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Other urls found in this thread:


>The new sonic movie has actors dressed in uniform as military personnel
>There had to be official military public affairs personnel making sure that all portrays are accurate and favorable
>your tax dollars went towards the making of the new sonic the hedgehog movie

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I won't lie I've psyched beyond belief. This movie will be the ultimate pleb filter. You don't see movies like this anymore. The great kino of our times is upon us and everyone is bitching how "bad" it looks. Take that shit to Reddit.

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why why why

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Sonic let off an EMP powerful enough to knock out electronics on the entire Pacific Northwest.

According to GoNorthwest, the area has a population of around 15 million. Bump Reveal estimates that 3,978,497 babies are born every year in the United States.

Using statistics from Bliss it is estimated that about 1 in 7 babies in the UK require a neonatal unit upon their birth. Assuming this statistic translates to the United States, this would mean that 568,365 need this treatment in the US yearly.

The United States has approximately 327.2m people living there, meaning that the Pacific Northwest holds approximately 4.5% of the US population, translating to 25,576 babies needing neonatal treatment in the area yearly.

Using Bliss's statistics again, it can be seen that the average stay in the neonatal clinic for a baby is one week. Considering there are 52 weeks in a year, this means that 1/52 of this figure are in the clinics at any one time.

This translates to 491 babies in the area where Sonic the Hedgehog immediately cuts complete power and life support to. Sonic is literally a mass baby murderer.


Sonic is making america great again

I am hoping this is going to be like a Roadrunner cartoon. I want to laugh at Robotnik's constant failures to catch or destroy Sonic, because I can see myself liking it if it's at least amusing.

But even then, Sonic's design will always be shit.

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Don't forget all the people hooked up to life support

>491 babies
>All minorities

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>detective pikachu
>High quality, exciting, looks phenomenal, 10/10

>beyond lowest of the shit that has ever been shit
They had to be doing it on purpose. No way they thought this was good. Jim Carrey could be fine but they had to give him horrible lines and make Sonic look like shit.

Not enough downvotes.


oh no!

Its part of the advertising budget for recruitment. Do you think the DOD is going to let movies use equipment for free?


Someone please confirm that they indeed made this bad on purpose. There's no other explanation.
They made it this terrible and strange (that song for example) because they just need to get people talking about it. Right?

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This looks so fucking bad.
Just so incredibly embarrassing.
Also Jim "Socialism is good" Carey is a piece of shit as well, he deserves this bomb.

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Why isn't Jim Carrey doing some sort of voice or accent? I thought he'd go for the cartoon Robotnik voice. But he's just talking like himself.

hospitals have petrol generators for a reason. 0 dead babies


Attached: sonic leak was real.png (506x759, 65K)

>coloured is the only one that stays and smiles
what did they mean by this

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Why do they look at them/him weird in that scene? I wasn't paying attention because the trailer was just so weird, and I'm too lazy to watch it again.
Does he fart?

That's his wife. It's not Georgia in 1953 anymore, user.

Did anyone edit the Chris chan Gangsta's Paradise parody into the trailer yet

he's holding a bag with sonic inside but sonic starts talking
>asian lady asks him "do you have your child in that bag"
>no... i mean yes.. it's a child but it's not mine
>basedboy on the repeats that exact sentence and they all exit the stage

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They both look like shit to me. Its sad that the best video game movie yet is Rampage

the pulse would fry the electrical network of the hospital, not just its power source, though it might be shielded

jim carrey as robotnik seems weird as hell

What the fuck is even going on anymore.

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>It's not Georgia in 1953 anymore, user.

Crime rates are no longer low?


>Chris chan Gangsta's Paradise parody
i didn't know that was a thing. i'm still fucking weirded out by how they put gangsta's paradise in the soundtrack, it's literally the one thing that really makes me hate the movie. the absolute state of 2019 when a fucking chris-chan reference would be the most plausible explanation for why they went with gangsta's paradise for the sonic movie soundtrack.

I can't wait for sonic to whip and nae nae while calling things "lit" and "straight fire" while eggman does an ace ventura impression between calling things "tha bomb"

>i didn't know that was a thing
Here it is for your enjoyment

so is this the new capeshit?

Reminder that this leak was proven correct about the trailer being set to Gangsta's Paradise, which means the rest of it is probably correct, too.

>Two trailers were unveiled at the convention, the first focusing on protagonist Sonic the Hedgehog and the second on the villainous Dr. Robotnik. In the first, Sonic speeds by at 700 miles per hour while listening to Gangsta's Paradise, apparently on the run from the government. James Marsden's Sheriff character takes Sonic down with a tranquilizer gun. Sonic asks the Sheriff to help him save his planet, which is under attack by robots. The game's iconic gold rings are introduced as some sort of teleportation device in this movie.

>Jim Carrey then appeared on stage to introduce the next trailer, as he plays the role of Dr. Robotnik in the upcoming film. Robotnik is seen arguing with military officers, saying such lines as "I was spitting out formulas when you were spitting up formulas." Marsden's character reportedly replies to this with, "I was breastfed." Slashfilm describes his scenes as "incredibly over-the-top, and painfully unfunny."

it looks like they're kidnapping a child

>"I was spitting out formulas when you were spitting up formulas." Marsden's character reportedly replies to this with, "I was breastfed."
yikes and oofpilled

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>incredibly over-the-top, and painfully unfunny.
Jim Carrey, in other words.

>Sonic took the babies out of the incubators...*sniff*

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He's doing the Ace Ventura routine in that one scene with the soldier.

DMC by hollywood when?

>High quality, exciting, looks phenomenal, 10/10
Christ, get some fucking taste

I haven't seen anything to suggest this movie won't be good, seriously.
>Look at the design
Yeah? So? It's a fucking cartoon hedgehog what on Earth did you expect? It's cute.
>Jim Carrey
...looks very accurate (that ending shot) and really seems great for the role
>Trailer song
Oh no, a trailer played a classic song, surely this makes the movie bad

how is gangsta rap appropriate for a kids movie and how does it fit at all with the movie


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>Stage clear music plays followed by the extra life jingle.

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>uses an "EMP" aka. has electric powers
>turns into "supersonic" mid-movie
>OST is nothing but songs CWC has parodied
>yfw it turns out it's a low key Sonichu movie

Attached: uuno.gif (125x125, 181K)


This looks so embarrassing I'm surprised it's from Paramount rather than Sony.

who's more overrated jim carey or will ferrel ?

I heard it was going to be Sony originally but they passed it on to Paramount for some reason.

It means that his BIG WHITE PECKER is the only appendage to slake the cum-thirst of that Nubian’s various ebony-pink holes.

This looks great

There's gonna be so many dank memes

>Kino check
Yep, it's kino

>Sonic flosses
Oh god please no

>It's cute.

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Has chris chan said anything about this film?

This trailer should have come out in 1997.
Sonic, Coolios most famous song, and Jim Carrey.
Member the 90's indeed

>This translates to 491 babies
>Sonic is literally a mass baby murderer.

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hnng ohh yes that sexy MOUTH wanna FUCK that hedgehog

I heard that the LGBTQ community were pushing to make Sonic gay and that the petition is actually working out... so we may have a gay Sonic. Yikes..

Let's make the trainwreck a full blown passenger plane crash into a major population center

How the fuck is the Sonic CGI so bad? How did they manage to make it look so terrible?

Who the hell asked for this?


i don't pay taxes because society has deemed me unemployable

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Put me in the screenshot

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Coolio is about as controversial as semi-skimmed milk

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Like anakin skywalker, the meme machine of the internet willed it into existence

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Should they have used the music from Blue Clues you giant pussy?


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This guy predicted paramount would make his amv into a film


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Well, what can I say? It's clearly a masterful achievement in cinema.


Fucking scary shit

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Have you thought about my blue hedgehog today?

Plot dump;
• Baby Sonic flee's homeworld via rings to Earth, unclear why
• In the process the other rings he had are lost, stranding him
• Locals begin referring to him as 'Blue Devil'
• Whenever Sonic gets emotional his run becomes electric charged creating EMP bursts - which is how the military detected him
• Military hire Dr Robotnik
• Sonic loses a Quill when speeding past Cop guy - Tom, he takes it
• Sonic is found hiding and is tranq'd and cage'd by Tom
• Robotnik shows up, takes Sonic Quill forcing Tom to flee with Sonic
• Tom & Sonic are chased by Robotnik during a car chase the two bond
• The two arrive in San Francisco, they search for the rings Sonic needs to return home
• Tom's wife, Annie, later joins them
• Robotnik examines the Quill and uses it to empower his ships, he becomes obsessed.
• Sonic manages to acquire the bag of rings at the top of the Golden Gate Bridge
• Through hijinks they have to sneak into a building in order to gain co-ordinates so Sonic can go home with the newly acquired rings
• They get the co-ordinates and are about to part ways on a roof but are ambushed by Robonik
• Sonic manages to block a lot of the missiles but Tom and Annie are thrown off the building
• Tom and Annie are falling while Sonic does his slow-mo destruction of the robotic drones
• Sonic manages to use a ring to portal Tom and Annie away but gets hit by Robotnik whose ship is augmented with Sonic's speed, Robotnik activates this after realising his drones failed again
• Robotnik's ship gains blue engine light when using Sonic speed
• Robotnik chases Sonic through a portal arriving in a desert
• Sonic manages to create a sandstorm to destroy the ship's engines
• Sonic throws a ring at Robotnik teleporting him away
• Sonic stays to guard Green Hill town as Robotnik is revealed to be in Mushroom Hill Zone, referencing first zone of 'Sonic & Knuckles'


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as much as I hate this design I still have an erection.

I'm not sure why but I probably watched the trailer like 30 times today. It would end and I would just replay it.

Future film set-up;
• Knuckles is teased for a potential sequel via the ending shot of Robotnik being in Mushroom Hill Zone, the first location of the Sonic & Knuckles game
• A combination of Metal Sonic/Shadow is teased as Robotnik's main goal, he wants to replicate Sonic but better and retains the quill from Sonic at the end of the film

Making his legs thinner was actually a mistake! Internet btfo again

>pepe poster in the year of our lord 2019
>conservative due to /pol/ invading reddit
>hates based JIM CARREY because some incels told him to do so
KYS as soon as possible.

He has only complained about Eggman's design so far

Why are we even discussing this, it's a children's movie.

Are you people under 18?

I like the eggmobile

Attached: flying egg.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

>>pepe poster in the year of our lord 2019
We've used pepe here since forever and continue to use him even after reddit made him cringe. fuck off reddit

>>conservative due to /pol/ invading reddit
I've been right wing since /new/ in 2010

>>hates based JIM CARREY
because he's a literal cuck and a massive piece of shit

Shouldn't you be going back to /r/chapotraphouse or /r/latestagecapitalism?

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Why do they even make these things?

the movie itself might not be bad but seriously what were they thinking with Sonics design. They shuold have just done 2D animation like Roger Rabbit or something or just an animated movie.
The trailer is bad, gangtas paradise is just as jarring as Sonic's design, why did they think using that song was a good idea? It's so out of place.


a cartoony blue talking hedgehog would look out of place in the real world, they have to make him look realistic so that he doesn't look like he comes from a fucking videogame

It makes sense, it looks cute in its own way

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This looks fun and cute. Only the autistic sonic fanboys would hate it.

>thinking socialism is good
do you have downs?


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But he does come from a videogame and nothing in this movie looks realistic. The realism argument is inherently retarded. He looks out of place either way, might as well not make him look so fucked

One day, and someone will be a NIGGER, maybe Nero so it implies Vergil fucked a negress for diversity points

Robotnik's vehicles are the best part, the idea he just has a seemingly endless supply of robots - sad we dont get to see much variation from drones, the flying jet and the tank (and mini-tank with shovels)

go cream over hbo gramps

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There's a special hell for people who make AMVs with fansubs, network clocks, and watermarks on them.

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>he doesn’t know that this and a pikachu movie coinciding are all symptoms of us experiencing the dimensional merge

jesus Christ this is bad

Britbongs will have zero clue what they're talking about. Britistan B T F O

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Why Jim Carry though?

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Give me a quick rundown on Sonic lore.

Who is the eggman and what's his master plan?

Does Sonic come from a race of Sonics? Why is he so fast?


What a crazy time we live in

Attached: sanic dio.jpg (476x327, 84K)

Sonic lives with his animal friends. A bad scientist named Dr. Eggman wants to take over the world using robots controlled by Sonic's friends. Sonic blows up the robots and Eggman. You're caught up.

He’s crazy, just like eggman.
Now if only they can get Ron Pearlman for a role as Shadow



But robots are better than animals. So isn't Sonic the bad guy?

I’m actually refering to this

Couldn't have made it worse if you were trying on purpose

No, no, no...animals are our friends.

>That's his wife
thankyou jews

Attached: soynic.jpg (896x630, 139K)

Reddit go home

>The sequel is literally "Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie & Knuckles"
Fuck I hope this does well just to get more train wrecks

you are retarded

But we eat so many of them. They are so delicious.

And not nearly as cute or useful as robots.

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Wait. Sonic Adventure 2 is out on Switch?! No way!

No, that would be because guns aren't outlawed...yet.

>That's his wife.

what? no way. i don't even want this cookie anymore

oh no no no no no

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this tank cleaning job up north needs to stop fucking calling me about work i don't want to go work there

I hate faggots and a gay sonic sounds absolutely hilarious. This is the one time I'm all for it.

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>Gotta go fast
My sides reached Vega.

I couldn't care less about what happens in the furry sphere, so sure, let's make the Sonic fans suffer even more.

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is this going to be the blockbuster version of The Room?

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He is the bad guy. Sonic is an eco terrorist and his terrifying appearance in this movie is what he actually looks like. Robotnik did nothing wrong.

That rooftop has no railings nor tie-off points for fall harnesses, I am reporting you to OSHA.

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I watched it several times too. The first couple times I couldn't stop laughing at how bad it is at first glance. Then I watched it more carefully to take note of the characters and the lines they say. I think it's honestly a good trailer barring the shit sonic model.

As a side note, it's about the same way I got into baneposting.

But what would Rouge look like?

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sexy. I need rouge moobie now

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nice 5head

sonic's design looks horrible but I still think this can be enjoyable

They'll just assume he likes Phil Collins.

Now THIS is fucking based!

Yes sir

Nice reddit post

I did

angry birds movie is based anti immigrant

Watch more movies, your knowledge of electrics is fascinating.

A true hero on the CGI board made a sexier model for her.

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Only glorious fire can purge this heresy.

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finally my money goes to something useful

And I thought there couldn't be a worse adaptation than Dragonball Evolution..

>when hollywood is so creatively bankrupt that they have to make movies based on pre-2010 autism fandom AMVs

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Looks like shit but the black chick is FUCKING HOT!!!FACT!!!

The movie is so bad shills from the studio had to come here and made up a supposed homage to CWC because he used gangsta's Paradise in a video a million years ago

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>Looks like shit but the black chick is FUCKING HOT!!!FACT!!!

Oh and she's been BLEACHED!!!FACT!!!

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Will this movie follow the one truth of all Sonic properties which is that Dr Robotnik will be the best part of it?

Ganstas paradise is from a chris chan video. Confirmed bad on purpose

Isnt it Christine Chan now?

As it is.

I wouldn't call Pat Sajak Patricia because I was mad at him.

>they ruin the movie to put a meme in about this guy
>he hates it

shes going to get bred by Chad

Looks better than detective pikachu

Why is he electric?
Did they accidentally use sonichu canon?