religion is literally all about spiting death

she was a pretty cool guy in the end

>Night King is Satan
Night King was literally turned against his will and lashes out in anger, he's not an arrogant, prideful maniac, you stupid bible thumping nigger.

You mean Hinduism, not buddhism

Attached: Kalki-The-Last-avatar-of-Vishnu.jpg (1633x2000, 347K)

Doesnt R'hollor preaches he's the only and true god, famalan?
Is related with fire, its followers and champions throw fire around
Those fuckers are muslims, close the borders before they fly trebuchets into the twins.

Yeah my mistake.

All the stuff like this in the show is a mystery box. Writers use it to imply complex storytelling and let fans create endless speculation, effectively crowdsourcing the lore and a lot of the hard work. It works as long as someone like rian johnson doesn't come along to fuck things up.

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Just because there is only one true God doesn't mean people can't be worshiping false ones.

I thought she was gonna die when she set the pit on fire and burn there, would've been pure pottery

Beric was Jesus, didn't you see his death pose?

>Beric was Jesus, didn't you see his death pose?

Attached: 220px-Zack_Snyder_by_Gage_Skidmore_2.jpg (220x320, 12K)

that was a reallly bad scene to end the episode with. her getting killed by some random brick falling on her would have been better.

I don't think you two faggots even bothered to watch this piece of shit soap opera.

>haha our character was ressurected before let's make a reference to Jesus that will be subtle and also cool as fuck
Your mind on DABID

>is frequently shown not wearing the necklace that gives her the glamour spell
so did doing all that magic and burning people age her?

Kek, just noticed that


She wasn't wearing it because she doesn't need it in the books but d&d changed it later.