ITT: Actors who haven't sold their souls to capeshit

ITT: Actors who haven't sold their souls to capeshit

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everyone has a price

He was John Constantine.

John Wick is nearly capeshit.

Constantine wasn't capeshit

Sure, Jan.

ok buddy

Google Hellblazer, dumb user.

It was capeshit as much as Blade was.


are you actually retarded or just zooming?

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>John Constantine (/ˈkɒnstəntaJn/)[1] is a fictional superhero, appearing in comic books published by DC Comics.

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And it was ok.

John Wick is basically capeshit

get a load of this guy

Are graphic novels and their adaptations considered capeshit?
Like 300 and Road to Perdition?

Was in one film and quit immediately after

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all comic books are capeshit, even if they try to take themselves seriously. Especially if they try to take themselves seriously. Now I'm about to blow your fucking minds. Manga is a type of comic books also.

>John Constantine (/ˈkɒnstəntaJn/)[1] is a fictional superhero


That's one movie and it was actually good.

based retardposter

this was my first thought as well. in fact i would say wick is more capeshit than constantine. the same kind of thing goes for the matrix as well.

in the matrix he flies around punching smith into buildings, that's capeshit

We all know there's only 1 matrix movie.

John Reddit isn't much better than capeshit

That shit doesn't count and you know it


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v vendetta
captain america

Well I agree, in the sense that he didnt wear a cape nor was the movie utter shit.

He literally married Geffen and sold his arse to him

Get fucked lady

>Constantine wasn't capeshit
Perhaps not exactly. Constantine wears no cape. Other than that, Constantine is very, very capeshit-like. But the lovely and adorable Rachel Weisz is in it, so that is reason enough to watch. (fun fact: Rachel Weisz and Keanu Reeves starred in Chain Reaction nine years earlier).

>ITT: Actors who haven't sold their souls to capeshit
It would be more accurate (and a compliment) to say that Keanu is an actor who hasn't sold his soul to franchise capeshits with infinite sequels

Neo and Wick weren't comic book super heroes. How hard is this to understand?

Matrix is literally capeshit you fucking mouth breathers

Next they’ll be claiming Indiana Jones is capeshit

HEY GUESS WHAT FAGGOTS, just because it has supernatural elements doesn’t mean it’s “capeshit”
Fuckoff with your nufaggotry

nigger can you read? It's based off a comic book. just because it's slightly edgy doesn't absolve it. Is Spawn capeshit? Yes, it is. Is Ghost Rider capeshit? Yes, it is.

Geffen literally took him shopping for their honeymoon.

>all the replies
capeshit is referring to this new era of garbage, not just any and every movie in some kind of comic book universe

things like watchmen aren't capeshit, let alone constantine