Childhood is thinking Part 4 is the best Friday

Childhood is thinking Part 4 is the best Friday
Reddithood is knowing that part 4 was just entry-level friday flick and that Jason Lives is the real shit
BASEDHOOD is finally realizing that New Beginning is the superior Fridaykino to date and the basedest entry in the franchise

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Part 3 is where it's at

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I prefer part VI

5 had the best tits

The original 3 parts are comfy af. But it goes like this, 2 > 3 >1, sorry.

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Nah, 2 is not that great aside from the hot short-haired girt with the short shorts. Potato Sack Jason is gay and the way they killed off the final girl from Part 1 was cheap and lame.

it's part 7 actually

Absolutely fucking based and enchilada pilled

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Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge shits on this entire franchise

Part IV is so formulaic and predictable even based Savini´s effect can´t save it.

Superior list coming through:

II > I > VI > III > FvJ > V > IV > JGTH > X > Absolute dogshit > VII > VIII

Nightmare is fucking gay and Craven was a hack. Guy's only good movie was Scream.

4 is my favorite. Jason Lives was good satire but Zombie Jason is when it turns to shit. The series was better when it wasn’t supernatural. That way you don’t get shit like Jason vs Carrie or Jason body jumping or Jason Goes to Space

>Jason Lives was good satire
No it wasn't the writer/director didn't understand jack shit about what made the previous films good and 9 out of 10 jokes are awful. Part 5 was funnier without trying nearly as hard.

5 has my factories Friday girl

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Jason X is the best Friday movie.

It's the one I'd pick to show someone who's watching Friday for the first time. It's really fun. An all-rounder, honestly.

Also, best soundtrack in the series by far

didnt this guy get nuked in Return of the Living Dead?

I remember fingering my wife while watching one of the early ones whenever a cute girl would come on screen I would finger her more violently

Getting hard remembering this, great memory helping me with my current depression

Thanks for this thread, my wife can be a real bitch sometimes but this was def a good time

Omg so jealous of your wife

Before we were married I remember fingering her on the couch when she was sitting next to her aunt and we were all watching a movie

She had a blanket on and I didn’t want to get caught but she was so horny she insisted so there I was in HS fingering her with her aunt on the other side

Would be a better story if her aunt wasn’t a fat pig

It’s been a long time since I fingered her should really do that next time we are out somewhere

I find the metahumor insufferable and hate how they show kids at the camp which ruins the isolated atmosphere the earlier films have. To each their own

For me it's Chris

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He's killing me!

Jason Lives is so fucking overrated. Who wants a F13 movie with zero tits, barley any gory kills, and no memorable characters?
>oh there's jokes and shit
>we was proper gutted like

By far Jason X is the best Friday movie.

Jason X is the best

does you guys think when Jason Takes Manhattan came out at the theater people were mad only 10% of the movie took place in New York?

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Nice story. I could use some fingering too *wink wink*

>personal favorite, baghead jason is bae, jerked off to terry so many times i wore out the VHS
>come on, this is so entertaining, teddy and the dead fuck, the twins, great tits, great kills, lots of goofballing
>no real jason but it's a jason movie as much as the earlier ones just with more T&A
>tina is bae, this would be like second place if it didn't get neutered, it's not great but too much to enjoy. this is also a nostalgia pick.
>could've been better but it did a pretty swell job doing what it needed to do for the most part (see: tits, memorable douchebags, kills, interesting shit thrown in, tits)
The rest
>VI > I > FvJ > Hell > X > VIII

It was a pretty awful bait-and-switch, they could have at least changed the title when the studio decided filming it all in Manhattan was too expensive. Part VIII: Jason Takes a Pleasure Cruise

Considering the movie did poorly at the box office, I think people were so tired of Jason movies that they didn't even bother to see it in the first place.

smart man

They all have something good about them, with 3-8 being the sweet spot but I can appreciate 9, 1, 2 , fvj and the remake, even Jason X but that ones hard to watch. Got to see it in theater with a bunch of people I even have a good memory with that one even though I don’t like it too much

Of all the Nightmares you could use to crap on the Friday the 13th series, you choose the gay one? Seriously?

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I think you got your range off by one.

1-4 with living Jason are the best. Everything else is just a bonus

Shocker was pretty great tho.

I don’t get the dislike for the remake. It was the best Friday since Jason Lives. It was better then any of the shit Hodder ones.

And nice seeing non Zombie Jason

I hate Jason Lives but I agree about the remake, third favorite F13 film after 1 and 3.

How bout that clusterfuck situation the franchise is in right now where the rights are all topsy turvy twisted like a pretzel mark. Hockey mask 80s killer movie when

It's for the best. If the unproduced scripts are this daddy voorhees shit, they can keep not making the 13th F13.

I wish the same thing would happen to every other beloved franchise. Current year Hollywood is shit


> not thinking that jason x is best fridaykino

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It's closer to a weird episode of Andromeda than a proper F13 film. Very fun though

i see that your a man of good taste

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No love for Jason Goes to Hell?

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His head looks like a burnt marshmallow lmao

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3 is one of my favorites too. I find the characters more likeable and memorable. I prefer 4 and 6, but 3 is my favorite after those.

I honestly think it's really fun even though it pretty much shits on the series. I love how insane it gets.

Part 6 is literally the best one.
KYS for thinking any other way.

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What do you guys think of this?

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>muh metahumor satire with sanitized violence
neck yourself faggot, even Jason Takes Manhattan is better

I liked it, but they made Myers too weak

This is the only unironically correct opinion.

Yeah, because Jason Takes Manhattan didn't have sanitized violence.

I never said it didn't, but at least it wasn't self-aware bullshit. The flashback scene in 8 where the dad throws the girl into the lake is funnier than all of the shitty jokes in 6 combined.

To each their own. I find 8 pretty boring aside from a few moments.

Thoughts on this?

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Ginny was the best final girl.
my favorite kill in f13 and it wasnt even from Jason! fat candy bar retard pwnnnnnned!

im stuck in childhood i guess

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only thing i didnt like about part 2 was that this guy somehow went through the movie unscathed! of all the annoying sidekick characters that were just begging to be killed violently by Jason, how did this guy not get what was coming to him? i think thats the only time it happened in the whole series, they just forgot to write him a deathscene and he kinda disappeared halfway through.

at least wheelchair guy got a machete through the face, no way you'd get away with killing a guy in a wheelchair in a horror movie today without some faggy wheelchair rights group getting all up in arms (well, "getting up" is maybe not the right term there ha ha HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!)

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Worst in the series.

i think he ends up hanging out in the bars getting drunk all night

when i was a kid i thought the one who played Sandra in part 2 was a cutie, also remember her as one of the friends in RAD. shes apparently had a pretty rough life since the 80s though. remember reading a bunch of stuff about her being homeless and getting arrested a ton for drugs and other crazy shit. saw a picture a while back of what she looks like in more recent years.... ooof!!

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yeeaahhh.... drugs are bad, mmkay. i think this mightve been one of her many mugshots, this one wasnt even the worst of the ones i remember seeing years back

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Ashley Laurence is the hottest Final Girl. She’s still hot

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What's your favourite kill Yea Forums?
For me it's a tie between the girl in the inflatable in IV, or the nigger getting his block knocked off in VIII.

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I for one, am looking forward to the inevitable Jason vs. Freddy vs. Michael vs. Terminator vs. Predator vs. Alien

>Putting Manhattan up that far
Yeah no

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once you forget the whole “waaah only 10% takes place in manhattan!” thing it’s actually quite enjoyable. jason is on a cruise ship is just as fun as jason in manhattan imo.

I remember her as the girl I first had to struggle with my source of attraction. Basically it came down to; If she didn't have a large chest would I like her? A conundrum for a seven year old.

I like how Jason chuckles to himself a few times in the movie.

what? this guy rules and deserved to live.

Except the cruise ship is boring as shit and the kills are mostly off-screen anyway because of the gay MPAA

They only good part about this film was the qt Asian girl and then she dies :/

he def seemed setup to be the "annoying character you cant wait to see get killed" but then it never happened. the wacky prankster dork character. theres one in pretty much every F13 and slasher and hes always killed.

well yeah the MPAA sucks dick but I thought the cruise ship was fun and atmospheric. sauna and guitar kills are cool too.

real question is how the fuck does a ship get from crystal lake to manhattan someone explain this

Movie logic

Part 2 best actual scary horror film, part 6 best film in the series, Jason x most fun/comfy

They realized it made no sense while shooting but it was too late

i gotta go with original final girl Alice as my favorite. im a simple man and her plain jane dorothy hamill haircut look was enough to do it for me

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jason x sucks besides that 1 good kill (and you know which one it is)

Jason built an inlet himself on his downtime

she cute in a late 70s / early 80s sorta way

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Also adulthood is realizing that part 4 is absolute trash and the worst by far, part 3 close by, and the rest except the ones I listed and the original which is just okay.

yeah Alice best girl of F13 series
still got nothing on Strode tho

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Sleepaway Camp franchise > Friday the 13th franchise


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the fuck? 4 is one of the few ones with a competent director. how on earth is it the worst?

Oh fuck off! You may like 4 but to call or trash just shows your retard trying too hard to be some edgelord.

Also this.

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Nah, but Pam is a cute.

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damn she mightve actually been one of the first times i had a crush on a chick in a movie (saw that movie when i was super young somehow, even before F13 i think) even as a kid i had a crush on that chick that used to be a dude, i guess that explains why im only attracted to trannies now LOOOLLL JK DUDES@!!!

lol that guy was the best character in the movie "WHERE I COME FROM, WE CALLS 'EM BALDIES!!!!" hahaha holy shit that movie be based as fuck

The only film I like Jamie Lee in

Halloween is garbage. Never watched the rest cause I hated it so much even after like 4 viewings. Black Christmas did everything it did, far better, 5 years earlier. Unironically

Prom Night, Terrir Train too. she was good in horror stuff. and when she showed her perfect titties in Trading Places. but yeah, other than that not usually a fan of her other movies she did after the 80s

Is that the one where he kills the dude with the belt around the tree and his head. The girl that dude was fucking had the best tits.

the chick who played Angela in the first movie looked so much like Sarah Silverman too lol i remember thinking it mustve been her as a kid or something, but nope

That's more Mark Hamill than Dorothy


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Move out the way for best girl

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I think calling it garbage is hyperbolic but Black Christmas is definitely the far superior 70s slasher. Also it didn't need some comic book-tier archnemesis character to hunt the killer and chew scenery

i always thought Annie the hitchhiker (first character killed in the original, killed before she could make it to camp) was an underrated cutie from the series, she had that girl next door cuteness. too bad she was killed so early on

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I saw it in the theaters. It was fun as shit. The theater was packed. HBO had been playing the Friday the 13th movies for years before it.

first Sleepaway Camp is great because its one of the more icky, unpleasent slashers full of weird gross sleazy characters. probably one of the least PC mainstream horror movies of the 80s, they'd never get away with all the pedophile stuff and kids forced to be trans and shit.

the sequels were a lot more goofy but some of the most fun slashers of the 80s. honestly wish they made more, i think they made a part 4 many years later but i dont think it has any connection to the rest and it was supposed to be terrible, i think?

All of the girls in Part 1 were adorable as fuck. I love all the characters in the original film, they are very likable. I know most people prefer the sequels because "muh Jason" but I think the first is still the best. I love that rainstorm which really adds to the spoopiness

thats how i always felt too. i like part 2 for those reasons as well. and some elements of 3 and 4, but they just kept getting more stupid and full of more annoying unlikeable characters the longer the series went.

Yeah right

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Harpoon through the eye in Part 3. Jason is so casual about it, just moseys up to the dock, shoots her and walks away.

>I'm going to say a couple of words to you and I want you to say the first thing that comes into your mind.
>Jason Voorhees.
>That makes me think of a little girl in a pink dress sticking a hot dog through a doughnut.
What did he mean by this? I'm serious too. What the fuck did he mean by this because it bothers me everytime I watch the movie.

Almost this, but in Jason X (I know it's super shitty) when he sticks to girls into sleeping bags and starts hitting one with the other.

Agreed. She didn’t used to do anything for me, but as I’ve gotten older, I think she’s cute as hell. I think it’s probably because she reminds me of a oneitis I had for a while.

Alright, I'll take your word for it. I was a kid when this movie came out, so I couldn't see it. I only ever got into the series when they played it on television years later.

Of it makes you feel any better, the rest of his life is probably ruined due to extreme survivor’s guilt.


Hahahahahahahajajahajahahahahahajahahajajajaia... *Inhales*.. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

liked that actress, she was good in April Fools Day too. And she even co-starred with Howie Mandel in that stupid movie where he was a guy who thought he was a dog - Walk Like A Man!
haha sadly i think that movie might've killed her career cuz it looked to be the last big thing she ever did

Newer girls are underrated imo. Terrifier had some nice chicks.

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>just imagine

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Took itself way too seriously.

It had plenty of humor, for fuck's sake the opening scene is a bunch of ridiculous losers and their skank girlfriends finding weed plants. And the asshole boyfriend who fucks the girl while commenting "Perfect nipple placement!"

Can you just say "crush" and not try to talk like you're 13?

Probably Crispin Glover's death in The Final Chapter.

Fucking this. I don't get why people like Jason X so damn much. I find most of it dull.

It's pure camp that's why

I'm talking overall tone. It wanted to be dark and grity, almost TCM-remake like. That shit doesn't work with Friday.

I find the characters way too fucking annoying and their deaths aren't creative enough to justify them.

I know, but it just never worked for me, unfortunately. It has parts I enjoy, but overall it doesn't do much for me.

>original F13 is inspired by original TCM
>F13 reboot resembles TCM reboot

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He literally lives by being a drunkard. Lucky bastard just avoided the lake and let the other retard Californians take one for the team.

funky theme best theme

Was Leatherface seriously just a victim of family abuse?

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best character in the series. i was kinda sad when he died, he was so close to finally scoring with that sexy latina chick! she saw him for the good guy he was when she found his wallet with pictures of him and his mom :*(

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>Spaz who is insecure and acts out
>dies a virgin
I really felt for him, easily the most tragic character. He doesn't even get a proper death scene but is killed off-screen, which adds insult to injury.

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i knew there was i reason i related to him so much

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He was never going to score, she pitied him but not that much.

No she was starting to legit like him, just a bit. Alcohol can do the rest, at the very least he could have gotten a handie

What are some nice horror movies to watch with my mom? No nudity plz


60s horror

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Jason takes the small boat in the beginning to get to the cruise ship. Even the small boat is a stretch but it could fit down an inlet river I guess.



5 could have been great if they didn't cut the movie's balls off by editing all the gore, nudity and sleaze. 6 is great but lacks the viciousness of 4 which is the apex of the F13th movies on every level!!!FACT!!!

>Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge shits on this entire franchise

Faggot confirmed!!!FACT!!!

>Part IV is so formulaic and predictable even based Savini´s effect can´t save it.

But that's why it's soo great. It takes the formula and perfects it!!!FACT!!!

>didnt this guy get nuked in Return of the Living Dead?

Yep, he's Spider played by Miguel A. Núñez Jr.!!!FACT!!!

The guy with the axe played Suicide in Return of the Living Dead, actor Mark Venturini who died of cancer in 1996 at age 35!!!FACT!!!

>What's your favourite kill Yea Forums?

Jason's. The way he doesn't just get a machete to the side of the head but when he hits the ground his head SLIDES down the blade. Then Tommy goes apeshit on him!!!FACT!!!

>once you forget the whole “waaah only 10% takes place in manhattan!” thing it’s actually quite enjoyable. jason is on a cruise ship is just as fun as jason in manhattan imo.

If 8 was just Jason on a cruise ship knocking off teens it would be better regarded but advertising it as JASON TAKES MANHATTAN was bullshit!!!FACT!!!

>Sleepaway Camp franchise > Friday the 13th franchise

No but Sleepaway Camp 2 is GREAT 80's cheese!!!FACT!!!

>Halloween is garbage.

It's massively overrated while 4 is the best Meyer's flick and 3 is the best overall because it doesn't have him. This user is 100% correct that Black Christmas is superior in every way!!!FACT!!!

She wasn't going to fuck him, but she was going to set him up with her big fat friend.

Why do you have FvJ so low, mr. Fact?