Is there a more iconic and terrifying monster

Is there a more iconic and terrifying monster

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>inb4 jamie lee curtis

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Dude he's just a guy in a mask lol

No. He’s The BoogeyMan

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Nope, Michael is the definitive horror villain

This guy is the most iconic monster in movie history.

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There's so many great tracks in the franchise, it's crazy

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Yeah pretty much anything. When you enter adulthood and you realize it’s a literal autist in a mask that uses his retard strength to kill people kinda Kills the mood

Not Dracula

Not even close

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As opposed to what. Real life psychos like Myers exist as opposed to some fake Hollywood monster like alien queen or Dracula

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Freddy is close. I just slight him because how stupid he got in the series

I always considered Leatherface the scariest. He's the only one that could exist in real life.

Top 10 for sure Jason's got a lead

Michael Myers is a fake Hollywood monster and has been from the start. No one like him exists irl.


Trump is much scarier

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Freddy and Jason are way more iconic. Not necessarily better (they're all great and terrible at the same time), but way more cultural significant.

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He killed people with a gun. He also didn't get shot a bunch of times and walked away from it. Whoever it was, was nothing like Michael Myers. You missed the point entirely.

Make up your mind. Is he just a guy with mask or sub human

He wasn’t subhuman in the first one.

More iconic?

More terrifying?
Reverend Harry Powell
Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

>gets shot
>walks away
He was subhuman in the first one.

We don’t know what happens to him after he falls out the window. Lot of people survive multiple gunshots.

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>more iconic

Bela Lugosi as Dracula

>more terrifying

There are a thousand more terrifying monsters.

>more iconic and terrifying

Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Scary to the point that it literally helped create the fear of clowns

>to the point that it helped create the fear of clowns

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Not even the scariest Candy Man

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