I Think this might be so shit, that it would cross the threshold and actually be enjoyable to watch. Thoughts?
I Think this might be so shit, that it would cross the threshold and actually be enjoyable to watch. Thoughts?
Reddit hates it so it's bound to become Yea Forums's favorite movie of 2019.
how do you know reddit hates it?
Mel Gibson's Sonic the Disciple
Probably because every third thread on the board is a screencap from reddit
This board is like a middleman between the user and twitter or reddit. It has literally no purpose
I knew it wasn't going to be good from conception, so I prayed for it to be as hammed up and stupid as possible so it would at least be an entertaining train wreck.
I got my wish.
Unironically want to see this because of Jim Carrey
Is that Jim Kerry?
Honestly looks like it'll be more entertaining that Detective Pikachu because of that
same because it seems like such a weird role for him
Fuck Jim Carrey.
I'm already excited for the memes it will inspire
The more I watch that trash trailer the more fun I think this steaming pile of shit will be.
Carrey is beyond giving fucks at this point of his life, beyond good and evil and artistic integrity.
Fuck you
Yes, but only if you're real drunk
Whoever designed Sonic should never be hired in any field ever
Sonic looks like shite but I might pirate it just for Jim
dude, the behind the scenes shit is pretty cool
look at this shit, it's robotniks gunship
>be Jim Carrey
>hate guns
>Play pretend as a battle loving villian who uses guns
Fucking liberals
hes playing an evil character you autist
Why would you defend him?
Agreed but I'll probably like Carrey Robotnik unironically. He was the only good thing about the whole trailer.
What's wrong with him?
It might be one of the best "so bad it's good" movies ever made.
>what is acting
Kino status: activated
Was it autism?
I'm in it for the memes
Gonna be honest... i'm going to go see it. I never pay to go to see a movie, this might be one I go see after paying money to the stand.
There are some franchises that arguably won’t transfer well to the big screen. This is one of them. There’s literally nothing you can do to make it not look goofy or retarded. DBZ suffered the same issue. I would have said Pokémon but maybe the movie might actually be decent. Or it won’t. Chances are it will suck to and leave people disappointed.
How do they hide the hair so well? I never understood this.
that looks fucking terrifying.
Sonic looks horrifying. What the fuck.
sonic should have been played by the Lazy Town girl w CGI
You wish, Sonic looks awful but the movie itself is pretty just gonna be boring old really safe hollywood garbage. Like almost any animated movies of the last decade.
i've had nightmares that look like this trailer
>gangsta's paradise
what's wrong with these people
Seriously how in the ever-loving fuck did they manage to make Sonic’s CGI rendering look so terrible?
We have movies like Avatar and Pixar flicks with amazing CGI, the tech is out there, and instead we got this shit. Someone on Deviantart could have probably done a better job rendering Sonic than they did.
wtf I hate vaccination now
Tbh this could be the movie of the decade and be talked about years to come because it's so bad/good.
It's the next "The Room" for sure.
April fools was last month
couldn't he just gain weight or some shit? totally ruins the immersion for me
Jim Carry being his 90s self again, hell yes I wanna at least skip through the movie to see his scenes at the very least.
You're drunk Paul.
Was it autism?
Jim Carey sold out before most people on this board were born.
Hes acting like he doesnt have hair
>giant mushrooms
now that's kino
This is gonna be fantastic, the purest of kino, jim carrey's comeback
If you enjoy watching shit then you are a retard, plain and simple. At no point does something shit becomes enjoyable especially when it lasts a hour and a half, that's just coping from people that don't own up to their shit tastes
You got me good
Pure kinography
uh, that's corny as fuck. Also is it eggman? or is it Ivo Robutnik?
Just go watch the woody woodpecker movie or the one with the rabbit. Its the literal exact same shit, its almost plagiarism
Not only will I pay to see this, I will stand for the duration of the movie and when it finishes, salute the projectionist and commence clapping as hard as I can until the credits are finished
Its going to be so shit its going to make people violently sick.
I genuinely want to see Jim Carrey goof around in it, I haven't seen a Carrey flick in years.
Sonic Adventure Cinematic Universe when?
>tfw Big the Cat movie is released and its Kino
he's robotnik on earth
then when he's transported to sonics homeworld he eats strange plants (to survive) and he swells up and sonic and his gang of bullies start calling him eggman, and he takes that names for himself fueled with rage and hatred over that DAMN HEDGEHOG.
The robotnik origin story is pretty cool, robotnik is on sonics planet and wants to go home, sonic is the villain for maximum SUBVERTING OF EXPECTATIONS.
Robotnik has to find all the chaos emeralds to open a portal so he can go home, but Sonic and his gang of bullies keep messing up his plans
Imagine spending the money and time into making this thing for a fucking Sonic movie.
Hollywood is extremely wasteful
the funny thing is american wouldnt even wonder what that thing is
>go to all this trouble
>put gangsters paradise as the trailer theme.
Hollywood is retarded
There better be Emeralds in this
Amish Paradise was better
all part of the merge
>from the makers of fast and the furryios
Good to know, it's great that they expanded on his character like that. It's way more interesting that him just being a jerk who wants to mess with animals like Cortex from Crash Bandicoot.
user, I wasn't serious, the writers won't be that creative.
Fuck, maybe Chris was on to something.
he sold his soul to make a movie, dipshit. then, you, watched, one.
He lied about being a petri dish full of STDs, gave his young gf herpes and the clap, traumatized her, and dumped her. So she killed herself.
its a bad sonic movie
its an average jim carrey movie
Was this not shows to test audiences? No one said anything about that Sonic design? It's just not good. It's like they tried to make him more realistic but gave up halfway. They could have gone full unrealistic. It's not like anyone thinks it's a real animal.
The black girl is a qt.
Would oildrill.
Oh. I thought it was some sort of lore in the comics. Neverind. Kudos to you for coming up with that.
>Would oildrill.
Based Overman
There was a good sonic movie?
And the only good live action sonic movie is a terrible one
it reminds me of rocky and bulwinkle
How so?!
It sucks
>be Leo DiCaprio
>hate slavery
>play pretend as a plantation owning slave owner who fights niggers to the death against each other
Fucking liberals
lol imagine pulling a Christian Bale and gaining 50lbs to more convincingly play a character in a video game movie
>tfw you realise you could think up a better movie than the one they are going to show
It keeps happening how do these people get their jobs
This was decent
its the most anime sonic show
The VHS tape was white too. It was tapekino
I liked Knuck's hat in this one.
Jews. Just a guess however
ngl that's actually pretty neat
>let me put on my nightmare goggles
Looks no different than detective pikachu
I honestly think it looks like it could be an enjoyable watch
I just wish Jim Carrey was acting a little more crazy he could've carried the whole thing
>Believeing a suicidal thot
Scooby Doo live action movies talent put to work
thumbnail looks like Sonic in the portrait is pregnant
jim carrey is already crazy in real life so he is acting sane in this.
This is the only good Scooby-Doo movie
I think the people who made boom new it would be screen grabbed and drew the arm that way
Clap can be easily cured with antibiotics and herpes ain't the end of the world there is anti viral medication.
I unironically think Jim Carrey is amazing. He will steal the show in this movie
sometimes it feels like they make these movies bad on purpose just for the meme popularity it'll create.
Jim Carreys twitter is a fucking mess
Fuck Drumpf
Lol sonic has fucking eyelashes
is this actually drawn by him?
why is he wasting his time of a millionaire to make those?
Plot is too generic.
He's literally lost his damn mind, but I still enjoy his movies though
that's just set up for the franchise
the sequel will subvert your expectations
It goes even deeper
Will my wife be in the movie?
>sonic is going around all naked, except shoes
I keep seeing sonics huge ballsack swinging wildly as he's zooming around, like why would they put that in a kids movie??
He can literally do whatever he wants
>it's a familiar character doesn't resemble the character until the last minutes of the movie episode
I hate reruns. This was already tired when GI Joe did it.
Carrey literally has to play a sane man
Jim fucking Carrey is Robotnik? This is gonna be fun
Fleetway Sonic best Sonic.
Yall are acting like this will be the next Freddy Got Fingered and that Carrey was ever funny to anyone other than 10 year olds on ritalin and frankly its starting to bug me
Am I the only one that has "yall" posts filtered?
I'm thinking about it. It's disgusting twitter speak.
If you enjoy it then it has done its job as entertainment and therefor isnt shit.
You all are acting like this will be the next Freddy Got Fingered and that Carrey was ever funny to anyone other than 10 year olds on ritalin and frankly its starting to bug me
Well shit. It's Mushroom Hill Zone.
Do yourself and all of us a favor by going back to r/eddit