What is the verdict of season 8 so far?

What is the verdict of season 8 so far?

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There's no limits to the depths it can sink

Diarrhea>Season 8

With every new episode the ending will have to get better and better to make up for the fuckups.
I'm looking forward to it!

Pic was only made so your expectations can be subverted/10

i'm still so fucking upset.

Based NK deserved much better than being killed by fucking Quasimodo

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Gay and shitty and made for women and gays/10


Better than the last season of Breaking Bad.
I'm enjoying it more than most last seasons... last season of all my favourite shows are shit.

on track to be the worst season by far

Expectations low and they somehow found a way to fuck it up even more. BRAVO

My dog has had more interesting shits


>ep 2 was fine

Like there's only 3 episodes left so I might just finish the goddamn shit but with literally 0 expectations

it's NOT subversion of expectations, it's a fucking bait-and-switch, which is to writing what a fart in a jar is to comedy. Astounding that such amateur, fanfic-tier writing was approved for such an expensive production. It'd be a waste of 8 years to stop watching now, and these cunts "writing" the show know it. They jumped the Stark BIG TIME this episode

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wake me up tier

Every week I expect nothing and every week I am disappointed

Seasons worth of buildup ended by an underwhelming conclusion. Just cram it down our throats.

your show is bad and you should feel bad!

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>jumped the Stark
Lovin every laugh, user

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episode 2 would have been nice if it was a far well to most the characters which it should of been

ep 1 was average. Standard GoT premiere episode.
i loved ep 2. and if ep 3 actually had some main characters die, it would have been even better.

ep 3 was easily the most disappointing episode of the show ever, and easily one of the worst despite the spectacle. The writing was just dog shit.

So is Cercei just going to roflstomp them now? i mean half of the army is dead

Time to grow up kids

tfw the jews won't even give out the bread&circus anymore

Ep.1 = filler and quips
Ep.2 = emotional moments, good enough
Ep.3 = style over substance, shit on the whole series

Overall it fucking sucks

I felt like D&D both stuck their bare asses through my tv screen and sprayed projectile diarrhea all over my face. Never in my wildest dreams would I expect such a train wreck. It was bad, I mean some action scenes were ok, nothing spectacular, like Theon's face at the end before he charges, fire on Mel's face when she lights the pit, the dragons above the clouds, the rest was absurd, Jaimie Brienne & Pod wrestling zombies up against the wall for like a good 30min, Sam on his ass crying stabbing a white, fuckin retaaaaarded

>none of the main guys like Clegane, Jaimie, Brienne etc. ever got to square up with the Thane crew.

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I told you faggots before that S8 would be worse than S7.

The final seasons of shows that proverbially jumped the shark years ago are never ever good and turn out the worst seasons in their run. They always find some way to out-stupid and out-bullshit the preceding season and make the most baffling story choices possible.

This shit happened with Voltron: LD, Dexter, etc.
Name me a single instance of a show turning bad but then redeeming themselves with a solid and passable final season?

Night King revives in episode 5. He will set ablaze the wildfire caches in Kings Landing and raise everyone. Screenshot this post. Idgaf about my NDA

This. GF thought it was great. She also likes shows on Bravo and that new show about witches. Oh well.

I should also mention he's now called the Fire King. He'll also raise the ashes of every corpse from the Sept of Baelor. Trust me, anons.

women and normies loved it.

You don't like it to be a contrarian. It was high-quality "kino" that you plebeians just can't comprehend. Honestly, for a television board, you guys sure don't watch a lot of TV.

I used to fucking hate this series and after the last episode I just dont care how it ends,its an improvement I guess

>tfw talked to 2 people at work about it
>they were both confused when I said I wasn't a fan of the last episode
>"why user? it was so epic"
what do you even say here?

Twd just turned it around

I could forgive a lot of shit but the ending of episode 3 ruined the show for me

game of reddit

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as shitty as i expected.

No I don't like it because it shit on the source material and made no sense just to surprise us.
Congratulations, I'm surprised considering it took them two years to make this shit.

It’s good. I’d say 7/10 TV.

Let me explain something to you brainlets
This isn't accidental hack writing - this is on purpose
We are in the era of "event programming". Making a good show is worthless if it doesn't trend on twitter. Everyone needs to talk about it. The only way to do that is to constantly flip the script.

They KNOW it's anticlimactic, against character, and fundamentally retarded - that's WHY they did it, so it would set the internet on fire way more than a satisfying conclusion would

If women are submissive why do they like strong females like Arya?

you call them a faggot, turn 360 degrees and walk away.

shut the fuck up whore

10/10 can't wait for the prequels to learn the true origin of the guy that died in one shot after 8 seasons of build up

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was better than season 7 until it busted out the worst episode in the entire series

it's them fulfilling that need the jews have made them have to feel like women are strong and can do anything.

If most women are naturally submissive and love strong men, why do so many of them love these Mary sue characters?

This, Episode 2 was so good because it felt like shit was actually about to go down, not just an hour and a half of battle where a teenage girl kills satan singlehandedly

But wouldn't women reject it, if they're normally naturally submissive?

ahhhh truly a song of ice and fire

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it's pretty kino despite all the incel rage

>watched every season with my gf
>got is her guilty pleasure and makes every episode a bit of an event with snacks ect.
>turn to look at her during the last episode
>blank expression
>Dothraki charge and she rolls her eyes
>Dany lets her dragon get overrun and she glances at her phone
>Arya makes that 30 yard ninja leap
>instas' NK
>She just opens her mouth and furrows her brow
>he explodes as Jon is still trying to get to them
>she just tilts her head and lets out a long, quiet sigh
>ask her today if she wants anything special for GoT next week
>just sighs and says no
I think I watched the moment her love for the show died. The Night King deserved better than this. Everyone deserved better than this.

honestly, you all think episode two was good because of how bad the last few season were. go back and watch the earlier seasons, then watch episode 2 and feel bad about how wrong you were.

It was okay, but the dialogue was super shallow and everyone knows it.

it was retarded, like you, sorry

Women like garbage entertainment it has nothing to do with their nature.

Because in addition to being submissive and loving strong men, women are also really, really stupid.

>Ep.1 was pretty avg meh
>Ep.2 damn good, felt a sense of doom
>Ep.3 shitty writing ruined it and ruined the series. It had kino moments (Theon scenes, based NK smiling, piano song) but it was followed by plot armor and that Arys shit

Was that episode 3 dark as shit the whole time or did I get a bad copy? I couldn't see shit.


Women just preform how they think they're expected to preform in public or on faceberg/twatter

dark with a million shitty jump cuts.

that's a fair enough point, I always have enjoyed rewatching the first few seasons and I'm a bookfag

Imagine the build up between luke skywalker and darth vader who was then miraculously sniped by chewbacca thus killing darth vader at the trilogies zeineth. Sounds silly right?

Ayra's story arc was grounded with killing the hound, cersci, and the mountain. She only was aware of the night kings existance days earlier. She has no motivation to kill him. Bran has been tormented by the night king for years and he did nothing of note. Its all nonsensical. at least jon made an effort to kill the night king.

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just get over it, the show is eternal shite now

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Tfw I hear a grown up say the episode was good and well executed.

Started watching from day 1 and it is a shame what happens to something good when there is no opposition in the writing room. But the writing was scrawled on the walls in crayon from the beginning of the first resource wasting flying a dragon scene.

The targeted age range changed. Same could be said for many good starting shows (TWD season 1&2).

Please don't give me a meme answer. I genuinely don't get it. There are a few women I know who hate those Mary Sue's but so many love em

Just that one scene made the whole show un-rewatchable ruining plot of SEVEN SEASONS.

I hate Jews so fucking much and I AM ONE FUCK DnD

Its worse than my limp dick before i enter my wife

It's amazing how these show's get more popular the worse they get.

She has a motivational to kill him lol he's killing everyone, retard. Everyone wants to kill him


They completely deflated any anticipation i had for it.... after two episodes of nothing happening, the 3rd one started good, and then it slipped ith a banana and crashed into a garbage fire.

How i felt when Arya killed NK reminded me of those videos where someone is winning a race and 10 feet before the final line they start celebrating and lose controol of the bike and fall miserably making a ridiclous scene... thats how i felt.

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Sooooo much this

Notice only the target demo is loving it

Try 80% of it. The Dothraki got BTFO, half the unsullied died, northerners and nights of the vale suffered similar losses, the ironborn contingent wiped out. Unless a bunch of the Dothraki managed to escape the fled to the wilderness before being overrun, it doesn’t look like they’re in any position to take on Cersei and Euron.

Twd season 5 was surprisingly good and 9 had its moments. I thought most people thought season 2 was boring btw?

>Imagine the build up between luke skywalker and darth vader who was then miraculously sniped by chewbacca thus killing darth vader at the trilogies zeineth. Sounds silly right?
According to retards defending got like if Legolas had sniped Sauron 20 min into RotK it would have been fine because he has archer training and motivation to kill him

normies watch whatever is big.


look at him and laugh...

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I'm just sad there's only one dragon and they are maybe extinct now, I hope they can find more

Serious question

Is she a left-leaning or a feminist?

I find that only females that watch true blood or the handmaidens tail and leans left loved ep 3.

I'm just saying everyone has motivation to kill him lol I'm defending how it happened or she should've done it. It's just stupid to say she had no reason to do it

Imagine enjoying general purpose entertainment. it is the equivalent to driving a Toyota Corolla after driving a Maserati or even a Subaru. So go fuck yourself poorfag. Streaming ruined this show. The wall was actually symbolic of the paywall rich cunts like me had to keep the likes of you (braindead masses) out of my well crafted entertainment.

I'm so depressed that this is the real answer.

The funniest part is that they filmed an actual alternate ending to episode 3 where Arya doesn't killed the Night King.

Part of me believes that the other ending was the safer ending that everyone wanted to see and the SJW writers flipped a coin on what their ending would be.
Hence why Jon looked so out of place fighting Viserion, it was a last minute scene they did and it was all on set and green screen so it was easy to do. This is support by David Benioff saying he watched the episode live very drunk and staying away from sociall media because he knew fans would be in a rightful uproar

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One of my teachers is this leftist jewish woman and she hated the episode as well.

This is TLJ levels of failure.

I agree. While it wasn't perfect, it was an enjoyable episode, but everyone here is trying to fit in to the contrarian lifestyle while parroting the same buzzwords over and over

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Finish the show before I piss meself

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I hate that this is best answer and most rational answer as to why episode 3 ending was a big steaming pile of shit. It worked, there is no denying that now

Totally expected him to at least talk to Bran once. It was a travesty.

Dany can literally just burn the whole army with her dragons.

While this might be the reason I think it might backfire on them a lot of people are not happy with the ending which will probably lose the show ratings for the last few episodes.

Hmm. Well for starters, it's a means of living vicariously through the "character." Modern life is very unnatural, especially for young western women, who tend towards depression. Mary Sues are a very cheap, easy form of escapism. They also affirm a lot of the tropes and mantras of feminism, which is in many ways the secular religion of the modern woman (as in its a belief system that gives them their morals and a way to explain the world). Finally, media is degenerating swiftly to lowest-common-denominator standards, so a lot of women may truly have no heroines better than Sues, and people need stories so they latch to what they get.

That's just my 20-second theory, though. I could well be off the mark.

Fuck off back to riddit before I come on over there a shove my dick deep in your ass and have you crying uncle.

user, that’s not a meme answer

The second half of BrBa's last season was based

i don't even care about watching the rest of it now. i was so excited for this season to end well

what we witnessed sunday night is honestly the worst writing i have ever seen.

Why didnt Jon just stab Viserions toe?

giving d&d way too much credit

who cares
hitler didn't go all out he just shot himself
sometimes villains were always shit and are proof that theyre just blips in history

Of course she had a reason, everyone did.. Ayra was the least likely person though.

She didn't know: That the night king existed, what he looked like, what his motivations were, how to sneak past wights, or how to sneak past white walkers. It was just sloppy story telling.

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>if I keep saying lol it’s like I don’t really care. If I don’t really care, then it doesn’t matter if someone disagrees with me. I won’t lose internet face on this anonymous Cambodian chanting sticky note. Please rape my face.

Neck yourself famalam

It was ok, but GOT is getting the Dexter treatment, great opening and a lousy ending makes the series within 4 years completely forgettable

>the one doom that forces every man to fight together
>versus a dumb bitch that is gonna die in maybe 30-40 years if she doesnt get assassinated
They should have switched it around. Fight Cersei first and then have it climax in the great war fighting the Night King.

Who the fuck even cares about Cersei even more? She isnt immortal, if Danny loses it wont be the end of the world.

Why do people like who like fantasy like characters who do things they can't?

How do u know about the alternate ending? What was it?

twd has always been shit, save maybe the first episode. Except tanks obviously don’t have hatches on the bottom.

Hitler had the right idea just poor execution. Feminist, fags, the mentally retarded. All drags on society.

Garbage fanfiction.

I honestly didn't think it could get worse than season 7. I was wrong.

Nobody is gonna give a fuck about fighting Cersei when Winter was coming for almost a decade and the big bad got killed by girlpower in an hour and a half.

varys and davos will become gay lovers. i guarantee it. they might even have a sex scene. davos grunting and sniffling as he furiously fucks the spymasters butt. it will be diverse, inclusive, and culturally enriching. they then ask Dany for permission to marry and she says of course.

that will be the rock bottom for me. would literally not watch a moment more.

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I'm not that guy, but he's right. It was retarded that Arya killed the NK, sure, but as far as "motivation" goes, killing him was everyone's goal. Not everything has to be someone "destiny".

If anyone was "supposed" to kill him, it was Sam. He's been building up to it, killing his way up the White Walker chain of command. Imagine that haha, that fat bumbling retard just kind of falling on top of the NK and accidentally stabbing him with a dragon glass dagger. It would have been better than what we got.

I almost want this to happen just because fuck this show now and it would make me giggle

Whiny bitches love to cry about the night king not being important enough as though he hasn't received plenty of screentime. They wanted an entire fucking season of people fighting boring mindless zombies that die in one hit. Imagine being such a contrarian that you have to pretend to want that.

did you have a stroke?

They talked about it during filming, it will likely never be released or discussed for another 3-5 years atleast. If their smart they never will release it because it would just piss off fans even more.

it wasn't even style, what would have been stylish is jon or jaime or even the fucking hound wielding a flaming sword going nuts against a white walker/NK

She's left leaning like me, but in Europe or the US we'd be considered right wing Nazis.

Unless Euron comes back with a kraken or some ancient ones or some crazy shit, travels to Valeria, what is the threat? It makes no sense. I don’t know if they’ll actually go the Dany goes crazy route, but those are the only ways they can save it.

Go on twitter and search #gameofthrones
it's literally all homosexuals and feminists gushing over it.

It doesn’t matter if Arya is supposed to be the deadliest chracter in the show, having any mere mortal just teleport behind the night king and nothing personal kid him feels cheap and anticlimactic after the white walkers were built up as this existential threat that even the united armies before the war wouldn’t be able to stop. After 7 seasons of “none of this matters if the night king wins” it turns out the white walkers were chumps and got wiped out after one battle against only a fraction of the forces of the 7 kingdoms. Imagine if Infinty War Ended where Thor goes for the head the first time and that’s it. After years of all the build up, Thanos is one shot and everyone just goes home and continues business as usual. Somehow that would still be less of a letdown than what we got with Teleporting Arya.

Most of the people watching don't give a fuck about le zombies and shit. Also the Lannister storylines kept the show afloat and helped spread it's memes before every basic bitch you knew had HBO now.

>but then who was Azhor Ahai
>Azor Ahai was the friends we made along the way
Man fuck this show

i'm drunk

Continues the fan fiction tier writing from last season.

Scary times we live in

They should have had the tree have something to do with it somehow

Euron is looking to be a serious contender in the books but he's practically a different character in the show and we only have a few episodes left to even set shit up.

No one gives a shit about Zombies because D&D is incapable of characterizing the NK. 8 seasons and we still dont know shit about the NK's dynamic between him and Bran or anything related to them.

Worst season so far. Undoes all others and makes them pointless.

Exactly. Did you see that retarded "featurette" after the episode? These fuckers have no idea what they're doing. They can barely explain why they made the decisions they made. It was all good when everything was written up for them by a superior writer for the first few seasons, but as soon as they ran out of source material, they went off the deep end with clichés and pandering. They're just trying to please the kind of retards who watch Marvel movies and pay attention to the site because "Wow, we're witnessing a societal moment".

its trash
>lmoa lets kill the most important threat that we hyped for 7 seasons on the first battle and instead shift the focus to deanerys vs cersi snoozefest.

Dexter was retarded from day 1.

But not all women like it

I had low expectations to begin with, but they somehow went below it.
People like Preston keep saying that this is somehow better than season 7, but I disagree. Season seven was terrible, but it still had its movements, this season has been nothing but cringe and retardism.

This is true, but what else is there?

tyrion will be like "damn, I can't use those uniq jokes now!" and everyone will give a hearty lynchian laugh as davos spanks varys and calls him his little onion. they adopt a dothraki orphan and move to kings landing, where the oppressive norms are still rampant. A spin off series will document their woke family lifestyle as varys tries different magics to begin transitioning. their son comes out and wants to transition with mommy varys.

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>the most important threat
This isn't the books fuckboy

We’re speaking in grand generalities here.

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Cersei to be the big bad guy with a great plan because GoT is Jewish Globo Homo shit.
GRRM is a liberal faggot and his books are still good, leave it to some jews to ruin this shit.

His opinion changed after the most recent episode. Whatever good will he may have had for S8 is gone.

>Arya never knew what the NK looked like
kek this never crossed my mind. Jesus it could have been any old WW if say the NK had actually flown down to King's Landing.

ep1: 3/10
ep2: 5/10
ep3: -1/10

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Turning Arya into a super ninja that can OHK he night king ruined any tension left on the show. There’s absolutely no reason to believe Cersei and everyone on her court isn’t dead within hours of Arya setting foot in Kings landing. It would be a subversion at this point to NOT have Arya chestburst out of the Mountain and murder Cersei on the iron throne, and that’s not even taking into account her ability to perfectly impersonate someone as long as she has their face.

It also begs the question, if the Faceless Men are that OP and they operate out of Very well known location in a very busy port city, why arent they being hired by nobles and being sent to wipe out political rivals? Fuck the golden company and their elephants, Cersei could have won the war years ago by just hiring a few faceless men.


This. It's been possed ever since the fanservicey episode getting even for the red wedding.
I wish they kille Arya off when I actually liked her. Should have had her die in bravos when she tried to run and she should have failed miserably at becoming any kind of assassin.

i was talking about the show as it's clearly doing it's own thing.
ever since old nan in s1 they gave us the expectation of another long night and instead the whole white walker shit only serves to weaken deanerys\jon armies for the cersi shenanigans.

Most people loved it, retard. Quit talking like you're in the majority

It's established in the books that you have to make some kind of ultimate sacrifice to buy their services, Euron likely paid for them to murder Balon with a Dragons egg,

True...remember Tywin and Arya, the hound and Arya...that was good stuff. Arya and NK...shit tier interaction. Episode 2 was like the worst episode in other seasons. Episode 3...worst of all seasons.

But even normies hated Dexter ending, most people love season 8 and Arya. You're out of touch

Go away shlomo

>most people loved it
Not from what I’ve been seeing/people I’ve been talking to.

Or like how they nerfed the dragons by having the Night King make it too cloudy for them to see. The dragons could have wrecked them all but nope, too cloudy.

>I can't form opinions without the input of other human beings
>You're out of touch

Details as to why they switched endings?

EP 1 and 2 were stupid AND boring.

EP 3 was just stupid, it was alright. I was entertained when I watched, but now the more I think about it, the more problems with it I find. I will probably grow to hate it with time.

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Even the Goblina was like "what the fuck you talkin' about?" when they handed her the script, even she knew it was retarded.

anons, anons you don't get it
>NK/WW are climate change
>Cersei the people who dont care about climate change
Of course she's the big bad

Not him but I hated it before even talking with anybody.
Too dark, asspull ending and thats without even being an autismo about it.


Briene and the hound should have died.

this is why adaptions of books should be banned.

Fucking this.
I watched this shitshow waiting for TWoW and goddamn so much shit has been ruined with no payoff.
Nice digits, checked.

the show was fine when there were actually books to be adapted

The series was only good while it was following the books, you retard brainlet. It went downhill at mach speed exactly when there were no more books to follow.

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If he dies before cleganebowl is settled I'm going on a killing spree.

tfw will never get a satisfying adaptation of Shadow of the Torturer

It's on GRRM as much as Jew and Jew because he swore he would finish before them.

Remember this?
Remember how there was hardly any actual fighting in this ep but lots of *good* dialogue?
And remember how the ending subverted your expectations in an interesting way?
How did we go from this to a retarded Helms Deep ripoff with no dialogue and an ending that made no sense at all?

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as bad as seasons 4, 5, 6 and 7

Her screams were epic. I'm going to hang up tiny receivers/speakers in the trees around my neighborhood and play her screaming late at night when it's quiet as hell. "What the fuck is that". I'll get at least a week out of a 9volt. Probably string up 6-7 of them.

Yeah fuck a show that actually closes up all its plot threads in a satisfying way. I prefer when they just fucking end a hundred plot threads all at once with no actual conclusion.

Toss me.



Don't tell Sansa.

Not a bark.

So this is the power of Helm's Deep BRAVO DnD

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You mean how the show didn't open with the WW to show that whatever childish bullshit the living waste their time with is utterly meaningless and a waste of time?
Or maybe how they screamed that "WINTER IS COMING, WINTER IS COMING, WINTER IS COMING, WINTER IS HERE!" for like a decade?
Or those hacks hyped up the WW like they were going to be this eldrtitch, world-ending abomination?
Or the little things like Dany's little vision about the Iron Throne room collapsed and covered in snow? The Azor Ahai? The whole R=L=J essentially pushed into existence to fulfill a prophecy, or how Jon was resurrected presumably to carry this prophecy?
The original intent was clear, the Iron Throne is irrelevant, whoever gets to sit their ass on it is immaterial. They did a literal bait and switch for sake of pandering and twitter trends. And in the process - invalidated like 3 seasons worth of footage.

Yes, i'm still fucking SEETHING.

LOL. Did you really believed that?

Look at how much time he takes to write the books, we will be lucky if that fat son of a bitch finish the series before he dies. Also, considering how shitty the TV series became, he was probably paid to delay the books until the end of this season, or else people would make comparisons.

EP1 is shit
EP2 was actually pretty good before EP3 aired
EP3 is a fucking mess and retroactively ruined EP2 and a good chunk of the show, included the first scene of S01E01: But for first time, Daenerys actually did something by herself alone, she took a knife/sword and actually stabbed a couple of wights, that's a fucking miracle.

>that made no sense at all?

what do u mean

she was shown being sneaky before so makes sense she can sneak up on the night king and stab him

think about it

/spoiler/massive disappointment/spoiler/

Why would they pander if people liked the show when they were using GRRMs material? Like, if people were loved the books and first few seasons, then why not keep it the same? Also, the fans are smarter than you think. I mean, they enjoyed the show back before all the feminism, le epic fights, and pandering.

Fuck off faggot nobody cares about your gay frozen zombies

I'd hate it, but I thought it was weak and poorly thought out. Have Arya kill him, I have zero problem with that, but the corniness of having her fly through the air like she was shotputted and the corny blade switch was unbelievable. Took the series as a whole from a 7 overall to a 5 instantly. If I rewatch it I'll skip all Dany scenes pre-westeros, all sand snake scenes and all battles, because they are boring

I didn't believe it but he still said it.
Yeah, we probably aren't gonna get the end of the books.

Lmao, how is the general consensus that "Episode 2 was okay"? Episode 2 fucking sucked. All of the episodes have been dogshit but Episode 2 was objectively the worst one.

>muh dialogue written by Dabid & Dabid
>muh epic all my favorite characters meet up and talk to each other

It was literally the equivalent of those capeshit faggot movies where the characters from different movies meet, designed to spark the most Soiboi possible reactions in the audience. If you enjoyed it you're subhuman. It was painfully horrible.

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that's actually dumb. she's a princess with no combat training. She should have missed every slash and dropped the sword and just started crying.

Sorry user, but you're flat out wrong. The show is fucking popular. It didn't matter if the episode was executed well or not (obviously it wasn't), the show is going to be trending.

D&D are hacks, pure and simple. They inherited a story that didn't belong to them. It was the equivalent of an NFL coach letting a super fan coach the team. All-around talent may hide those warts initially, but eventually the amateur/hack will expose themselves.

To the discerning eye it was obvious GoT had major problems. It actually started in season 2 and has grown progressively worse. I think we will see this show hit depths none of us are prepared for. I'm hoping for a Dexter-like catastrophe.

GoT dialogue nowadays is RETARDED. Marvel capeshit levels of retarded, maybe even worse because it fails at it's attempts to be funny. Nobody can shut the fuck up and not make snarky comments, sometimes coments that don't fit the place or moment, and characters wouldn't say to each other. That shit is not just dumb, it breaks the immersion and the 4th wall, YOU KNOW the character is saying that for the viewer, not for the context of the events.

>stuck then with the point part LMAO XD. Get it? Like the first season! References XD !!!!

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They are not pandering. Why do you all act like the fans are stupid? They loved it even before back when they used GRRM'S books for sources. It's the same fans, retard. You act like these fans can't handle good storytelling, but they stuck through and loved the beginning of the series and the books

why would someone who is submissive reject something they are told to like?

>watches father murdered
>has to flee city
>most of family killed off
>scared and alone
>saves a super assassin who says he will train her
>makes a kill list of all the people who betrayed her family and vows vengeance
>top of the list is Cersei Lannister
>goes through top tier character development and built up to become the bad ass assassin needed to do the job
>will not rest until Cersei is destroyed and her family are avenged

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Funnier than D&D's failed attempts at humour.

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Seasons 1-3 and parts of 4 are where it's at sans Dany.
Having the hound destroy an entire tavern of men and walk away only to get killed by girlpower was when I knew it was gonna get totally pozzed.

Do u think women 50 years ago would've loved it or have they been slowly conditioned via media?

shit that the NK is dead. I was rooting for him.

True. We're watching P.T. Barnum's Game of Thrones. All we can do is laugh.

Plot twist: bran warged into arya.

>They're just trying to please the kind of retards who watch Marvel movies
Ironically Avengers somehow got a better ending than this show is gonna get.

Well, she probably assumed so bc he was personally gonna kill Bran and everyone was surrounding those two

Nigger fuck you.

You wouldn't fuck me, I'm not a rotting corpse

the show is already over. this is just fanfiction horseshit at this point.

It couldn’t exist 50 years ago.

Fucking idiots. They ran out of source material you dipshits, that's why they're pandering.

They had nothing left to fall back on and they're bad writers. Therefore their safest option is to caricaturize what once made these characters great. Slop on a layer of what they think the audience wants and you get this fucking trash show that has been getting worse and worse even since the actual good material ran dry.

Clown world has made me laugh at both things I hate and things I used to love.

You don’t know me, I’ll prove I’m man enough to fuck you. Come here and turn around user, this is just to prove I’m not gay.

I've come to Yea Forums for the first time since Crymea River conflict, please someone elaborate on the "Sansa is /ourgirl/" nonsense?

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I keep thinking it cant get worse but it does.

>nobody cares about the overarching threat of the entire series

Check YouTube leaks. Rumors say Arya will kill the mountain after he kills the hound. Sweet revenge, proving she cared for the hound

>NK/WW are climate change
Not anymore. They pretty much fucked that whole idea last episode.

Again, this isn't the books, fuckboy

Faggots begging for (you)s. It's a consensus that most people hate Sansa, not just here, but outside as well. So, obviously since we are in Yea Forums, some people will say they love her just to spite anyone with standards.

because of the Sansa rape scene, thats why

It’s the opening scene of the series.

GOT has abused the fourth wall so much its half the reason I hate the show

Is that before or after Arya single handedly destroys Euron's fleet?

Theon should have killed the NK.
>After the stab, he falls. Shit unfolds as in the show, Quasimodo attacks and NK grabs her. >She does her neat, little trick and NK merely rolls his eyes and extends his arm, which causes the midget to ineffectually swing her dagger around a foot away from his chest.
>After the NK gets bored, he snaps her neck, but behind him Theon rises with his eyes ablaze.
>He utters ""What Is Dead May Never Die"
>He is the Azor Ahai
>he manifests a five foot long flaming cock, which terrifies the NK.
>They do battle like this youtube.com/watch?v=7SMnThUaXV8

Because that was when the show was based on the books, fuckboy


Arguable the greatest mysteries in the whole series were revealed to characters and they were just like ok cool.
Such an underwhelming piece of garbage.

I like Sansa tho. It's Arya I hate. Why wouldn't you like sansa she acts like a proper girl. her opinion doesn't matter and she can't fight.

This will objectively be the worst season ever. Asoiafags and redpillbros get triggered by NK dying like a pansy bitch, and normies and feminists will get triggered by jon killing dany. Literally no one will like this season by the time it ends. Screencap this. DnD fucked up big time.

>make a bunch of endings
>pick the shittiest one
>endings leak
>no one expects the shitty one to be real
>it is
>expectations: subverted

oh, so you’re just pretending to be retarded, got it.

I’ve had that moment twice. Makes me realise I’m more intelligent than these guys. I have a lower opinion of them.

They'll have got their money so why would they care? People fail upwards constantly

NK died like a pansy bitch because he IS a pansy bitch. He only lasted this long because nobody knew how to kill white walkers. He's a shit tactician and never does shit by himself, just plays god mode with his stupid infinite replenishing army all over the place.

Because she is an useless eternal victim who does nothing but being swayed by the waves of other people's wishes. She is like a character from a woman romantic-porn book, nothing that happens is because of her will, but even still the events happen because of her. Her chapters were the fucking worst in the book.

>waaa that's how a girl should be
Maybe, but not how a character should be.

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Agreed, I hate when shows do this. Makes everyone else look that much weaker and pathetic

If the next episode preview is any indication, she still somehow has forces which is fucking ridiculous given how anyone without a name was nonexistent in the last 40 minutes of the episode

Objectively wrong.
The last time he went on a rampage across the southern lands, he nearly made mankind extinct in the region. And was only driven back once two races allied together, INCLUDING THE GUYS THAT MADE HIM, HELLO. And the war still lasted a generation, until a literal divine intervention turned the tide.
Also, it's important to keep in mind that it took place in an era when magic, like the one that made the WW themselves or the FUCKHUGE Wall, was commonplace.
But alas, i suppose they didn't have Arya fucking Stark.

If you turn 360 degrees you’re where you started

That's the point, it's supposed to confuse them

Makes me sick that normies, faggots and feminists will get triggered by their favorite characters dying.

That's the whole point of the fucking series, that anybody can die at any point for no reason at all, it was supposed to be brutal realism. Instead Dabids are huge pussies and tremble at the thought of not letting the womyn and Fan Favorites one shot the Night King. Trash.

Ok and you enjoy the fact a 12 year old is a trained assassin poking armored men with a toothpick and killing them in one slash? The only reason I liked the story is because it was real, and people suffered and died.

This. I suspect D&D have lost all interest in the show and are just lazily rushing shit out on autopilot to be done with it.

I don't give a shit about his supposed history, the fact that he's a shitter is plainly obvious in the present. The very idea of a commander showing up to battle when his death literally means the fall of his entire army is asinine. Yet he shows up to battles all the fucking time.

I unironically miss S5

>Sansa got raped
>SJWs go fucking crazy even though the scene was totally in line with medieval cultural norms
>now every female character is a bad bitch who shits all over the male characters at every turn
Really makes you think

Oh man, OP's image is painful. Imagine if Nightking just traveled to the throne first thing, instead of doing the dumbest thing ever.

maybe he wasn't aware that would happen if he was killed

Cersei's walk of shame was kino

The only thing I'm watching for now is

>Arya tries to kill Cersei
>gets into a fight with the Mountain
>Mountain catches her dagger wrist
>she tries the blade drop, stabs him
>doesn't work
>Mountian compound fractures her arm, is about to kill her
>the Hound rushes in and CLEGANEBOWL BEGINS!

Why hate Jews? And what’s dnd?

In the very back. He has to be around to control the fucking army. The only reason he went into the fight was to try to completely destroy humanity forever.

To compare Sansa with current Arya is just to compare worse with worser.

I liked Arya until she left westeros to train, she became shitty and anime style unrealistic after that. I have never ever, even for one single moment liked Sansa. Not in the books, not in the series, not in any specific moment in the entire show. My distaste for her is consistent, and even today when giving a quick look in the books, I still strongly wish there was a three line resume of what happens in her chapters so I didn't have to pass for the struggle of seeing my fantasy book become a book for fat cat ladies but without the very detailed sex scenes.

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Back to plebbit, faggot.

Most people loved star wars episode 7 too, when it came out. It took a few years but even dumb normies can eventually recognize when somethings shit.

A few retards will love it no matter what but as time goes on many will start to turn against it.

Normies are loving it

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ok well in the show she's hot and has good character development.

Idiocracy is real.

I fucking hate normies.

>Mountain compound fractures her arm
I can see those bar reactors mascara running already

true detective

Wow buddy you sure showed the tens of thousands of people here. We're going to elect you king of Yea Forums

w-what happened to Dexter? I only watched first season through Directv when I had it years back

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She have no character development, she is still the same useless thot from first season to eight. You only like her because the actress is pretty, you filthy whoremonger.

Just get a woman and dry your nuts in there, so for at least once in your life you can analise something without the fog of beta blocking your vision.

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Fair point. Makes sense. I just don't like people calling the fans "mcu morons" because these fans loved it back before all this pandering shit. Give people more credit

I literally spent an hour adjusting the brightness settings on my screen saying "I can't see a fucking thing"

An overall enjoyable experience

I don't think this is true. It might have been last season or at any point before that but right now the simple fact is that everyone who is still watching the show will continue to do so, even if it's just to know how it ends.

The logical thing to do would be to make a decent season so that the people who actually still like Game of Thrones will tune in when the inevitable spinoffs come around.

>being this new


She isn't a thot though. She cares for her own people now and only wants to go back home. At the start all she wanted to do was leave and go play princess, now she's basically an ethnostate supporter.

dexter ended up being a lumberjack and left his son behind with a female serial killer

>gf cried when Briënne got knighted

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If they had any nuts they would have ended it after Trinity's season

Epic. Even better that it pisses off half of so many would be directors and so many successful 1000 paged book fantasy writers here and elsewhere online.

I’m looking forward to the remaining three episodes.

The lighting in that pic is so shit just like the episode

imagine actually believing this
imagine being this delusional
imagine being this retarded

>I’m looking forward to the remaining three episodes.
Good you'll need something to do while your wife is cucking you. No woman could be fulfilled by this onions filled husk.

So he's either a retard or a retard. Got it.

Don’t like it? Do something creative yourself that aligns the emotions of millions of people to your story.

You gotta go back

Why were they scared of the walkers if there was a giant ass wall there? Why were the walkers almost non existent and hiding for so long?

The moment the Dothraki charge happened I already lost all hope for the episode.

It contains the least amount of substance and is the worst so far.

The Night King was actually less of a threat to the main cast than every other villain in the entire show.

perhaps he specifically waited for Bran to exist and gain his wizard powers

Leaks say arya kills mountain to avenge the hounds death

is there a single rewatchable scene this season? is there anything even memorable?

Rlj? What does that mean

You have a villain set up from the very beginning, which is the greatest existential thread the show has to offer. the complete destruction of all mankind. End or ignore that and then set up the iron throne battle for the end. What were they thinking? You are supposed to raise the stakes and now the stakes are lower. Who cares now how it ends this whole thing is retarded. Don't even get me started on Arya. I am so upset.

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Only the butthurt here at the hater’s ball.

Bitch Nigga King

>Why were they scared of the walkers if there was a giant ass wall there?
Because the last time they were a thing they blew such an enormous, gaping crater into the collective cultural memory, that they're still the bogeyman - 8000 years later.
>Why were the walkers almost non existent and hiding for so long?
There's some very clear implications that the wall is some serious high level magical shit that they just can't deal with, they're plenty active beyond it tho, it's just that no one bothers to go to the lands of always winter, far beyond the wall.

Stop caring a few season's back, I'm just looking forward to seeing it end. Minus a few pointless character moments I think it's been great so far. Would have preferred the NK threat was done during the final episodes.

It validates and reaffirms their uselessness.
Seeing the Mary Sue is like:
>Oh, see, she's confident, decisive, charming, unique, interesting, intelligent, beautiful, skilled, wise, mature, and powerful
>She has it all, so effortlessly, she always has
>Like she was born with it
>I could never be like that, because none of those traits come effortlessly or naturally to me
>Only someone perfect like her could be like that
>So it's okay that I'm not confident or charming, that I'm just like everyone else, that I'm boringly average, unintelligent/inexperienced, "sexy" but not "beautiful" or "graceful", unskilled, foolish, immature, irrational, and weak, and all my friends are the same
>Only superheroes and people born perfect could be otherwise, I'll just watch their stories since it would be impossible to do something like, say, make/live my own interesting story/life
>Better get back to playing the role of "average female" exactly the way everyone expects me to and wondering why life seems to unfulfilling to me...

You'll love it if you turn your brain off and not think about the logic of the plot or major themes/lessons of the show.

nope. I have more vivid memories of the first season than I do of the episodes I just watched.
i honestly cannot think of even a single moment that I could even bring up this season. I tried.
Even jon telling danny he's the king was awkward and gay. it's just all so bad.

one again based Cogman delivers the only enjoyable non retarded episode as usual

But why did the NK wait thousands of years to attack?


it's weird I know this girl in real life

Theon's death

Rhaegar pursued and married Lyanna, because of the prophecy that their child will be the promised hero that will bring an end to the Long Night - their child being Jon.
Alas, expectations subverted by a flying, screaming goblin, while the Prince what was promised hides under a rock with his brown pants.

How did Jon first learn about their existence again? I forgot why he was convinced enough to fight them

Listen to Enoch and the gang discuss it on TDS 436

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>scream to your audience WINTER IS COMING for seven seasons straight
>Winter finally arrives
>gets stopped by retarded military tactics and a small knife to the gut in one single episode


The Wire

> was great initially, got shit in s2, then was peaking for two seasons and the ended with a weak season

Or maybe women are human beings like yourself and realized shit? What’s up with all the conspiracy bullshit here

But a lot of them unironically think women can do Anything a man can and cite CM and this shit as proof

Because he saw them with his own eyes.

Only normies loved it. Myopic mediocre zombies. Figures you would be down with them.

They are all still going to starve in winter.

>"And I'm not even greek."

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He killed a wight in the Castle Black, saw Craster offering his baby to the WW and then he was with the wildlings who were repeatedly terrorized by the WW.

It means they took a 180* just before writing the final season. The behind the scenes video for S8E3 claims that they decided on this travesty three years ago, after they concluded that Jon being the one to fight teh NK would be too """""predicable""""" - three years ago would put it at the tail of season 7 shoots.
Even Maisie Williams was like WTF? when they told her.
They went full Ruin Johnson.

Because he had no way to get past the wall until Danny brought her dumb dragons.

Which season? I don't remember him seeing them

You can easily go under the wall. The wildings did it all the time

But wasn't he coming toward the wall before they stupidly went there? I remember Jon say they were coming

Its a magic wall.

I'm telling you dorks. Feminist and the left is eating this horsehit up. The only reason because a brave young girl defeated the big bad alpha night king. This was all about identity/gender politics. Battle tactics and logoc be dammed.

He saw wights trying to attack Mormont.

So we're all in agreement that the only way to salvage this shitshow at this point is to have Cersei win right?

His entire motivation is because he killed the wight about to kill mormont

What was up with the baby stuff? Couldn't they just murder all of the people, including the babies?

The only good scene was with Theon and Bran

>You are a good man, thanks.

A magic wall that's only properties is possibly the prevention of warging over it.

Season 6 onwards, this show has been pure fan service. Its not terrible from a plot perspective but its definitely not the show I’ve loved from season 1. Another example of broad appeal bowing out to “good” writing - subversion becomes secondary when you’re intent is mass appeal. Too much plot, too much intrigue works to dissuade the average watcher so they took the elements that made the show “marketable” (war scenes, fighting, sword play dragunz, plot armor, feminist ideology etc...) and doubled up on it; again it doesn’t make unwatchable, it just makes it “accessible”.

there is no salvaging this.
They could respawn the knight king just so arya could kill him and his army agiain. The show is dead to anyone who isn't a normie cuck.

Yeah I'm going to see it through. Yeah it's shit. It will all be over soon. Just like your time on this gay earth.

Unironically liked this scene

i feel sorry for you user. Have a nice dat

Jon Snow sucks massive big black cock. He bends over like a good beta cuck for nigger dick. Jon Snow worships huge hung nigger ding dong in heaven for all eternity. Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suited to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a hung masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly gay for the thought of a thick veiny long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies.

The shit ain't normal ice, it's magic.
Made by Bran the Builder and the dudes that made the Walkers, it probably has some White Walker repellent charms going on.

Bran 9000 is a joke

Isn't clegane bowl fanservice? Why is Yea Forums hyped for it, if it's fanservice and The Hound should've died back in season 4 finale?

That's how they breed, tard.

back to plebbit, faggit.

At what point in modern entertainment did people begin to think that LE EPIC SUBVERSIONS was the height of writing? Which asshat popularized this garbage?

Supposedly they turned the babies into WW but why they can't do it with other people or why they did it in the first place or how they made a deal with Craster or what was that ice altar in the Lands of Always Winter etc. NOTHING of it explained. It's all just a pile of mystery shit that ultimately amounted to nothing. I still can't believe this shitshow.

And the only thing it MIGHT do is prevent people from warging over it, which doesn't make sense when bloodraven wargs over it all the time.

>Tywin materializing back into existence
>Tyrion recovering from his dementia

It was really just Theon's reaction that I liked. Bran was dull but I enjoyed seeing Theon's expression to "you're a good man"

Its a meme you git. Just like Darkstar posting.

>episode 1
long time no see
>episode 2
we are going to die huh
>episode 3
nothing personel kid

peak (((california entertainment))). as long as that incestous and nepotistic cult has the reign over the cultural/coorporate institutions we will have to eat artistic turds

Huh? They breed with adults not babies lol

I love that it came from Bran. Theon never got the thanks he deserved for saving Bran in season one. All he wanted was to be accepted. I honestly teared up when he said that. Shame about the rest of the episode.

Theon has relapsed and shrunken so much as a character I honestly think he should have died after saving sansa

Theon was pretty good. He does the broken man thing pretty well.

Jews. And normie eat dog shit out of a trough tier people LOVE it.

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Thanks user

that episode had story from the books
new season does not

Cleganebowl I thought was fanservice?

I would pay 5k a year for a big budget kino channel explicitly targeted at white males.

This or the Hollyweird echo chamber is so deluded they genuinely think this is worthy for TV.

clearly if you think about it the dead cannot breed so cutting a deal with a small group of living to keep having babies and handing them over is worth more than killing them.

You spelled it out pretty well
>think women can do Anything a man can
They always see
>a man
The "man" is always some specific example of a real man who did an actually noteworthy thing. The person (likely a man as well) who mentioned this particular man takes no credit for the man's accomplishments, and is merely pointing out the one man as an outlier and the accomplishment itself as the metric. The "women" they mention are always used as some abstract concept that exists in themselves, and across all women as a whole. They can never think of a specific woman who could do a certain thing better than a certain man, and they certainly can't use themselves as an example, so they use the vague "women can etc.", and """stealthily""" imply that this women-ness resides within themselves by association, and thus, they may take credit for being superior to this given man. It's an extension of the typical women problem-solving tactic: "Wait for someone else, somewhere, to take care of it for us, and then take the reward for granted". The success or even theoretical success of any given woman means women's job is done and every woman can go home a winner knowing she saved the day.

M Night

mostly but there isn't much left to do with the hound or mountain anymore

Friendly reminder David's only achievement before GoT was the screenplay draft for Troy. He literally coasted off his billionaire Jewish daddy for 30+ years

Ah, got it now. I just don't know why they waited 8,000 years to attack. They started heading toward the wall, before jon and company stupidly went there

I know leaks say Arya kills the mountain, after the hound dies fighting him. But how would u write it? Also, thoughts how to end Jaime's story?

He saved bran in s1?

Include me in screencap

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I was thinking Tarantino

Because women are children and children love to self insert as op characters in fan fiction.

Yeah from the wildlings. Robb yells at him saying he could have shot Bran.


Yes. Shoots the fucker with an arrow. Funny bc before that I think Robb rubbed it in his face how he'll never have a home at winterfell and it's not his place. I unironically felt bad for Theon. Always liked him

Judging by my grandmother women 50 years ago found tv a waste of time as they had real shit to deal with. Comfort domesticates people.

Judging by my grandmother women 50 years ago found tv a waste of time as they had real shit to deal with. Comfort domesticates people.