Was Thor fat shamed?

Many esteemed journalists have argued Thor was fat shamed in Endgame: theguardian.com/film/2019/apr/30/avengers-endgame-cinema-fat-shaming

Was he actually Fat-shamed though? Instead of pointless quips, it showed his emotional baggage and how deeply he struggled to overcome his sense of failure, which he succeeded at.

How is this being construed as negative?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i really wonder why everyone was laughing except her ..

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absolute unit

>Many esteemed journalists

No. They didn't even slim him down after he improved his mental state, and he could still fight while fat. Plus he looked fucking badass with the armor and braided beard.

>Tfw fat guy with long hair and beard

Some kids called me Thor when i was peeing, it was cool.

He unironically looks better now, after all the weight gained.

Please tell me that's not actually the author of that article

This. If it was a 90s movie he would be magically fit again in the very next scene after he decides to be a hero again. I was actually surprised they kept him fat through the whole movie.

Find me one fat guy who thought this who's not a politics minded liberal. Every one of my fat friends loved fat thor. What is not to like?

Any members of the male species that took issue with that?

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of course not, because hemsworth has the literal body of a god, that's the entire point of the gag. he's the god of fucking thunder and lightning, THE representative of the norse pantheon to normies, just like zeus is for the greeks. he isn't supposed to look like some fat slob

every dude knows how hard it is to get into that kind of shap, no woman will ever understand

lose weight

daring synthesis
I'm totally ok with depressed fat alcoholic Thor. But they just turned him into a complete joke


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thanks for the hot babe, gave me enough fap material for the next few weeks... months
not that i'll need it with james on jeopardy though


>hurr durr i am a lazy piece of shit stop shaming me
fuck this gay earth

>fat boomer in the theatre chuckled: ”he let himself go"
It was non-stop witticisms from this moron for the entire 3 hours.

Fat AND no sense of humour? Life won't be kind to her.

How do women make this specifically about them even when it's a man they made fat

Thor looked stronger to me.
Not fat, just bulkin brah.

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you jealous?

i'd like to see that

>that's not actually the author of that article
that's not actually the author of that article

was probably bries idea to make thor fat

Far shaming is only bad when it is about women.

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Thor can be obese and still get pussy, there was nothing shameful about his amazing alcoholic transition.

Disney did it to accomodate fat men, not to shame them, so they ferl safe to cosplay Thot and shill for the MCU that way

I got curious and looked the tweet up. Two things:
Everyone responding were fat guys who said it was funny. They still managed to make it entirely about themselves and how they felt about it, calling it "representation" of fat dudes and talking about how it made them feel because twitter is a fucking hyperbolic narcissism chamber.
Second, this is some literal who "gaming review journalist" with less than 800 followers, and everybody disagreed with her. This board loves to present opinions like this as the thoughts of every normie with Yea Forums as a shining city on the hill surrounded by ignorance, but everyone else saw this and went "haha that's dumb."

Without even clicking the thread I already knew the writter of it was a fat fuck.

Guess I'm an oracle.

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Hey, it's that woman that gave Days Gone a bad review because all the zombies were white and the protoganist refers to his wife as "ol' lady". Mind you, this is a game about bikers.

They turned on her.

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Fuck off retard.

have diet

I dunno, they definitely poked fun at him but he still got shit done and did some impressive shit, if anything this was positive towards fat people.

Here, have this (based). You deserved it.

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Pretty fuckable for a fat chick, that article is retarded though

My only problem with thor in endgame was he jobbed so hard after amost solo killing the raisin.

This is why you ignore the extremists on social media instead of giving them attention.

>Avengers: Endgame was brilliant
I'm out.

>the only jokey part was the reveal
>in every other sense he still kicked ass

Where was the fat shaming?

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Hahahahahahahaha How the fuck is fat shaming rea?l Hahahaha Nigga just lose some weight, like nigga just stop eating.

>wy is everyone laughing but me?
>everyone else is the problem!

Str/con fighters don't need no stinkin dex!

You're being misled by bright colors and good lighting. If you actually look carefully, her face looks like a dented pie tin

i'd fuck a dented pie tin

He went for powerlifting instead of bodybuilding.


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Is it fat shaming if women would still fuck fat Thor? Because women would still fuck fat Thor.

Her legs are so fat they have fused together.

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imagine the smell

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I'd call her fat to her face, I'm brown so liberals will excuse me for it.

well a certian show's conventional wisdom is that fusion is sexy

Thor getting out of shape is just a cheap way to say "THIS GUY IS SEVERELY DEPRESSED AND HAS LOST ALL HOPE GUYS"
There is just one (1) punchline about him being fat and that's his mom saying "eat your salad"

Endgame was a very meh movie, a few parts were enjoyable (for a capeshit movie), but almost everything was either forced jokes or weird acting.
"Dude time travel lmao" is also a very cheap excuse for a plot

Turning the most attractive Avenger into a gross boomer was the worst thing about the movie

>tfw your mom makes fun of you for being fat

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The most attractive avengers are Spider-Man in 3 years when he's legal and Ant-man for my giant fetish

who would make fun of a persons body? Marvel should apologize

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It's ok when it comes from her though.

They’re upset because it’s wednesday. Next it’ll be despite captain marbles having s dyke haircut she immediately didn’t start motting out Valkyrie is homophobic

Lets never joke about anything ever again in case it hurts someone's feelings

>guardian is struggling financially
>guardian is staffed by the perpetually offended
>guardian writes a story about a film that grossed more money in 3 days than that paper has in 5 years

Remind me again why we started taking these losers seriously. I'd say 'these women seriously' but there's a lot of s oyboys who talk like that too.

>So while I fully support people going to see Avengers: Endgame, I feel it’s necessary to make a trigger warning: strong themes of fat shaming and PTSD as it relates to war. So make sure to check in with each other and remember to be kind to yourself.
>Lacey-Jade Christie is a freelance writer and host of the Australian body positivity podcast The Fat Collective

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Obesity carries a phenomenal 42x (men) to 49x (women) increased risk of Type II diabetes
Obesity carries a 2.5 (men) to 3x (women) increased risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), with the effect strongest in younger subjects, and also an increased risk of stroke (bursting of an artery in the brain).
Obesity is strongly linked with infertility in women, with the mechanism almost definitely being adipose tissue's well-established role as an estrogen-producing endocrine organ.
Obese pregnant women, as compared to normal weight pregnant women, have a 3x higher risk that the fetus will have neural tube related defects; 6x higher risk of all birth defects combined; 3x higher risk of miscarriage; 2x-3x higher risk of the mother developing pre-eclampsia (dangerous sudden rise in BP during pregnancy);
Obesity in men carries 2x-3x increased risk of both abnormally shaped sperm and low sperm count, with higher levels of body fat associated with progressively higher rates of sperm abnormalities and progressively lower sperm counts.
Risk of kidney disease is increased by 40% for overweightness and 83% for obesity.
Obesity causes a 6x increase in risk of knee osteoarthritis and 17x higher risk of the arthritis being in both knees. mental health improving with exercise.
Mental health improves with exercises and by being less fat.

Fat acceptance movement is one of the worst shit of 2019

I'm also kind to people with terminal diseases. Illness is not a message of being a bad person.

Erm the science is clear being fat is not unhealthy get a clue you bigot

Yes, being fat can lead to health problems.
Did i mention the fukin back problem with being fat? goddamnit

My life literally changed 1000000x by losing 120lbs and becoming a skeleton
even getting out of bed feels a lot lot better, I used to think I had some other big problem with my energy levels but it was just the fat
fuck delusional fatties

Wish I could round up these fucking fatties and torch them with a flamenwerfer


I don't agree with her opinion, but I would fuck her into Oblivion

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Rocket Raccoon, who is a cunt to everyone, said some mean things to him!

Fit >>> Fat

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Show me more planks of teak wood. Definitely hotter than being hedonic.

What a BS.


Yeah. 5/10

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You can fuck both...but you must be OMEGA

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You can eat your extra Cheeseburger but then you need to exercise

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>Falling for the /fit/ meme
Haha good goy, don't forget to buy more protein shakes and cancer riddled meats.

You don't need that
Just doing it on a regular basis

It was very meh

First scene(s) have some emotional qualities
Last scene is not too bad
The cinematography is enjoyable

The quips are terrible and out of place
Time travel is a terrible plot device
"muh quantum" made me cringe
Fat Thor is interesting but badly executed (and not even funny)
Captain Marvel appears twice and seem to have been weirdly cut from the important scenes
Thanos is a terrible written villain without a clear purpose
Final battle is all over the place and just feels wrong
Forced sentimentality all over the place

Fat shaming is not OK.
Height shaming is fine.

Is the spoiler that the journalist is fat?

How can she wipe?

The quips felt better this time or am I losing it? I don't recall much.

>make zombies a mix of black and white (left for dead 2)
>get called racist
>make pretty much all the zombies black in a game set in africa (resident evil 5)
>get called a racist
>make all the zombies in this rural as fuck zombie game white
>get called a racist

What. Do. They. Want.

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He embraced FGOBAD (4 gallons of beer a day)

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It's explained in the game, too. In a main mission, so it's not like you can miss it. They suffer from albinism. But it's obvious, she's one of those people that proclaims she isn't a racist, yet loves bringing race into everything.

I didn't notice at all after he put on the armor and he looked pretty good in lebowski mode desu

Obesity is not a terminal disease, it's gluttony taken to a very unhealthy extent, this is why it deserves to be shamed.

I support hedonism. If you want to be happy, even at the expense of yourself, go for it!

Why are you lonling this shit you stupid nigger? All theyre looking for is outrage clicks

Imagine jogging ten miles
Then at the end of it, when you're all out of breath, you lay this woman on her back, get between her legs, spread them apart, then lean in and take a deep, deep breath

Why are fat girls so sensitive?


It's not just fat girls. When deep down people have a problem and know they do but deny it and try to rationalize it, anything that goes against it makes them freak the fuck out.

Try saying you dont drink to a group of people during a party, unless you are a muslim normies will freak out because they'll subconsciously feel guilty about their rabid alcoholism and addiction to escapism.

I have only one thing to say to this journalist :


Yeah but you never see fat guys bitching about this shit. But I can guarantee you 100% OP's screenshot was written by a morbidly obese woman.


Said without a shred of self awareness

Captain Marvel was useless and it was good that she was barely in it

he was and rightfully so, I am fat and I hate myself for it, for my weak will and lack of strength. I am nowhere near as fat as the author but I can't see how can she be in such denial. It's not even funny anymore.

They want to complain, the sooner the world realizes this the better.

Well, do fat guys deny being fat is bad? Nah usually they dont lie to themselves about it.

Reacting like this needs both guilt and denial of an issue

Fat guys only feel guilt. That is why fat shaming for men often leads to changes to try and become better.

Fat shaming + guilt = feeling of shame, either feel depressed or motivated to changr

Fat shaming + guilt + denial = lashing out

I mean, props on her for not using a filter on her cellulite I guess.

You realize nobody believes this garbage besides 5 schizophrenics on Twitter and that the articles are purposefully written to be retarded so people click on them and generate ad revenue, right?

>in a (kids') movie
Based, she knows what's up

Next stop: your doctor should not suggest you a healthier diet that might save your heart but hurt your feelings.

They should have had a scene just like this

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As a fat white slob who drinks too much and plays too much vidya I related to thor's character a in this movie. Isn't that what hollywood is obsessed about these days? Inclusion and appealing to new audiences?

Only an autist would give a fuck about something like that. People are taking this too far.

I think it was more of thor being like 'mate im going through some bad shit I need help' and then everyone around him going 'LOL GO EAT A CAKE FATTIE'

>Thor threatens to kill a kid over fortnite
Why is cyber bullying ok now anons?

This, i'm surprised he didn't try to hang himself at some point.

It's okay when gods do it.

Never heard or saw any fat shaming. Fat shaming would've been if Cap, Hulk, and others had told him "why don't you lose that weight, and then call us back once your able to fight"

Their reaction was basically the same reaction everyone has to when they bump into the star quarterback at the ten year reunion after he failed to get any kind of athletic scholarship for college and has been working as a salesman at his dad's used car dealership after barely getting through community college.

it's okay to bully the bullies, don't you know?
That's why you should bash the fash and punch a nazis and whatever

she's also responsible for the 7.6/10 too much water meme


fuck you man

The IGN review? She's the same person?


Nah. I just think he's growing into his father.

>heart disease, increased laziness and having to peel back your pelvis fat to see ur dick are "cool"


Christ. I wonder if IGN got rid off her, because she's with gamespot now.

Fat acceptance should be about "fat people are human beings too and deserve to be respected like other humans". I'm ok with that, and pretty much any decent human being would be.

But it shouldn't be about "being fat is just as healthy as not being fat!" or "fat is attractive". That shit is pure crank, and in the former's case, actually hazardous.

Well, being a faitty is certainly not good for your health miss.

of course the tattoo

So sad.

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If fat Thor gets bigger and just becomes Volstagg 2.0 in Guardians 3 it might give me a reason to see it.

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Im getting to the point of wanting to live in soviet style block housing in sub freezing temps and no sunshine just to get away from a society that shits out such articles.

duh, no shit

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The ony one who "shamed" him was Rocket, and he's kind of an asshole, that's the point.

Showing that the God of Thunder just gave up and became a regular american with a beer gut was funny because it was unexpected, not just because he's fat.

He has every right to be an asshole. He got called a build a bear and that was considered a joke

Someone post a image of fat thor.

just look in the mirror

Such a handsome bastard.

God I love me some chunky calves

Do millennials actually believe a superhero movie was “brilliant”?

>Comparing Thor to the glorious mustard tiger

>live in europe
>every country is turning into a racist shithole, with immigration problems are constantly reminded to the mass while white people still kills, rapes and robs and the media just covers immigrants doing bad stuff

>live in USA
>literal SJW country, can't say shit without offending anyone, twitter is the main forum of discussion and everything is falling apart because there are so many trigger points to remember when engaging in every conversation

is the ultimate solution to live in south korea, china, japan or even soviet russia?

fuck western civilization

I haven't watched it or plan to, but what was the fat shaming. Did he just lmao @ a fattie?

Only females care about fat. Fat guys know they're fat.

You can tell she'd be attractive if she weren't so fucking fat. What a shame.

I've always been skinny, 6' 140 lbs. This past month learned that arterial fat is killing me, and sooner rather than later. Pisses me off something fierce.

>don't buy protein supplements
>buy meat from local farmers

But keep being a dyel because you think lifting is a Jewish trick.

This is a joke for the Chinese. Whoever wrote this article is horribly racist and wants to exclude them from enjoyment

Fuck this vapid whore. Fat is gross.

mommy's little fatso

Did he tilt over some whale while he was flying around or what?

its actually incredible how the human skeleton is able to support a weight far exceeding what it was intended for

There's no such thing as fat shaming. You can't shame the shameless.

Yeah, people didn’t even laugh they just acted shocked and gasped when they saw him fat.

Don’t understand how someone’s appearance affects someone else they don’t know but whatever. Stupid shallow society we live in.

>fat, but no tits


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But his belly was hot, you dumb bitch

How's that possible? Getting killed by fat while being skinny as fugg

Funny how my opinion is the exact opposite. The movie was total shit; the fat shaming part was the only redeeming factor.

Damn, that pelvis fat one hit me. You right, time to hit the gym :(

The problem with Fat Thor wasn't fat shaming. The problem was turning a pivotal character's entire character arc into a joke. Thor enters a deep self-destructive depression out of guilt over fucking up and letting half the universe get deleted and the Russos play it for laughs. It's Marvel humor at its worst. Marvel can't ever let things get too bleak, so instead it flirts with that type of characterization only to undercut it with badly timed quips and jokes.

Plus, fat jokes aren't "problematic," but they are lazy. Russos made a perfect Marvel movie in Infinity War and then ended the series' 10-year run with a wet fart.

are feminists actually supporting fat acceptance for men now? When did that happen?

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What's her tax policy?

His mother's last words to him before going to her death were, "Have a salad."

Thor wasnt being fat shamed, and people weren't laughing because he was fat. They were laughing because of the context and the humbling of the character. Its basic comedy 101 - Chris Hemsworths character was known to be the chiseled, badass god of thunder, and he fucking knew it. When he appeared as the opposite of that, it's funny. If Thor had always been fat, it wouldn't have been funny.

People that assert he was "fat shamed" and shouldnt laugh at it are fucking stupid. If the hokenqas that he was fat, then if he started out that way, itd always be funny. It wouldn't be, and they know it. It's just another thing to get upset about.

>badass with the armor and braided beard.
Ewww no, that was worse than the belly desu.

Fat people are disgusting

any images of fat thor?

Fatchad here. I loved fat Thor, too bad that there was not a single fart joke tbqfhwyf

>fat shaming broke my heart
Or maybe it was fat that broke her fat broken heart.

Who hurt you?

>Avengers: Endgame was brilliant
honestly the most cringe part of the title
how much of a fucking normalfag do you have to be to consider a 2 hour long capeshit trailer for the next 2 hour long capeshit trailer brilliant?

A fat person sat on me.

Uhm, sweatie, it's person of size.

A person of size crushed me with their big fat ass.

>The quips are terrible and out of place
For the most part the movie knew when to be funny and when to be serious, the most out of place joke was Starlord meeting Gamora, and that was only a problem due to pacing
>Time travel is a terrible plot device
Stop spreading this meme, there's nothing inherently lazy about time travel plots
>Fat Thor is interesting but badly executed (and not even funny)
Completely agree
>Captain Marvel appears twice and seem to have been weirdly cut from the important scenes
Hardly a complaint
>Thanos is a terrible written villain without a clear purpose it's a sequel, his purpose has already been very very explicitly explained, not to mention this adds more to his motivations as he now knows these people can and have killed him before and want to do it again to revert all that he's done. His anger is really understandable, don't get how you missed this?
>Final battle is all over the place and just feels wrong next exactly like they had a plan. Honestly, what were you expecting?
>Forced sentimentality all over the place
What makes it forced? Can't just say like it's a trump card

>Lacey-Jade Christie is a freelance writer and host of the Australian body positivity podcast The Fat Collective

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that part where he fat runs past loki was pretty funny.

squeak squeak little mouse

Call me a shill all you want

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How can she be so attractive and disgusting at the same time

(it is though)

Thor isn't fat, he's just cultivating mass

is there actually ANYTHING that these people consider to be funny?

I was sitting next to fat nerds and they were having a riot, literally no one cares

>esteemed journalists
kill yourself

Boomer thor was amazing

Yep. Decent face. Fucking ruined.

Where were you when the Judge Dredd comics predicted this kind of shit?

If she loved him that much, maybe she shouldn't be such a fat cunt

>theres nothing wrong with heart problems, high salt and fat intake and a shorter lifespan
All fatties are liars