He did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong.

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Literal walking fedora and furry

I agree, if the dog whimpers it's an expression of consent.

He fucked millions... (of dogs)

Your Dog Sucks

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Adum and Pals is pretty funny, but his reviews get old quick. Always the same nitpicks and lame jokes.

Reminder that Adam doesn’t say anything about fucking dogs.
He was talking about SUCKING DOGS OFF


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>the lion king is his 4th favorite film of all time

It feels like his face has gotten more orb-like as he's gotten older

is that why he visited canada

>his furaffinity has a favorited drawing of scar getting ass-rammed

Cocaine, alcohol, probably too much pizza all funded by patreon.

Can I have a link to the pic? Just to laugh at him obviously haha

Can anyone fill me in? Did he shane dawson a dog or something?

I wouldn't be mad at him if he was attracted to horses instead of dogs. Horses are hot as hell.

He lives in Canada

except fucking dogs

Reminder that the actual point was that industry already exploits animals way worse than a blowjob would.
If you jack off a horse, you get arrested.
If you jack off a horse, collect the semen and sell it, its perfectly fine.
If you get a stool and put your tiny penis inside a gaping vagina while that mare could easily flee/kick you to death, that is rape.
If you tie a mare down that is refusing to breed until a horsecock rapes her, that is just business as usual.
Adam is a retarded furry but he is right that laws are not even remotely consistent on this, or at the very least just focus on punishing denegeracy and dont give a shit about the animals.

He said he doesn't believe that it's wrong to fuck dogs and "they can consent". He's said this on multiple reddit posts and youtube comments

This. It seems that most people don’t actually understand his point; which is too bad, it’s much funnier to call him a dogfucker when you agree with his point

>So I just fucked a black lab today and it was actually pretty good! The foreplay was fun, he was properly lubed and tied down. Besides some whimpering he didn't even bark. Terrific performances all around. I definitely recommend doing this one with a group of friends. I'm giving this one a 7 outta 10

wait what happened i missed it. he fucked a dog what?

Hi Adam.
How's the next YMS going?

>his furaffinity
link it, I feel I have to go down the rabbit hole

He tried, keyword TRIED, to debate that either zoophilia should be legalized or animals shouldnt be violated for profit.

Virtually no one wanted to debate it and instead just accuses him of fucking his pets nonstop for years.

Yeah, and killing an animal is wrong but killing an animal to eat it is morally acceptable. This is literally a how do I into morality-tier babby brainlet argument.

>killing an animal is wrong for pleasure*
forgot that part

Sometimes it's the dog fucking the woman, if you ever watch animal porn. It obviously is consent, yes.

He IS degenerate of course, but he has a point.

>his furaffinity
>link it, I feel I have to go down the rabbit hole
Rabbit hole? I'm only interested in dog holes

You wouldn't fuck a mare would you, user?

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Who names a dog nothing wrong?

Mark tried to debate him.
Mark simply said "Animals can't provide meaningful consent" and Adam broke down.

Bending over to let your horny dog fuck your ass instead of the couch is not rape and trying to equate it with death that is obviously completely negative for the animal is a brainlet comparison.

That's not consent. That's just a dog fucking a roastie. He would just as quickly fuck a stuffed animal, a leg, another dog.
It's the person that's anthropomorphizing the dog

god that horse is so fucking sexy

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Of course I would. No one can disagree with the status quo without ulterior motives. Just turn your brain off and win any debate before it even starts!


Do you guys think Adam watches these threads?
I hope he sees my posts

Adam here. I made the thread.

thanks senpai, got the eyedropper filled with bleach ready on standby, I'm going in. why anyone would take seriously the opinions on arthouse cinema of someone who's into gay cartoon animals is beyond me. it's like oil and water as far as interests go.

If trying to stick their dick into you is not meaningful consent, then animals rape eachother every time they mate and the whole discussion is moot.

I am fine with going full retard with animals rights and not even being able to wash their balls without some licensed vet watching over me or some shit. As long as no one is able to rape animals for profit either.

Adam only sucks dogs, never fucks

He acknowledged how shitty his diet is and how fat he's gotten, so pretty much.

Having sex with animals is abuse and we have a responsibility as the masters of all life to not abuse nature and animals.
We're not animals.

n-no way, man!

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I agree. Now stop systematic abusing animals just to squeeze a couple more shekels instead of pretending its not happening.


Just because something is not technically rape or can be morally justified doesn't mean it's not disgusting and degenerate. Using common sense is sometimes better than indepth deconstructionist philosophical analysis, like for instance when it comes to dog fucking.

>We're not animals
We are animals and we aren't masters of fucking shit. We're just a species of hairless apes. You're a brainlet.

Silence, vegan.
Killing animals and breeding them for the sake of food production isn't a degenerate act.

>Now stop systematic abusing animals just to squeeze a couple more shekels instead of pretending its not happening
How about you go eat a bean salad and protest about it by going into a steakhouse naked and yelling meat is murder? Nobody cares about your gay vegan shit, killing animals to eat them is not abuse, it's completely normal, unlike fucking them.

You can kill a chicken without cutting its beak off and shoving it in a minuscle cage together with a billion other chickens while they try to peck eachother to death.

If your position is that animals should have zero rights, that is fine, but dont pretend otherwise just because it sounds nicer when it concerns rape.

Just eat free range then.

"Just dont buy a slave"
Yeah that works like a charm to fix the problem

My position isn't about animal rights, it's about what behaviors are proper for humans. It's very simple:
>Eating animals=OK
>Fucking animals=degenerate faggot, into the oven you go

It will though.
You'll be supporting free range goods as opposed to caged.

As long as its not a human dick, its perfectly ok.
Everyone knows its the lust that makes it degenerate, constructing tools specifically designed to rape other creatures is normal, dont even think about it goy.

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Imagine signing up to his patreon and giving him money, only for him to go ahead and discuss dog rape the next day instead of movies.

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Pretty sure it was on a gaming stream.

He also constantly talks about how sexy Scar is so you have to be a complete moron to give him any kind of money expecting better.

>if you pet your dog you should be able to fuck it

prove him wrong

Laws around mistreatment of animals are really just property laws.
Register your property, secure and protect your property- the only difference is you can get into a bit of trouble if you intentionally damage your property.

All of this is designed so that animals can be eventually turned into a commodity- either food or clothing

brother and father abused him, and he took drugs when he was a kid that fucked him up permanently

>He commented
Maybe he really is here too.
I hope he liked my shitty clown edit

he knows about chans. especially the ones with furry boards.

He's tweeted a Yea Forums screenshot befo