select the team roster Yea Forums

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she doesn't smile, because when she does she really looks like Joseph Gordon-Levit

She's cute with that smile

Only cap marvel is needed

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Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Hulk, Wasp, Ares(Or Hercules), White Wolf (Bucky with a wakandian suit)

new that, give me west coast avengers. i want some us agent and wonderman action

Same user, if it's purely new characters then Ares, Warlock, Namor, She-Hulk, and maybe some others I can't remember.

12 spidermans taken from different timelines all making bad jokes and defeating bad guys.

Ironic. She could prevent others from premature aging but not herself.

Spider-Man and his harem

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Boltie brought back to life with Pym particlses

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was it rape?

Cap Marvel, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Spiderman, Wasp and Scarlet Witch

This. Especially if they're turning that unworthy nigger into Cap America... we need US Agent now more than ever!

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No Avengers for 5 years. Disassembled

oh yeah and Black America

>Doctor Strange
>Professor Hulk

The true based line-up. Would be true kino with just the six of them.

>Iron Lad (the kid from IM3)
>Professor Hulk
>Hawkeye's daughter
>Scott Lang's daughter
>the rat that saved Ant Man

this but as a Young Avengers movie lineup, with Prof Hulk serving as their mentor while he heals his arm or something, then joins them in the final battle

>Captain Marvel
>Black Panther
>Shang Chi
>Dr Strange
all the other side characters could be but i see these as definite

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>no team has solo drummer ant
fucking bullshit lists ive seen so far

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Now that Tay gots some tits and ass, she can be Shanna

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>no Scarjo


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Hawkeye is retired for sure

the thirst in this scene was unreal

Fuck yeah, I'm ready for some spidermommykino

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brie is not cute

nothing is going to happen with the kid from IM3. his appearance in endgame was just a cameo.

I love how incredibly assblasted people are over this scene despite it lasting less than 30 seconds

my reasoning for this is that they are all characters with solo movies coming up except hulk

it was kinda cringe but people sperging about it are going too far. the entire scene is just fanservice fighting

Sam Wilson Cap
War Machine
Black Panther
Scarlet witch
Dr. Strange

despite spiderman having the “too young for avengers” thing he will probably just find his way into the team anyway like in IW or he could just be mature enough by the next avengers

brie is very cute

>hope's strut
uh dickkkk

It was a bit heavy-handed tbf

ugly af

if they had just done this scene without making a smaller version of it before in IW I would be 100% ok with it

Captain Marvel
Black Panther

Wasp is top mommy

She is one of the few women I can say looks better with short hair

2bh it reminds me of the type of scene you'd see in a cheesy 90's movie to show off all the "girl characters." It's about as silly today, except people are now ascribing all these retarded connotations to it on both sides.

It's the hair. I've never been very attracted to her, especially in some of the high res shots that get posted here, but man seeing her in this movie made me want to pump gallons of my semen in to her.

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>>>brie is very cute

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The scene is really really bad. It completely breaks the pacing of the film and is beyond condescending. Imagine seeing this scene and thinking that Marvel was actually genuine about female representation. It would be as ridiculous as having every black person every showing up on a battlefield that is miles long in one spot. It makes no sense at all.

The entire film had great scenes with female characters, this one was just a wink and a nod to all the retards that would think this scene is "powerful".

It's really embarrassing.


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> One Punch man
> Waluigi
> Adam Sandler
> Trump

my penis
and my balls
i call it the fantastic trio.

She's useless compared all the other heroes

she's the only cool girl of the group though.

my cock + all of bries holes

she's cute with every smile bozo

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What is that black bitch with the spears power again? Does she just focus her black rage?

I think it will be:

Captain marvel
Black panther
Dr strange
Ant man

I laughed so hard at this scene. It was forced and cringe.
Most people around me didn't realized what actually going on though.

Moon knight and his alternate personalities.

>The entire film had great scenes with female characters
This. The fact that they felt it necessary to dedicate one long assembly scene exclusively to women, even though we had had plenty of great scenes of women fighting individually during the fight beforehand, is practically the definition of pandering.

I just want to curb stomp that cunt

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Everyone besides Scarlet Witch, Iron Man and Thor are useless compared to Captain Marvel. And maybe Cap wit Mjolnir. This scene was forced as fuck but I was relieved because I expected her to just rush past everyone down the field towards her target because nothing is really much of a obstruction to her.

have sex

There were so many shots of blatant preening and scenery chewing in that battle... In the theaters I didn't even register that it was a girl-power moment.


She looks a billion times better when smiling.

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No idea

>All these fat ugly retards going after her

Do you guys really think she gives a flying fuck about feminism or her fans? she's just another hollywood cunt playing ball, just like Cuck evans and scarlet.

So is it poor direction, bad acting or is Captain Marvel supposed to be a smug cunt?
Even if we ignore Brie as a person and just look at the character it's absolutely bizarre to me that Marvel has a Superman with not Kryptonite that's a massive fucking cunt. Do they honestly expect people to like the character? Why? Because she's an empowered woman, literally? Is that really all they're banking on?

Did her hairstyle for this leak at all like the time travel set photos or was her hair revealed around Endgame’s release?

The Mouse needs to be made an Avenger.

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she has magic nigger rocks

Almost livable, but that hair is still shit. Also the actress is shit. Even the Russos can't make her emote decently.

They can 100% claim that Avengers Endgame broke 1.2 billion dollars this weekend thanks to Brie Larson and Captain Marvel. It was her hype train that Endgame rowed in on. That's a fact.

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I want Alpha Flight in the MCU

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I just want them to a Future Imperfect movie now that Prof. Hulk is around. You can even have scarjo cameo as the harem girl

Comicfags say Carol is really just like that. It just so happens that Brie doesn't seem to know how to portray her in any other way than being ultra stoic, and it just so happens that Brie has been fighting for females since she was in Room. I think all of this was just an elaborare plan of the mouse.

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She’s probably gonna get Ragnarokd and the next time she shows up her personality will be entirely different. I can’t seeing her carry the franchise the same way Tony Stark did, and it doesn’t help that she’s stupidly powerful compared to almost everyone else. Endgame made it pretty clear the only thing that’s a threat to her is someone with an Infinty stone, and those don’t exist anymore in the current timeline. The whole reason endgame worked is because she was sidelined doing space shit so she couldn’t just solve everything herself. I can’t see what on earth could make her stick around for prolonged periods of time and run the avengers, unless she suffers a huge nerf. The fact that she didn’t show up for any of the other world threatening events the avengers went through shows that she only deals with very serious problems.

Why the fuck does everyone keep taking their god damn helmets off in the middle of a battle? I domt fucking get it

Just make her go on intergalactic patrols with some superhero gang, problem solved.

I feel like Carol isn't meant to stay in Earth as its secret solve-all weapon, she's supposed to go to other places in the outer space like what she did for the past 20 years.

This can't be real.

could you answer a question from someone who's not seen anything past Ultron please?
Have they explained yet why she hasn't aged at all during that time and more importantly, why she'll start to age from this point on with Disney's 10 year intention with her?

>why she'll start to age
They de-aged Sam Jackson by 25 years for Captain Marvel, no reason why they can't keep her age where it is digitally for the next 10 years.

I haven't seen captain marvel but does she also have no personality like in endgame?

Think about that for a moment. Think about what you just said, and then consider what a story is, essentially. There's no way to build any kind of climax around her. There's no way for anyone to build any kind of personality into her because personality, as in real life, is generated through adversity. The reason affluence often leads to shitty children is closely tied to this. So we keep on rolling backwards, from one point to the next until we come to your comment: Well maybe lets just push her out of the picture? She's not meant to be in the story because she is story-breaking. She's abominably bad, aside from larson, aside from anything even remotely political, simply from the perspective of the story there is no way to salvage her.
They haven't explained ANYTHING about her. It's perhaps the only slight edge they have to saving her character, to be entirely frank. The best thing they could do is begin to fill in the limits of her power, or better yet, have her begin to fade. Make her power connected to the infinity stones (which could be retconned in easily due to how pathetically she was delivered her powers). Now that the stones are gone, her power becomes nothing.

That's where they could take her. A champion who was a god slowly, inevitably becoming human again. It would be the absolute best way to save her, and likely the only way-- but this is where politics comes in. The mouse won't allow this to happen. They'd rather bank on spectacle over story, and to be fair, I don't think they're entirely wrong. Spectacle makes more money, even if a good story with spectacle such as the LotR movies doesn't absolutely demolish earnings, but holds a far more important place in the hearts and minds of those who come into contact with it.

Because its a movie and they need establishing shots of the actors

Where the fuck did she get a winged horse? its not like you can order one over Amazon Prime

Captain Marvel, leader
Scarlet Witch
Amodeus Cho Hulk
Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan
Miles Morales Spider-Man
Black Panther
Moon Girl
America Chavez
The Falcon Captain America
Hawkeye's daughter, the new Hawkeye

You're retarded if you don't think this is happening based on the comics for the past 5 years where they killed all of the X-Men and created all of these characters and arcs for the movies once they knew the current main roster was going to let their contracts run up and wanted to kneecap the Fox movies. Thank fuck Stan Lee is dead and doesn't have to see the movies raped and destroyed by Disney.

fuck avengers

give me magento and dr. doom teaming up
also give me a fucking qt red head rogue with an ass that matches the cartoon please





>What is that black bitch with the spears power again? Does she just focus her black rage?

She has the power of African Technology.

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Falcon as captain America is going to be so shit. I get why they did it but it's going to be shit.

finally an age appropriate hairstyle

Brie is the kind of girl you broke up with in college and she still follows you around, texting you endlessly and saying "I don't understand, talk to me" and "Why won't you love me?"

she has the power of DINDU

it explains away any wrongdoing any black man does within 500 feet of her

According to Brie, CM can't time travel.
But since Carol said that she went around other galaxies like she's on a field trip, it's possible that she didn't age because space time is different from earth time. Those 20 years might be just a one wild month for Carol up in space. And to make it clear for everyone, lightyear is not a measure of time; its for distance.

Scarlet Witch, Sam Wilson Captain America, Spider-Man, Antman, Wasp, War Machine as the core avengers. Captain Marvel and Strange should only really be coming around for very serious threats. Black Panther is a King and shouldn’t be dabblin with Avengers affairs unless it’s convenient for him. Professor Hulk is the new Brains of the team and serves a mentor role but doesn’t actually fight due to his injuries that don’t seem to heal no matter what he’s tried. Bucky and Hawkeye are retired. Thor is part of the Asgardians of the Galaxy. Valkyrie is focused on turning new Asgard into a world power.

>Doctor Strange
>The Wasp
>Black Panther

with Nick Fury as the new leader from base but gets involved in the field from time to time, the rest of the GOTG come and go, and Black Panther's sister building the tech. Also recast Captain Marvel and she only comes in play for large scale cosmic stuff.

I didn't even notice it was all girls the first time I watched it in theaters

Captain Marvel, Thor, Doctor Strange, Spidey, Antman, Wasp, Prof Hulk
Asgardians of the galaxy can fuck off, what a waste of Thor


Just gotta say that this one was so fucking funny as hell and all the SJWs and retards that gobbled it up are even funnier.

>in the middle of battle
>assemble for 30 seconds
>just to protect Spidey
>literally stood there while the camera pans on to them
>it's literally assembling a cheering squad in the middle of a huge ass war
>still ran through whole fucking mobs
>Captain SJW gets fucking rekt by Thanos

They literally could've just continued the whole handegg sequence but this time with all the female major characters and it would've been better and they could've all done that in the same amount too.

Top mcu waifu?

>capt fungus

Haha u guys have shit taste - top mummy coming through

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The scene is unbelievably contrived and out of place in the context of a very exciting battle.

Captain Marvel
Black Panther
War Machine
Ronin (assumed to be Clint, revealed to be Kate Bishop)
Rescue (assumed to be Pepper Potts, actually Riri Williams)
Spider-Man (assumed to be Peter Parker, but revealed to be Amadeus Cho)

I forgot Falcon, Wasp, and Wong

>capt fungus
What the fuck you nigger?

Personal list
>Scarliet Witch

Captain Marvel
Ant Man

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Found that bitch in Skyrim

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>captain cuntbag
>captain africa america

Zzzz, fuck that.
The rest are great.

wat a qt

Not only does she not know the plan, she literally doesn’t even know who any of them are

No Captain Marvel (out helping helpless planets, thank god).

Team Roster:
Scarlet Witch
War Machine
US Agent (bucky)
Cap America (Sam)
Iron Lad (kid from IM3)

>honestly, i smile so bad I might stop working

Ah, so you read the Spiderverse event then?

Her endgame ass was great

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Too bad she never smiles

Can I talk to the manager haircut

>The guy never got called hawkeye in the movies
>In endgame he calls his daughter hawkeye.

So we might get a female hawkeye in the future.

Brie is A CUTE!

uhmm uhmm this thirsty incel need to have sex AND quick! believe me son, u wont be worshipping old moldy roasties no moh sweetie
*sips tea

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>Dr. Strange
>kid from IM3
>War Machine
>Pepper Potts or Stark? Would she go back to maiden name?

I should add Black Panther I guess, and also Drax. If they dont fix Thor from being a fatass alcoholic sack of shit, I might take him off the list. I don't respect the other characters enough, except for Iron Man because he's dead. [\spoiler]. I began to dislike Captain America after Civil War, and I still do.

Captain Marvel
Scarlet Witch
Female Black Panther girl
zoe Zalanda

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Iron Man and Cap are the Austin and Rock of the Avengers. Now that they're gone all we have are midcarders, it's gonna be shit

I can’t believe this exists

Yea Forums fucking shits all over Game of thrones 3d episode.
After finally seeing endgame (which was FAR WORSE than what i had imagined) i can check Endgame threads.

You deserve what you get. You deserve "stronk womyn"
You deserve "Wakanda Forevur"
You deserve it all.
You disgust me.

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Honestly, I just want Ant-man. Didn't really care before but the character really grew on me after the last movie, much more so that captain Marvel who had nothing to do and showed up for five minutes to steal the spotlight. Meanwhile Ant-man pretty much carried the plot and also served as a character for the audience to identify with.

Gwyneth is still so beautiful.

Lizzie is an angel

Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Wolverine, ect.

>Wasp but no Ant Man


>So what did you think of our female empowerment scene user?

Imagine if they ganged up on you and raped you. That would be so crazy haha!

it gave me BIG ERECTION lol

This negress is beyond ugly.
Fuck, one cannot overstate how terrible Captain Karen looks.

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Friendly reminder that Wasp was supposed to be fixing the van when this scene happened.