Who is the most charismatic character in this picture?

Who is the most charismatic character in this picture?

Attached: Peak Charisma.jpg (1704x1200, 1.83M)

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Bugs Bunny, Spider-Man is close though

spiderman i guess

Bugs. Though I find Daffy to be even more charismatic.

Bugs, obviously


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Bugs Bunny easily.
No one else in that picture even comes close.

Bugs Bunny, obviously.

This is the unbridled truth

>4 kids show characters, reddit incarnate, and a wife beater
Who the fuck cares.

>Bug Bunny
>kids show

Most: Bugs Bunny & Spider-Man
Least: Lelouch Lamperouge

>cartoon shorts
>not for kids
This is b8.

Bugs Bunny was pure Kino & so was the first season of SpongeBob

Bugs > Spidey > Joker > Jack > Deadpool > Lelouche
Lelouche isn't even a charismatic character, he had to have magic put in his eye that forcefully controls people ffs.

And? "Kino" and "for kids" are not mutually exclusive.

This, although if SpongeBob were in this picture i'd have him equal with Bugs

Code Geass was unironically terrible

They played those shorts before movies made for adults. They were for everyone. Either way it wasn't a fucking TV show

it was terrible but had a lot of spectacle, like the professional wrestling of anime
and it had Crispin Freeman's best role

spiderman. bugs takes the piss too much. he fucks around he takes the piss.

It's one of those shows that you enjoy but feel empty and unsatisfied afterwards, all flash and no substance. Then again that describes most anime made in the last 10 years or so

Its Depp versus Joker
- buggz is too vintage classic hes untouchable and not popular anymore
- noname weaboo trash dont count
- spudey and deadpaul are both cringeworthy as "charismatic heroes :-)"
Id say Joker wins just because Captain jack sparrow quickly became overdone while joker still going strong

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